How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 209 The 9th Dojo

Chapter 209 The Ninth Dojo
Half an hour flies by.

The ripples in the endless sea rise again, arriving as promised.

Murong Jingyan paused, glanced at the hair hanging on her shoulders, and glanced towards the end of the sky.

When the wind rises, it is a signal that the blood moon appears in the sky, and the tide of destruction will strike again at any time.

"It's here"

Looking at the compass with the pointer in his hand shaking unsteadily, Murong Jingyan murmured to himself and frowned.

This is the end point of the compass, hundreds of miles away from Penglai Island. The way forward, but
Looking around, there is nowhere to see the shadow of the Dragon Palace. The only three-inch-high sea level is visible at a glance, and there is no such thing as the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, the situation changed, and the clear sky was suddenly shrouded in a layer of dark light.

Murong Jingyan looked up and saw a blood moon in the east hanging upside down in the sky. Then dark clouds covered the sky, making the endless sea darken instantly.

A strong wind blew up, and Murong Jingyan's clothes were rolled up, and her hair was attracted to the sky by the moonlight.

The little yellow duck bit into Murong Jingyan's clothes, flapped its wings and ran back, shouting:
"What should I do? This tide is coming at any time!"

Murong Jingyan subconsciously took out the Jiuquan Stone, looked at the compass in her hand and pursed her thin lips, her eyes twinkling.

"It shouldn't be."

"Did Shang Que really die in this endless sea?"

After a moment's hesitation, the water below Murong Jingyan's feet was only an inch high. A roaring sound resounded throughout the world, and a terrifying momentum was brewing.

This is the east side of the Endless Sea, where the tide rises.

The air waves carried the spurting water droplets, making Murong Jingyan's cheeks ache. She held the little yellow duck back in her arms to prevent it from being blown away by the strong wind in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the whole body had fallen into endless darkness, and even the blood moon was completely covered.

The huge tidal wave has already rolled over our heads, and will sweep over in a moment, crushing everything into dust.

But Murong Jingyan held the Jiuquan Stone tightly in her hand, but she still didn't activate it.

"What are you doing!?"

The little yellow duck screamed, urging Murong Jingyan to run away quickly.

"Still not leaving?? If you are beaten to death by this wave, not even I can save you!"

But Murong Jingyan was unmoved and just took a deep breath.

Under the shadow of the tide, a flash of red light suddenly bloomed, breaking through the darkness and illuminating a square inch of light.

Murong Jingyan's energy and blood exploded, and her entire hair was dyed a touch of rose red.

Those bright pupils were stubborn, staring through the light and shadow at the huge waves that were rushing over a hundred feet away.

"Do not."

"I want to make a bet!"

After finishing speaking, Murong Jingyan threw out the compass, then swung his leg robe and stabilized his horse's stride.

The little yellow duck seemed to be frightened at this moment. He just opened his mouth and was at a loss. He didn't know why Murong Jingyan suddenly couldn't think of it and wanted to kill himself.

The distance of a hundred feet passed in an instant, and the huge waves were like a boundless city wall as black as ink, trying to crush everything.

Pushing out his palms, Murong Jingyan stimulated the immortal and demon energy and blood to resist the surging waves that came first, while her eyes were fixed on the depths of the huge waves.

"What are you waiting for!"

"Why don't you run away!???"

The little yellow duck's voice came from his ears, but Murong Jingyan remained unmoved. An intuition made Murong Jingyan choose to stand where he was, and even took a step forward despite the air waves.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon."

"It is said that the Dragon Palace is difficult for ordinary people to find. There is nothing more than a special way to enter, and this method"

"You can only hide in the tide of destruction!"

After the words fell, Murong Jingyan's pupils shrank slightly.

The huge waves, carrying the pressure of world destruction, arrived in front of them in a blink of an eye. Through the dazzling red light emitted by Qi and blood, the outline of the giant thing was clearly visible in the waves.
That is, two magnificent spiral stone pillars are supporting the grand door to another world.

"Tianyang has not given up his work, and the stars and rivers are fighting against each other!"

Murong Jingyan shouted loudly, her palms were turned back in an instant, and the blood and energy of the immortals and demons around her body merged into a magical talisman in front of her!

The next moment, an endless torrent surged past, and the red light was instantly submerged in the waves, returning to silence.

"Boy, wake up"

Tick, tick.
The sound of water dripping on the slate echoed faintly, and a figure was lying quietly on the cold blue bricks, with long wet hair spread on the ground to create a beautiful scene.

Suddenly, the long and slender eyelashes fluttered gently, seeming to be awakened by the sound.


Murong Jingyan opened her eyes suddenly, put her arms on the ground, and looked around cautiously.

The little yellow duck that entered his eyes was looking at him with worried eyes.

With his chest rising and falling, Murong Jingyan shook his head hard to calm down, pulled the little yellow duck into his arms, and looked up.

The blood moon in the sky has long faded, but this is not the clear sky of the Endless Sea. "here it is"

Murong Jingyan's mouth opened slightly, and she slowly stood up from the ground. Her eyes swept across the jagged waves reflected on the bluestone, revealing a thoughtful gaze.

Like the Death Star Terrace at Qijian Villa, looking up from here, you can actually see the depths of the lake and sea.

But unlike the deep darkness of Jinghu Lake in Qijian Villa, the dome here is actually a brilliant blue, as if filled with rainbow light.

After touching her intact body, Murong Jingyan let out a long breath.

Although I am sure that the so-called underwater dragon palace is in the tide in this direction, but I have no protective magic weapon, and I am afraid that the wave will beat me both physically and mentally.

Fortunately, there is a technique taught by Master Mieyuan that can use the Heavenly Law Seal in an instant to dodge the oncoming moves, which comes in handy at this moment.

Looking back, Murong Jingyan looked at the two corridor columns in front of her.

The pillars are high and engraved with ancient talismans that ordinary people cannot understand. The faint fluorescent light spreads out, which may be the source of this enchantment.

Looking further ahead, you can see a sunken palace. The palace is different from the ordinary style. It is jeweled and has a perverse feeling.

"Could it be that this is really the residence of the Dragon King?"

Murong Jingyan didn't look much, and walked inward. The opportunity of Penglai Immortal Island was not a secret, but few people knew what opportunity it contained in the Undersea Dragon Palace.

"Since someone in the Wei Daosi Department knows how to get here, it means they must have some knowledge of the Dragon Palace."

"If I had been slower, I might not have been able to fight for anything."

Thinking of Murong Jingyan, she quickened her pace, but after walking only a few steps, she suddenly saw something out of the corner of her eye and slowly stopped.


Moving her steps, Murong Jingyan walked to a stone tablet. This tablet was carved from an unknown purple pink crystal stone and stood on the only way between the pillars protecting the palace and the main hall.

Murong Jingyan was attracted because there was a corpse in front of the monument.

The blood around the body was drying, and it looked like it had just died. What caught Murong Jingyan's attention the most was that the clothes on this person were the robes of the Wei Daosi.

"Are these people from the Department of Defense also fighting among themselves??"

The little yellow duck clicked its tongue. After seeing Murong Jingyan running away, it didn't believe in human nature even more.

Murong Jingyan knelt down and checked, and finally shook her head, denying the little yellow duck's statement.

"No, it shouldn't be."

"This person's ancestral blood is still fluctuating. He must have lost a fight with others. If it was an internal fight, I must have made a sneak attack."

"Besides, how could this one person die in an internal fight?"

Closing her eyes, Murong Jingyan nodded gently and whispered: "There are quite a lot of fluctuations here. I'm afraid a war broke out an hour ago, and the Wei Daosi admitted their loss."

"Let's go on inside."

Murong Jingyan stood up, but at this moment he suddenly stopped and turned to look at the crystal stone tablet and the little yellow duck:
"What text is this? Do you understand it?"

The little yellow duck squinted his eyes when he heard the words, and quickly nodded: "Well, this is an ancient text."

"It's written"


After a hum, the little yellow duck said firmly: "Nine, Chilong Ming."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan was stunned and quickly asked:
"Are you talking about the ninth meaning?"


With a hiss, Murong Jingyan blinked and looked at the crystal stele again with a strange look.

"This so-called underwater dragon palace is also a dojo?"


After thinking about it, the Death Star Terrace should be ranked 39th. This place called 'Red Dragon Ming' is actually thirty places higher? ?
"It is said that Shang Rong was extremely talented and ranked among the top three, but in the end he only got the No. 30 dojo."

"This ninth"

"It's an ownerless thing."

At this moment, Murong Jingyan suddenly felt her heart trembling slightly, as if something was about to move inside her body.

Pressing her hand on her chest, Murong Jingyan couldn't help but look into the depths of the palace. A strange feeling was growing, as if it was attracting her towards the palace.

After lowering his head and looking at the body of the man from the Wei Dao Department, Murong Jingyan continued walking towards the depths of the Dragon Palace. Unlike the Dead Star Platform, there were no restrictions within the Red Dragon Palace, as if anyone could travel freely.

After walking through the winding corridor, Murong Jingyan found no trace of fighting. It seems that these two groups of people were not eager to fight, and they were all hurrying in.

Not long after, Murong Jingyan heard something different. It was the sound of waves, accompanied by a faint sweet fragrance.

Beyond that, there are human voices.

Leaning out from behind a pillar, Murong Jingyan narrowed her narrow eyes and looked at the forbidden place deep in the Dragon Palace.

As expected, just like the ancient Penglai tree, there were two groups of people standing opposite each other.

On one side are the people from the Wei Daosi Department. The leader has a plain back, but his aura is amazing. He must be the first inner guard Shang Que.
On the other side, it is!

(End of this chapter)

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