Chapter 213 Awake
Within the Dragon Palace, the blood pool was still surging, making a strange and sticky sound.

Under the high platform, the blue tentacles generated by the Wei Daosi's formation were wandering everywhere, the glazed green tiles exploded one after another, and the figures on the square moved.

This method is somewhat similar to the Xuancheng Wei Daosi branch, but the power is not the same. It can suppress the surrounding geniuses while talking and laughing, making them unable to get close.

However, the others were not foolhardy either. They all presented magical weapons and dazzling Taoist techniques one after another, not being frightened by this sudden gesture at all.

He saw Cui Weijing's golden mace flying across the sky, and the shadow of a red-haired monster suddenly appeared behind him. His aura was domineering, far beyond the ordinary monks in the three levels of Tianshou.

With one blow, the blue tentacles in front of him were scattered!
But soon two more tentacles came out. Cui Weijing turned his wrist, and the thick golden mace spun dexterously to protect both sides of his body.

But his expression suddenly changed, because another tentacle took this opportunity to wrap around Murong Jingyan and drag him into the formation at Shang Que's feet.

"Shang Que, you!"

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Shang Que's eyes squinted, and immediately one of the guards from the Department of Wei Dao supported Murong Jingyan's body.

After accidentally catching a glimpse of this face, the guard trembled and almost withdrew his hand.

"Protect her."

"This is the person Mr. Shen wants."

Cui Weijing was immediately furious. The gold mace in his hand suddenly swelled. He held the end of the mace's handle with one hand and stepped on it, causing it to spin in place.

As he took off his hand, the golden mace cut through the sky and screamed. The turbulent air waves rolled and even smashed many tentacles in succession.

The rest of the people also used Taoism in a tacit understanding, and the spreading blue formation was suddenly hit hard from all directions, and it looked like it was going to be destroyed.

But even so, Shang Que's expression remained unchanged.

I saw his fingerprints changing, the blue formation also taking on new changes, and the outline of the shadow refracting the holy light, making people unable to open their eyes.

Then a tangible wave radiated out, and the monks who were approaching were hit one after another. Cui Weijing seemed to have no time to recall the golden mace, and immediately stood firm to resist, but in the next moment he was knocked away ten meters away.


Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Cui Weijing narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of Shang Que.

In addition to him, the other besieging monks were more or less injured. The variation of this formation seemed to absorb all their attacks and then bounce them back.

"Nothing, this is the Divine Invitation Formation of the Department of Wei Dao."

The Confucian scholar in Taoist robes stepped forward. He was the only one who had not made any attack just now. No one refuted his speech at this moment, which showed that his status was not low.

The Confucian scholar's voice was calm as he explained to Cui Weijing:
"Some magical powers are not surprising. Although it is helpful to ask the gods, it consumes the energy of the people in the main formation. He cannot support it for too long before he has to relieve himself."

Hearing this, Shang Que also smiled noncommittally.

"It seems that my guess is right."

"You hmm?"

Just when Shang Que was about to say something, he suddenly felt something and turned around to look.

I saw blood oozing from the abdomen and the 'girl Jingyan' who looked like she was dying, actually reacted at this moment.

The low-hanging black hair was slowly raised, and the red lips opened slightly, letting out a soft hiss.

In Murong Jingyan's collar, the little yellow duck poked his head out in surprise, and used his mind to ask: "Boy, you finally woke up!"

"I thought you were dead."

The internal guard of the Wei Dao Department next to him also noticed Murong Jingyan's movements and asked kindly.

"Girl, are you awake?"

As soon as the words fell, the inner guard felt something was wrong. His questioning seemed to wake up the sleeping monster, and a sharp gaze came from the long hair that spread out from the forehead of the banished fairy woman!

Then, the inner guard was like a kite with its string cut off. He was hit in the abdomen by a thunderous palm and was knocked out of the formation!

At the tip of the formation, Shang Que's face was a little stiff, his mouth was slightly open, and his eyes slowly moved downward.

Almost at the same time, a cold sword was placed on his neck
After swallowing his saliva, Shang Que did not dare to act rashly. The Jingyan girl suddenly attacked one of his own, but she was able to grab the sword easily and put it on his neck without thinking.
The speed of swinging the sword
Was it because I stood too close and wasn't alert? I didn't react at all.

And as the inner guard was knocked out of the formation, Shang Que had a sword on his neck, and the Wei Daosi formation was also passively dispersed, causing Cui Weijing to laugh wildly, clapped his hands and said:
"Fairy has good eyesight!"

"Follow these guys from the Department of Defense, and sooner or later you will die without a burial place in this society."

Shang Que had no time to pay attention to Cui Weijing's cynicism. He stared at Murong Jingyan and said tentatively:
"Jingyan. Girl?"

"I am here to serve Mr. Shen."

"Shut up."

The only response he received was two cold words.

Murong Jingyan's sword moved slightly, and a wisp of blood seeped out from Shang Que's neck. Shang Que was immediately silenced. The other three guards of the Wei Dao Department drew their swords, ready to save people.

Murong Jingyan slowly raised her head and casually stretched out a hand to smooth her long hair.

But this face at this moment gives people a completely different feeling.If he was pure before, as if he had been banished to an immortal, now his narrow eyes were filled with proud indifference, and the corners of his mouth were curved with a hint of mockery.

"Don't touch me."

"Being lumped together with the bitch named Shen."

Shang Que was stunned, obviously shocked by Murong Jingyan's words.

Fortunately, Murong Jingyan didn't really want to kill him. The sword left Shang Que's neck after drawing a wisp of blood, and he placed it in the palm of his hand to look at it.

"A minor sword."


In the collar, the little yellow duck blinked and asked: "Boy, are you okay?"

Murong Jingyan only responded with a cold sideways glance. After sizing up the little yellow duck, he slowly evoked an inexplicable smile:


After saying that, Murong Jingyan glanced around, and finally his eyes stopped at the blood pool deep in the Dragon Palace. He dropped the long sword in his hand on the ground and walked straight out of the range of the formation.

The two experts from the Department of Defense hurriedly checked the injury of the previous man, and the last one ran to Shang Que and asked:

"Senior brother, did you admit the wrong person??"

Shang Que raised his hand at this moment and looked at the blood on his fingertips. He remained silent and lost in thought.

"do not know"

"Let's just wait and see what happens."

Just when Murong Jingyan walked a few steps away, someone blocked the way.

This person is the Confucian scholar at the head.

"Girl, you are hurt."

"Isn't it advisable to move around more? Why don't you let me take a look?"

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan closed her eyelids, fluttered her long eyelashes, and said in a faint tone:


"Isn't this good for me?"

After saying that, Murong Jingyan gently lifted the clothes around her abdomen, and everyone looked closely. They really didn't see any blood sausage, but the clothes were damaged, but the skin was intact.

"Ha ha."

"It's okay, girl, come closer and let me have a good look."

"it is good."

Hearing Murong Jingyan's response, the Confucian scholar was obviously a little surprised, but when he saw Murong Jingyan approaching, he also went to greet him.

As they got closer, the two of them took action at the same time, almost in tacit agreement.

The Confucian scholar's long sleeves fluttered, and he kneaded the secrets with one palm. His face was delicate, but his forearms were like a diamond horned dragon, glowing with an indestructible light!

Murong Jingyan still raised a palm, and the white palm of her slender forearm looked light and airy.


But in the next moment, it was the Confucian scholar who stepped back.

He was seen holding his right wrist tightly with his left hand, and his whole face was distorted, as if he was enduring great pain.

Looking down, the Confucian scholar's expression changed. His right hand with the Buddha's light was actually glowing with black light, festering at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a worm hole.

"Buzhou Palm!?"

“Isn’t this vicious technique lost a long time ago!!?”

Some people who were traveling with him saw the clues and exclaimed in surprise. The Confucian scholar was also very decisive. He immediately reached his left hand into his waist and was about to draw his sword to cut off the palm!

However, his appearance was completely empty. The Confucian scholar thought of something and turned his head in shock.

The peerless beauty in the field stood motionless. The difference was that 'she' was looking at a long sword at the moment, with a sweet smile on her lips.

"This one."

"It's not bad."

Seeing everyone's gaze, Murong Jingyan licked her thin lips, raised the long sword above her eyebrows, and said word by word:

"Use it to kill you, just right."

(End of this chapter)

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