How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 218 Who Is The Monster

Chapter 218 Who Is The Monster
The cave is dark, and the surrounding cold rocks are filled with cold moisture, giving it a vague dreamy feel.
Da da
The sound of the tip of the knife slapping lightly sounded from time to time, and then a pair of cloth boots suddenly stepped into it, causing a splash of water.


Zhu Huanan stood at the entrance, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he felt an unusual atmosphere.

But then, he noticed something, stepped forward gently, and continued walking slowly towards the depths of the cave.

The place was slightly spacious, and the water seeping from the rocks fell on the ground, soaking his trousers. The faint scarlet color in the puddles also took advantage of the chaos and climbed onto the white brocade trousers under the red clothes.

Zhu Huanan finally stopped in front of a stone platform.

Before the remains of the tortured and devoured monk could be cleaned up, mosquitoes and flies were flying around, which was really terrifying.

Lifting his chin slightly, Zhu Huan'an glanced at the tragic scene on the stone platform with his peripheral vision. His eyes did not waver at all, as if this was just ordinary.


Raising his eyebrows, Zhu Huanan gently swung the black knife on his waist, looked at it twice, then turned and left. However, it was not that he wanted to leave the place of right and wrong quickly, but to walk towards the narrow corridor deeper in the cave.

Just when Zhu Huan'an was walking to the fork in the road, a huge sound suddenly came from the depths of the dark cave!


A huge roar of beasts, accompanied by the sound of the fishy wind, was lifted from the cave, making Zhu Huan'an's red clothes rustle.

Zhu Huanan stood tall and did not dodge. His eyes glowed with golden light, and he squinted his left eye and looked with curiosity.

As they got closer, it turned out that this was a huge grizzly bear, charging at him with thunderous force, and its bloody mouth seemed to want to swallow people alive.

The black knife is unsheathed, accompanied by golden fireworks!
The giant bear had no time to be surprised, and was split open by Zhu Huanan's knife. However, the expected rain of blood did not appear. Instead, the grizzly bear's 'corpse' squirmed violently, and turned into a black light and rushed towards it again!

To be precise, it was the knife raised towards Zhu Huanan.

The wriggling black light was like lightning, instantly wrapping Zhu Huan'an's 'Candle Day', and then a strange wave was released, disappearing without a trace in an instant.


Zhu Huan'an looked at his empty right hand and suddenly looked surprised.

"What kind of magic weapon is this thing? It's interesting that it can steal people's weapons."

Just when Zhu Huan'an was about to take action, his eyes moved slightly and he noticed new movement behind him.

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded, and the dim cave became a little darker, as if something huge appeared behind them.

Then, a giant palm covered with hair rested impartially on Zhu Huanan's red-coated shoulder.

"Boy, you are too trusting."

"You didn't run away even if you saw it. You were so careless and lost your knife. If you don't lose your life, who will?"

Before he finished speaking, the man who was bigger than a giant bear suddenly realized that something was wrong. Ordinary people would be shocked when they were slapped like this by him.

But the man in red didn't even look back, and his body didn't tremble at all. The swordsman's weapon was almost a fatal blow, but he didn't show even a trace of fear.

"I say you"

An indifferent voice sounded, and the man in red finally made a move. His long orange hair swayed, and he turned his head slightly, revealing a pair of ruthless eyes.


"On whose shoulders is it placed?"

The big man's pupils shrank, and an unknown premonition prompted him to immediately stop playing.

Almost instantly, he clenched his other free hand into a fist and punched it out violently. The strong wind blew, like a thunderous cannon arriving in the blink of an eye!

The fist wind rippled at the entrance to the narrow stone path. When the strong wind dissipated, the big man's eyes widened in disbelief.

After the Heavenly Food Dao became an evil skill, it was a supreme body-refining magic. Although his attack was hasty, it was still [-]% full of energy.

With its weight and physique of more than [-] kilograms, even the tortoise shells of the alien beasts in the three levels of Tianfeng can be smashed into pieces. If the monks have no time to use Taoist magic and weapons and resist with their physical bodies, their internal organs will definitely be displaced, and they will either be seriously injured or violently injured. shoot.

but now.
He was stopped by the man in red who raised his left palm casually.

"This is impossible."

The big man looked at the soles of Zhu Huan'an's feet and found that the cloth boots did not even have the ability to retreat. Immediately, shame and anger made him jerk back his fists. A rich earth-yellow light rose from the soles of his feet, and his whole body swelled again. In a circle.


With an angry shout, the big man took a big step and came to Zhu Huan'an. He put his two dustpan-sized palms together, intending to smash the guy in front of him into a meat pie!
Comparing strength?
He calls himself the Northwest Twin Bear, and he has been performing at the top level since he was five years old, and he has never lost!

"Ha ha."

Raising his head slightly, Zhu Huan'an's mouth curled up in a mocking arc. He put one hand behind his back, twisted his right ankle slightly, and then followed up with a simple forward kick.

puff! ! ! ! !
With a dull loud noise, the man's body flew out of the cave like a kite with its string broken. The blood in his mouth spurted out like a spring, instantly dyeing the ground red.

"Cough, bah"

After rolling twice on the ground, the big man stood up with his knees up after all.

His ten-foot-tall body swayed slightly, and one could imagine the force of the blow.

In the cave, the unknown man in red walked out slowly, raised his right hand casually, put it on his shoulder and twisted it gently, smiling:

"If your strength is still good, come again."

After Zhu Huanan finished speaking, the big man subconsciously took half a step back, leaving a trace of cold sweat on his forehead.

This guy
For some reason, the man in red just stood there, and his unintentional gestures and eyes almost reminded him of one thing.

That is.
This man is beyond imagination.

"Second brother!"

As a figure rang out, another big man suddenly appeared and ran to the man's side.

In order to prevent people from escaping, one of the two brothers guarded the entrance and the other guarded the corridor. After the big man was shot away, the other one of the two bears rushed over.

"Brother, don't be careless."

"The skills this guy practices are a bit too powerful, and they are even stronger than us."

Just as the two of them were confronting Zhu Huanan, the short girl from before also came to the cave, and she looked surprised when she saw that Er Xiong had suffered a physical loss.

"This guy can still be so powerful after his sword has been taken away by Qian Ling Weng."

"These two stupid big guys are monsters, and they would actually suffer from him?"

"No. You have to help them."

After saying that, the girl's index fingers met, and the entire cave suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and the two big men suddenly looked happy.

Zhu Huan'an looked around and saw that these lights came from the etchings on the wall. They should be some special formations. As these lights shone, Zhu Huan'an felt that his blood was abnormally stagnant, and along with it... The exercises are not running smoothly every day.

".Is this the Tuoba family's blood-sealing technique?"

"Ha." "Collecting weapons and sealing people's energy and blood, the preparations are complete."

Speaking of this, Zhu Huanan looked at the two big men again. The two men were not affected by the formation. Instead, their energy and blood merged, emitting a majestic black light.

These black lights carry a trace of evil energy, which is the manifestation of the evil power that absorbs the essence of human flesh, and condenses into two ferocious giant bears.

It is the ancestral blood image that can only be displayed at the three levels of Tian Feng.

Although the two giant bears are terrifying in their aura, they look like they are at best in the form of alien beasts, not even the divine beasts. However, what is surprising is that the shadows of the two black bears are slowly intersecting and overlapping, and the bears have also taken on the appearance. Variety.

The bear's limbs suddenly grew several times thicker, horns appeared on its head, its back was arched high, its mane was thick, and it even grew a tail like an iron chain.

".I see."

Zhu Huanan nodded secretly and said softly:
"The ancestral blood of the two brothers is exactly the same, and they are able to evolve again. Judging from the appearance of this phantom, it should be a white-faced fly, which is no weaker than the divine beast. In addition, their stature is different from ordinary people, and their energy and blood are several times higher."

"it is good!"

Zhu Huan'an narrowed his eyes slightly, rubbed his knuckles, his eyes showed excitement, and he put on a welcoming posture.

"Come on, let's see how brave you are!"

The two heroes from the northwest immediately laughed angrily when they heard this. The man in front of them had no personal saber, and now he couldn't even exercise, let alone use the ancestral blood image to fight, and he couldn't even use the protective aura just now.

And their brothers have been called the sons of monsters since they were young. They are top-notch bodies that the sect has spent five generations cultivating.


"Even if we smash you into pieces, we will pick you up and eat you clean, don't worry!"

Zhu Huan'an couldn't help but shouted happily:

"If you can do it, come on!"

White-faced Fei let out a roar, and then two big men charged side by side, holding the shadow of the black light beast with four claws, and the whole cave trembled.

Every step of the beast's shadow seemed like the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking. In contrast, Zhu Huan'an's figure was as small as a mantis carrying a chariot.

Zhu Huanan raised his palms and then pushed them out suddenly, intending to reach out and grab the horns!

"Stop for me!!"


There was a roar in the cave, and the powerful white-faced beast seemed to have hit the indestructible iron wall above. It suddenly raised its head and fell backward uncontrollably.

Zhu Huan'an on the other end was also having a hard time. His red clothes were torn into rags by the huge force, and his body was directly smashed into the rock, causing a burst of smoke.

Bai Mian Fei's shadow quietly dispersed, leaving the Northwest Twin Bears supporting him half-kneeling on the ground, with blood oozing from his ears and nose.

The imagined crushing into blood mist did not happen as expected. On the contrary, the force of the collision directly shocked them to the point of bleeding. If their bones were not surprised and they could share the burden with each other, they would have been shocked to death.

Fortunately, the man in red didn't fare much better. He finally stopped moving this time and was knocked away by the huge force. He was probably either dead or seriously injured by now.

"Oh shit."

"What is the origin of this person that he can physically block our combined technique?"

As the elder brother, the big man had a look of disbelief on his face. Even the monks from the Sixth Level of Tianfeng would not dare to use their bodies to try this move for them. This man actually stopped the white-faced Fei?

Just when the two thought they were done, the sound of falling stones and gravel was like a silver needle in a dark room, and then
A figure, like a life-threatening ghost, slowly emerged from the thick smoke.

"how can that be"

Not far away, a short girl stuck her head out, her pretty face showing surprise.

"This guy doesn't have Zhou Tian now, how can he resist this stupid big guy's move and not die? There is no reason."

"Others were maimed by the two of them in just one encounter."

"Hey, him"

When Zhu Huan'an walked out of the smoke, both the girl and the two big men stared at him.

Just because after losing his red clothes, the body of the man in front of him was now exposed and eye-catching.

He has a slender figure, broad and strong shoulders, a waist and a crane, bronzed muscles with bulging veins, and his oblique muscles are like knife-carvings. Every part of him is perfect.

Especially on his generous back, the tattoo of a white-maned black dragon suddenly opened its eyes, lifelike, inlaid with hot gold edges, and seemed to take off.

At this moment, Zhu Huan'an put his hands on the back of his neck. The ravine where his arms connected was filled with a sense of explosive power. His orange hair was disheveled, and his eyes showed indifference:
"It allows me to step back, which is good."

"But if it can only be done to this extent."

"It's not enough."

After the words fell, Shuangxiong felt a kind of death crisis rushing into his heart, and the orange-haired man in the distance appeared in front of him almost in one step.


The two of them did not dare to neglect, and punched out one left and one right, with their fists carrying [-]% of their strength, in order to fight for their own lives.

But the only response they received was the sharp pain from the tip of their noses. The man in front of them punched out in an instant, and their entire faces were dented in an instant. Blood stains were like mist, and their consciousness was blurred.

"Too slow."

Before the two of them fell down, Zhu Huan'an's hands had already pinched their necks, and the huge body weighing more than 500 kilograms was pulled back to attention like a child.

At this moment, the Northwest Twin Bears had long lost their previous arrogance, allowing Zhu Huanan's stormy fists to smash their bodies into pieces, and eventually turned into two pools of indistinguishable flesh.

After doing this, Zhu Huanan opened his palms, and a ray of light flashed out of the dark cave and fell into his hands.

It's candle day.

Behind a certain stone pillar, the Tuoba girl had already covered her mouth with her hands, not daring to make the slightest sound.

How could this guy take his knife back so easily? Was he actually deliberately competing with the stupid big guys to compete physically?

Who is he?
After all, who is the monster?

The cave was quiet except for the gentle rustle of Zhu Huanan leaving. The girl waited for a long time until there was no more movement around her.

After waiting for a while, she dared to slowly release the hand covering her mouth.

But when she swallowed her saliva and turned her head to see what was going on in the field, her whole body froze immediately, and every hair on her body seemed to stand on end.


Her feet softened, and the girl knelt on the ground, her face pale, and her whole body began to tremble unconsciously. It was the fear of death.

Next to the stone pillar, the figure with disheveled orange hair was leaning here, like Shura, looking down with his arms folded.

There was a lingering coldness in those golden eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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