How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 211 She is Mr. Shen’s person

Chapter 211 She is Mr. Shen’s person

When the gunpowder smoke dissipated, Murong Jingyan's black hair on the back of her head was swinging in a beautiful arc in the air. She looked at the deep pit behind the pillars, feeling shocked in her heart.

This bloody arrow is silent and suddenly kills me?
If it hadn't been for the little yellow duck's reminder, Murong Jingyan would have asserted that she would have been chopped into a human skewer by the blood arrow at this moment.

"What is this?"

Seeing that the group of people in the distance had not made any move, Murong Jingyan also took the opportunity to glance over and vaguely saw something that seemed to be shining with blood-red light among the rubble.

The object was diamond-shaped and vibrating.

Without waiting for a closer look, the object suddenly emerged from the rubble, and the blood around it condensed and wrapped again, shooting towards Murong Jingyan.

Subconsciously, Murong Jingyan stepped back and dodged. When she noticed that the thing immediately turned back, she cursed in her heart.

This damn thing just changed people after the sneak attack. Why is it still chasing me? ?
Just when Murong Jingyan was tired of dealing with it, Cui Weijing, who was on the high platform, finally spoke. He looked at the group of people behind him and frowned:

"How could there be anyone else?"

"Could it be that you have other plans?"

The man from before spoke, looked at the audience with a calm tone and said: "Please rest assured, Holy Son, you are our only choice."

"If you have any concerns, we will resolve them for you."

As he spoke, the man looked at Wei Daosi, who was not far away, and seemed to be sizing him up.

As if aware of this gaze, Shang Que raised his chin slightly and said indifferently:

"This person is not from the Wei Dao Department. I'm afraid he is a descendant of a certain sect who came in by chance."

"You are free."

A few people were talking about life and death, but Murong Jingyan in the scene was in danger at the moment, with cold sweat on his head.

The arrows are getting faster and faster, making it difficult for even the naked eye to see clearly.

Murong Jingyan could only rely on her sense of crisis to barely avoid it. Several holes in her purple robe were quickly broken, revealing her fair skin.

"No, this thing is really difficult to deal with!"

Seeing that a corner of the brocade on her shoulder was blown away again, Murong Jingyan frowned and immediately decided to change her approach.

If you dodge blindly, you will always be hit, and the power of this thing is amazing.

Heavenly Feng cultivators can only use Taoism to improve their imprisonment at best. Only by becoming a semi-saint can their blood be transformed into the flesh body. From the beginning of practice, they can't destroy the golden body or even the immortal body.

If she was attacked like this, Murong Jingyan didn't think she would die suddenly, but the group of people not far away who were watching eagerly were the biggest threat!

Thinking of this, Murong Jingyan's heart was filled with anger, she opened her horse and shook off her long hair, and took a stance facing the refracted blood arrows.

"Tianyang has not given up his work, and the stars and rivers are fighting against each other!"

With a sharp cry, Murong Jingyan clasped her palms backwards, and the immortal and demonic blood energy around her body instantly merged into a magical talisman blocking her in front of her!

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, the blood arrow immediately hit the depths of the talisman!
Well! ! !
Murong Jingyan felt a huge force coming from her arms, pushing herself back three steps, and a stream of sweet blood almost spurted out from her throat.

It should be noted that this move can summon a trace of the power of heaven and can withstand the power of the tide of destruction. Although it is a defensive move, it is the secret method of Abandoned Sword Villa that is not passed down.

Murong Jingyan looked at the bloody arrow struggling in the talisman, and the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

Finally stopped.


Before Murong Jingyan could be happy for a second, she saw the blood arrow's rainbow light melting like snow, revealing its true appearance.

Being so close, Murong Jingyan could clearly see clearly, that was.
A scale.

The moment the scales were revealed, the invulnerable talisman in front of him was like rice paper caught in the fire, and a hole was immediately pierced.

Murong Jingyan's pupils shrank, but it was too late to run away at this moment. She could only watch the scales draw a blood mark, and the world around her seemed to start to slow down.
In the slow-motion world, you can vaguely see the edge of the outline, which is the little yellow duck flying towards him with a face full of panic, trying to use the mantis as a car. Under the flying short yellow feathers, there is the red scale.
Cut his clothes and stabbed into his stomach.

Murong Jingyan's slender body was carried several feet away by this scale, her legs quickly retreated on the ground, and finally she swayed and half-knelt on the ground.

The blood in his mouth left a scarlet mark on the bluestone of the Dragon Palace.

On the high platform, Cui Weijing and others also narrowed their eyes.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. Although the monk used some magic technique from unknown sects and burst out with an astonishing momentum in a short period of time, he still made a mistake in the end.

In the sword-asking world, it is not surprising to have this ability.

Raising his hand to stop the others, Cui Weijing took a step forward, looking at the unknown monk half-kneeling on the ground in the distance with disheveled hair, and an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"This person."

"I, the Holy Son, should deal with it personally."

After saying that, he stepped out suddenly, leaping like a flying bird, and landed not far from Murong Jingyan.

His embroidered robe shook, and a strange-looking weapon appeared in Cui Weijing's hand. This weapon was rare to see, but it turned out to be a golden mace.

The golden mace was like a mallet, half dragged to the ground by Cui Weijing, and the fire it emitted was like a life-threatening note, making people timid before fighting.

"Senior Brother Shang, do we want to take action?"

Someone from the Wei Dao Department asked in a low voice, but Shang Que just took a breath and said calmly:

"The Holy Son of the Nine Provinces Alliance seems to be bold, but in fact he is famous for being ruthless. This guy must be dead."

"But" the Taoist guard looked at the 'unnamed monk' whose face was hidden by his long hair, frowned and said:
"The opportunity of the Blood of the Dragon is in this guy's body right now. If we don't take action, won't we let them enjoy it all in vain?"

Shang Que was a little silent when he heard this, but finally shook his head:
"The opportunities here don't stop there. There is no need to break up with Cui Weijing at the beginning."

"According to my inference, I am afraid that the origin of these people will have to wait for me and Mr. Shen to discuss it in the long term."

After saying that, Shang Que put his hands behind his back, as if watching a show.

Just as Shang Que said this, the mysterious monks on the other side were also winking at each other.

"Do you really want this opportunity for Cui Weijing?" Finally, the young man wearing Taoist robes and with an elegant face spoke up, saying in an unquestionable tone:
"give him."

"What we like is this person's decisiveness and ruthlessness. If he can break through the immortals and demons, he will be qualified to become your most important chess piece."

Off the court, Cui Weijing had already arrived in front of Murong Jingyan.

His eyes were filled with excitement that could not be concealed, as he looked at the thin monk who was half kneeling on the ground, swaying.

The Blood of the Dragon is right in front of you!

If you get it, you will be able to look like an immortal and a devil. At that time, you will no longer have to be overwhelmed by that beggar's appearance, and you can finally be in charge of the Nine Provinces Alliance with justifiable authority!
And also
Thinking of something, Cui Weijing raised his hand, and the heavy golden mace clattered into the palm of his hand, making a dull sound.


"It's weird, you shouldn't be here, but don't be afraid."

"Cui will give you a good time."

After saying that, Cui Weijing raised his hand and held the golden mace high, with a cruel smile on his lips. When he was about to say something more, he suddenly frowned slightly.

"What is the taste?"

The tip of his nose twitched slightly because he could vaguely smell the faint fragrance of crabapple flowers. This was a unique fragrance that he had never smelled in his life.

Just during such a moment of pause, from the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of movement in the drooping black hair in front of him. There seemed to be a pair of eyes looking over among the scattered hair on his forehead.



The golden mace fell to the ground, and Cui Weijing's expression suddenly changed.

"You, you are!??"

At this moment, Murong Jingyan could only feel that her body was turbulent, her internal organs were being washed away by a tyrannical force, and the indescribable pain made her throat unable to make any sound, let alone use her energy to resist.

But the threat of death still causes the body to react instinctively, that is
look up.

This soft and elegant face now showed a sickly paleness, and the pair of eyes that were usually lively and charming were now filled with tears, leaving only haggardness and pity.

After swallowing, Cui Weijing knelt down almost without thinking, raised his hand to support Murong Jingyan's shoulders.

"Girl, you."

Following Cui Weijing's actions, Murong Jingyan's last strength seemed to dissipate, and she fell limply into Cui Weijing's arms.

Feeling the warm jade-like touch in his arms, Cui Weijing finally understood where the fragrance of crabapple flowers coming from.


"Are you OK!!!"

But the only response to him was silence.

Murong Jingyan only had time to take a look, the purple light in her eyes disappeared, and she closed her eyes after imprinting the mark of lust.

Start fighting against the strange energy raging in your body.

Looking at the haggard Murong Jingyan in his arms, Cui Weijing opened his mouth slightly, but his heart was filled with mixed emotions.

Ever since he overheard the unknown fairy and Qian Rong being together that day, he had been tossing and turning, and the fairy's figure and the sound of his breath were in his dreams for a month.

This time it almost became his inner demon.

Fortunately, he finally figured something out.

I, Cui Weijing, will be the leader of the Kyushu Alliance in the future. How can I be so willing to covet other people's women and still have trouble sleeping and eating because of it? ?

If you can't get it, just destroy it!
and so!
Thinking of this, Cui Wei's red eyebrows rose in surprise, then he lowered his head and looked
Immediately, his brows slowly opened again.

I saw the fairy in my arms closing her eyes tightly, her long eyelashes trembling, the wet blood at the corner of her mouth adding a bit of sadness, and a white hand tightly grasping her sleeve.

Looking carefully, this hand is really flawless, slender and even, and every inch makes people want to reach out and caress it.

At that moment, Cui Weijing's throat roared again, which was deafening.

Sure enough, all this should be blamed on Na Ganrong, this guy couldn't stay for a day.

A group of people watching the show not far away were far away from each other. They were full of question marks when they saw Cui Weijing's actions, especially Shang Que from the Wei Daosi Department, who frowned even more.

"Maybe this person has some background."

"Don't move here, I'll go take a look."

After saying that, Shang Que's footsteps flashed like a shadow and soon came to the two of them.


Walking forward, Shang Que suddenly stopped where he was.

"Peerless looks?"

The four words came out of his mouth subconsciously. Shang Que seemed to have thought of something, and at this moment he took out his hands that had been behind his back.

"Let go of her."

When Shang Que spoke, Cui Wei's expression suddenly turned cold, he raised his head and said:
"Do you know?"

"do not know."

"I don't know who you are ordering here?"

Seeing Cui Weijing's anger, Shang Que did not give in at all. He changed his appearance from just now and said coldly:

"She is Mr. Shen's person"

(End of this chapter)

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