How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 207 It is justified by Murong Girl!

Chapter 207 It is justified by Murong Girl!

"Miss Murong, I am the son of Prince Cheng, Wu Ji. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Guo Xiaozhi, the son of the Minister of Rites, has met Miss Murong."

"Sister Murong, this is too polite."

Under Kou Ting's introduction, more than ten outstanding figures from Dayan Academy took their seats one after another.

After almost all of them became important officials of the imperial court, they used to just look at each other coldly with swords on their hips, but now they all have different faces, they are humble and polite.

But it’s no wonder that they were there. Anyone who saw that amazing face behind the mask would secretly sigh that they had seen the world before.

Seeing this, Murong Jingyan also put away her master's cold arrogance and smiled.

Looking at the faces of the female cultivators out of the corner of her eye, Murong Jingyan bowed down one by one and replied softly:

"Jingyan, I have met the young master."

"Meet my sister."

No matter whether he is a romantic talent or a general in Humen, seeing the polite woman in front of him who looks like an immortal, he can't help but be touched in his heart.

What's more, their cheeks were slightly red and they didn't dare to look at each other.

Soon, everyone sat down under the tree one after another. Kou Ting also coughed lightly and sat down next to Murong Jingyan without shame.

Looking sideways, Murong Jingyan raised a smile on her lips, but there was no reaction.

"Come on, let me introduce you to you."

"Murong Jingyan, from Qijian Villa."

After the words fell, before Murong Jingyan could speak, someone suddenly took the initiative to warm up the scene. This person nodded loudly and said:

"It has always been said that Qijian Villa is pure and aloof from the world. No wonder someone with such outstanding temperament and outstanding temperament can emerge from Junior Sister Jingyan."


Another person answered. He looked sideways and praised sincerely: "There are outstanding people in Qijian Villa. It's really not a rumor."

"Senior Brother Kou is still very wise. Not only did he interact with Zhu Huan'an, but he also went to Qijian Villa to celebrate his birthday. I think he and Junior Sister Murong have known each other for a long time."

"Hahaha, blah blah blah. Speaking of Senior Brother Zhu, that's a good story."

Ko Ting was in a happy mood, and the venue was also very lively.

Everyone wanted to know more about the fairy in front of them, but Murong Jingyan just smiled implicitly and stayed beside Kou Ting like a foil, listening to Kou Ting's long speech without any intention of interrupting.

Obviously no one was really listening to Kouting's words. Everyone was waiting for the fairy to speak.

It's a pity that the fairy is kind-hearted and always listens to Brother Kou's stories with great interest. She also appears to be well-behaved and cute, and she doesn't want to live in the world.

At the edge of the crowd, someone sat down silently.

Under the linen cloak, a pair of bloodshot eyes looked towards the field.

Huang Dizhou was full of confusion at this moment. Wasn't he a strong support specially invited by Dayan Academy? Why was he now like that outsider, only worthy of sitting in this corner?

No, that woman is sitting in my seat!

What are you doing?

Like Huang Dizhou, there was another person who was ignored.

However, unlike Huang Dizhou, Shen Su's nose moved slightly, but she followed the scent of flowers and stepped across the crowd, walking towards Murong Jingyan resolutely.


Kouting noticed Shen Su approaching and quickly raised his hand and said:
"Junior brothers and sisters, please make a way for Miss Shen."

"Come on, Miss Shen, sit here with me."

But Shen Su obviously turned a deaf ear. She went straight to the other side of Murong Jingyan and then sat down.

After Shen Su settled down, the lively atmosphere in the venue changed. After all, not all of these dozen students were as free and easy as Kou Ting, at least half of them were Yuan Chuang's confidants.

In their hearts, Senior Brother Yuan will definitely confront Shen Fengchen at the Sword Questioning Meeting, and that person named Shen Su.
"Haha. Don't be nervous."

Kouting obviously saw what some people were thinking, waved his hand and said:
"Although Miss Shen also believes in Shen."

"But as far as I know, Shen Fengchen doesn't have any sisters. I understand everything."

But obviously Kuoting's words did not have much effect. Huang Dizhou, who was outside the crowd, was the first to speak. He threw away the two blood beads in his hand and sneered:

"I'm not from the Shen family, so why is my surname Shen?"

"Doesn't that mean that this woman is the Shen family's dog?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present, including Murong Jingyan, fell silent. After all, these words were serious enough, and they were completely tearing apart.

"What, did I say something wrong?"

Huang Dizhou was afraid that the excitement was not big enough, so he grabbed the two blood beads and grinned:
"Come and kill me if you can, or I will kill you to water the tree."

Murong Jingyan frowned slightly and looked sideways, but Shen Su beside her was still kneeling on the ground.

What surprised Murong Jingyan was that, let alone murderous intent or anger, the corners of her mouth did not even change in arc, as if the person Huang Dizhou was talking about was not her.


Crossing his fingers, Murong Jingyan understood that it was his turn to appear.

As Murong Jingyan's red lips opened slightly, the eyes of everyone present softened again.

The person who was too shy to look directly now finally found a reason to look at this great face openly.

"Jingyan thinks it's better for us to be harmonious."

Murong Jingyan's tone was not pointing the finger, nor admonishing, nor even the slightest bit reproachful.

Instead, he spoke softly, with a little caution and probing. His red phoenix eyes looked around, as if he was asking everyone.


Huang Dizhou sighed, and couldn't help but think that Murong Jingyan could obviously take action, but he watched the two guards of the Wei Daosi Department being easily killed by him without being moved. ,
"What nonsense are you talking about, kindly?"

"Who do you think you are? What kind of place is this? Who wants to make peace with you?"

After the words fell, Huang Dizhou was surprised to find that not a single person agreed with him. There were even some students from the academy who turned their heads and looked complaining, as if they thought he talked too much.

"No, why are you looking at me like that? What did I say wrong?" Huang Dizhou spread his hands.

Murong Jingyan coughed lightly and continued to speak without being distracted by Huang Dizhou's interruption.

With her throat clamped, Murong Jingyan's voice, which was already similar to that of a woman, became more delicate, like nectar.

"No matter where they come from, this is actually the first time for everyone to come here to ask the sword world."

"According to Jingyan's opinion, the vastness of the Wenjian Sword World, this endless sea, has just begun. It's still a long time before the magic sword shrinks, and it's far from the time for the decisive battle of life and death."

Patting Shen Su's knees beside him, Murong Jingyan frowned and asked:
"Even jungle beasts know that unless they are hungry, they should avoid hunting to avoid being injured and eaten by other beasts."

"Similarly, if you are now thinking about eradicating dissidents and fighting each other, and if you are seriously injured during this precious exploration period, wouldn't you be taking advantage of others and only serving as a wedding dress?"

Seeing that everyone present fell into silence and their eyes showed contemplation, Murong Jingyan's eyes glowed with purple light and she asked again:

"You are all talented people in the academy. Jingyan dares to ask."

"Killing for what?"

Seeing that Kou Ting beside him was about to answer, Murong Jingyan quickly raised her hand to block his mouth and said:

"It's for opportunity, and it's for survival!"

"Let's not be like stupid snipe clams. The first thing we want to think about in the Sword Asking Club is to survive. You are all here to find opportunities, not to be killers, right?"

Speaking of this, Murong Jingyan patted Kou Ting's knee next to him again, showing a holy mother's smile:

"If there is no deep hatred, you don't know her, and she doesn't know you, why would you kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred to yourself?"

"Besides, if you come to the Wenjian Realm, who can be easily dealt with? If you encounter a tough problem and die in vain, wouldn't you regret it?"


Murong Jingyan raised a finger to attract everyone's attention.

At this moment, the purple mark almost jumped out of Murong Jingyan's eyes and was reflected in everyone's pupils.

"It's not necessary, right?"

As Murong Jingyan finished speaking, someone beside him finally nodded in agreement, feeling that Murong Jingyan's words made sense.

"Yes. Why should we kill her."

"Shen Suruo is really like an immortal and demon. He used secret techniques to injure us. If we want to advance further in the Sword Asking Club, it will be difficult."

"Miss Murong, what you said is absolutely true."

Even Shen Su nodded secretly and exhaled slowly from the tip of his nose, still cherishing words like gold.

"So we can be more relaxed with each other. Who says we must become enemies if we can't be friends?"

"Oh, by the way, that's it."

Seeing that her goal was achieved, Murong Jingyan closed her eyes and showed an inexplicable smile. Then she raised her hand to lift her hair from her ears and said casually:
"Since the opportunity of this endless sea lies in this Penglai blood tree next to us."

"Jingyan thinks this is an opportunity for us to unite as one."

Soft fingers circle the cheeks, the red phoenix eyes with a pure face are frivolous:
"I believe that before and after this tide, everyone here has obtained some flesh and blood according to their abilities."

"Why don't you hide it, take it out and try it out to see if it is enough to awaken this sacred tree."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan was the first to throw out a small medicine bottle from her waist, pursed her lips and said:
"When I landed on the island, I was robbed and killed. Fortunately, he was not good at learning and I killed him. Before throwing him off the cliff, I hurriedly took out this small jar of blood." "Although it's not much, it's real. Heartbroken."

Seeing Murong Jingyan handing it over, Kou Ting also laughed and threw out a blood bag.

"This is mine. I encountered two blind guys in the endless sea and provoked them, so I killed them and got the blood."

As Murong Jingyan and Kou Ting took out their own blood, the other Dayan Academy disciples also rushed to stand up. Nearly half of them had blood essence in their hands, killing or counter-killing, and even their companions, in various ways. All.

"It's okay, even if there is no blood in the hands of the senior brothers and sisters, they are still our own."


Murong Jingyan looked at Huang Dizhou not far away and coughed lightly.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were fixed on Huang Dizhou.


Huang Dizhou suddenly felt uncomfortable and shouted, "Look what I'm doing."

"I don't believe her!"

Murong Jingyan shook her head and had no intention of forcing Huang Dizhou. Instead, she looked into the dense forest and shouted:

"Is there anyone else who wants to join us?"

"As long as there is blood in your hands, please come forward. I guarantee that whoever sees the fairy fruit will have a share. We will definitely not take action and consider ourselves an ally from now on."

Perhaps it was because Murong Jingyan's face was so convincing that two monks actually walked out of the dense forest, and he approached with a hesitant expression.

"Miss Murong, I will give this blood to you."

"You have to keep me safe."

Murong Jingyan took a bloody handkerchief and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, sit down."

"In the Sword Asking Club, we will treat each other with sincerity from now on."

As the two people sat down, some more monks walked out. Under the envious eyes of others, they went to the Penglai tree and used the blood in their hands as a vote of approval to join Kuoting's team.

Not long after, the roaring sound of Taoism began to be heard in the dense forest.

Then, monks who were stained with blood began to walk out quickly, with impatient expressions on their faces, and offered the still-warm blood essence with their hands.

The last person to come up was Huang Dizhou.

At this moment, Huang Dizhou looked at the dozen or so people under the tree with complicated expressions on his face.

"Kou Ting, I trust you for once."

Looking at Kou Ting, Huang Dizhou raised two blood beads rather uneasily, and saw dripping blood pouring down. The amount for one person was equivalent to that of ten people.

"If you don't give me the fairy fruit in the end, don't blame me for not giving Yuan Chuang face."

Kouting laughed, put his hands on his hips and said, "Don't worry."

"If the immortal fruit can be produced, as Junior Sister Murong said, it will be fine if everyone is present and divided according to their merits, it doesn't matter!"

Under the tree, Murong Jingyan stirred up the blood energy, pushing out the blood in the bottles and jars, and poured it into the foundation of the Penglai Immortal Tree along with the blood of Huang Dizhou.

With the bonus of so many people's trophies, the originally simple and ordinary Penglai ancient tree suddenly changed.

A strange aura emerged, and Murong Jingyan immediately took a step back and stared at the ancient tree warily.

The extending branches seemed to come alive, colliding with each other and making a creaking sound.

The sound was normal at first, then became more harsh and shrill, and at the end it sounded like an old woman screaming, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

But soon, people's eyes focused on the highest branch.

I saw that the branch was glowing red, and the red light condensed into three parts, each of which produced a red, pear-shaped fruit.


"There are actually three Penglai Fairy Fruits!"

Someone began to shout, with excitement in their eyes.

Because the blood of the heart is related to the life of the monks, no one is willing to pay, so they have to kill people to get the blood.

Because of this, Penglai Island has always been a place of constant fighting, and such 'unity' rarely occurs. Generally, it's pretty good if it can only bear one fruit.

There were also cases where three fruits were produced, and the overlord who swallowed all three fruits finally succeeded in becoming the top three and became the founder of a large sect in the world of cultivation.

He is a human being. Now that he sees the three fairy fruits, he feels like Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

Everyone in the Wenjian Society has reached the third level of Tianfeng. The three levels of Tianfeng are already the limit, and only a few people can reach it.

And if you eat three fairy fruits, you will have the opportunity to directly break through to the four levels of Tian Feng. What is the concept of the four levels of Tian Feng?
With the level of an ordinary hero in the Sword-Asking Society and the appearance of an ordinary divine beast, one can join the top group of masters in the Sword-Asking Society. And if one has the appearance of a fairy or demon, it almost means that he will transcend and become the number one master in the next level!

Who wouldn't be tempted?
Even Kou Ting stopped smiling. Opportunities are ahead, and people's desires are always the most difficult to fathom. Everyone is afraid of suffering a loss, and even more afraid of not being able to take advantage.

"I have the greatest credit, I will take one first!"

Huang Dizhou spoke first, but was stopped by others before he could step forward.

"There are so many people in my Dayan Academy, but there are only three fruits. We can't just divide the total into two."

"What do you mean, the contributions of us cultivation world sects are not counted? We must have our share of this fruit!"

"What a beautiful thought. If I don't kill you, it would be a mercy. Are you seeking death?"

"Everyone stop arguing!"

Suddenly, a voice pulled everyone back from their thoughts, and they saw Fairy Murong looking at him with a frown under the tree.

Those talking eyes were full of sadness, even with a touch of crystal tears.

"This fairy fruit is earned by everyone's trust, which is a good thing."

Murong Jingyan's voice was a bit complaining, but it made people unable to get bored. Instead, she listened more seriously.

"Wouldn't it be ridiculous if we started fighting again because of this fruit?"

"I said before that we should share the credit according to the merit, so naturally we must keep our word. We are all respectable people, how can we not keep our word!?"

After hearing Murong Jingyan's words, several people in the party who had been noisy with red faces stopped, and someone asked:
"What should I do?"

"In my opinion"

Someone looked at Murong Jingyan and suggested, "Why don't you let Murong Xian and Junior Sister Murong share the immortal fruit equally for me."


Murong Jingyan quickly waved her hands and shook her head like a rattle:
"How can you be clean? If you want to be fair, everyone needs to make a decision together."

Unexpectedly, just as Murong Jingyan was about to refuse, shouts broke out from everywhere:

"I only listen to Miss Murong's assignment!"

"Yes, Miss Murong is naturally more fair. I don't trust anyone else!"

"We also agree that Miss Murong will administer justice!"

Kou Ting also raised his hand and said, "Junior sister, how about you do it?"

"If I were to come, I'm afraid it would be hard for me to keep a bowl of water balanced both internally and externally."

Seeing this, Murong Jingyan could only reluctantly nodded and sighed:
"in this way."

"Okay, then Jingyan will be the master. I will pick these three fruits for you for the time being and divide the pulp according to the blood you gave me. How about that?"

"One final question, no one here should have the delusion of eating alone."

As soon as these words came out, there was a lot of laughter. It was impossible for Huang Dizhou to monopolize one of them. How could anyone else be able to monopolize them? ?
"We in Dayan Academy have a deep brotherhood, so naturally we don't have such people."

"It's all up to Miss Murong. Just eat some."

When Murong Jingyan heard this, she leaned over and said softly:

"Since everyone has this idea, then let me pick the fruits for you."

"I object! Me"

Huang Dizhou suddenly stood up, but before he could open his mouth, Wine Cup Kou Ting interrupted him with a roll of his eyes.

"invalid objection!"


"Kou can vouch for junior sister and ensure fairness. Don't cause damage and affect harmony."

"You hypocrite!"

Just as the two were quarreling, Murong Jingyan had already climbed up the tree gracefully, ignoring Huang Dizhou's discernment, and arrived at the fairy fruit in two or three steps.

In full view of everyone, Murong Jingyan picked off the three fairy fruits one by one, and then took out something from her sleeve unhurriedly.

Looking down, Murong Jingyan quietly placed it between her eyebrows.

"Hey, look, what's behind Miss Murong."

"I can't see clearly. It seems to be a halo. Could it be that this is the fairy's holy light?"

"Well, it seems like Miss Murong got in."

 As long as people don't die, they will continue to die!

(End of this chapter)

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