
You may have noticed recently that I haven't been very active in this chapter and the group!

There are two reasons. One is because I have been too busy in real life since the National Day and have been learning new knowledge. Sometimes I am already very tired after finishing writing a novel.

The second one, of course, is because I know!
The updates this month are too few and too unstable. I feel ashamed, annoyed, and self-blame. I’m sorry to everyone! ! !
Not having a rest for more than twenty days in a row has made me very tired when I write recently. I don’t have much energy to polish my writing, and I have lost the habit of correcting typos after I finish posting.

I will finally have a break tomorrow, and everything will be back on track. I will have more time to devote to my favorite novels and to accompany you all.

Today I will officially take a leave. There are some comics and some good TV series waiting for me to read to stimulate inspiration and increase creative motivation.

There are also some previous articles that I need to review, revise and polish, and I want to come up with the best words to bring to you later.

Starting tomorrow and in November, I will update on time and quantity, so as not to consume everyone's enthusiasm for reading and reduce my own internal anxiety.

Everyone is waiting for Murong Jingyan to make a comeback!
(End of this chapter)

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