How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 214 The Second Ancestral Blood

Chapter 214 The Second Ancestral Blood
Without any time to say anything, the Confucian scholar snatched the weapon from his companion.

In just a moment, the festering black light had spread from the wrist to the forearm. With a fierce look in his eyes, the white blade flashed a sharp light and decisively cut off the blackened forearm to the bone.

Cui Weijing also came closer. He looked at Murong Jingyan not far away with surprise and doubt in his eyes.

What's wrong with this woman?
"It's Buzhou Palm."

A group of masters were standing behind the Confucian scholar. Cold sweat was dripping from his forehead, and he glanced at the broken arm that had turned into pus on the ground and even the bones had melted.

"This technique is the secret skill of the Soul-moving Sect. Haven't they been destroyed by Dayan long ago? How come there are still people who know this technique!?"

After the words fell, not only Cui Weijing, but also Shang Que across from him changed his expression.

Soul-shifting sect?
Shang Que felt awe-struck, this name had a great background.

500 years ago, the Yihun Cult was undoubtedly the number one cult in the world, bringing disaster to all countries and having thousands of disciples.

His leader's name is not given to good people, and his evil skills can be said to be superb. Many powerful people have been killed by him. There is a faint tendency to unify the good and evil paths in the world of cultivation.

In the end, it was Dayan's great director of the Star Division who cared about the common people and used his great supernatural powers to deduce his hiding place. Dayan's upright faction launched an encirclement and raid, and finally uprooted the Soul-moving Sect, and the inheritance of all evil arts was cut off.

500 years have passed, how come there are still remnants of the Soul-Transferring Cult?

Could it be that I really found the wrong person?

"Brother, what should we do now?"

Shang Que looked at Murong Jingyan in the field and felt a little doubtful. He shook his head and said, "Just wait and see what happens."

"There's something weird about this woman."

While people around were talking a lot, the stunning beauty in the scene finally made a move.

The sword tip hit the ground with a crisp sound. Murong Jingyan showed an evil smile and looked at the Confucian scholar who had his arm broken off.

"Soul-moving Cult?"

"I don't know what the Soul-Transferring Cult is, but I just practiced some of their killing techniques."

"You're really capable, do you want to see it?"

After saying that, before the Confucian scholar could reply, Murong Jingyan's figure seemed to teleport, and she had already raised her sword to kill him.


"Don't be arrogant!"

The two heroes closest to the Confucian scholar reacted quickly and immediately faced the enemy with divine weapons in hand. Their energy and blood surged together, tigers roared and dragons roared, and they all took the form of divine beasts!
"Ha ha.."

Murong Jingyan narrowed her eyes slightly but did not retreat. Her soft waist actually leaned back, dodging the two men's attacks with an incredible arc.

At the same time, his long sword moved from bottom to top, the blade flickered and passed by!

Scarlet blood spattered, and one of the heroes' chest suddenly burst with blood, and he staggered back. If he hadn't been wearing protective armor to protect his vitals, he would have been furious at the sight of him!

Murong Jingyan's cheeks were stained with a few drops of blood, and she suddenly opened her mouth and let out a weird laugh like a silver bell. The moment she raised her sword, she blocked the blade of another master next to her.

There was a clang, the scabbards of the swords collided, and the two looked at each other.


Before he could speak, the charming beauty in front of him suddenly disappeared, and he only felt a chill on his neck. He looked down and saw that his neck had been cut open.


Hearing the thud of the swordsman kneeling to the ground behind him, Murong Jingyan just shook away the blood from the sword blade. His eyes squinted with coldness and said casually:

"The Ming Xing Seal, the soldiers who stepped on the void arrived, and they were caught off guard."

"But if you want to kill with one strike, you need to get as close as possible."

Everything happened in a flash of lightning, and one descendant of the two major sects was killed and the other injured!
After the other companions reacted, they no longer cared about anything, they just felt their energy and blood rising!

Several people held the seals, and red worms and monsters appeared one after another and rushed towards the field.

The rest rushed into the field with soldiers in both hands, intent on killing Murong Jingyan!
"Kill this witch!!!"

"Avenge Brother Wang!!"

At this moment, the Confucian scholar was covering his broken arm and also glaring in the direction of Murong Jingyan. Their plan for this trip could not be missed. Unexpectedly, this man had been damaged just after entering the world of swordsmanship, and his own hand was also broken.



Under her long and disheveled hair, her narrow eyes glanced left and right. Murong Jingyan raised her wrist slightly and turned the hilt of her sword over.
The Taoist technique that preceded them blasted out thick smoke, and the entire Dragon Palace made a loud noise. Almost at the same time, the people holding weapons rushed into the smoke to capture Murong Jingyan's figure.

But as the smoke cleared, they were left standing on the cracked floor without a clue.

"Are you looking for me?"

Everyone followed the sound and saw a man in purple clothes standing casually on the high platform deep in the Dragon Palace. Murong Jingyan, who had easily avoided the attack, was looking at him.

"how is this possible"

"When did she."

This speed was unprecedented, but Murong Jingyan just sneered, took a step forward with his sword, and suddenly disappeared again like a ghost!
But far away, there were all talented people present, and you could still vaguely see that the figure did not really disappear, but shuttled around the edge of the square at an extremely fast speed, like lightning flashing across the sky.

Suddenly, Murong Jingyan's figure flashed to the side of a person, stood firm and held a long sword in his hand, piercing his chest mercilessly!
As the sword was drawn out, Murong Jingyan moved again, but this time she changed direction and rushed straight into the crowd.

The figure was clearly slender, but at this moment he was like a tiger among sheep. His sword skills were fierce and domineering, and he almost never dodge. Blood spattered wherever he passed, and his footsteps never stopped at all.

This time it was Shang Que's turn to speak in disbelief: "Could this sword technique be the lost sword technique of Sui Yuesheng, the sword immortal? Wenhuang sword technique?"


With a sword, he sliced ​​through the blunt knife that was sneaking up on him. Murong Jingyan's body spun like a top. He pressed the hilt of the sword with both hands and actually split the golden knife in the hand of the nine-foot man into two halves!
Then the long sword entered his throat, there was a pop, and blood poured down like rain.

Murong Jingyan slapped her palm on the big man's head, and with a gentle push, the big man fell to the ground, which also exposed the bloodthirsty and coldness in Murong Jingyan's eyes.

Cui Weijing held the golden mace in his hand, as if he was frozen.

The ability displayed by this fairy makes other people look as vulnerable as babies!
He glanced at the Confucian scholar beside him inadvertently, but saw that the Confucian scholar's face was serious, and he was not as embarrassed as he was.

Taking a deep breath, the Confucian scholar seemed to have made some decision.

Of the ten masters brought here, only three or four are still breathing, and they are basically useless.

"If you can't fulfill your master's plan, you will die."

"But if you can kill a guy like you, it can be regarded as removing an obstacle for adults."

In the field, Murong Jingyan was calmly wiping the edge of his sword. The guys in Tianfeng Second Pass were not a threat to him these days. He could just stroll around and kill them without any feeling.


Looking up, Murong Jingyan smiled and said, "What else are you capable of?"

"If you don't take it out, you won't have a chance." The Confucian scholar held out one palm, as piously as a monk chanting sutras, and a black light emitted from behind him, like the dark Buddha's light shining down.

And as this layer of Buddha's light emerged, a harsh buzzing sound sounded. Murong Jingyan frowned slightly, as if she had noticed something, and suddenly looked at her feet.

The square collapsed, and a bloody mouth poked out from below, swallowing Murong Jingyan in one gulp before she had time to dodge!
This creature is like a long white worm, with no eyes and thousands of joints, dozens of feet long, and looks very scary.

"Wanlun Kingdom's Gu Insect Technique??"

On the other side of the square, Shang Que and the others from the Wei Dao Department retreated early. After witnessing Murong Jingyan's strength, he felt a little lucky that he had not provoked this murderous god.

After seeing this huge white insect, Shang Que's suspicion came true.

"You can know the entrance of Red Dragon Min, as expected."

"Only these people from the Wanlun Kingdom can get news about the Immortal Alliance."

"Doesn't this mean that there are bigger figures hiding in Wanlun Kingdom?"

After swallowing Murong Jingyan, the white insect froze and stopped moving like a sculpture, while the Confucian scholar seemed to have been drained of all his strength and was half-kneeling on the ground.

Cui Weijing quickly stepped forward and asked:

"Then the fairy was eaten?"

The Confucian scholar was already feeling haggard. He almost fainted when he heard the word "fairy". He glared at Cui Weijing and said:
"If you hadn't killed her just now, how could we have suffered such heavy losses!"

"and also."

After looking at the white worm, Confucian Chang took a deep breath and said, "This is the seal gu of my Wan Lun Kingdom, and it is also the strongest gu worm I can borrow in advance."

"You may not be able to kill her, but if you seal the sky and seal the three levels, she won't be able to get out."

"Is this true?"

Cui Weijing asked, maybe it was because of the lust seal. His tone of voice that he didn't want the fairy to die made the Confucian scholar's blood pressure rise again.


"If she can come out, I will!"

Before he finished speaking, not far away, the white insect suddenly moved.

The two looked around and saw that the white worm was shaking slightly at first, and then the whole worm began to swing wildly. The huge movement was like an earth dragon turning over, and the surrounding glazed pillars collapsed one after another!
After a while, the white insect kept wailing, and the white horn suddenly glowed red, and the whole insect turned red.

In the end, its huge body collapsed, and endless flames flew out with red petals, making everyone present unable to open their eyes.

And in the raging fire, a figure slowly walked out.

'She' stood on top of the flying ashes, with one hand behind her back. Her flawless face looked even more mysterious under the firelight, and her eyes were cold and glowing with purple light.
"No, not possible"

The Confucian scholar raised his head in disbelief, completely unable to believe this scene.

Immediately, he slapped his heart, and as he spurted out a mouthful of blood, the other heroes of Wanlun Kingdom, whether alive or dead, all made the same buzzing sound.

All kinds of weird Gu insects burst out of the ground and flew towards Murong Jingyan in mid-air!

"Why is it impossible?"

".I understand, it's because of you."

"Too weak."

Murong Jingyan murmured, her eyes slowly closed, and a heaven-destroying aura bloomed, with an extremely dazzling glare, like a terrifying ancient giant waking up.

In the center of the light, Murong Jingyan opened her arms and spoke calmly:
"Nirvana from the red rain, rebirth in the sea of ​​​​begonia flowers"


"I am the only one!"

After the words fell, a totem door slowly opened behind Murong Jingyan.

The totem begonia border stretches across the Cangshan Mountain, and on the endless mountain top, a divine bird is awakening from its long sleep, slowly opening its red gold eyes.

As the eyes swept over, the light turned into a scorching wave of air, sweeping across all directions in an instant, and all the Gu insects died instantly!
Murong Jingyan pointed out with one hand that all the strong men who were still alive had their hearts beating like drums and fled in all directions.

The corpses at his feet turned into ashes in an instant. Cui Weijing immediately took out his protective weapon and retreated quickly.

He was about to speak a warning, but found that the Confucian scholar's face was blank at this moment. He stood there and shook his head, and was swept away by the air wave and turned into a burning fireman.

The colored glass of the Dragon Palace reflects the firelight, and the entire seabed seems to be eternally gorgeous, celebrating the return of the old king.

In the distance, Shang Que and others immediately used the divine formation to barely defend against the attack.

Shang Que looked bright at this moment, pursed his lips and said:

"This, this man can actually use the magical body like Master Shen!?"

"In other words, this woman not only has the appearance of an immortal demon, but her ancestral blood is also an immortal king and demon god that can rival the true source of the Five Emperors. But which one is this..."

Opening his eyes again, Murong Jingyan looked around at the collapsed and devastated Dragon Palace. He held it lightly with one hand, narrowed his eyes and said:

"That's power."

"This grand chess plan planned by me will not be in vain."


Turning her head to look, Murong Jingyan looked at the little yellow duck on her shoulder, frowned and said, "What kind of look are you looking at?"

The little yellow duck shrank his neck when he heard this and asked tentatively: "Who are you?"


"Is it important?"

Murong Jingyan chuckled and slowly landed on the ground, looking at the surging blood pool in the distance.

"You want."

"I can also help you achieve it."


At the same time, in a void of space, time seemed to have stagnated, the cold wind was howling, the snowy wind was biting, and a figure was lying on the snow, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

After a long time, I opened my eyes.


"This is Cangshan Mountain?"

 Cha Yan or ruthless Yan?

(End of this chapter)

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