How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 210 Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 210 Blood of the Dragon
Murong Jingyan's brows furrowed, she never thought that she would meet him first in the Sword Asking World.

Although they only met him once, Murong Jingyan recognized him from his red eyebrows. He was Qian Rong's rival in the Nine Provinces Alliance.

The Holy Son of the Nine Provinces Alliance, Cui Weijing.

People from all walks of life were standing on a high platform paved with glass.

Behind Cui Weijing stood seven or eight wizards in different costumes. They were currently looking at something under the palace, while Cui Weijing stood with his hands behind his hands and looked at another group of people not far away from the corner of his eye.

The first inner guard, Shang Que, was dressed in white, and was followed by four Taoist guards wearing the brocade robes of the Taoist priests. He was obviously at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

"Hey, you are not a good bird at all."

The little yellow duck's voice came, and it raised its head and said:
"The people in the Wei Daosi Department are at odds with you in Seizing Heaven Tower. Isn't this red-browed saint also someone who needs to be dealt with?"

"How about sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight?"

Murong Jingyan raised a finger and put it to her mouth, signaling the little yellow duck to be silent.

"Of course I have to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers."

"'s a little strange."

"It's strange."

"The people next to them, of course."

Just when Murong Jingyan finished speaking, someone in the audience took the lead to speak up, and it was Cui Weijing.

"Only I, the Jiuzhou Alliance, know the details of this Dragon Blood Pool. I didn't expect that your Department of Defense would also have a way to get in."

Hearing this, Shang Que's words also sounded. He looked forward and spoke calmly.


"The Hidden Dragon List is the most precious treasure of the Immortal Alliance. I, the Daoist Priest of Dayan Wei, also belong to the Immortal Alliance. How could I not know where the Dragon Blood Pool is?"

"It's you."

Shang Que glanced out of the corner of his eye and said in a teasing tone:

"How come the majestic Holy Son of the Nine Provinces Alliance, none of the people behind him are from the Nine Provinces Alliance?"

Cui Weijing raised the corners of his mouth slightly, ignored Shang Que's question, and just looked deep into the palace again.

Behind the pillars, Murong Jingyan looked away, with thoughts in her eyes.

Cui Weijing is very strong, but in the final analysis, he is still not in the form of a fairy or demon. From this, it seems that this so-called first internal guard is at most a variant of the form of a mythical beast. Otherwise, how could he tolerate his own people being killed like that.

After thinking about it, Murong Jingyan seemed to understand something.

The three divisions of Dayan are closely related, but there are only people from the Wei Dao Division around this person, not even half of the people from the Fu Long Division and the Zhuo Xing Division.

"Immortal Alliance. I have heard that Dayan's Wei Dao Division is affiliated with Tian. It seems that Wei Dao Division has its own purpose in the Wenjian World."

But thinking of Cui Weijing, Murong Jingyan became even more doubtful.

If it is reasonable to say that Shang Que only brought people from the Wei Daosi Department, it is even more surprising that Cui Weijing did not have a master from the Nine Provinces Alliance behind him. Could it be that he came here secretly?

But if so, what do you want, and who are those people behind him?

While Murong Jingyan was thinking, the expressions of Cui Weijing and others in the audience changed slightly, and then they all took half a step forward and looked down.

I saw that the deepest part of the palace was actually a hollow pool. The blood in the pool was rolling, with a glittering and translucent light, like fine red thunder and lightning swimming around.

The sweet smell came from this blood pool.

"Blood of the Dark Dragon!"

"Sure enough, there was a reaction."

Cui Weijing made a fist with one hand in his sleeve, and could hardly contain the excitement in his eyes as he stared at the surging blood balls.

"As long as I have this dragon blood, my ancestral blood can go one step further and evolve into a fairy and demon like my father."

Thinking of this, Cui Weijing looked at Wei Daosi not far away, with a flash of calendar in his eyes.

The blood of Minglong is not born every time, and only three times in history. It seems to be a full pool, but in fact, the essence of the Five Emperors that can be differentiated is very limited.

As for him being able to obtain this information, it must be thanks to
Cui Weijing looked at the unidentified accomplices around him. After thinking about it, he asked tentatively: "When the blood pool changes, are these people from the Department of Defense?" One of the elegant young men in ordinary Taoist robes nodded. , responded casually:
"Holy Son, don't worry too much."

"Since I promised you this opportunity, I won't let you go back empty-handed. It's just that we can't kill people from the Wei Dao Department without permission. I hope the Holy Son will understand."

Cui Weijing frowned slightly and looked at the blood pool again without revealing anything.

On the other side, Shang Que also stared at the blood pool.

"It is rumored that the blood of the dragon contains the power to enhance the ancestral blood. Now it seems that it is not a lie."

"After all, it is one of this lord's magical powers."

Murong Jingyan also clearly felt that the smell of blood in the air was getting stronger, and her heart was beating again, and she could faintly hear the sound of heartbeat.

"what happened?"

Just when Murong Jingyan stuck her head out to observe again, changes suddenly occurred in the blood pool.

The surging blood ball suddenly stopped, and then a scarlet light shot out from the blood ball like an arrow at lightning speed, striking in the direction of everyone in the Wei Daosi Division.

"not good!"

Shang Que's pupils shrank, but fortunately he reacted very quickly and ducked sideways almost at the same time.

Even so, half of his robe was still torn by the wind of arrows, and the muscles inside that had been tempered for thousands of years were cut into fine wounds just by looking at him.

The other inner guard behind him was not so lucky. Half of his body and his shoulder blades were lifted off. He only had time to let out a muffled groan before being carried by the air wave and flew several feet away.

Shang Que turned around and looked at the suddenly dead guard and the blood on the ground, his expression became even more gloomy.

In full view of everyone, the blood arrow's power continued unabated, drawing an arc and then shooting in Cui Weijing's direction!

"How to do!?"

Cui Weijing immediately shouted to the side, obviously seeing the power of this blood arrow, it was as fast as thunder, and the body of the Tianfeng monk was like paper in front of it.

"Holy Son, this is your chance."

"Come on!"

But the only response he received was that the others scattered and pushed away, as if they were afraid of being targeted by the arrow.

Gritting his teeth, Cui Weijing had no choice but to activate his Qi and Blood Dao Technique. He turned to look at the bloody arrows that hit the air, showing a determined expression as if he was facing death.

In just one breath, the arrow was already in front of him.

At the critical moment, Cui Weijing couldn't help but feel frightened in his heart. He hurriedly stepped out of the way and let the blood arrows pass by.

The others didn't say much when they saw this. There was history to learn about the Blood of the Dragon, but the details of how to obtain this opportunity were not as well-known as the Penglai Island.

But at the very least, the monks at the Three Levels of Heavenly Sealing Blood Arrow will definitely not be able to catch it.

Murong Jingyan, who was behind the pillars, was also secretly observing. His beautiful face was filled with surprise at the moment. He gently plucked his red lips with his index finger and murmured:

"The people of the Wei Daosi Department are so miserable, another one died."

"Cui Weijing is quite funny. If you don't dare, don't dare. Why do you have to stay where you are with such shame?"

When Murong Jingyan clicked his tongue and shook his head, the little yellow duck stood on his shoulder and echoed:
"If it really is the blood of the Silent Dragon, how can it be given if you open your hand and ask for it?"

When Murong Jingyan heard this, she cast a sidelong glance at the little yellow duck, as if to say that you are so mysterious, so hurry up and fart.

But the little yellow duck kept clicking. Murong Jingyan had no intention of asking further questions and continued to look at the excitement in the field.

But with just these two glances, Murong Jingyan suddenly felt something was wrong.

What are these guys doing? Why are they looking at me? ?
Shouldn't we be wary of that arrow?
At this moment, Murong Jingyan's cheek was suddenly flapped by a small yellow wing, and the little yellow duck's voice reminded:

"You look up, you look up."

Murong Jingyan's expression changed when she heard this, and before she had time to raise her head, she took two steps to one side almost without thinking!
Almost at the same time, a loud noise came from the side, and the billowing smoke filled with the smell of death.
On the high platform, the two forces suddenly looked sternly in their eyes.


"Anyone else!?"

(End of this chapter)

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