How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 226 Meeting Aqiu Again

Chapter 226 Meeting Aqiu Again
The cave is damp and cold, and the carvings between the rocks send chills down one's spine.

Murong Jingyan swallowed.

Although this is not the first time that things in the illusion world have appeared in reality, and they have also been seen in Murong's study in Xishan, this time is an exception.

I have clearly never seen how these talismans can understand their true meaning.

Who wrote these words?
"What did you just say?"

Shen Fengchen's voice came, maybe because Murong Jingyan spoke too softly, or maybe he was confirming.

Shaking her head, Murong Jingyan looked away from the stone wall and continued walking towards the depths of the cave.

"It's nothing."

"Let's move on."

The little yellow duck's intuition was saying that there seemed to be something inexplicable and unknown deep in the cave.

Seeing Murong Jingyan raising her feet and leaving, Shen Fengchen didn't say much. He just glanced at the stone wall before leaving and slowly exhaled from his mouth.

After another half an hour, after passing through the increasingly narrow corridor, it finally became clear that there was a different world.

There is a deep pool in the hinterland of the cave. The water in the pool is green and blue, shining under the sunlight.

Looking up, there is a large hole missing in the cave, which reaches directly into the sky. The sunlight shines down from there, echoing the distant water of the pool.

There were thick grass beside the pond, and Shen Fengchen walked forward. He pressed down with one hand, and the blue blood moved the grass blades to both sides, while Murong Jingyan followed closely behind.

Walking to the quiet pool, Shen Fengchen raised his head and looked at the dome above, his eyes jumped to the sky, and he said to himself doubtfully:
"I heard that the flower named Mingfengdu is tired on the bones. The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and there are not even half of the guardian beasts. Could it be..."

"Come to the wrong place."

After saying that, he looked down and his expression suddenly changed.

But he saw Murong Jingyan squatting down, casually holding a handful of blue water in her hand, and slowly putting it to her mouth.


Before Murong Jingyan could speak, Shen Fengchen took two steps forward, leaned over and grabbed Murong Jingyan's wrist.

As soon as he grabbed it, water splashed everywhere, and Murong Jingyan was also dragged down to the grass, letting out a soft cry.

"What are you doing, aren't you afraid that the water is poisonous?"

As Chen Fengchen said, he let go of his hand. Murong Jingyan immediately touched her red wrist, half-sat on the ground, and raised her head.


Pointing to the cold pool, Murong Jingyan said angrily: "Look carefully, there are fish in this cold pool, they are living water. Besides, I just want to smell it, you..."

At the end of her words, Murong Jingyan was too lazy to say anything more. She just turned her head and continued to observe the situation on the water surface.

It seems that the key lies in this pool.


The scene was awkward for a moment. Shen Fengchen squatted on the ground, lowering his head and not knowing what to think.

Soon, he turned sideways, opened his hand to pick up a handful of pool water, and drank it without thinking.

"Hey you?"

Murong Jingyan then turned her head and looked at Shen Fengchen with some confusion. Why did this guy suddenly want to test the law with his own body? Could he be mocking me for my lack of energy and blood now?

"This water."

Shen Fengchen pursed his lips, took a long breath, and frowned slightly.

"Is it really poisonous?" Murong Jingyan came over and looked at her temporary protector with some worry.

"No, it's a little sweet."


Murong Jingyan patted her sleeves and stood up, not planning to pay attention to this guy anymore.

Shen Fengchen smiled and stood up with Murong Jingyan. The two of them walked around the cold pool one after another, looking at the scenery beside the cold pool from time to time.

There is no need to think about bones, and there are no strange beasts.

There are only some small fish swimming in the pond. If there are any dragons or insects, they should be eager to show up at this moment.

Oh yes, if there is any difference.Murong Jingyan looked at the blue butterflies flying beside her ears and shook her head. If there were no butterflies in Butterfly Valley, what would it be called Butterfly Valley?

"Mr. Shen, do you have any other information before you come here?"

Hearing Murong Jingyan's question, Shen Feng nodded deeply and thought:
"Few people have entered Butterfly Valley since ancient times, and they only know that such a place exists, but the flower has an extraordinary origin. It is not only found in Butterfly Valley, but also in many places."

"But to find it, it depends on fate. In ancient times, there was a powerful man who competed for flowers, but he was accidentally found by a down-and-out scholar, and he attained enlightenment and ascended to heaven."

"So, we can't say that we will definitely see it."

After Shen Fengchen finished speaking, Murong Jingyan in front of him immediately curled his lips.

Isn't this pure nonsense?

Fate is a wonderful thing, you can have it whenever you want.

That's all, I was just passing the time anyway. When I recovered my cultivation, I would fly away immediately. There was still the task of seizing the Sky Tower waiting for me.

Just when Murong Jingyan was daydreaming, something suddenly changed.

The light inside the cave was originally dense, but it disappeared instantly and turned into a gray afterglow. As the stone walls shook, even the pond water rippled.

The two of them steadied their horses and looked above their heads.

I could only see the gap at the top of the cave. There was no warm sunshine and blue sky at this moment. Dark clouds rolled in, shrouding this thin sky.

"Butterfly Valley, isn't it isolated from the world??"

Shen Fengchen took a step forward and came to Murong Jingyan's side, and murmured to himself:
"Why do you still see strange things in Tongtianya?"

Hearing Shen Fengchen's words, Murong Jingyan seemed to realize something, turned around and asked, "That's not right."

"Let me ask you, where does this blood moon that reaches the end of the world come from??"

Shen Fengchen was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head to look at Murong Jingyan, and blurted out:
"Rising from the back of Tongtianya."

".Under the abyss."

The moment he finished speaking, the sound of waves suddenly came from behind.

Turning around and looking, the calm green cold pool suddenly stirred up a big wave, and the water in the pool also changed color, as bright red as blood, like endless blood pouring out.


Shen Fengchen decisively drew out his long sword, and split the huge wave of red water with one stroke of the sword. However, the water flow was not exhausted, and the entire cave was filled in the blink of an eye.

"excuse me."

Seeing that he had nowhere to go, Shen Fengchen had no choice but to use his energy and blood to protect his whole body, supported Murong Jingyan's waist, and jumped up to a stone platform high in the cave.

Before they could find another way out, a huge sense of depression emerged in their hearts. It seemed that something huge was about to appear in the cold pool. The dazzling red light penetrated through the ripples of the water curtain, making it difficult to open one's eyes.

"It's the light of the blood moon!"

"Close your eyes!"

Shen Fengchen shouted loudly, inserted his long sword into the stone to block it, and then protected Murong Jingyan behind him, and the two of them immediately closed their eyes.

But the light of the blood moon was everywhere. Even with his eyes closed, it was still as bright as fire. Raising his arms was of no avail. The red light turned the stone wall into agate glass, and the muscles of the white forearms were even more visible.

Just for a moment, Murong Jingyan felt that her body was getting lighter and lighter, and her whole body was getting colder and colder.

The noisy sound of water flowing around my ears gradually dissipated and turned into the sound of flying snow.
When she opened her eyes again, Murong Jingyan felt that her whole body was stiff, and her eyelids seemed to be frozen by frost. When she tried to open them, she was met with tearing pain.

When I finally opened my eyes, I saw that the sky and the earth were vast, with only goose feathers and heavy snow flying in the wind.

Under the snowy wind, under a Heavenly Master hat, there were tears streaming down his face.

"Atang, you're awake."

Bai Yutang looked blank, but subconsciously raised a hand to touch the little Taoist priest in front of him. This face was so familiar, but also a little strange.

She didn't seem to know what was going on.


"What's wrong with me."

(End of this chapter)

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