How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 221: Be more clear next time

Chapter 221: Be clearer next time

To the end of the world.

The black mountains are soaring, and the accumulated dark clouds cover half of the sky. Only the gradual blush indicates that the blood moon is about to rise.

"You mean, the person named Cui is mixed with people of unknown origin?"

Beside the stone tablet, the dry look in his eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, and he touched his chin and said:
"If what is said is true, this is great news."

On the side, Murong Jingyan rubbed her ankles, applied ointment, and echoed without raising her head:
"There is news."

"You can deal with him now?"

"of course."

He hissed, rested his dry elbows on his knees, and murmured to himself:

"Cui is so derelict in his duties, so he is not afraid that if there is a mistake in the alliance's arrangement, he will not be able to escape the blame."

"What's more, he also formed a clique in private. With this reason, hey, I finally got a chance to kill him."

"It's just that I can't personally come forward in this matter."

Murong Jingyan glanced over and asked:

"Why, do you have to give up such a good opportunity?"

"Of course not."

Qian Rong waved his hand and coughed dryly.

"After all, I came out secretly this time. To catch him personally wouldn't it be a thief's cry to catch a thief?"

Suddenly thinking of something, Qianrong turned sideways and asked hurriedly:


"Since you have fought against him, you know where Cui is going and who his accomplices are. When I go back and catch these people, I'm not afraid that I won't be able to get involved with him."

Murong Jingyan was stunned when she heard this, holding her white socks in her hands and blinking.


"Are you talking about those people? I'm afraid they are...some are hard to find."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan quickly put on her socks and looked to the side.

Those guys with mysterious origins were all killed by 'Murong Jingyan', and even the bones could not be found. How could they find them?

By the way, who are those people?
His consciousness sank into the illusion of three souls and seven souls. Murong Jingyan was not very clear about everything that happened in the Dragon Palace. He could only vaguely understand some fragments from the little yellow duck's narration.

"Not easy to find?"

Qian Rong pressed his cheeks, rubbed his hands and pondered, then smiled for a while and said:

"At least, I can still rely on you."

Murong Jingyan put on her shoes and after hearing this, she raised her finger and pointed at herself.

"Since you have fought against this person named Cui, all you need to do is to identify the matter in front of everyone in the Nine Provinces Alliance. Of course, he will not defend himself, and the rest will be left to me."

Murong Jingyan still wanted to say something, but suddenly, the dim sky reflected light.

It was a strange, scattered blood-colored slanting light. The dark clouds dispersed instantly, and the boundless bloody light spread from the top of the head, like the underworld and the stars.

The blood moon is coming.

Murong Jingyan unconsciously looked up, but heard a short shout: "Don't look!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure was already standing in front of him. It was Qian Rong who stood up instantly and blocked Murong Jingyan's sight, frowning.

At this moment, for some reason Murong Jingyan suddenly felt a vague sense of familiarity.

Glancing back from the corner of his eye, Qian Rong looked at the soil that was yellowed by the light of the blood moon on the forest floor, and stretched out his hand towards Murong Jingyan:
"Follow me."

Under the leadership of Qian Rong, Murong Jingyan followed Yu Yu forward among the broken stone walls. The two of them walked in the backlight, as if they were avoiding the light of the blood moon.

Qian Rong's voice also sounded from time to time, explaining to Murong Jingyan:

"The biggest taboo in Tongtianya is not to look directly at the blood moon."

"If you dare to try, your consciousness will be damaged and you will have no hope of becoming a saint. If you dare to try it, you will become a walking corpse and become the food for foreign objects in the world."

Almost as soon as Qian Rong finished speaking, something strange appeared in their eyes.

They were some humanoid monsters that staggered out of the forest of stone tablets. These 'monsters' staggered, with rotten flesh and blood hanging all over their bodies, and cloth strips hanging from their shoulder blades could be vaguely seen.

And in his hands, he held a variety of weapons.

Murong Jingyan followed Qian Rong and said with a frown:
"These are not the monks you mentioned who looked directly at the blood moon and became walking corpses, right?"

"Do not."

Surprisingly, Qian Rong categorically denied it. He made a hand gesture with one hand, tilted his head slightly and looked back and said in a deep voice:

"Don't look at them."

"They are neither humans nor monks, just foreign objects."

After saying that, a bright yellow holy light of energy and blood appeared on Qian Rong's body, and a golden dragon emerged from his forehead and rushed towards the humanoid monsters. With just a flick of its tail, it smashed these foreign objects into pieces. .

Then Qianrong continued to walk forward, while Murong Jingyan quietly turned back, only to see that the so-called foreign object that had just been run over by the golden dragon actually appeared in the same place again.

Their limbs were intact, still dragging those heavy weapons, looking up at the blood moon in the sky, as if the attack just now was just a dream.

"Hey." Qianrong said and stopped. Murong Jingyan came to his senses and happened to bump into Qianrong's junior.

Qian Rong looked confused and asked tentatively:
"It's nothing serious for you."

Murong Jingyan rubbed her nose and said in a low voice, "Why do you say this?"

"You are following me so closely that you are almost on my back. Are you afraid that I will leave you behind?"

Seeing that Qianrong had seen the clues, Murong Jingyan thought about it and decided to tell the truth.

After all, this guy has sworn a great oath and cannot harm himself, and besides, he has to be counted on to act as a bodyguard for him.

"I'm feeling a bit sluggish right now, and it will take a few days to reply."

"So next"

Seeing Murong Jingyan say this, Qianrong's face also showed an inexplicable meaning:
".I see."

"Then don't leave my side for the next few days."

The blood moon crosses the sky, but not all the time.

The moon rises and the moon sets, and two days fly by.

Tongtianya, as the name suggests, the mountain is so high that it can almost reach the sky, and on the back side of the mountain are split mountains and cliffs, which are bottomless. The bottom of the cliff is covered by clouds and mist. No one who has fallen into it has survived since ancient times.

On the back side of the mountain, there is a winding stone step, which is a natural creation. It is steep and steep. Although you cannot climb to the sky, you can lead to the bottom of the cliff.

At this moment, there are two figures walking slowly on the stone steps.

Murong Jingyan followed Qian Rong. This guy's route was quite strange. The strange thing was that he didn't meet anyone along the way.

"Hey, everyone else is heading up the mountain, why do you run to the bottom of the cliff?"

When Qian Rong, who was leading the way, heard this, he exhaled from the corner of his mouth and stated the purpose of his trip without hesitation:

"People don't know that the opportunity to reach the bottom of the world is no less than that of the top of the cliff. Besides, who said that you can't climb mountains when you reach the bottom of this cliff?"

Murong Jingyan looked at her feet cautiously and stepped carefully on the stone steps. Qianrong was full of energy and blood, and every step he took was like a light skill, and he was not afraid of missing anything.

But now I don’t have the blessing of Qi and blood. If it weren’t for my small feet, I wouldn’t even have a foothold.

Fortunately, Qianrong didn't rush them, and the two of them walked leisurely along the way.

"What chance are you talking about?"

Qian Rong turned around, used his strength to pull Murong Jingyan up onto a stone platform, and said with his hands behind his back:
"At the bottom of Tongtianya, there is a broken flower rhizome. What I want is to get it."

"Oh? What's the effect?"


"Then you are the only one who knows this path?"

"of course."

"Then, who are those people in front of you?"

As Murong Jingyan raised her hand, Qian Rong looked in shock. Sure enough, four figures were slowly walking out of the fog in front of them.

"Unexpectedly, there are other people coming here. Are you also here to find Butterfly Valley?"

A voice came, making Qianrong slowly put down his hand.

The few people who came out of the fog were wearing primitive clothes. They all looked like men full of wild strength. Their bronze skin looked obviously different from those of famous families in Kyushu.

"Huh? Are you Qian Rong?"

The leading man had a white hemp rope tied around his shoulders, and he looked like a ruthless man. He seemed to recognize Qian Rong, and his expression changed obviously.

Seeing this, Murong Jingyan breathed a sigh of relief, she seemed to know him.

Just the next second, the man's words suddenly made Murong Jingyan's heart skip a beat.

"Qian Rong!"

"You are killing my fellow clansmen, insulting my clan sister, and destroying my clan brother's innocence. I finally caught you!"

"Etc., etc!"

Before the man could finish speaking, Qian Rong quickly raised his hand to interrupt and asked:
"I have forgotten about killing your fellow disciples and humiliating your senior sister. It doesn't matter if you admit it, but when did I ruin your junior brother's innocence?"

The man said solemnly: "You tricked him into going to a brothel. The next day, my brother woke up naked on the street and became a laughing stock. His heart was broken...doesn't this destroy his innocence!?"


"Speak more clearly next time."

Qian Rong wiped his sweat, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I thought I was drunk and fell in love with a man."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan, who was behind him, raised his eyebrows and said with an arched face:
"Hey, your enemy?"

"Stop playing around and get rid of them quickly."

But what responded to Murong Jingyan was something Qianrong secretly stuffed into herself behind her back.

"This is a wind-moving spell. You can stick to it later and leave first."

"These guys should be the Seven Monsters of Peizhou. Their origins are not simple. Besides, since they know Butterfly Valley, they seem to have some inside information. They are really difficult to deal with."

"Later, you go first, so as not to delay my display of fists."

(End of this chapter)

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