How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 222 Brother 2, come here and take a look

Chapter 222 Second brother, come and take a look
Almost at the moment Qian Rong finished speaking, the four people in front took action decisively.

The cliff is steep, and there is a bottomless abyss of mist at the foot. It is said that no one who fell into it survived, but two of them actually climbed the rock with ape-like arms, and rushed towards the ravine on the cliff like blue sheep, staring at the ravine.

The other two stood on the stone steps opposite, bows and arrows ready, and they shot over without any explanation, testing Qian Rong's strength.

Qian Rong remained calm, moved his waist and horse slightly under his feet, and then raised his right palm.

I saw bright yellow energy and blood rising all over his body, and as the palms of his hands suddenly swayed out, the two swift arrows seemed to have crashed into a cotton net, and stopped in mid-air.

The strong man at the head was not surprised when he saw this situation. Unlike the two bears in the northwest, he was very calm-minded.

"The origin of this Qianrong's ancestral blood has never been known. We only know that his practice skills are good at practicing difficult skills, and he is impeccable. This is true when we see him."

"But it doesn't matter even if he looks like a fairy or demon, as long as he knocks him off the cliff."

Blocking the attack casually, Qianrong urged behind him: "Still not leaving?"

Murong Jingyan looked through Qianrong's back at the people who were rushing towards them with murderous intent. She gritted her teeth and put the talisman on her leg, and whispered:

"Be careful yourself. Don't be careless and lose your life here."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan no longer hesitated and immediately turned around and left.

If he was still cultivating, how could he become a burden? Even if the so-called Seven Monsters of Peizhou were as difficult to deal with as Qian Rong said, it would only take more time.


Because his body was blocked by his bare face and covered by mist, the leader of the Peizhou Seven Monsters had not noticed Murong Jingyan before. Now he narrowed his eyes and said:
"There is one more person."

".A woman?"

He grinned and looked at the dry face not far away, revealing a body that was confident of winning:
"It seems that this guy is destined to be caught by me today."

"Brother, what should I do with this woman?"

Another man next to him stepped forward and asked.

Raising his eyebrows, the leader of the Peizhou Seven Monsters raised his chin and said, "Send the arrows and ask the second brother, the third brother, and the fifth brother to withdraw from the Butterfly Valley and capture this woman."

With the blessing of the Wind Movement Curse, Murong Jingyan's legs and feet obviously became much lighter, and she was finally able to move around on the cliff.

However, this march also caused the scabbed wounds on Murong Jingyan's feet to burst, causing frowns.

Looking down, the white cloth shoes were stained with bright red blood, but now was not the time to worry about these minor injuries. Murong Jingyan never stopped. After all, if Qian Rong could not stop them all, wouldn't he follow Bai? Give.


"The energy and blood are all stagnant, and I can't even use the Ming Xing Seal."

Brush, brush!
Before Murong Jingyan could run out two miles, there were sudden bursts of gravel trampling above her head, and there were even gravels rolling down in front of her eyes.

Looking up, Murong Jingyan could barely see a figure flashing through the thick fog.

"Quick, that woman shouldn't have run far away."

"Damn it, Butterfly Valley can't be entered at all. It will take us several days of effort."

"It doesn't matter. If I can kill Qian Rong here, I can go back to 'them' to receive the reward."

Hearing the sound above her head, Murong Jingyan's expression changed slightly, her back pressed against the stone wall and she did not dare to make any sound.

Qianrong didn't stop him?

No sound to these three people.
Murong Jingyan suddenly remembered that Qian Rong said that these people were called the Seven Monsters of Peizhou, which meant that these were the other three people who had not come forward?
Just as Murong Jingyan's eyes flickered, the sounds of those stepping on stones were getting closer and closer, approaching her from several directions above her head.

Gritting her teeth, Murong Jingyan looked in the direction of her feet and had no choice but to jump down.

While the Wind Movement Curse is still in effect, I can still walk up and down the cliff using my hands and feet.

Murong Jingyan landed on a stone platform. The heartbreaking pain under her feet made her pretty face even more pale. She swallowed the pain with her wrinkled nose, and then continued to jump towards the pine trees below.

But even though Murong Jingyan had reduced her voice as much as possible, the pursuit above her was still getting closer.

"There's blood!"

"This way, she's going down."

Murong Jingyan, who was running away, almost cursed, "You are making trouble for Qian Rong, what are you doing to me?"
In this way, Murong Jingyan kept running away under the cover of the mist, but no matter how she dodged, the footsteps behind her always followed her. After all, every time she stayed, the blood under her feet would leave a mark.



As a weak branch broke, Murong Jingyan's feet were empty. Finally, she lost her footing and fell down the cliff, dozens of feet straight.

As the world began to spin, Murong Jingyan fell heavily into the valley.Fortunately, there were soft lawns deep in the valley bottom, and there were rocks as a buffer, so Murong Jingyan would not fall into pieces.

But even so, Murong Jingyan didn't feel better, her limbs were sore and weak, and they were all bruised from the rocks. Her black hair was disheveled, and her cheeks were stained with dust and mud, making her extremely miserable.

There was even a trace of blood on his forehead, and his whole head felt dizzy.

Soon, three dull sounds of landing came from the ears. The second, third and fifth of the seven monsters in Peizhou drew their weapons and surrounded Murong Jingyan tightly with their horns.

"Tsk, this woman is really interesting. She knew she was outmatched and only thought about running away, but she could fall like this."

The third child said doubtfully:
"Could it be that the eldest lady of some family was frightened to death?"

Lao Wu chuckled, looked at a short man and said, "Second brother, do you want to cut off your head and take it back, or do you just carry it back like this?"

The short man ignored the other two people at the moment, just walked around and asked:
"Don't you see anything wrong here?"


The third child seemed to have discovered something, and said dumbly: "Could this be Butterfly Valley?"


Lao Wu immediately followed and looked around.

Legend has it that the abyss that reaches the end of the world has no end, and if you fall into it, you will die. There is only one place to stay called Butterfly Valley, which contains a ray of life and great opportunities.

For several days, the brothers took turns searching for Butterfly Valley on the backside of Tongtianya, but they found nothing and could only see the endless abyss.

"This grassland should be the bottom of the valley." The short man's eyes showed excitement.

"I didn't expect to find the Butterfly Valley by accident. I really couldn't find anything anywhere, and it took no effort at all."

As he said that, he looked at Lao Wu:

"Lao Wu, take this woman back to your elder brother immediately to coerce Qian Rong."


When Lao Wu heard the words, he immediately agreed. Then he walked to Murong Jingyan who was lying on his back, stretched out one hand and grabbed Murong Jingyan's long hair.

"Let me see, this woman is..."

"Second brother, third brother"

"Come and see."

The second and third children who were talking looked puzzled when they heard this, and then the third child came over.

"Stop playing around and get down to business."

"Brother, he is still waiting for you."

Before the second child finished his lesson, he found that the third child was also frozen in place, with a dull look in his eyes.

"Second brother, why don't you come over and take a look."

The impatient second brother walked over quickly, slapped his hand away, violently grabbed Murong Jingyan's hair, and forced his face away.

His move even caused the second and third sons to reach out subconsciously, as if to say be careful.

"Damn, what kind of big shot can scare you like this?"

As the second hand pressed harder, the cheek covered with scattered sideburns was also revealed in front of him.

The first thing that catches the eye is the tired and sleepy eyes behind the broken hair. Even if there are blood and dust, it is still difficult to conceal the indescribable beauty.

Dai's eyebrows furrowed, and her eyes slowly gained strength, staring at him intently.


The second brother let go of his hand, his eyes also filled with shock.

He couldn't help but ask the practical questions that everyone who met Murong Jingyan would think about.

How could there be such a perfect face in this world.

Just when the three of them looked at each other and their eyes intertwined, suddenly in the fog of Butterfly Valley, a figure broke through the fog and walked slowly towards here.

The man carries a big sword on his back, wears a blue robe, and has long hair covering his back.

He looked forward with an indifferent look, carrying the noble air of a king.

(End of this chapter)

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