How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 217 Tongtianya

Chapter 217 Tongtianya

"I mean"

Murong Jingyan closed her eyes, frowned slightly, and said thoughtfully:
"Shen Fengchen and I have a covenant beforehand. After much thought, at least in this Sword Asking Club, I still need to fulfill our agreement."


"Let me go with you."

After the words fell, the little yellow duck hidden in his arms suddenly nodded secretly.

With such shameless energy, it seems that this guy has returned to normal, but what was the situation in the Dragon Palace just now? Forget it, let’s ask later.

Before Shang Que could react, Huang Dizhou, who was not far away, was the first to not buy it and shouted:

"You want to leave after taking something?"

"It's too simple."

Unlike Huang Dizhou, Kou Ting stood with his hands behind his hands, observing the situation without saying a word.

Soon, the people from the Department of Defense turned back.

Shang Que slowly walked in front of Murong Jingyan, nodded and smiled, turning slightly.

"Miss Jingyan, please."

Seeing this scene, Huang Dizhou finally couldn't stand it any longer. His bloody robe shook, and countless fleshy and smelly arrows shot out, and the two blood beads in his hand also shot out.

After some instigation from him, many monks followed suit, hoping to keep the opportunity in Murong Jingyan's hands.

After all, there is strength in numbers, and the people who come to Wenjian Guild are all geniuses. How can you let someone take advantage of you!

There were also people in Dayan Academy who were ready to take action, but they were all stopped by Kouting.

"Don't worry."

"It's weird."

Huang Dizhou's threatening voice came to his ears, and just as he passed by Shang Que, Murong Jingyan's voice was very calm, and he whispered to him:

"It depends on your sincerity in waiting."

Shang Que never looked back, just nodded and said in a deep voice:

Then he turned his head to look at the area, and was about to make a seal to pray to the gods, but found that someone had beaten him to it.

Shen Su, who was dressed in white, took half a step forward. She clasped the hilt of her sword with one hand and tilted her head slightly, as if she was sensing the oncoming Taoism.

"You are injured, so don't show off."

"Go back."

After saying that, she moved her fingertips lightly, and just as the white sword was about to be unsheathed, Shang Que pressed it down.

"Master Shen has a destiny."

"You shouldn't take action too early. I'll take care of this place."

After saying this, Shang Que let go of his hand, no longer hesitated, and immediately formed the formation with his hand gestures.

The blue divine light spread, and countless tentacles emerged, firmly protecting several people including Murong Jingyan. Those Taoist techniques failed to penetrate the layers of light and shadow, and the blood bead magic weapon was also forced back.

"You go first."

"If I stop it, they won't be able to catch up."

As if Murong Jingyan had been granted amnesty, she quickly pulled Shen Su and retreated together.

"Miss Shen, he is right, now is not the time for you to take action."

".Are you worried about me?"

"Ah, of course, but"

"I also want to ask, do you have any magic weapon that can take two people with you?"


At the same time, east of the sea.

As one of the Four Jedi Lands, the place that can even affect the endless sea in the south is called Tongtianya.

Tongtianya is undoubtedly the most mysterious place in the Wenjian world. The mystery is that it is so dangerous that no one has been able to fully understand its secrets.

Unlike the Endless Sea, Tongtianya is a deformed mountain.
The mountain road is winding, with countless caves and caves along the way. Every hour, the entire Tongtianya will fall into the blood moon cycle, and during the blood moon, great terror will come.

Under the moonlight, changes will occur in the mountains, and all kinds of strange opportunities will come one after another.

It is also said that those who climb Tongtianya will have a great opportunity. However, since ancient times, the number of people who can climb Tongtianya is much less than the number of people who can go to the Undersea Dragon Palace. It is almost impossible.

Tongtianya, a cave.


"No, stop. Don't eat, don't eat..."

Deep in the cave, the ground was covered with dark red blood, and from time to time, piercing screams could be heard, heart-wrenching pleas for mercy.

But the only response he received was the terrible sound of chewing.

"Hey, have you two finished eating?"

On a certain stone wall, a petite figure was clasping her fingers in boredom. In her hand was a jade the size of a pigeon egg, which was exactly what she had just looted from someone else.

As the girl's voice came, the chewing sound below suddenly stopped. Beside the stone platform, two humanoid monsters looked up.

These two people were unusually tall and fat. They were estimated to be half a head taller than the stick insect Kouting. They were shirtless, and their already flat faces were stained with blood, making them inconspicuously human.

As they wiped away the blood with grins, their true faces appeared on the stone platform.

It was a monk who had half of his body eaten. His body was still twitching slightly at this moment, and there were faint tears hanging from the corners of his pale eyes. Just seeing this sight made one's spine shiver.

Under the stone platform, a few bloody clothes were randomly discarded, and it was unknown how many people had been killed.

"Junior sister, I still have to rely on you."

"Otherwise, how could we have lured so many people here? The flesh and blood of these geniuses are different from ordinary people, delicious and exciting!" The girl on the stone wall rolled her eyes, jumped off the stone wall and came closer, her The short man could barely reach the belly buttons of the two men. He was playing with the jade in his hand and said:

"This guy is quite wealthy."

"This jade must be a valuable magic weapon. Go back and study it carefully."

The Jinmen Sect is based on the special technique 'Tianshi Dao'. Although it is a small sect, it has a pair of geniuses this year, named Northwest Twin Bears, who were given two quotas by the Kyushu Alliance.

But the girl knew that there was no other reason why these so-called Northwest Bears stood out.

It's because the Jin Men Sect has long been corrupted and secretly allowed these two brothers to fall into the evil way. Their method of practicing the Heavenly Food Path is the same as the evil practice, and they eat human flesh!
As for the origin of the girl, it is also unusual. Someone in her clan is the Supreme Elder of the Jinmen Sect. Only then did she learn about this secret, so she arranged for the girl to make good use of these two brothers in the Wenjian World to help her compete for the Hidden Dragon List.

At first, the girl was disgusted, but after only half a day, the Northwest Twin Bears' strength improved by leaps and bounds after eating a few people. Today, the esophagus was really as powerful as the third grandfather said.
As for her role, it was to attract some monks to the secret cave to slaughter them for them to eat. As for the treasures and magic weapons, she took them away.


"How about you work hard and go out to find someone else? As long as there is one more person, we can break through."

After hearing what the two said, the girl immediately stared, put her hands on her hips and said:

"Still eating, eating again!"

"It's time for everyone else to go up the mountain now. Where can my aunt go to find someone for you here?"

But after all, in the end, the girl reluctantly walked out of the cave, cursing secretly.

"These two guys are so greedy"

"That's all. Once we train them, they will definitely be able to help Brother Yuan."

Thinking of this, the girl's pace was a little brisk, and she quickly came to a corner at the foot of Tongtianya. After looking around, she began to lie down and take a nap, preparing to wait for the rabbit.

If there are still people going up the mountain, this must be the place they must pass.

Not long after, the girl felt sleepy, couldn't help but yawn, turned over and fell asleep.

After a stick of incense.

Da da da,

The sound of the knife clicking meant that someone was climbing up the steps.

The pair of black cloth boots made no sound. As the shadow of his body covered the girl, the unique monk's sense of crisis awakened him and he immediately stood up to take a look.

".You are"

What caught his eye was a face with temples as sharp as a knife and a face as clear as a god.

Her long orange-red hair was spread loosely, and her strong chest was exposed in a red cardigan. Her golden eyes glanced at him casually, with a calm look on her face that would not change even after a mountain collapse.

"Who are you?"

The girl asked subconsciously. When she finished speaking, she realized that her pretty face was slightly red and her tone was a bit floating.

The person who came was none other than Zhu Huanan.

Zhu Huanan ignored it. He squinted his eyes, looked up at the mountains above his head, and murmured to himself:
"To the south, it should be this way."


The girl was obviously stunned. Why would someone ask how to go south at the foot of Tongtianya?

While she was stunned, the handsome and tall swordsman in front of her had already taken steps, passed her and walked in.


"and many more."

The girl hurriedly chased after her. Her eyes subconsciously glanced inside. This direction was the slaughterhouse of those two guys.

According to their skills and their own arrangements, anyone who enters will definitely die.
"Hey, what's your name?"


"It's in the south, right? I know, can you come with me?"

Hearing this, Zhu Huan'an waved his hands casually, as if he didn't want to hear her noise, but instead took a long step forward. The girl had to speed up her pace to barely keep up.

"Hey, don't go forward."

"What's wrong with you! I told you to stop!"

Zhu Huan'an actually stopped after hearing this, but just when the girl thought she had spoken, the tall man in front of her suddenly turned around slowly.
I saw him placing one hand on the handle of the knife, his upper body bent straight down, the disgust in his golden eyes undisguised, staring into his own eyes and saying:

"Who do you think you are ordering?"

The girl felt like she was being stared at by these eyes, and her heartbeat skipped a beat. It was a natural fear of her life being in danger.

There was a rumbling sound in her throat, and she unconsciously wanted to explain:
"Go ahead, there was a loud bang just ahead, the movement was very loud, I'm afraid, I'm afraid it's a powerful monster."


Zhu Huan'an grinned, shook his head, and continued walking forward.

Seeing this, the girl took a deep breath and followed her without giving up. She said, "I am familiar with Tongtianya. I know there is an easy way up. Do you want me to lead the way for you?"

"No need, what I want to go to is the endless sea in the south"

"What!? If you don't go up there, what's wrong with you?"


"Say one more word and I will kill you."

Hearing this, the girl suddenly froze on the spot.

Looking at the back of the swordsman in red without looking back, her face gradually turned cold, and finally she narrowed her eyes:

"Think of your good intentions as a donkey's liver and lungs. I didn't want to kill you because you were handsome, but since you just wanted to die."

"Then you can't blame me."

(End of this chapter)

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