How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 228: Will protect the princess for the rest of her life

Chapter 228: Will protect the princess for the rest of her life
Xu Qingqiu's eyes were horrified, staring straight at his lower body, as if he was seeing a ghost.

His left leg was congenitally atrophied and he could not even walk.

Following his fingers, you could vaguely see a smooth leg under the tattered trousers, which was three points whiter than the white snow in the cracks of the rocks.

"Why, why did my legs become like this!??"

Bai Yutang on the side was a little confused and asked:
"Why? Isn't this a good idea?"

Xu Qingqiu suddenly shouted: "This is a serious matter!"

"There are no such white legs in the world, let alone not even a hair on the legs. What happened?"

Hearing this, Bai Yutang looked at the leg and immediately rolled up the trousers.

Under the loose robe, I could see her well-proportioned and slender calves with fair skin, like jade lotus root and ice skin.

"Now, isn't this the same?"

Xu Qingqiu was dumbfounded. Seeing Bai Yutang raise his eyebrows, he immediately picked up the trouser leg of his right leg, not to be outdone.

I saw that he was still young, but his other leg was thickly hairy, as if he was wearing half a pair of woolen pants. The two legs formed a sharp contrast.

"Ah this." Bai Yutang clasped his head and his tone suddenly stopped.

Looking at his left leg, Xu Qingqiu's originally panicked expression gradually slowed down. He stabilized his Heavenly Master's hat, and a glimmer of light suddenly lit up in his eyes.

Then, he supported the stone wall with one hand and stood up slowly.

When he stood up completely, Xu Qingqiu looked at the ground in disbelief, then released his hand holding the stone wall and stepped forward gently.

As his fair-as-new left leg completely stepped on the ground, Xu Qingqiu's exclamations also echoed in the small cave:

"I, can I stand up??"

“I can walk on my legs!!!??”

After a trembling cry, Xu Qingqiu seemed to realize something.


"Why did my leg suddenly heal?"

He turned his head in shock. When he saw Bai Yutang squatting on the ground and smiling, Xu Qingqiu immediately leaned down and grabbed her arms and said, "Atang, tell me the truth!"

"Have you found Hongshou Begonia?"

Bai Yutang sighed:

Xu Qingqiu was startled when he heard this, but the next second he shook his head:


"My leg was born with a disability, and even my imperial doctor in Daliang couldn't cure it. If it weren't for the Hongshou Begonia, which is said to be alive and dead, human flesh and bones, how could it have given birth to new limbs!?"

Seeing Xu Qingqiu's insistence, Bai Yutang hesitated for a moment, but finally his eyes narrowed slightly.

"I really don't, though."

As he spoke, Bai Yutang walked to the stone wall under Xu Qingqiu's gaze, suddenly reached out and grabbed a thick thorn vine.

Dripping blood fell from the palm of his hand. After Xu Qingqiu was shocked, he quickly stepped forward and took Bai Yutang's hand away from the vine.

"A Tang!?"

"What are you doing!?"

Soon Xu Qingqiu realized something was wrong. A normal person would have bared his teeth and screamed in pain after such a handshake, but Bai Yutang's expression was too calm.

"Aqiu, I don't feel any pain."

"I'm not hurt either."

Hearing Bai Yutang's words, Xu Qingqiu had a worried look on his face, but he was stunned when he saw Bai Yutang's palm from the corner of his eye.

The palms of her hands were white and tender, with no trace of grasping thorns.


Bai Yutang withdrew his hand and whispered: "I just felt like I had a long dream, but I didn't know that seven days had passed."

"Now, I don't seem to feel any pain."

"In addition, my injuries will heal without treatment, and even my blood will have this magical effect."


Xu Qingqiu muttered silently and looked at the ground.

There was no blood on the ground. The red blood that just fell from Bai Yutang's palm turned into scarlet petals.

Feeling dizzy, Xu Qingqiu couldn't believe his eyes.

Bai Yutang seemed to still have more to say. He leaned over to pick up the sword he was carrying, pulled out half an inch of the sword and put it on his hand.

"and many more!"

After reacting, Xu Qingqiu pressed Bai Yutang's hand and said hastily:
“A’tang, there’s no need to try again!”

"Could it be that you fed me and drank your blood just now?"

Xu Qingqiu, who had a complex expression, lowered his voice and ordered:

"In the future, never let anyone else know this secret of yours."

"The hearts of men are worse than jackals."

Just when Bai Yutang was about to say something, a shout from outside the cave interrupted their thoughts.

Turning his head to look, he saw torches beating in the heavy snow curtain, and the sound of horse hoofs neighing through the wind and snow. It seemed that a large group of people were approaching.

"Master is here"

Bai Yutang, who was muttering to himself, gritted his teeth and took advantage of Xu Qingqiu's distraction to draw the long sword, leaving a deep wound on his forearm. Blood suddenly surged and his arm was bleeding profusely.

"What are you doing!"

Xu Qingqiu was shocked. Even though he saw that Bai Yutang could heal wounds, he still couldn't understand it for a while.

While the wound was not healed, Bai Yutang picked up Xu Qingqiu's water bottle, catching every drop of blood flowing down the river.

"Aqiu, it was you who guided me up the mountain to find flowers. It was you who rescued me from the black ice and carried me down the mountain."

"Take this blood back to Liang Kingdom!"

"If it really has a miraculous effect, I am Hongshou Begonia, and you can save your father."

After that, Bai Yutang threw the kettle to Xu Qingqiu. Perhaps she had lost too much blood at one time, and her whole body shook when she did this.

After taking the kettle, Xu Qingqiu stayed where he was.

"Atang, are you leaving?"


Raising his hand and looking at his healed forearm, Bai Yutang's eyes were filled with sadness.

"Cangshan Xunhua, it is my blessing to meet you, Dayan. Now that I have received the gift from the immortal in the mountain, it is time to return to Dayan. Let's say goodbye." After that, Bai Yutang left his sword behind. He gave it to Xu Qingqiu and started walking towards the outside of the cave.


Xu Qingqiu finally spoke and asked:

"A Tang, who are you?"

Bai Yutang walked to the foot of the cave entrance, paused, and looked back. Her beautiful and haggard face could not be seen clearly in the wind and snow, and she took a deep look at Xu Qingqiu.

"I am the princess of Dayan."


The snow on Cangshan Mountain is deep, and there are countless soldiers holding torches. The leader is wearing a blood-colored robe and personally leads a black horse toward the mountain path.

The man's eyes narrowed and he scanned the surroundings, and his already gray hair was covered with frost and snow.

It was Xue Yihou.

Suddenly, Xueyi's eyes seemed to notice something. There was a black shadow looming in the wind and snow.


After seeing Bai Yutang, Xueyi immediately jumped on his horse. When he saw clearly that the person coming was Bai Yutang, his pupils narrowed, he stepped on the horse's back with his toes, and flew out.

After landing, Xue Yi took a few steps forward and inserted Bai Yutang, who was shivering from the cold, into the blood cloak.

"A Tang, where have you been!"

Xueyi looked at Bai Yutang in his arms, with a bit of harshness in his voice, but more of a sigh of relief.

With the warmth of the cloak, Bai Yutang's expression softened slightly. Coming down from the top of the mountain, she seemed to be even more afraid of the cold. She almost fell asleep after only one mile out of the cave.


"I heard there were many strange flowers on the mountain, so I came to pick them."

"Fantastic flowers?"

The blood-clothed sword-browed man raised his eyebrows, looked warily at the violent blood around him, and asked in a deep voice:
"Who did you hear?"

Pulling the sleeves of Xue Yi, Bai Yutang said softly:
"I saw it in a book."

Hearing this, Xueyi's expression softened slightly, sighed, and asked, "Then have you found it?"

"My disciple thought that he should have found it."

Seeing Bai Yutang's lips trembling, Xueyi stopped talking. He turned around and waved to the black horse not far away, and said softly: "Go to sleep, you'll be fine after a little sleep."

"Master, take you back."

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, someone is watching all this silently.

Jingyan, who was dressed in purple, sat cross-legged on the quiet mirror lake, silently watching Bai Yutang and Xueyi leave. As Bai Yutang closed her eyes in Xueyi's arms, the lake in front of her suddenly turned black.

And behind him, a sarcastic voice quietly sounded:

"How long do you plan to stay on the sidelines?"

The pure face in purple clothes walked away sideways. On the pillar not far behind him, Prince Murong Zheng, who was wearing a black dragon robe, had his arms folded and looked indifferently.

"No hurries."

Jingyan opened her mouth and said tit for tat:
"Do you think I will take the spotlight like you?"

"Between the guest and the host?"

Longpao Murong stared at him, grinning with a murderous look: "I don't know what it means."

The two people in the sea of ​​consciousness complement each other and are entangled with each other. Even though he hates the soul of this successor, but they are both soul clones, he cannot kill the other person at all.

But after all, he has two souls and six souls. One is ebbing and the other is ebbing. Sooner or later, he will make a comeback.

Ziyi Jingyan's voice sounded, interrupting his thoughts.

"Awakening blindly will only make this illusion world more unpredictable and difficult to find. Just wait until this illusion world evolves on its own."

"Don't you think there's anything strange?"

Longpao Murong looked calm and asked nonchalantly:

"Where is it strange?"

Although he has been dormant for the past two years, he can see everything that happens in the dark, and he naturally knows what happened in the last illusion world.

"The illusion world here can actually be combined with last time."

"Is it a coincidence?"

Last time, with her senior brother by her side, Murong Jingyan wasn't too worried.

But this time the person beside him is Shen Fengchen. Will he also be pulled into the world of illusion?
In addition, he took the consciousness because he knew that Zhu Huanan was the blood-clothed man, but this time the blood-clothed marquis was the real blood-clothed man.

Longpao Murong did not answer, but his eyes were also looking at Jinghu Lake.

At this moment, there was a picture on the lake again.

In the illusion world.

Bai Yutang, who was on horseback, slowly opened her eyes. What she saw was a beating unsheathed long sword. The blade was so sharp that it stung her eyelids.

Looking away, Bai Yutang looked at the owner of the long sword, Zhu Huanan, who was galloping on his horse.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, the snowy wind is gradually dying down, so I should have gone down the mountain first and wanted to return to Huacheng.


Bai Yutang suddenly spoke, stood up and turned his head to look at Zhu Huanan behind him:

"Don't you blame me?"

Seeing Bai Yutang regaining consciousness, Xue Yi also lowered his head and looked up.

After a long time, he chuckled lightly and touched Bai Yutang's head:

"The princess is doing this for Dayan, how can master blame you?"

Bai Yutang suddenly felt warm in his heart: "Master, I really found that flower. You will be surprised later!"

Hearing this, Xueyi took off the liquor tied around his waist and said, "In this case, your brother King Qi really has to thank you."

"Master, it's great to have you"

Bai Yutang was leaning on Xue Yi's chest at this moment, looking at the beautiful scenery of the snow-capped mountains at dusk. The thin snow fell on their shoulders, making the northern border quiet and solemn.

"Master will not blame Ah Tang every time, and will only take me home."

Xue Yi took a swig of wine, and the goshawks were circling in the sky. The white hair on the back of his head was flying, and his tone was very soft:

"Master is here."

"I will protect the princess forever."

(End of this chapter)

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