How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 223 What you are waiting for is a capital crime.

Chapter 223 What you are waiting for is a capital crime.

Butterfly Valley is full of grass and mist.

Under the cliff, three of the Seven Peizhou Monsters gathered around Murong Jingyan and were not in a hurry to leave.

"This woman is so beautiful. Third brother, you are very experienced. Have you ever seen such a beautiful woman?"

The third child touched his head, looked at Murong Jingyan's cheeks, and said:

"That's true. Even the most famous oiran in Peizhou is not so beautiful. What if I take this back?"

Speaking of this, the third child looked at the second brother who had been silent.

"What do you mean?"

The second brother obviously knew what he was asking. The three brothers looked at each other. Finally, the second brother waved his hand and ordered:

"Don't kill this woman yet. After we take care of that girl, it's not up to us brothers to decide what to do with her."

"Third brother, don't stay here anymore. Go back with the fifth brother and help the elder brother kill Qianrong quickly to receive the reward."

At this moment, Murong Jingyan, who was lying on the ground, listened to everything. The depression and nausea in his heart made his fingers dig into the mud.

Before entering the Wen Jian Hui, I never thought that I would end up in such a situation and become a sheep to be slaughtered.

Besides, if you take off your pants, your death will be even worse.

No way
Murong Jingyan closed her eyes and tried her best to mobilize Zhou Tian, ​​hoping to awaken the power of the sleeping sealed ancestral blood. As long as she could awaken [-]% of it, it wouldn't be a problem to deal with these three people.

If you take ten thousand steps back, even if you are half-awakened, you can get out of trouble by using the Underworld Seal. Why is this?

But no matter how hard Murong Jingyan tried, all he got in response was severe pain all over his body. Falling from the sharp rocks on the cliff, it was really not easy for his body to not fall apart without the protection of the surrounding air and blood.


"Do you want me to help you deal with them?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the bottom of Murong Jingyan's heart, making her slightly startled.

Immediately, Murong Jingyan understood something. This was the prince's consciousness in her heart causing trouble again, and she immediately spat in her heart.

This is all due to your blind arrogance. If you don't swallow those three fruits, I can kill them all by myself.

"Ha ha."

The prince's voice was teasing and sarcastic, but he did not stop because of Murong Jingyan's rejection.

"If you can't survive the next moment, what if?"

The cold voice is seductive, leading people to fall in step by step, and they can't help but want to nod in agreement:
"As long as you say you are willing."

"I can make your body intact as before, and even go one step further.

Just when Murong Jingyan was lost in thought, the sound of rustling footsteps was heard in the mist of Butterfly Valley.

The three monsters of Peizhou also heard the movement, and immediately bowed to look, squinting and saying, "Is there anyone else in Butterfly Valley?"

"Isn't it Qianrong?"

"No, it should be a stranger."

The grass and trees rustled, and under the gaze of several people, the silhouette of the figure emerged.

The mist could not hide his tall and straight figure, and the hilt of the sword on his back symbolized his extraordinary origin.

"It seems that he is not Qian Rong, nor is he a foreigner, but a monk."

The second child grinned, straightened up, and ordered the third child and the fifth child beside him:
"Oh, this should be the guy who accidentally entered Butterfly Valley. The secrets here cannot be leaked. Let's kill him."

When Lao San and Lao Wu heard this, they also showed cruel smiles, and rushed forward with their own maces and golden knives, ready to catch turtles in an urn.

At this moment, the figure finally walked out.

The man is dressed in a blue suit, with thick hair shawl, and a pair of forked eyebrows that are not angry and intimidating. He looks like a king in awe, making people dare not look directly at him.



Seeing this person, the second child was like a bolt from the blue. He hurriedly took two steps forward and spoke to stop his sworn brother.

In fact, without him opening his mouth, Lao San and Lao Wu had already seen the strong momentum of this man, and each stopped where they were without making any rash move.

"Master Shen!"

The second brother came over, his expression was polite, not at all as calm as before.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Shen would also come to Butterfly Valley. What a coincidence, isn't it?"

The other two looked at each other, and it turned out that this was the legendary Qilin Zi Shen Fengchen. As expected, he was as forbidden to strangers as the rumors said, and he had a dangerous aura.

Shen Fengchen looked indifferent at the moment, not paying attention to the flattery of Peizhou's second son, and asked:

"How did you get in here?"

"Ah, we just happened by chance. Mr. Shen came to Butterfly Valley specially?"


Without waiting for the second brother to start a relationship, Shen Fengchen's next words made him choke in his throat. When he looked up, he only saw Shen Fengchen's light eyes.

"This is not the place for you to wait for ants to come."

Hearing this, Lao Er's expression changed, his mouth opened slightly, and finally he closed it.Turning around, he waved to his two foster brothers: "Pick them up and let's go."

Upon hearing this, the fifth child hurriedly turned around to fight against Murong Jingyan who was lying on the ground, while the third child came to the second child's side with an angry look on his face.

Patting his brother on the back, the second brother reminded him in a deep voice:
"Don't go against this person surnamed Shen first. Previously, this person surnamed Shen ranked second in the Star Division's ranking list, even higher than our lord."

Taller than that adult?

The third child was immediately speechless. After all, they were well aware of the master's strength, and the seven monsters of Peizhou were no match for him. He was a monk of another level.

At this moment, Lao Wu had already lifted Murong Jingyan on his shoulders, while Shen Fengchen had no intention of getting entangled with these people and walked in on his own.

He naturally saw the situation here and understood what these three people were doing, but the monk's life and death were determined by fate, so what did it have to do with him.

There are too many people in this world who need to be saved. Shen Fengchen never thought that he had a bodhisattva heart, and even raised his hands to do good things, which he could not remember.

But just when he and Lao Wu passed by, Shen Fengchen suddenly stopped.

He sniffed lightly with the tip of his nose and frowned slightly.

this taste

Lao Wu, who was carrying the beauty, was startled when he heard the sound behind him. He turned his head and looked at Shen Fengchen, wondering:
"Mr. Shen, what else can I do?"

At this time, Shen Fengchen had slowly turned around, with a bit of confusion on his face, and walked up slowly step by step.

Finally, he stopped in front of Lao Wu and looked down at the bloody man on his shoulder.

The color of the original robe was no longer clear and was stained with blood, but judging from the figure, she should be a woman. Shen Fengchen hesitated for a while, and finally raised his hand unconsciously, ready to lift the man's hair.
Just when his hands were about to touch, the bloody man in front of him seemed to feel something. The embroidered robe moved slightly and he suddenly grabbed Shen Fengchen's wrist.

Chen Fengchen looked down.

The hand that grabbed him was well-proportioned. Although it was stained with blood, it could not hide its original whiteness, and the red rope on the wrist was even more so.
red rope.

Chen Fengchen's pupils narrowed and he looked at his index finger. There was clearly a red ring on the slender finger.


Shen Fengchen felt the power coming from his wrist and took a deep breath.

Then, he raised his other hand, gently patted the back of Murong Jingyan's hand, and then slowly raised his eyes
The original lightness and gentleness were no longer there, and Shen Fengchen's eyes were cold and ruthless as he looked straight at Lao Wu in front of him.

The moment he saw Shen Fengchen's gaze, Peizhou Laowu, who was so close at hand, felt cold all over. He felt as if he was being targeted by an ancient ferocious beast, and he subconsciously wanted to run away.

The second child not far away noticed something was wrong and shouted:
"Fifth brother, leave quickly!"

But it was too late, Shen Fengchen's energy and blood suddenly burst out, and his other hand flew across the sky like a dragon's claw, grabbing Lao Wu's throat almost instantly.

The astonishing arm strength stirred up a strong wind, and with a sudden swing, the powerful Peizhou Lao Wu Company man with a knife flew dozens of feet into the air. Only a muffled sound was heard in the high altitude covered by clouds and mist.

In the wind and waves, Shen Fengchen held the fallen Murong Jingyan with one hand and looked sideways.

Murong Jingyan's face was as pale as snow at this moment, and only his pupils could still be opened vaguely. The disorder of Qi and blood made Murong Jingyan unable to make a sound, and could only show tired eyes.

Shen Fengchen was silent for a while and just asked:

"What did they do?"

Closing her eyes, Murong Jingyan did not speak.

Shen Fengchen looked back at Peizhou Lao Er and Lao Wu, who were facing formidable enemies not far away. He drew out his sword with one hand and thrust it into the grass.

Then, the fog in the entire Butterfly Valley receded, and Shen Fengchen stood with his head held high. Behind him, a shadow of a unicorn appeared, covering the sky and the sun. A huge pressure swept across all directions, and even the boss of Peizhou and Qian Rong, who were fighting in the distance, were worried. Something moved.

"What the hell? Are there any other strange beasts in this valley!?"

Only Qian Rong looked solemn and looked in a certain direction:
This is the phantom body of an immortal and a demon. Who is making such a big show of it?

In Butterfly Valley, Shen Fengchen held a sword in one hand and held Murong Jingyan in the other without letting go.

As the long sword was inserted into the mud, the entire grassland of Butterfly Valley instantly turned into a dark sea. The unicorn breathed out, the sea roared, and the image of Lao Er's ancestral blood turned into a glowing golden bull. But in front of this fairy and magic figure was To drown at any time.

Finally, he roared in despair:

"Chen Fengchen, we have no enmity or enmity against you, why are you trying to kill them all!!??"

At this moment, Shen Fengchen didn't look at the field. He turned his head and said coldly: "I'll kill you, no need for hatred."

"Besides, you're the one who committed the crime."

"But it's a capital crime."

As the sea returned to silence, the struggling figures of the second and third sons also sank into the waves as the waves disappeared. They were killed without even a single wave rising.

At this moment, the fog in Butterfly Valley also dispersed because of the strange appearance. The endless grass slopes were sprinkled with the bright moonlight that did not belong to the horizon. Dots of light spots rose up, like a beautiful fairyland.

Chen Fengchen let go of the sword, looked at the sleeping face in his arms, and hurriedly stretched out two fingers to rest on his neck.

After a long time, he put down his hand and showed a relieved smile.

"That's it."

"It seems that there are more important things at the moment than the opportunity in Butterfly Valley."

At that time, the bright moon was in the sky, and the breeze was blowing the leaves.

The light spot floated closer, and it turned out to be a clear blue butterfly flying on the grass, lingering around the two of them.

There seems to be an ethereal lament in Butterfly Valley, from the distant past to the mysterious future.
 Sorry for being a little late today, because my grandma had postoperative complications and was suddenly transferred to the ICU for emergency treatment. She couldn't go home in time for a visit after get off work, but I still added a chapter. I'll write more tomorrow.
  Don’t break your promise just after setting up FLAG
(End of this chapter)

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