How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 216 Did I let you go? ?

Chapter 216 Did I let you go? ?

"Hey, isn't it??"

"You can see me from so far away??"

Seeing that she was being targeted by Huang Dizhou, Murong Jingyan had no choice but to slowly get up from the sea, her eyes flickering, and she had a bad premonition.

After calling the large number of monks to stop, Huang Dizhou stepped on the water and stepped on the waves before finally stopping a few feet away from Murong Jingyan.

Even though anger surged in his heart, he did not act rashly. After all, the strength shown by the woman in front of him cannot be underestimated. Now that she has committed public outrage, she does not need to stand up alone.

"Witch, hand over the fruit quickly!!!"

The sound of treading on the waves came one after another, and Kuoting's voice floated over:
"Really a fairy??"

"Kou knew you wouldn't leave like this!"

Murong Jingyan took a deep breath and stood still. He glanced around and saw a group of monks headed by Kou Ting approaching quickly. Judging from the number of people, there didn't seem to be many people missing.

It seems that there was no bloody battle on Penglai Island after he left. After all, the number of casual cultivators from the sects and Dayan Academy on the island was similar. If a bloody battle broke out, there would be casualties. The two parties formed a tacit understanding.

At least at this time, we still need to preserve our strength.

Among the crowd, there was a person who stood out. He had white hair, white clothes, a white sword and a white robe. It was Shen Su.

Seeing that Murong Jingyan didn't respond, Huang Dizhou took a deep breath and said in a deep voice again:

"Witch, I'll say it again."

"Take out the fruit!"

With so many people behind him, he didn't believe that this witch dared to take risks. The only fate for those who dared to resist was death!
Murong Jingyan's head was lowered, and her long hair covered her eyebrows, making it difficult to see her expression.

In fact, after the broken hair, he was already biting his thin lips and his eyes were changing.

I wanted to take the fruit to save my life, but the guy was impatient and had already eaten all the fruit. What should I do now in exchange for my life?
Just when Murong Jingyan was anxious, the little yellow duck's voice added fuel to the fire and kept asking with his mind:
[What should I do? They seem to want to kill you. 】

[If you don’t cultivate, you will be dead. 】

【Run away? 】

"I can't run anymore."

Murong Jingyan murmured to herself and said softly:
"The Jiuquan Stone I left behind is gone."

Speaking of this, Murong Jingyan cursed in her heart, what on earth was the so-called physical personality thinking about? The Dragon Palace is such a good place to protect oneself, but it has to be destroyed. Now it doesn't even have the ability to cultivate.
[Then what should I do? Wait for death? 】

"No, there is one last way."

Murong Jingyan took a deep breath and took a step forward, attracting everyone's attention.

Under the sunlight, the purple-clothed 'girl' raised her chin, and saw her white hands slightly lifting her wet temples from her forehead, and a flawless profile appeared quietly, attracting a crowd of amazement.

Then, those charming eyes suddenly looked back and looked impartially at Kou Ting among the crowd.

The red lips opened slightly, and the breath was like a orchid:
"Everyone, it is Ayan who wants to leave."

"It's really the evil spirit of that ancient tree. For some reason, a force sucked me into the void. When I woke up, I was here, along with the fruit."

As he spoke, Murong Jingyan's eyes turned gloomy, and she looked away with a hint of self-blame, but stopped talking.

"Oh, so that's it"

When Kou Ting saw this, he immediately took a step forward and excused himself: "If that's the case, then Kou feels..."

But when Kou Ting looked back, he saw Huang Dizhou about to take out two blood beads and attack him secretly.

The other monks, even his junior brothers and sisters, all stared at him with suspicious eyes.

After coughing a few times, Kou Ting hurriedly suppressed the words that came to his mouth. Even though he couldn't go against the current, he had to pinch his nose and look aside, and said with his hands behind his back:
"Um, Miss Murong."

"How about you take out the fruit? Kou promises that we can continue to distribute it fairly."

Seeing that there was nothing he could do about his lust mark, Murong Jingyan immediately became anxious. Fortunately, someone suddenly spoke and pointed in a direction:

"Is there someone over there!?"

"Hey, besides us, why are there other people in the Endless Sea?"

Everyone looked at the sound, and sure enough, there were several figures approaching in the distance. Huang Dizhou narrowed his eyes and said to himself:
"After the tide, why are there still living people outside the island?"

"Could it be..."

Kouting also noticed the visitor. He touched his chin, raised his eyebrows and said:
"Interesting." "The Endless Sea did not fall but rose instead. It was a strange phenomenon. It seems that these people must have gone to the Undersea Dragon Palace."

Soon, several people came closer, and someone immediately revealed their identities.

"People from the Department of Defense!?"

"That's right, these people from the Wei Dao Department went to the Dragon Palace??"

The visitors were none other than Shang Que and the others.

"Brother Shang, long time no see." Kou Ting took the initiative to speak, while Huang Dizhou remained silent. After all, he had already killed several members of the Wei Dao Department when he entered the Wenjian World.

Facing Kou Ting's greeting, Shang Que ignored him. His eyes were slightly complicated, and he completely ignored everyone and came to Murong Jingyan.

Under the gaze of many monks, the first inner guard actually raised his hands to bow, bowed to Murong Jingyan and said:

"Thank you, Miss Jingyan, for showing mercy."

As soon as the words fell, the monks around him looked at each other in confusion, and then there were discussions. Even Kou Ting looked stunned, obviously not knowing what happened.

Fortunately, Murong Jingyan reacted quickly, blinked, turned her head, and said calmly:

"No need for that."

"Letting you go is just for Shen Fengchen's sake."

Hearing this, Shang Que raised his head and looked at the mist-like 'woman' in front of him, seeming to be even more unpredictable.

Didn't you just say that Mr. Shen is
Only Huang Dizhou was awake. He was still thinking about the fruit and shouted:

"What game are you playing?"

"Hurry up and hand over the things, Kou Ting, why don't you say a few words?"

Kouting did not answer the question at this moment, but hesitated.

Unlike Huang Dizhou, he was in the court, so he naturally knew Shang Que.

The origin of this first internal guard is mysterious, both his skills and his origins are a mystery. It is only known that he was specially trained by the Department of Wei Dao, and he usually listens to no one except Shen Fengchen.

Moreover, the people in the Wei Dao Department have a divine formation. The more people there are, the harder it is to kill them, not to mention that Shang Que is personally in charge.

What concerned Kou Ting the most was that he could clearly see the indelible emotion in the eyes of the surrounding Wei Daosi masters looking at Miss Murong.

Is that fear?

Hearing Huang Dizhou's rude words, Shang Que just glanced at him lightly.

He naturally knew the origins of these people, but he came here on behalf of the Wei Dao Department. Although he wanted to help Mr. Shen, he did not want to go against anyone. He had his own mission.

As for this mysterious blood-robed man who seemed to be comparable to Kou Ting, Kou Ting only thought that he looked like a dying person.

After all, the purple-clothed beauty in front of her could rival Shen Fengchen with her terrifying strength that could destroy the world just now.

He can not only cast the phantom body of immortals and demons, but also possesses several strange and powerful Taoist techniques, whose origins cannot be guessed even by him. He is definitely the biggest dark horse in this Sword Questioning Association.

offend her.
Shang Que glanced around and shook his head. Even if there were two immortals and demons leading the way, if they really had to fight to the death with this purple-robed pure face, it would be hard to say how many people would survive.

"Shen Su, follow me"

Shang Que looked at Shen Su, who was conspicuous in the crowd, and suddenly spoke.

And Shen Su also walked out at the right time and came to Shang Que.

Turning around, Shang Que bowed to Murong Jingyan again and said, "Then I won't disturb Miss Jingyan."


But just as Shang Que was about to take Shen Su away from the upcoming war, a voice suddenly sounded:
"and many more."

Murong Jingyan's voice was cold, making Shang Que pause and feel awe-inspiring in his heart.

"Am I letting you go?"

Turning around, Shang Que asked tentatively: "Miss Jingyan, do you have anything else to tell me..."

"Take me!!"

(End of this chapter)

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