How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 227 Why am I not dead?

Chapter 227 Why am I not dead?


Bai Yutang opened her eyes with difficulty. The girl's eyes were extremely haggard, and her cheeks were as pale as the frost on this cold mountain.

"Have you found the Hongshou Begonia?"

Ah Qiu's eyebrows became clearer and clearer, his lips were chapped, his slightly bifurcated eyebrows were covered with white snow, and his cheeks had already turned red and black due to the cold, as if he had aged ten years overnight.

Seeing Bai Yutang asking, Aqiu held her body, his eyes lit up, and he nodded gently.

After saying that, Xu Qingqiu stretched out his hand. It was such a simple action, but he had to grit his teeth to do it.

Pushing aside the snow on the side, Xu Qingqiu shakily picked up an object.

Bai Yutang turned his head and looked. Xu Qingqiu's scabbed and frostbitten fingertips were holding a white petal. The petals were so red that they looked as if they were about to turn into blood and drip from his fingertips.

"Ah Tang, this is the proof of the existence of Hongshou Begonia"

Just as he finished speaking, the petals suddenly moved, emitting a weak fluorescence, and turned into powder with the wind.

Xu Qingqiu obviously did not expect this change. His pupils shrank slightly and he subconsciously reached out to grab it, but he missed it.

Immediately, the snowflakes on his shoulders shook off, and a force seemed to emerge from his stiff body, causing him to rush towards the snow beside him.

His hands turned over, looking for something like a vicious dog pouncing on its prey.

"No, no."

"I can't find this flower. This is my life-saving gift!"

"It should obviously be here. I have already seen it. Hongshou Begonia really exists!"

But the only thing that responded to him was the little red light that gradually dissipated in the white snow.
Boom! !

Xu Qingqiu slammed his fists into the snow. After the last of his strength was exhausted, he was buried deep in the snow, his eyes were blank and he didn't know what to think.


Until a call came, Xu Qingqiu looked back and his expression suddenly changed slightly.

Bai Yutang was seen lying on his side in the snow, his eyes were blurred, his face was abnormally green and red, and he looked very weak.

"A Tang, what's wrong with you?"

After crawling back, Xu Qingqiu held Bai Yutang up, with an anxious look on his face.

Closing her eyes again, Bai Yutang made no sound, as if she had fallen asleep.

There were dark clouds and heavy snowfall on Cangshan Mountain. Xu Qingqiu's Tianshi hat was blown to the ground. He held Bai Yutang in his arms and looked up at the boundless snow.

His eyes were already blinded by the snow, and the biting cold wind made the young man's tears flow uncontrollably.

After a long time, Xu Qingqiu raised his sleeves and wiped away his tears.

"Since it was Xiaodao who mentioned this flower to you."

"At least, I have to take you down the mountain."

After that, Xu Qingqiu took off the dog fur from his shoulders and wrapped it around Bai Yutang. Then he gritted his teeth and stood up, then bent down and carried Bai Yutang behind his back.

After walking more than ten feet, he suddenly turned around, picked up the Tianshi hat that he had dropped in the snow, and walked away slowly, limping step by step.

Among the snowy mountains on the top of the mountain, a skinny and lame young man passed away sadly to the west, desolate and frightened, and indescribably lonely and lonely.

At this moment, Bai Yutang felt very warm on her body. The warmth was not due to the frozen fur on her back, but because of the warm blood flowing in her body.

This comfort is like the spring breeze blowing over the sea, and it makes people reluctant to wake up, hoping to sink into it.

There was just a small movement, but Bai Yutang still groaned softly and slowly opened his eyes.

What you see is a small cave.

Outside the entrance of the cave is the raging snow of Cangshan Mountain, and the howling wind sweeps across the sky, earth, and sky, making it difficult for people to distinguish between day and night.

The cave was relatively clean. Apart from himself, the only person left was Xu Qingqiu, who was leaning against the wall and breathing heavily.

With a dry throat, Bai Yutang subconsciously looked at the kettle on Xu Qingqiu's waist. Regardless of the dignity of her princess, she pursed her lips and said to Xu Qingqiu:


"Can you give me some water?"

Hearing Bai Yutang's words, Xu Qingqiu looked over tiredly, untied the kettle without thinking, and pushed it over from the ground.

Bai Yutang, who got the kettle, raised the kettle and drank eagerly.

Xu Qingqiu just watched silently until Bai Yutang stopped moving and asked:
"Aqiu, do you know what happened on the top of the mountain?"

"I seemed to have had a very deep dream, and someone was talking to me in the dream."

"It's you when you wake up. Where were you just now?"

Xu Qingqiu was stunned for a moment, and finally spit out a mouthful of white mist.

"Just now?"

"It's already been seven days."

"Seven days!!?"

Bai Yutang opened his mouth slightly, wondering why seven days had passed.

In her memory, she did find a withered crabapple tree, but it did not have the miraculous effect as rumored. In despair, she fainted and fell into a trance.

How come seven days have passed! ?

"Yes, seven days."

Xu Qingqiu closed his eyes again, seemingly lost in memories.

"It is rumored that this Hongshou Begonia was born in the ice."

Rumor has it that the Hongshou Begonia was born in the ice. If the ice is broken by force, the Begonia will wither. There is only one way, and that is to pray sincerely.

Desire and obsession, only sincerity can melt this ice cage.

When he first heard these words, Xu Qingqiu only thought it was ridiculous. But after going through many dangers, now that he had actually seen the divine flower buried in the black ice, he no longer dared to doubt it.

He knelt down without hesitation and lay down in front of the Xuan Bing.
At this moment, he is not the prince of Liang Kingdom, but the most devout believer in the world.

Day and night alternated with heavy snowfall, sun and moon alternated with biting cold wind. Xu Qingqiu knelt for seven days and seven nights without moving. The faith in his heart made him forget about hunger and cold, just because he had promised:
For Liang Guo.

Finally, his sincerity moved the heavens. Just when Xu Qingqiu's consciousness was about to become blurred, the black ice in front of him finally melted away.

In an instant, the fragrance of flowers overflowed, and the flying snow was silent. However, Xu Qingqiu's chapped lips showed a smile, and he discovered that what came out of the ice was not a begonia flower, but a white jade begonia with begonia petals scattered around him.

"You said I came out of Xuanbing?"

Bai Yutang listened to these words in disbelief, but Xu Qingqiu did not reply, as if falling into a deep sleep.When Bai Yutang realized that the kettle in his hand was about to reach the bottom, he quickly stopped and said:

"Aqiu, I accidentally drank too much."

"There are some left for you."

After hearing this, Xu Qingqiu closed his eyes and rested, with a slight smile on his lips, but he shook his head.

"I don't drink anymore."

"Don't drink anymore?" Bai Yutang wanted to say something else, but saw Xu Qingqiu's body gradually tilted, and his whole body collapsed helplessly.

The yellow-black Celestial Master's hat drooped beside his ears, and he was mumbling something.

"I'm sorry, Ah Tang."

"I brought you to this mountain. I know that based on your appearance and identity, you must be a young lady from another family. Naturally, people will go up the mountain to look for you."

"If you have strength after drinking water, keep walking and go down the mountain."

Upon hearing this, Bai Yutang immediately stood up and came to Xu Qingqiu's side.

No matter how dull she was, she could still tell that Xu Qingqiu was in something very wrong at the moment. His entire face was bloodless, and when she raised her hand to touch it, it was as cold as a dead person.

"I'm leaving, where are you!??"

Xu Qingqiu's eyes opened a crack, and from this crack, Bai Yutang seemed to see what the will to die was.

"I'm not leaving."

"If Hongshou Begonia is not found, our country, Liang, will also perish."

"Tell me, what else can I do when I go back?"

As he spoke, Xu Qingqiu's throat constricted and he coughed violently.

Bai Yutang hurriedly imitated the imperial physician and raised her hand to pat his back. For some reason, after drinking Xu Qingqiu's water, Bai Yutang, who was still dazed just now, recovered quickly, as if nothing had happened.

But Xu Qingqiu didn't have such a good life. He opened his mouth and coughed out a large pool of blood. His eyes were distracted, and he was about to die.

With the back of his head leaning against the stone wall, Xu Qingqiu panted weakly and shook his head again.

"Ah Tang, I am such a person."

"If you're dead, you're dead. There's no use living. Why bother with me!"

"Shut up!"

Bai Yutang frowned, her face was anxious, and she spoke anxiously.

"You can kneel here for seven days and seven nights. Can't you hold on until you come down the mountain? You have to survive!"

But Xu Qingqiu could never hear these words again.

His body fell sideways. Bai Yutang reached out to help him. In his haste, he did not notice the thorns on the stone wall, and the back of his hand was accidentally scratched by a sharp barb.


Half-kneeling on the ground, Bai Yutang held Xu Qingqiu's head with his left hand and raised the back of his injured right hand.

What puzzled Bai Yutang was that there was clearly blood flowing on the back of her hand, but she, who was always afraid of pain, could not feel any pain at all.


What surprised Bai Yutang even more was that, just by looking back, the wound on the back of her hand healed under her eyes.

Bai Yutang blinked and looked at it again. The back of his hand was indeed intact. If the blood hadn't been there, it would have been as if nothing had happened.

What followed was a strange feeling in his body, an indescribable numbness that made Bai Yutang couldn't help but clench his fingers into fists.

With a skeptical attitude, she looked at the thorns on the wall again.

As she tapped her fingertips, a drop of blood appeared without any pain, and the wound on her fingertips healed in the blink of an eye.

"This is."

Just when Bai Yutang was shocked, she suddenly noticed that her blood on the ground was mixed with Xu Qingqiu's, and turned into the shape of petals, like the bright red broken flowers on the ground.
Bai Yutang stared at the red flowers, and an idea drove her to pick up the petals and tilt her head to look at the kettle.

"For now, I have no choice but to give it a try."

Looking at Xu Qingqiu in her arms, Bai Yutang stuffed the petals in her hands into the kettle, mixed the water in the kettle, and poured it into Xu Qingqiu's mouth bit by bit.

Almost when the kettle bottomed out, Xu Qingqiu in his arms also reacted.

His originally pale face seemed to be a little rosy, then his body trembled slightly and his eyes suddenly opened.

Subconsciously taking a deep breath, his throat made a sharp sound, Xu Qingqiu sat up with his whole body supported on the wall.


"not dead?"

Xu Qingqiu looked around. Just now, his consciousness gradually sank into darkness, and the past day and night appeared before his eyes.

He understood that it was something called a revolving lantern before death.

The picture is like fragments, flashing back and forth. There is no warmth, only indifference.

When he was a child, he was mocked by his royal brothers and called a lame sheep. He also suffered from the cold eyes and neglect of his father. He was in a side hall of the harem, and his ears were filled with the cowardly sobs of his mother and concubine day and night.

Even though he studied the sages day and night, although his legs and feet were unable to mount a horse, he was destined not to be the general who attracted everyone's attention, but it was still an honor to be able to provide advice and suggestions for Liang Liang as a civil servant behind the scenes.

But that year, when the protons were selected to go to Dayan.

Almost everyone in the court looked at him in unison, without even the slightest hesitation.

On the day of leaving Liangdu, there was a celebration for the crowning of the imperial brothers. The entire Liang Dynasty celebrated with lanterns and colorful lights and noisy singing and dancing.

But at the city gate tower, there was only one car and one horse, and the two guards accompanying them were like escorts, not like escorts, but more like they were afraid of escaping.

The mother-in-law came, but she cried blindly.

When he was about to die, Xu Qingqiu had mixed feelings in his heart. Although he knew that he might be short-lived, he had failed to prove anything in his life, and no one knew why he died.

I really regret coming to this world.

Looking at the bright cave, the flying snow in his ears, and Bai Yutang's excited eyes in front of him, Xu Qingqiu's heart became more complicated.

How am I not dead?

Not only that, he even felt that the chest tightness and shortness of breath he had just felt were gone, and even the frostbite on his legs and feet seemed to no longer hurt.
legs and feet
Xu Qingqiu looked down, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he backed away as if he had seen a ghost.

"what is this!"

(End of this chapter)

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