How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 212 I am Murong Jingyan

Chapter 212 I am Murong Jingyan



Cui Weijing was obviously a little stunned. He narrowed his eyes and asked:

"You mean, Shen Fengchen is the same?"

Shang Que once again looked at Murong Jingyan intently. After seeing it more clearly this time, the trace of doubt in his heart disappeared, and he nodded with only four words:

"literal meaning."

After saying that, Shang Que leaned over and wanted to take Murong Jingyan back, but was unexpectedly pushed away by Cui Weijing.

Cui Weijing's hand was hanging in the air, his face was slightly disdainful, and there was a hint of sullenness in his eyes.

"Based on just a few words from you, I'm going to give him to you?"

"Not to mention you, even if he, Shen Fengchen, comes here in person, he can't talk to this Holy Son like this!"

Hearing this, Shang Que sneered and looked at Cui Weijing in front of him.

His eyes were unpretentious, as if he were looking at a fool.

"Brother Cui."

"Did you really mean what you said just now?"

Feeling the contempt in Shang Que's words, Cui Weijing suddenly had veins popping up on his forehead.

As he raised one hand, the golden mace on the ground was instantly held in his hand, and a calm momentum rose from the ground.

He was about to stand up, but considering the delicate beauty in his arms, Cui Weijing was still reluctant to put it down. He just stared at Shang Que, as if he wanted to fight to death.

If I can't kill Shen Fengchen and Qian Rong, how can I kill you, who is also a divine beast?
Besides, there is more than one chance to get the Dragon Blood Pool. Even if you don't snatch the fairy in your arms, you can get it soon.

If you get this opportunity, you can achieve the status of a fairy and a demon, and make up for your last shortcoming.


He's really had enough over the years.

On the journey of cultivating immortals, there have been legends of geniuses from generation to generation. However, the current world is in a state of decline. People like Yuan Chuang are leading the way, but he, the majestic Holy Son of the Nine Provinces Alliance, has been deliberately ignored.

Even when talking about the Nine Provinces Alliance, what outsiders mention more is Gan Rong.

When he came to the Wenjian Society, Cui Weijing only wanted one thing, and that was to achieve the blood of the Immortal Demon Ancestor and become the well-deserved Holy Son of the Nine Provinces Alliance.

Seeing Cui Weijing's posture, Shang Que had no intention of retreating.

He raised his left hand and crossed his middle index fingers to form a strange seal.

A faint blue light spread from his feet, forming a totem within a few inches. Following Shang Que's actions, the experts from the Wei Dao Department on the high platform moved quickly and turned into afterimages and flew over.

Several people guarded Shang Que, occupying four formations behind him.

Cui Weijing was not panicked, because the people he brought would not stand by and watch. He just took a step slower and surrounded the people from the Wei Daosi.

An internal guard from the Wei Daosi Department saw the secretly-identified geniuses from various sects around him and asked in a low voice:

"Brother, didn't you just say that there was no need to conflict with Cui Weijing?"

"But what happened?"

Hearing this, Shang Que slowly closed his eyes.

A blurry picture emerged in his mind. It was a figure from behind, wearing a blue robe, with long hair like the sea flowing behind her. She was still extremely noble.

"Shang Que, if you see a person in the Sword Asking Club, no matter what situation he is in, he will look like me."

"But the person Mr. Shen recruited?"


"Then which sect this person studied under, and what are his characteristics."

"Well, you will understand when you see her. She has a peerless face, the kind you have never seen before."


Shang Que secretly shook his head and asked:

"What is the name of this heroine?"

"Name? Her name is Mu."

Mr. Shen paused for a moment, then turned his head slightly, and the corners of his cold mouth curved in a rare way.

"Pure face."

"Her name is Jingyan."

peerless appearance
Shang Que opened his eyes again and shook his head mockingly.

I thought Mr. Shen's words were too abstract, but I didn't expect them to hit the nail on the head. They were extremely accurate. The face of the woman in front of me really perfectly embodied the word "peerless beauty".

After the thought fell, Shang Que took action. The Orchid Formation under his feet was activated, and the waves turned into tentacles and spread out, attacking in all directions!
And his hand suddenly reached out and grabbed into Cui Weijing's arms.Just when Shang Que suddenly attacked and wanted to complete Shen Fengchen's instructions, he didn't know that the lying fairy was also experiencing something unimaginable in his heart at this moment.

After experiencing the initial pain of the physical body, Murong Jingyan only felt that her consciousness was gradually drifting away. She did not know whether it was due to the fainting caused by the pain, or whether it was because of the blood of the dragon scale that was taken to an unknown area.

But soon, Murong Jingyan's eyes opened.


"This is where."

As far as the eye can see, there is a vast nothingness.

Countless stars were dotted and shining in the darkness, and each one twinkled, and beside Murong Jingyan, there were ten strange stars surrounding her.

There are ten stars, some big and some small, eight of them are covered with a layer of black light, while the remaining two, one large and one small, are bright red in color, flowing with dense divine light.

Murong Jingyan walked forward and came to a dark star.

For some unknown reason, Murong Jingyan felt neither sad nor happy at the moment. She was not wary of this strange environment at all, nor was she curious at all. She just instinctively approached.


Just as Murong Jingyan stared at the black stars, some light and shadow seemed to be reflected in the depths of her pupils.

That is
The blazing fire seemed to burn into my eyes!

A strong fear suddenly arose in Murong Jingyan's heart. Just as she was about to close her eyes, the fire shadow in the stars suddenly disappeared, leaving only a cheek reflected in it.

Looking at this very familiar face, Murong Jingyan's eyes were confused and she felt very unfamiliar.

He was about to raise his hand and touch it, but in the reflection of the stars, this beautiful face suddenly smiled.


After taking a few steps back, Murong Jingyan finally felt something was wrong.

And a voice also came from the void.

"Do you know what you are afraid of?"

Murong Jingyan's pupils shrank slightly, and she looked around but saw no one, but the voice was clearly her own.

"Who are you!?"

In response to Murong Jingyan, only that calm and cold voice continued to sound, neither sad nor happy, with a thorough indifference.

"The Chaotian Palace was destroyed, and my mother and concubine were burned alive inside. How can I forget this hatred?"

"who are you?"

Murong Jingyan shouted loudly, the uneasiness in her heart getting stronger.

"who am I?"

The voice was a bit teasing and asked:
"Shouldn't I be the one to ask, who are you?"

Murong Jingyan was about to answer, but she swallowed the words as soon as they reached her lips.

At this moment, he suddenly realized something.

I saw the eight stars with dark light squirming, and in the darkness, a figure was slowly taking shape.

"The fire in the Mootian Palace hit me hard. Since then, I have lost my so-called soul, and it has become the shackles that imprison me."

"Because of this, I bear the reputation of being a useless person, and I can even turn into a woman to hide from others."

"After countless calculations, the only way to solve the problem is to establish it after breaking it. Otherwise, you think you"

"who is it?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Murong Jingyan felt a strong suction pulling her hard, and before she could struggle, she was dragged into the black stars by the shadow in the darkness.

With a burst of cocoons, silence returned to the void.

And the person in the shadow finally showed his true face.

Her black hair was disheveled and her appearance was stunning, but the brightness in her narrow red phoenix eyes had faded away, leaving only indifference and aloofness.

"I am Murong Jingyan."

Closing his eyes, he seemed to be feeling this hard-won power and sighed:

"Grandpa is right. I am really the reincarnation of an immortal. This soul is either a previous life or an inner demon. The only way is to erase it."

"Only in this way can we fully grasp this ancestral blood that surpasses the Five Emperors."


Opening his eyes, 'Murong Jingyan' revealed a playful smile on her lips.

"Those things outside are just right for sacrificing swords."

(End of this chapter)

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