Chapter 208
The breeze blew and rolled up a green leaf.

The strange Penglai Blood Tree immediately fell into a state of malaise after losing its three priceless fruits, making a crunching sound that made all the monks gape.

Only this leaf rotates with the wind, with a beauty that doesn't care about people's life and death.

Fallen leaves floated past someone's eyes, and he suddenly stretched out his hand to scratch them into pieces, shouting:

"Where is she!"

With Huang Dizhou's stern voice, the others woke up as if from a dream.

There was no figure of Fairy Murong on the ancient Penglai tree. It was completely empty, as if nothing had happened.

"Hey, where is Junior Sister Murong?"

"I clearly saw a door of light just now, and Fairy Murong seemed to have gotten in!"

Everyone present looked at Kou Ting in unison, and someone asked with concern:

"Senior Brother Kou."

"Miss Murong, she must not have escaped, right?"

At this moment, Kou Ting was also blinking his eyes. Hearing the words, he just opened his mouth and said...

Just after the guarantee was completed, this situation was beyond his control.

"She ran away!"

"What are you still doing here? Look for me!"

Only Huang Dizhou was wise and foolish, waving his arms anxiously on the spot.

He has killed the most people here, and even if all the blood essence and blood he got with great difficulty was thrown away, he would not be willing to make wedding clothes for his disciples!
Seeing this, Kou Ting shook his head, put his hand on his chin, and said in deep thought:

"Not in a hurry!"

"Miss Murong must have an emergency that needs to be dealt with first. She is not that kind of person."

After the words fell, Huang Dizhou's linen robe was seen to move without any wind. He held two blood beads on his fingertips and pointed towards Kou Pavilion, shouting hoarsely:
"There is your mother!"

"I'll kill you licking bitch first!"


At the same time, somewhere in the Endless Sea.

A white shadow door appeared, and then a figure walked out of it, elegant and calm.

The water above the ankles was stepped on to create a clear wave, the mask hanging on the waist jingled, and the purple robe exuded a charming brilliance in the sunlight.

"Boy, did you really run away like that?"

The little yellow duck came out at this moment, and it looked like it had seen a ghost. It was obvious that this behavior had greatly shaken its loyal dog heart.

Murong Jingyan was holding the three precious blood fruits in her arms. There was no trace of tangle on her flawless face, and the smile she showed casually was written with four words: heartless:
"Of course."

"Otherwise, why would I have worked so hard for so long?"

"Of course let them relax their vigilance!"

Looking at the trophy in her arms, Murong Jingyan raised her eyebrows.

Fortunately, I was alert. I might encounter some difficult situations before landing on the island, so I threw a Nine-Quan Stone into the sea in advance.

Although the endless tide is infinitely powerful, the Nine Springs Stone is as light as duckweed and drifts with the current. The impact of the tide on it is not as damaging as throwing it on the stone.

"Tsk tsk, it's a good thing I left such a hand in advance, otherwise I would really have to split the fruit with them."

The little yellow duck lowered its head and approached Murong Jingyan.

"You kid, are you really not afraid of being chased?"


Murong Jingyan squinted away, with disdain in her narrow Danfeng eyes, and put the three fruits into the token.

"If you're afraid, don't come to this sword-asking meeting."

"Rather than being hated by others, I'm more afraid of not being strong enough. Besides, I'll be divided according to merit. That's because I gathered the essence and blood in everyone's hands."

The little yellow duck was speechless for a moment, but when he saw Murong Jingyan put away the fairy fruit, he asked with some confusion:
"Why, won't you eat this fruit now?"

"Isn't it said that this fruit can increase people's cultivation level?" "Of course you have to eat the fruit, but not now."

Murong Jingyan shook her head and scanned the endless sea around her.

The blue sea surface is like a bright mirror, reflecting each other with the clear blue sky above. The sky is bright and pure, and it is extremely beautiful.

"I heard that the person who ate three fruits almost died from explosion, which shows that this fairy fruit is not so easy to absorb."

"Besides, this is not Penglai Island."

Murong Jingyan looked down and saw that the water that should have reached her knees was now only above her ankles, so she exhaled and said:
"Calculating the time, the world-destroying tide will come again in half an hour at most."

After hearing this, the little yellow duck jumped on top of Murong Jingyan's head. It spread its wings in front of its eyes and looked towards the end of the sky.

"Yeah, what if this tide kills you later? Could it be that you still left a Nine Springs Stone on the island?"

"Ah, have you become smarter?"

Murong Jingyan yawned, patted her mouth and said:
"Let them turn Penglai Island upside down first. When the tide comes, I will return to Penglai Island in the dark sky. In this way, no one will know my whereabouts."


"You don't have to go back."

The little yellow duck looked away and yawned as if he was infected: "If you don't go back, where else can you go?"

"Isn't it only half an hour for the tide to come? The Central Sword Immortal State is still in the fog. According to this, the nearest Jedi is Tongtianya. It shouldn't be too late for you to go now, right?"

Murong Jingyan curled her lips but did not refute.

"Yes, there is indeed no way out of this endless sea right now, can there be no other place to go?"

"Isn't there another underwater dragon palace?"

The little yellow duck suddenly realized, but then he narrowed his eyes and realized:

"The Dragon Palace under the sea is difficult to find. Do you want to take advantage of this moment to find it?"

With a chuckle, Murong Jingyan shook her finger, and then took out something, which was a compass left by the inner guard of the Wei Daosi Department.

"Forcibly looking for it? I'm not crazy."

"There are so many directions in this endless sea. If you go in the wrong direction, you will go in the opposite direction, which is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

"Of course there is a way."

Speaking of this, Murong Jingyan paused and took out something with his backhand, which was a compass.

Raising her hand to wipe the compass, Murong Jingyan looked at the direction above and said with a smile:

"It's up to it."



Murong Jingyan took the little yellow duck off her head and put it back on her shoulders, saying in a faint tone:
"Didn't those two people say that Shang Que, the first internal guard of the Wei Dao Department, is also in the Endless Sea?"

"But there is clearly no such person on Penglai Island. In fact, except for Shen Su, there is not even a person from the Third Division."


The little yellow duck groaned, as if he understood what Murong Jingyan meant.

"But maybe, this Shang Que was killed just like those two people?"


Murong Jingyan curled her lips:
"Just now, I collected everyone's essence and blood. On the surface, I will ask about their origin, but in fact, what I care about is not their nonsense, but I take the opportunity to observe the cultivation and strength of these people. There is no other person like Huang Dizhou. The talents of immortals and demons that appear.”

"Since the dignified number one internal guard was not killed by a human being, let alone died in this tide, there is only one answer..."

Looking at the bronze pointer on the compass, it still points to the same direction.

Murong Jingyan had a wisp of hair floating on her temples, and the corners of her thin lips curved slightly.

"The two inner guards did not go wrong, but the target was not Penglai Island, but..."

"Dragon Palace under the sea."

(End of this chapter)

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