How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 215 She is here! ! !

Chapter 215 She is here! ! !
The robes shook and the white snow fell.

In the pure air, my pupils seemed to be able to see farther through the snowy wind. The clouds were lingering, and everything in the world seemed to be only white.

Murong Jingyan's eyes opened and closed, and she breathed out softly from the tip of her nose, as if she was in another world.

This scene only appears in dreams, could it be?
Just when Murong Jingyan was at a loss, a calm voice came from the depths of the snowy wind:
"you're awake."

Murong Jingyan looked over after hearing the sound, but couldn't see half of the figure. Then she asked tentatively:
"Are you Murong Jingyan?"

After a long time, the mysterious man spoke:

"Why do you ask this?"

"Aren't you Murong Jingyan?"

After hearing this, Murong Jingyan closed her eyes, shook her head subconsciously, and said with a bitter smile: "Ha"

"I'm just a passerby who is being used by others."

"Oh?" The mysterious man continued and asked:

"This is the depth of the bloodline. Since you can come here, you might as well lower your head and see your face."

"If you are not Murong Jingyan, then who are you?"

As the words fell, the ice and snow in front of Murong Jingyan melted and turned into a puddle of snow, reflecting a face.

This face is delicate and graceful, with picturesque eyebrows. Every detail is just right, like the most perfect creation.

The voice in the snow continued to sound, explaining:
"You're confused."

Murong Jingyan nodded immediately and frowned.

Is this the depth of ancestral blood?

I still have this face, is there something else I don't know about?

The mysterious man spoke in a faint tone and explained unhurriedly:
"Have you ever seen the ten stars floating outside? They are the three souls and seven souls born as human beings."

"The more powerful the ancestral blood is, the more difficult it is for the body to suppress the soul that matches it, unless it is an absolute body carrying the shackles of the ancestral dragon."

"Not to mention that you have two ancestral bloods of immortals and demons. Even if you only awaken one of them, the strength of its soul cannot be carried by your weak body."

Murong Jingyan's eyes moved and she asked: "Two ancestral bloods"

"You also know that I have the second ancestral blood?"

After her words fell, Murong Jingyan was suddenly able to see some pictures clearly through the light of snow on the ground.

It was a collapsed palace and a raging fire storm.

In the center of the fire, a figure was as arrogant as a god and demon, with a totem hanging high. A magical bird was gradually awakening, and the endless aura of emperor and domineering seemed to come out dazzlingly!

Murong Jingyan could obviously see that this was the current situation of the Dragon Palace. After witnessing 'himself' reborn from the ashes and killing all the heroes while talking and laughing, he couldn't help but murmur:
"This is my second immortal demon?"

"Fairy Demon.??"

The mysterious being spoke calmly and corrected him: "That's the name from outside the territory."

"It is just like me. It does not come from the chaos, but is nurtured by heaven and earth. It is immortal and immortal. Even if the fire of karma engulfs it, it cannot destroy its soul. It will pass by for thousands of years and return with fluttering wings."

"It's the immortal bird, the Phoenix Ancestor."

Is it really a phoenix?
Murong Jingyan sighed and said with some relief:

"No wonder no matter how much I look for a method, I still have no clue to activate the second ancestral blood."

"I missed the opportunity today and actually woke up the original owner. Only then did I realize that this second ancestral blood was actually his ancestral blood. This makes sense."

The mysterious being was slightly silent and asked:

"From your tone, it seems that you have already noticed it."


Murong Jingyan did not hide her clumsiness and spoke calmly: "I have been aware of it since the day I woke up at Black Bark Mountain."


"Because seeing dead people makes my legs weak."


Murong Jingyan was holding her chin with one hand at the moment, as if she was just chatting with an old friend, and as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her, without any urgency at all.

"I won't feel any guilt if I kill someone."

"Even every time, I have the thought of eradicating the roots. Could it be that after death, the body and soul still exist?"

"I don't believe it, so I believe he is still influencing me. Maybe one day it will be returned to its original owner like it is today?"


The snowy wind was blowing, and the mysterious voice came closer and said with a smile:

"No, although you have different personalities, you are the same person."


After hearing this, Murong Jingyan put down her hands and showed a puzzled expression.

The next moment, the snow-capped mountains disappeared, and Murong Jingyan was once again in the vast fire.

Looking at the boundless flames, the pain and heart-wrenching feeling suddenly emerged, making Murong Jingyan couldn't help but close her eyes and panicked to find a way out.

"As he said, witnessing the fire in Mootian Palace made you seriously ill at a young age, and you have lost every soul since then."

"The soul that went with your mother and concubine was for love. It could distinguish between good and evil in the world and understand the emotions of all things. Without this ability, your body only has hatred, coldness, and this hatred. It remains unchanged for eternity, and becomes more and more intense.”

"Therefore, compared to you, he is more suitable for practicing martial arts. Even without ancestral blood, he can still practice thousands of Taoist techniques and sword styles, and pursue revenge with one heart and one mind."

"Just gaining enlightenment today will cause new disasters, no less than"

Murong Jingyan had already understood these words and immediately retorted:
"You say I am that soul, but I clearly have my own memories and a family!"

Hearing Murong Jingyan speak, the mysterious man took his time and said calmly:
"This soul still needs a host to travel across the world. Maybe the things you said are just a moment of understanding the past, or it may be the same sinking dream that is awakened again by your body."


"I see."

Murong Jingyan's tone was noncommittal. He would not listen to everything the mysterious man said. He had to verify everything by himself to know the truth, but one thing was right.

I want to go back alive!

"Since we are the same person, and now the three souls and seven souls are divided into two people, where should I go?"

"Do you want to go out?"

"Think! Do you want to kill him!?"

"Of course not."

The mysterious man denied it calmly and said slowly: "You are born at the right time and are the sons of destiny. Since you can distinguish between good and evil and understand all things, what you have to do is to guide him."

"Soon, you will be able to go out."


Undersea Dragon Palace.

A man in purple clothes climbed up the steps and headed towards the high platform.

With every step he took, the dreamlike Dragon Palace became more fragmented, with ruins and ruins, and it no longer looked as grand as before.

Finally, Murong Jingyan stood in front of Chilong Ming again. His eyes looked at the blood pool, his eyes glanced over, and the corner of his mouth raised a look of disdain.

After shaking hands, Murong Jingyan closed her eyes and felt the power, thoughtfully.

"The Immortal True Phoenix."


Opening her eyes, Murong Jingyan's eyes and slender eyelashes turned blazing red, and she said coldly:
"Hongshou Begonia still cannot be used by me."

"This ancestral blood is an obstacle for me to awaken the true phoenix. I still have to ask the old man to solve it for me afterwards."

"Besides, with two ancestral bloods added to my body, the pressure on my body is too great. I need some external force to relieve it for me."

Thinking of this, Murong Jingyan took out a few red fruits, which was exactly the opportunity that came from Penglai Island.

"Fortunately, although that guy is a bit cowardly, good things never fall behind." "Now."

"Time to digest them, though."

He tilted his head slightly, his black hair disheveled, and an extremely sinister look suddenly came out from between the ends of his hair.


The voice was so cold that it made people shudder:

"If you don't get out, are you trying to provoke me?"

The only people still alive in the Dragon Palace now are Wei Daosi and Cui Weijing.

Hearing this, Shang Que took a deep look at Murong Jingyan, then turned around and left with clean and neat movements.

Cui Weijing, who was not far away, had a charred face, but fortunately he was protected by a magical weapon, and he was far away, so he was not seriously injured. When he saw Shang Que running away, he immediately followed him quickly, not daring to make any further decisions.

After the Dragon Palace was completely clean, Murong Jingyan lifted the fruit and put it to her mouth.

"If you can really seal the four levels after eating it, it can relieve some of the physical pressure."

After finishing her words, Murong Jingyan directly stuffed the fruit into her mouth without much hesitation.


After chewing a few times, Murong Jingyan did not feel any discomfort, and even
Still delicious.

Frowning, Murong Jingyan gulped down one piece of fruit, then the second, and then the third.

blah blah blah

"How come this fruit wasn't made... ugh!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Murong Jingyan suddenly turned pale and quickly reached out to hold her neck, her face looking very ugly.

"what is this!"

An unspeakable discomfort emerged. Murong Jingyan wanted to continue speaking but found that she couldn't do it at all.

He immediately raised his hand and tapped the acupuncture point on his chest, trying to spit out the pulp he had just swallowed, but the thing was indeed spit out, but it was not pulp.

Instead, a branch, a branch growing from the mouth.

The branches and leaves are crystal clear, just like wishful thinking.

As the branches and leaves appeared, Murong Jingyan's body began to convulse subconsciously, and her whole body was half-kneeling on the ground, shaking.

The brilliance of the entire Dragon Palace was dimming, as if it was absorbed by the sudden appearance of branches and leaves. Even the two pillars at the entrance of the Dragon Palace collapsed, and the entire Red Dragon Palace collapsed completely.

The barrier dissipated and endless sea water poured in. Murong Jingyan was instantly washed into the huge waves.

But there was no fear in those eyes, instead they were full of anger!

Because what happened with this incident was that his own cultivation also fluctuated. Instead of stepping towards the Tianshou Fourth Pass as imagined, he disappeared quickly!

My cultivation, the strength I have mastered with great difficulty, no! ! ! ! ! ! !

Clap la la.
The sound of crashing waves filled his ears, causing Murong Jingyan's consciousness to slowly wake up.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Raising half of her body, Murong Jingyan coughed up the sea water in her mouth and nose, her fair face turning red.

When she opened her eyes again, Murong Jingyan's eyes gradually focused and she finally stood up.

The wind was clear, and the boundless sea stretched to the end of the sky. Looking at the height of the sea level, it was about as high as the thighs. It should be far from reaching the point of the world-destroying tide.

On the sea, a yellow duck floated with the waves, looking at it with distrust in its eyes, and circled around him.

"I am back?"

Murong Jingyan ran two steps, grabbed the little yellow duck, and kissed it vigorously regardless of its life-threatening struggle! ! !

"What are you doing, kid!??"

"OI! OI!!!"

But as they kissed, Murong Jingyan suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why were the two steps I just ran so laborious?

A bad premonition arose, Murong Jingyan flicked the little yellow duck back, raised her finger to show some divine light!
No response.

Murong Jingyan slowly retracted her fingers, looked at her jade hand back and forth, and narrowed her eyes slightly.


What about cultivation?
At this moment, the persistent little yellow duck swam back, covering his kissed cheek and proudly said:

"Looking at the way you looked just now, what you ate should be the Nine Heavens Cloud Fruit."

"This thing is indeed a treasure. If you take it too much, the effect will be integrated into the blood and your ancestral blood will fall into a short silence. This is also to protect your physical body from being destroyed."

"Then how long is this time!!!?"

Murong Jingyan was very anxious, this was the Sword Asking World!

If your cultivation is gone, you will die if you meet anyone. Besides, if you don’t make the first move, you might be beaten to death by the waves! ! !


The little yellow duck patted his head and said comfortingly: "Don't worry."

"This thing will recover after the effect of the medicine is over."

"Ten days and a half at most."

what! ?

Murong Jingyan almost sat down in the sea, ten days and a half? ?
So what, did you hear that consciousness just now? Can you please come back and give me some support first?
Before Jing Xin could think of a solution, the sound of countless waves surging faintly reached his ears, causing Murong Jingyan to bend down and look warily.

To the west, many figures suddenly appeared, at least NO.30 people at a glance.

These people are the monks from Penglai Island.

To the east from Penglai Island is Tongtianya. Now that most of the opportunities on Penglai Island have been taken away, all the fights that should have happened have ended. According to the information from the Sword Asking World, the next journey should be to Tongtianya.

It is said that if you only take [-] of the opportunities in Tongtianya, you can be said to be unparalleled in the world.

Among the many monks, one person seemed out of place.

Huang Dizhou, dressed in a bloody robe, chased after Kou Ting closely.

Along the way, he kept making obscene remarks to entertain people. Kou Ting also knew that he was in the wrong, so he had no choice but to pretend to be picky and ignore him.

Finally, Huang Dizhou seemed to say he was tired, and took out a water bottle from his arms and drank a few sips to calm down.

"If I meet that woman again."

"If you don't kill her, I'll let Yuan Chuang kill you first!"


Putting the kettle back, Huang Dizhou looked at the sea out of the corner of his eye to relieve the unhappiness in his heart.

The water of the Endless Sea is shallow, but the scenery is beautiful, and everything you see is blue.

Sun, sand, waves and purple.

Um! ?

Under the blood robe, Huang Dizhou's eyes suddenly widened and he staggered to a stop.

Rubbing his eyes, he looked again.

Seeing someone lagging behind, it was Huang Dizhou. Instead of stopping, Kou Ting hurriedly waved behind him, mouthing "Quick, quick, quick!"

Huang Dizhou's body was trembling with excitement at this moment. He slowly raised his finger and pointed in the direction of Murong Jingyan.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan swallowed her saliva and was about to raise her hands to surrender. Good guy, can you be seen squatting in the sea? ? ?
Turning around, Huang Dizhou looked at the large army fleeing, took a deep breath with all his strength, and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Come back!!!"

"She's here!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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