How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 220 You swear an oath

Chapter 220 You swear an oath

After seeing the identity of the visitor, Murong Jingyan casually threw a stone and let out a long breath:

"It is you!"

Damn, it scared me to death.
The figure walked out slowly. He was wearing a bright yellow robe, with white hair on his temples. He had a dry face.

Qian Rong also had a puzzled look on his face at this moment. He looked at Murong Jingyan and said:

"Are you injured?"

"Who did it?"

Hearing Qian Rong's question, Murong Jingyan's heart suddenly moved, and the relaxation on his face instantly subsided.

After all, he and Qian Rong still have a relationship of mutual use on the surface. Whether they are enemies or friends depends entirely on their own strength.

With his eyes lowered, Murong Jingyan opened his mouth and waved his hands:
"I was besieged on Penglai Island, so I suffered some injuries, but it's nothing."

"After all, my strength is no match for Xunxun."


Halfway through her words, Murong Jingyan immediately took back her half-stretched legs and said with a frown:
"Where are you looking??"

He coughed twice, rubbed his nose dryly and came closer.

He quietly looked at Murong Jingyan's feet, cleared his throat and said, "Penglai Immortal Island?"

"So, you descended into the endless sea in the south?"


"What about you? This is the border of Tongtianya. Why are you still at the foot of the mountain for so long?"


"Are you still watching!!?"

After being exposed by Murong Jingyan, Qianrong could only raise his head and pretend to look at the dark clouds on the horizon, touched his chin and said:

"I didn't expect to meet you here, it's just a coincidence."

Thinking of something, Qian Rong lowered his head and said:
"But you must never reveal to others that I am in Tongtianya."

"What do you mean, are you hiding from someone?"

"Don't ask."

Qian Rong waved his hand and pointed:

"Now that you're here, you can help me."

"I want to take a road from this forest of steles to the top of Tongtianya. If I encounter troublesome people along the way, you can clear them for me. I won't reveal my identity."

Murong Jingyan felt her eyelids twitch when she saw Qianrong giving orders.

It's even more inconvenient for me, brother.

Changing her position, Murong Jingyan crossed one leg under her injured leg and sighed:

"Unfortunately, my legs and feet were poisoned by thaumaturgy. If I don't practice for two or three days, I'm afraid I won't be able to exert [-]% of my power, and I won't be able to help you."

"Ah, really, let me take a look for you."

"No, stop!"

Murong Jingyan was about to stand up and quickly raised her hand to stop Qian Rong.

If this guy gets close enough to see that he is bleeding just after being penetrated by a sharp blade, he will be able to guess at a glance that he is stagnant.

"Tell me, what on earth did you come to Tong Tianya for?"

"It's not your style to be so evasive. Besides, where are your men from the Nine Provinces Alliance?"

When Murong Jingyan asked him a straightforward question, Qianrong hesitated for a moment and explained:
"Don't ask. Our alliance has important matters to arrange. It is impossible to share these secrets with you."

"But before the Central Sword Immortal State is opened, I still have some time. Now I just take the time to go to Tongtianya to find an opportunity."

While speaking, Qian Rong sat down next to Murong Jingyan, leaned an arm against the crooked stone tablet, and said with a smile:

"So we can't let that guy Cui Weijing know about it. Otherwise, with his temperament, he will stir up trouble within the alliance and say that I am depriving the public for personal reasons. It will be bad if it is said that I am a petty person and ruins the major affairs of our alliance."

"Cui Weijing?"

Murong Jingyan blinked, tilted her head and said:
"Is your major event related to the Undersea Dragon Palace?"


Qian Rong tilted his head and looked confused: "What Dragon Palace?"

"Are you talking about the Undersea Dragon Palace in the Endless Sea?"

"Yes." Murong Jingyan took out some pills and twisted them into powder.

These pills were prepared during his Earth Lock period and have not been used since entering Qijian Villa. At this time, they were evenly applied on the wound on the instep, attracting Qian Rong to glance at him quietly.

However, Murong Jingyan's words immediately made him look stunned.

"I have already met him in the Undersea Dragon Palace."

Narrowing his eyes, Qian Rong finally smiled and said:
"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"This guy should be in the north at the moment. How could he go to the endless sea in the south?"


Murong Jingyan raised her eyes and tutted:

"The red eyebrows are so obvious, can I still admit that they are wrong?"

"He is in the Endless Sea. Not only have I seen him, but I have also seen him hanging out with a bunch of weirdos. They are not from your Nine Provinces Alliance."


Qian Rong turned sideways, with a doubtful expression on his face: "Why is he in the Endless Sea? Are you lying to me?"

Seeing Qian Rong, she still didn't believe it. Murong Jingyan was also speechless and angry. She raised her hand to brush away the scattered hair from her forehead and said word by word:

"I said I saw him"

"Then tell me who he is with."

With a blank look on her face, Murong Jingyan leaned half against the stone tablet and casually rolled up a strand of soft hair:
"I won't tell you unless"

Qian Rong quickly asked: "Unless what?"


Murong Jingyan glanced at her narrow Danfeng eyes and said lightly:
"As you can see, I'm injured now, and I'm not familiar with Tongtianya. Please protect me for a few days."

".it is good."

After hearing this, Murong Jingyan immediately raised her finger and pointed at Qianrong's heart:
"Then you swear an oath!"

Hearing the words "Dao Dao Oath", Qian Rong suddenly felt an unknown fire in his heart. He also remembered the time when he was forced to take the Dao Dao Oath at Qijian Villa. Even though the face in front of him was Zhang Wuxia's face, he still subconsciously said:

"I wonder if you guys are bullying others."

Before he could roll up his sleeves and get angry, Murong Jingyan seemed to have pinched his lifeline and curled his lips and said:
"Forget it, forget it, I think some people don't really want the position of the Holy Son, it doesn't matter~"

Qian Rong took a deep breath, forced to calm down his emotions, and raised his fingers to the sky.

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.
Let’s get hold of this person named Cui first.
Crackling (The oath of the road is fulfilled.)
at the same time.

The Western Jedi, the Valley of Ten Thousand Burials.

As the name suggests, this place is a long valley. The land is scorched black, with will-o'-the-wisps lingering around. There are dead bones every step of the way, and piles of heads can be seen everywhere.

"Yuan Chuang, you will not die well."

"We from the Nine Provinces Alliance will not let you go."

Accompanied by groans and wails, monks wearing Dayan Academy robes stood scattered beside a mountain of bones somewhere, and another figure was sitting on the mountain of corpses.

This man wears a black silk ribbon on his head, which floats in the wind. His tied black hair exudes the heroic spirit of a young man.

But he had a pair of green eyes, which revealed a deadly gloominess that made people shudder.

Under Yuan Chuang's feet, he was stepping on the corpses of countless prodigies, including many of the direct disciples and descendants of the leading figures in the Nine Provinces League, all of whom died with their eyes open.

Some disciples from Dayan Academy looked up, their eyes full of admiration and a hint of fear.

"As the leader, he is truly extraordinary."

"So many heroes from the cultivation world are surrounding them, but the leader is able to scatter them all with just one person."

While these people were whispering, Yuan Chuang's face was calm, and he slowly closed his eyes and fell into thought.

"I clearly feel that there are immortals and demons here, but why have they never come forward? Could it be because they are afraid of becoming my enemy?"

"And what are these guys from the Nine Provinces Alliance planning to do if they gather here and there is no one to lead them."

After saying this, Yuan Chuang stood up on his knees and looked east, in the direction of the Central Sword Immortal State.

"In this outer area, killing people is almost meaningless."

"If you want to kill, you should hunt down those immortals and demons, and..."

"Where is that guy Shen Fengchen?"

(End of this chapter)

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