How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 225 I’m hungry

Chapter 225 I’m hungry
"Are you also here for a flower?"

Murong Jingyan raised her head, her beautiful eyes widened inadvertently, and almost blurted out.

Shen Fengchen, who was looking far away, retracted his gaze and glanced to one side:


After reacting, Murong Jingyan coughed lightly. After all, the rhizome of the broken flower that Qian Rong mentioned was not the same thing as Shen Fengchen's. It would be better to do less than to do more.


Seeing Murong Jingyan's scorn, Shen Fengchen raised his chin. His black hair was blown by the long wind of Butterfly Valley and scattered on Murong Jingyan's shoulders. He said in an unabashed tone:
"It's not a secret that I'm going to die soon."

"The elders in my clan have said that there is an unparalleled treasure in the Butterfly Valley that reaches the end of the world. It is an ancient relic of the immortals. It is named Yanjing Zanshu. It has the effect of educating the ancients and connecting the present, and can protect spirits and exorcise evil spirits."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan at the side suddenly became interested.

Oh, it turns out that this guy is really worried about his fate. Can this so-called ancient relic prevent disaster for him?

Murong Jingyan asked:
"Then what exactly does this flower do?"

"do not know"

. . .

Exhaling from the tip of his nose, Murong Jingyan groped his shoulder. The Butterfly Valley was filled with cold fog, and it was really damp and cold.

"Then you...are you going to find flowers next?"

Hearing this, Shen Fengchen tied the neck button of the white shirt underneath and said casually:

"No, of course I will stay with you first."


As if realizing that he had said the wrong thing, Shen Fengchen turned his head and looked at Murong Jingyan, who was frowning and stroking his shoulders, and explained:
"I mean, your injury has healed."

"It's not too late to set off together again."

After hearing this, Murong Jingyan's brows relaxed a little, and she patted her arm gently with her slender fingers.

Butterfly Valley himself didn't know much about it. Opportunities inevitably come with risks. He was worried that Shen Fengchen would abandon him, so he could only shake his head lightly and said:
"It's okay."

"Although I am blocked from the Zhoutian at this moment and my energy and blood are no longer welcome, my earth-bound body is still there. I think I won't be a drag on you."

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden sound of hunger, which made Murong Jingyan's words stuck in his mouth, while Shen Fengchen turned sideways with interest and glanced at Murong Jingyan's belly.

His blue clothes were too wide compared to Murong Jingyan's, and made his figure even more skinny, which made people feel pitiful.


"But what do you want to eat?"

Murong Jingyan's originally pale cheeks suddenly turned red. She pressed her stomach with one hand and cursed in her heart, "What the hell? Why does my stomach growl when I talk big words?"

"It's okay, I'm not hungry."

Shen Fengchen grinned, shook his head with a dumb smile and said:
"I'm hungry."

"Since we are waiting for you to detoxify, why not eat something."

Seeing that there were stairs, Murong Jingyan smoothed his soft hair and looked at the distant view of Butterfly Valley.

It happened that the bright moon was shining in the deep valley, the pine mountains were flowing with streams, and the unknown birds were chirping on the top of the trees. Shen Fengchen looked at the face where the moonlight was shining, and slowly put away his smile.

"Okay, let's eat some!"

Murong Jingyan's words brought Chen Fengchen back to his senses. His left hand shook and he immediately grabbed two bags.

"Besides the pills, this is all I have to eat."

Handing out the bag, Shen Fengchen continued:

"The beef tendons from the Western Regions are spicy and fragrant. Just add some hot pepper and it will stir up the heat. Also, this is the frozen bitter melon from the Eastern Region. It is several times more bitter than the ordinary bitter melon, but it can invigorate the qi and nourish the blood. Which one do you want to eat? one?"

Murong Jingyan stuck her head out, and as Shen Fengchen said, the bag containing beef made her drool just by smelling it.

As for the bitter melon, I’m not lying. Even if you smell it, your saliva will feel bitter.


Murong Jingyan swallowed her saliva and said hesitantly: "I can do it."

"Then let's take this Eastern Region frozen bitter melon. I see that you are in urgent need of vitality and nourishment right now."

"Wait a minute!"

Seeing Shen Fengchen about to put away the bag, Murong Jingyan quickly raised her hand to press his wrist and looked up:

"How about the beef? I think meat can speed up recovery. It's better to leave this bitter melon to Mr. Shen as a gluttonous snack."

"But the chili pepper is not necessary. Add sesame instead of spicy."

Shen Fengchen raised his eyebrows and said doubtfully:
"Is it taboo to be spicy? Is it possible that you have such taboos with your poison?

Shaking her head, Murong Jingyan came closer and whispered:
"You'll get acne."


Next to the campfire, the aroma of meat lingers.

Murong Jingyan picked up a porcelain bowl, took a sip of the delicious broth, and nodded with satisfaction.


Looking out of the corner of his eye, he was stabbing firewood with a wooden stick not far away. With an expressionless expression on his face, Murong Jingyan couldn't help but ask: "You"

"Is there no bowl?"

".I'm not hungry."


After taking a sip of soup silently, Murong Jingyan put down the porcelain bowl, thought of something, and suddenly asked:

"Shen Fengchen, why does everyone say you are arrogant?"


Hearing Murong Jingyan ask this, Shen Fengchen threw the wooden stick in his hand into the fire, put his elbows on his knees, and tilted his head to look: "Isn't it?"

".I don't think so." Murong Jingyan stretched out her hand and looked at the firelight between her fingers. The scene in her dream could not help but appear in her mind.

It was a boundless fire that seemed to burn everything, making him feel scared every time he thought about it.

But the bonfire in front of me only brought warmth.

"If you are so arrogant and cruel, why do you help me so many times?"

"I think you should at least be a gentleman."

Shen Fengchen's face changed slightly, and then he narrowed his eyes and said, "A gentleman?"

"What is a gentleman?"

"Is it because you know people and rely solely on assumptions, so you are not afraid that I will kill you now?"

Seeing Shen Fengchen's unkind tone, Murong Jingyan was slightly surprised, turned sideways and asked tentatively:

"You don't like being said to be a good person?" Shen Fengchen snorted coldly, sat up straight, and said indifferently: "The world is afraid of me, what does it have to do with me?"

"Don't tell me how I am doing. Even if I don't do anything, my surname is Shen, and I will definitely slander Whisper."

"After the great treachery, evil ministers and traitors, I have heard these scoldings since I was a child, and they are no longer a thing of the past."

Seeing Shen Fengchen's cold tone and indifferent eyes, Murong Jingyan just sighed softly and looked at the bonfire again.

In his mind, the words of Duotian Tower Master came to mind again, the prince. The prince killed him.

Shaking her head, Murong Jingyan looked up at the dome and said sadly:
"It is difficult to distinguish between good and evil."

"Even if you are born into a famous family, you are better than the prince and grandson of a dynasty. If you have evil intentions, you are still an evildoer. It doesn't matter if you are born into the Shen family and suffer criticism."

"As long as you have a clear conscience, you are a gentleman, at least to me."

"You do."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan drank the broth in the bowl, raised the back of her hand to wipe the corners of her mouth, stood up and walked quickly towards the purple clothes she was hanging:
"Let's go!"

Chen Fengchen, who was sitting on the other side, blinked when he heard this. He looked at Murong Jingyan's back, blinked, and said nothing for a long time.

Deep in Butterfly Valley.

Different from the rugged and lifeless atmosphere of Tongtianya, the Butterfly Valley is full of birds singing, fragrant flowers, mountains and rivers. It is like a paradise. It should be isolated by the barrier and form a world of its own.

The grass was soft, with blue butterflies flying in it from time to time. Murong Jingyan gently raised her finger, and a fluorescent butterfly landed on the tip.

The little yellow duck seemed to be attracted by the quiet air in the valley. He sneaked his head out and looked at Shen Fengchen in front of him warily.

Seeing that Shen Fengchen didn't look back, he said:

"Boy, I feel something weird here."

"Huh? What's wrong."

Murong Jingyan let go of the butterfly in her hand and looked down.

The little yellow duck's intuition has always been very accurate, but it has been half an hour since he left the cave, and there has been no danger along the way, which makes people relax a little more vigilantly.

Curling his lips, the little yellow duck looked around and muttered:
"I don't know, I just feel a little uncomfortable, but if I have to describe it, I can't put it into words."

Murong Jingyan was just about to scold the little yellow duck for her nonsense, when suddenly Shen Fengchen in front slowed down.

Suddenly a strong wind swept over the grass hill.

Looking along Shen Fengchen's back, he saw that the fog in front of him was gradually blown away by the wind, and a huge hill stood in front of him.

This hill rises from the ground, is hollow inside, and is arched by a huge cave. The mountain spring drips like a waterfall, which is deafening.

Standing with his hips slanted, Shen Fengchen took off the sword behind him and inserted it into the grass.

Looking at the hilly landscape in front of him, Shen Fengchen suddenly turned back to look at Murong Jingyan.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan took two steps forward. Her long, silky hair was fluttering in the wind, and her purple clothes were shaking. When she saw Shen Feng looking at her, she shouted loudly:

"If you are afraid that I will drag you down."

The voice was faintly visible in the wind:

"I can also wait for you outside!"

After exhaling a filthy breath, Shen Fengchen shook his head and decisively reached out his hand to pull Murong Jingyan behind him and brought him to his side.

"No, I want to ask, do you believe me."

Seeing Murong Jingyan's confused expression, Shen Fengchen turned his head to look in the direction of the hill and raised his chin.

"Let's go in and take a look with me."

As the two of them walked into the cave, the strong wind gradually subsided. Murong Jingyan moved the broken hair on her face to both sides, and then her vision regained its clarity.


Murong Jingyan took two steps forward. From a distance, she could not tell that as she walked in, she saw that there were many vague talismans carved around the cave.

These talismans look quite blurry. They should be extremely old and have been corroded by the cold wave in the cave.

And Shen Fengchen also looked up at the words.

"These should be ancient texts that you and I can't understand."

With that said, Shen Fengchen waved his hand and motioned to go inside.

As we walked further inside, the corridor began to become narrower. Fortunately, the crystal stones in the cave were everywhere, and the shimmering light emitted made it invisible, even like a treasure.

Shen Fengchen held a big sword along the road, his eyes were like lightning, and he looked around vigilantly. If he really encountered any crisis, he would not be worried, but Murong Jingyan behind him was walking on thin ice at the moment.

"There seems to be light ahead."

Soon, Shen Fengchen noticed the movement and quickened his pace.

But when he walked not far away, he turned around and found that Murong Jingyan had not followed, but was stunned in front of a stone wall.

Frowning, Shen Fengchen had no choice but to turn back and return to Murong Jingyan.

He did not open his mouth to blame, but followed Murong Jingyan's gaze.

At this glance, Shen Fengchen's expression suddenly changed. He saw a line of small characters engraved on the seams of the stone wall. Although they were also ancient talismans, they were clearly visible and were not the twisted symbols at the cave entrance.

"I don't know what I'm talking about though."

"But the writing is clear. If you copy it back and ask the masters of Taiyuan College to decipher it, you may find unexpected things hidden."

As he spoke, Chen Fengchen narrowed his eyes, leaned close to the stone wall and read silently, in order to remember these characters in his mind.

"No need."

Suddenly, Murong Jingyan spoke from behind, interrupting Shen Fengchen's actions.

Shen Fengchen was a little puzzled, but saw Murong Jingyan slowly stepping forward, raising her slender palm and touching down the words, with confusion and disbelief in her eyes.

"Do you recognize these words?" Shen Fengchen asked.

"No, I don't know."

Murong Jingyan shook her head and murmured:
"At least, I shouldn't know him."

Slowly exhaling, Shen Fengchen looked at the talismans on the wall again, seeming to realize something.

"Then you know what this is about?"


"That's what it says."

At this point, Murong Jingyan's hand trembled slightly, and she took two steps back as if she was frightened. Fortunately, Shen Feng held her steady.

The red lips parted slightly, and Murong Jingyan said something that even she found unbelievable:
"That's what it says."

[Yutang, did you see this sentence?]

 The oil in life is exhausted, but the moonlight outside the window is endless

  In fact, the real death of a person is not the departure of the body, but being forgotten. This is also the meaning of the existence of our descendants. I hope that if book friends have a filial heart, they can do more, because time really waits for no one.

  I'm back and will continue to update steadily
(End of this chapter)

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