How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 219: Let’s take off our shoes and take a look

Chapter 219: Let’s take off our shoes and take a look

"No, don't kill me!"

At Zhu Huanan's casual glance, the girl felt as if her heart was about to jump out of her mouth, and she couldn't even have the desire to resist.

With his long orange hair swaying, Zhu Huanan stood up straight and said impatiently:

"Let me ask you, where does the Endless Sea go from?"

"Nothing, the endless sea?"

The girl's throat made a rumbling sound. In the end, she didn't dare to ask any more questions and just pointed in the direction of the corridor:
"If you walk through here and head west, you should be able to reach a place called Moon Bay, where you can seemingly see the endless sea."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Huanan immediately turned around without stopping at all.

Seeing Zhu Huan'an leave, his back gradually drifting away, but the gradually extinguishing black dragon tattoo was deeply reflected in her eyes, and the girl breathed a sigh of relief.

I. Didn't die?

For some reason, a thought suddenly occurred to her, and she couldn't help mustering up the courage to shout: "Why don't you kill me?"

Zhu Huan'an continued to move forward, casually took out another matching redwood piece from the storage artifact, and put it on his shoulders.


After closing the redwood trees, Zhu Huanan's voice was calm:

"Here, you're going to die sooner or later, that's all."

Not long after, at the exit of the corridor, a familiar figure in red walked out slowly.

"Moon Bay, to the west?"

Just when Zhu Huan'an was about to step forward, his feet suddenly stopped and he slowly looked up.

Strange things happen!

Endless dark clouds quietly emerged, as if spreading from the void, and dim light shrouded the surrounding areas, filled with an ominous atmosphere.

There seemed to be something brewing in the dark clouds.

Zhu Huan'an also frowned and looked sideways in a direction in the darkness.

There, something seemed to be calling him.
After hesitating for a moment, Zhu Huanan finally walked in that direction and quickened his pace.

"Junior sister should be safe for a while."

"Go and see first."

At the same time, Moon Bay.

There was a man who hurriedly landed ashore. This man had red eyebrows and long hair, and his body was soaked by the sea water. It was Cui Weijing.

Cui Weijing's face was not pretty, and even with the luck of these disasters, he couldn't help but look at the dark endless sea behind him.

"Fortunately, I walk fast."

"The strength of this demon girl is too terrifying. All the people in Wanlun Kingdom were killed by her alone. Who is she? An evil cultivator?"

After the Dragon Palace was destroyed, he did not take the initiative to find Murong Jingyan like Shang Que, but took advantage of the chaos and left quickly.

Although he was filled with pride, he had not lost his mind because of it.

Outside, he is the Holy Son of the Nine Provinces Alliance, and even those with the appearance of immortals and demons have to give him honor, so he cannot be neglected, but when he enters the Wenjian Sword World, he is really respected for his strength.

He is every inch longer and every inch stronger. Even if he is the strongest in the form of a mythical beast, he would never dare to offend those ruthless characters. If he says he will lose his life, he will really lose his life.

To the end of the world.
Cui Weijing looked up at the gathering dark clouds and thought silently in his heart.

Logically speaking, neither the Endless Sea nor Tongtianya is the place he should come to on this trip.

Long before joining the alliance, the leader of the Nine Provinces Alliance had issued an order to force the two forces in the Nine Provinces Alliance to reach an agreement, just because they had a task that must be completed in the Wenjian World.

Therefore, Qian Rong and him cannot fight each other, but each has his own destiny. If it is known that they are fighting among themselves after leaving the meeting, both of them will be directly deposed by the leader of the Nine Provinces.

"According to the plan, that guy Qian Rong should still be looking for work in the west. He probably thought I was in the north, damn it."

"After all this effort, I asked my father to send me to the Endless Sea alone to look for the blood-tempering opportunity in the Dragon Palace. I didn't expect to encounter such variables."

"However, there is another way to achieve my goal."

When Cui Weijing said this, he rubbed his knuckles vigorously, his expression obviously troubled.

"Do you really want to find Yuan Chuang?"

After Cui Weijing left in a hurry and burned an incense, the sound of wind on Yuehai Bay started again.

A white sword came from the sky, cut through the sea, and hung steadily on the stone beach of Moon Bay.

Shen Su put away the white sword, and two figures fell from the air, making a thud sound after landing on the stone beach.

Her ears twitched slightly, and Shen Su turned around in confusion.

"It's okay."

A cold voice came back immediately, dispelling Shen Su's doubts.At this moment, Murong Jingyan's cheeks were flushed, and his steps were a little staggering. He had lost his cultivation energy and blood, and the height of the three floors almost made him fall to pieces.

Gan. Why does it have to stop in mid-air?

Even though the Tian Feng monk's physical body had transformed, Murong Jingyan did not have Zhou Tian's body protection. It was obvious that his ankle had accidentally been inserted into the crack of the stone, and the stone had penetrated into the bone, and it was definitely broken.

Although Shen Su was blind, he felt the changes in the world at this moment and asked, "Is the blood moon about to come out?"

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan held back the slightest pain, nodded and said:
"It's dark."

"It should be a sign that the blood moon is about to appear."

Shen Su hummed. Her white clothes were particularly obvious in the dark, like a white lotus straying into the scorched earth.

"Murong Jingyan, are you really looking for Shen Fengchen?"

Hearing Shen Su's question, Murong Jingyan opened her mouth slightly, thinking that Shen Su's position should be that of the Shen family, and finally breathed out slowly: "Of course."

".it is good."

"Then you wait here for Shang Que, I have some things to deal with."

After saying that, Shen Su nodded slightly and flew away in one direction at an extremely fast speed, leaving Murong Jingyan alone.

"Just leave like this?"

Seeing Shen Su suddenly disappear, Murong Jingyan relaxed her expression and bent down in pain to look at her left ankle.

"Without the blessing of the surrounding air and blood, my physical body would be so fragile."

"No, we can't let Shang Que and the others see it."

Looking back at the Endless Sea, Murong Jingyan decided to take advantage of the approaching blood moon to find a secluded place to stay in Tongtianya and wait for the effects of the Penglai Blood Fruit to be digested.

As soon as she said it, Murong Jingyan struggled to pull out her left leg, and then walked in the opposite direction where Shen Su disappeared.

As long as they stay away from this beach, they probably won't be overtaken by Shang Que, Kuoting and his group who will arrive later.

"I didn't expect that I would still be hiding from people, really."

"It's all that guy's fault."

Dark clouds rolled in, and Murong Jingyan came to the intersection of mountains. There were countless huge monuments here, just like an ancient cemetery.


He randomly found a stone tablet to lean on, and the pain under his feet became more intense. At this moment, he could bear it to the limit and slowly slid to the ground along the stone tablet.

"No, let's take off our shoes and take a look."

With her smooth black hair stuck to her thin shoulders, Murong Jingyan pursed her lips and took off her boots bit by bit.

Taking a long breath and wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Murong Jingyan looked at her snow-white feet.

Unlike ordinary monks, Murong Jingyan's legs were slender without even the slightest trace of cultivation. Her ankles were slender and graceful, just like a pampered lady.

"Isn't it such a coincidence?"

Murong Jingyan took off her shoes and socks. The white cloth was stained with blood, and her ankles turned purple. It was a short, slightly rusty needle that had been pierced into it.

Pulling out the broken needle, Murong Jingyan immediately stretched out her hand to touch the blood vessels and murmured:
"It seems that there are some hidden weapons left behind by the monks who once died here."

"What a coincidence that it happened to be stuck in the crack of the rock, just to harm me today?"

Sighing, Murong Jingyan threw the silver needle aside with a clanging sound.

But it was this sound that made Murong Jingyan realize that something was wrong.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, Murong Jingyan was shocked to see a pair of bright yellow boots standing not far away, and the silver needle rolled down to his feet.

who! ?
Murong Jingyan was still sitting on the ground at this moment, one foot had not yet put on a shoe, and she was extremely embarrassed.

But this is not the time to be embarrassed. There are no good people in the Wenjian world, not to mention that his current state is extremely passive.
Force yourself to stand up on a pillar?
No, wouldn't that mean telling others that I was seriously injured because I jumped off the flying sword and couldn't stand still?
Selling your face to save your life?

Forget it, I'm just afraid the end will be even worse.

In the end, Murong Jingyan chose to stand still and once again adopted a cold-eyed attitude. She put a hand on her knee and said calmly:
"Who is it?"

"Since the silver needle has fallen under your feet, it means that I have already discovered your traces. Why don't you come out?"


"This seat?"

"Since when did you have such a self-title?"

In the darkness, the figure moved slowly, and Murong Jingyan looked sideways, and her expression suddenly changed.

"It's you.?"

(End of this chapter)

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