How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 229 Longevity Sanren

Chapter 229 Longevity Sanren
In the depth of winter, all the trees are in decline, and the world becomes even more vast.

Riding through the snow, dawn breaks from the sky behind you. The red sun that radiates to all corners of the country rises from the top of Cangshan Mountain. In the morning, the trees are wandering, as light as the clouds after the rain.
The grass is lush, the sound of horse hooves is passing by, catkins are flying, and a stone city made of black stone can be vaguely seen at the end of the line of sight.

"Master, you can't complain to Brother Qi Wang, otherwise Ah Tang will be in trouble when he goes back!"

Zhu Huanan held the rein in one hand and laughed heartily when he heard the sound:
"This matter is not up to your master and me."

"Given the nature of the prince, preparations must be made in the city at this moment. You will not be able to avoid this harsh punishment."

Xueyi's words were drowned by the wind, and the two soon arrived at the foot of Huacheng.

As he got closer, Xue Yi frowned slightly.

When he climbed the mountain, he brought thousands of elite imperial troops with him. Some of them went with him to look for the princess, while the rest of the army stayed in the city, waiting for King Qi's return.

But looking now, there is no sign of the Forbidden Army at the city gate tower, only the original Huacheng guards remain.

The big black horse ignored the city gate guards and went straight into Huacheng. Xueyi's eyes were cold. At this moment, the streets and alleys of Huacheng were empty, and the people seemed to be staying behind closed doors.

"Master, this is..."

Bai Yutang also noticed something was wrong and turned around to ask.

Stuffing the wine bottle back into his waist, Xue Yi suddenly pulled out the sword from his waist, and without saying a word, he rode his horse to the center of the city. The camp where he was originally stationed was completely empty, with only a few royal flags that had not been removed left.

Xue Yi glanced sideways, the sword in his hand trembled, the cold light shone, and he shouted:
"come out."

Da da da,,,

As Xue Yi finished speaking, rustling footsteps suddenly came from the direction of the side hall. When he looked closely, he saw that it was several Ouchi masters wearing embroidered goldfish suits.

Seeing Xue Yi, the leader looked horrified, immediately clasped his fists and said anxiously:

"Master Hou, you are finally back!"

Only then did he see Princess Yutang riding the same horse as Xueyi, and he quickly knelt down on one knee:
"I have met Her Royal Highness in this humble position!"

Xueyi turned over and dismounted, took two steps forward, bowed his head and said solemnly: "Tell me, what happened."

"Where is the sergeant who is staying here, and where is the prince?"

Hearing this, the master in the inner circle no longer cared about his dignity, and stood up quickly. He lowered his eyebrows and looked at Bai Yutang not far away, and said in a difficult tone:

"Three days ago, the prince returned to the city and heard that the princess was missing. He wanted to go to Cangshan in person, but before leaving, he received a flying letter from the capital..."

"His Highness has no choice but to rush back to Yanjing with his troops. I ordered you to wait here for the return of the Marquis. I must tell you about this."

"If you meet the Marquis, I will order you to return to the capital immediately."

Xue Yi's expression changed, as if he had a premonition of something, and Bai Yutang also got off his horse and froze on the spot.

"What's the letter from Beijing about?"

Master Ouchi took a deep breath, clasped his fists and leaned over: "Your Majesty, he..."


"What!" Bai Yutang exclaimed when she heard this. She quickly stepped forward and rushed to the imperial army with red eyes, asking:
"Are you talking about my father?"

Xue Yi on the side calmed down after hearing the news. He glanced at the several Ouchi masters in front of him and ordered:

"There are still hundreds of forbidden troops in the mountains on their way back to the city. A few of you will stay and inform them of this news."

"You don't have to go back. Stay in Huacheng to protect the safety of the princess. If anything goes wrong, come and see her!"

The master of Ouchi clasped his fists after hearing this:

"That's exactly what His Royal Highness means."

The few of them said no more, used Qing Kung Fu and disappeared into the house, while Bai Yutang turned around and grabbed Xue Yi who was about to turn around and left, and asked loudly:

"Master, why don't you take me away!!?"

"Father, how can you let me stay alone in this deserted flower city? I am the princess of Dayan, and I want to go back!"

Xueyi turned sideways, with a little pity in his eyes, but his tone was unquestionable.

"Atang, you can't go back."

"not now."

The breeze blows the bamboo forest outside the window. During the white dew season, it rains lightly, and the white begonias are blown all over by the wind, like a piece of beautiful scenery...

Taking a deep breath, his blood-clothed robe fluttered, and he said melancholy:

"The gentleman sits high in the throne room, and the house is full of villains. Even Dayan, the co-leader of the Central Plains, cannot help but covet human nature."

"The war on the border has been continuously defeated and the people are in dire straits. The death of the late emperor has further reduced his hegemony. King Qi's trip is extremely dangerous. Master left to help your royal brother."

"And you, Ah Tang, you can't go back."

"As long as you stay away from the whirlpool, your imperial brother will use his methods without distraction. After the chaos in the capital is quelled, he will naturally take you back to Qianqin Palace."

Hearing this Bai Yutang pursed his lips, hurriedly took two steps forward, and said hastily:
"But, Master!"

"I, I am no longer an ordinary person. My blood can resurrect human flesh and bones. Maybe I can even save my father!?"

Hearing what Bai Yutang said, Xueyi just shook his head. He summoned the dark horse and pedaled up.

"Yutang, if you still regard me as your master."

"If you care about Dayan, don't go back to Dayan. When the clouds clear and the moon shines, Master will come to pick you up as usual!"

After saying that, Xueyi looked deeply at Bai Yutang, turned around and rode his horse, and soon disappeared into the courtyard as the horse neighed.

The wind blew past the hem of her skirt, and Bai Yutang raised her hand in the air, opening her mouth to say something, but all she got in response was a drizzle of silver needles.

"I won't go back..."


Spring has come, and the snow in Huacheng has never stopped, but the greenery is also growing. Three months have passed in the blink of an eye.

Bai Yutang did not stay in this mansion, nor did he leave Huacheng.

She moved to the Tianshi Mansion near the mountain gate, which was once the backyard of the young Taoist priest Xu Qingqiu.

From here, you can overlook the mountains and the grassland at the foot of Cangshan Mountain. Bai Yutang has sat cross-legged under the eaves here countless times, imagining the scene of the return of the red dress.

At that time, the spring breeze must have blown through the Pingchuan wilderness, and wherever the horses' hooves passed, the fragrance of soil floated.

But time flies by, but Bai Yutang never waits for this day to arrive.

Another day, Bai Yutang stood under the eaves.

She was dressed in white, with floating black hair, and her beautiful face looked sad and disappointed, biting her thin lips, with tears in her eyes.

"Master, you lied to Ah Tang."

"Spring is about to pass. You are still looking for me. There are no letters from the capital. Could it be that you don't want Ah Tang anymore?"

"Sure enough, my father said that he would always stay with me, my brother said the same, and my master said the same. They have all changed and they are all lying to me."

Just when Bai Yutang was leaning on the corridor and complaining to himself, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Flowers bloom and fall, flowers fall and flowers bloom. Is there anything in this world that remains unchanged?"

Bai Yutang turned around and saw a tall and thin figure wearing a ragged Taoist robe and a bronze mask walking slowly.

Bai Yutang bowed slightly and said calmly:

"Yutang, I have met the Celestial Master."

The masked man in front of him is the master of Tianshi Mansion, a longevity Sanren who is known as a human immortal.

"Princess, what's the confusion?" Changshou Sanren came to Bai Yutang's side and asked, stroking his beard.

Bai Yutang turned his back to the mountains and looked at the mysterious longevity Sanren beside him.

Even though she moved into the Tianshi Mansion, this was the first time that she really talked to the Tianshi. He usually lived in seclusion and rarely had such active communication.

After a moment of silence, Bai Yutang asked:

"I am the princess of Dayan."

"The aliens are knocking on the door, what can I do for the Central Plains?"

"Do something?"

Changshou Sanren shook his head, and he slowly raised his hand to point to the vast snow-capped mountains and grasslands ahead. The ladder to heaven was like a stretch of mountain light, and he didn't know where it ended.

Spring brings the color of green grass all the way south.

"Life is like a cycle of vegetation and autumn. Withering and prosperity have their own destiny."

"A hundred years has passed but it is just a big dream. The world is so vast. You have to wander around intoxicatedly. No one is born to care about the common people."

“Do what you want to do, not what you should do.”

Bai Yutang was stunned. He followed Changshou Sanren's guidance and looked at the boundless beauty in front of him, but he still shook his head.

"What I want to do most is to save my father."

"Now that my father is about to die, what I want to do most is to rush back to the capital to see my master and my brother."

"This may be difficult."

Before Bai Yutang could continue, Changshou Sanren suddenly spoke, his tone filled with regret.

"There has been no news from Yanjing for a long time. The civil strife in Dayan may never stop, so that the front line fighting the aliens will be defeated, and it may follow the footsteps of the Liang Kingdom."

Liang Guo?

Bai Yutang's expression changed, and he quickly stood up and asked, "What's wrong with Liang Guo?"

The San Changshou patted the railing, and the eyes behind the bronze mask were deep, staring into the depths of the void.

"The King of Liang is dead, and the princes have seized power and cut off the strong support of the Yan State. How can we fight against that foreign tribe?"

"In these few days, when the elite of the Liang Kingdom are destroyed, I am afraid that they will surrender to the foreign tribes and completely destroy the species and the country."

After hearing what Changshou Sanren said, Bai Yutang's body trembled slightly and he murmured to himself:

Liang Guo
Ah Qiu, hasn't he returned to Liang Kingdom? How is he?

King Liang is dead?

Could it be that my blood failed to save Prince Liang? ?
"Where's Ah Qiu? Didn't he go back to Liang Kingdom? What he brought with him was...but"

"But what?"

Bai Yutang looked confused at the moment, but thinking that Xu Qingqiu had read the news about the Red Shou Begonia from Tianshi's painting book, he asked: "Tianshi, do you know about the Red Shou Begonia?"


"Hongshou Begonia is just a legend"

"No, not a legend."

Bai Yutang looked up, stared at Changshou Sanren's mask, and said loudly:
"it is true."


Changshou Sanren nodded noncommittally and asked:

"If so, why did the child Qingqiu die?"

"Aqiu is going to die!?"

Bai Yutang sounded shocked and hurried forward, asking anxiously: "What's going on? Isn't he the prince of the Liang Kingdom? Now his legs and feet are healed, how could he die!"

Changshou Sanren sighed, looked at the mountains in the distance, and said calmly:
"In Qingqiu, as a hostage of Dayan, he returned to Liang without authorization. He was afraid of angering Dayan, so he had already been imprisoned in Zhao Prison by the Liang royal family."

"The situation in the Liang Kingdom is over, and the foreign tribes have settled down. I received a letter yesterday, saying that Aqiu will be dealt with immediately at noon tomorrow, and I came here to inform me of the Tianshi Mansion."

Hearing Changshou Sanren's tone, Bai Yutang suddenly became furious and roared:
"You are Aqiu's master. I have seen him stay in your house for so many years. Aqiu respects you. How can you just watch him die with peace of mind??"

"If I save him, what can be changed?"

From Changshou Sanren was not angry because of Bai Yutang's words. He just raised his hand and put it on the corridor pillar and said calmly:
"If I have to help all the injustices in the world, then I am not a human being, since I am the way of heaven."

"And the way of heaven is impermanent."

Bai Yutang took a deep breath. Seeing that Changshou Sanren could only say sarcastic words, a surge of anger in his heart was like a volcano that could not help but burst out.

"Thank you, Heavenly Master."

"Now, I at least know what I want to do."

Bai Yutang turned around and left, her black hair creating a beautiful trajectory in the air, and quickly left the cliff pavilion.

The breeze blew across his face, and Changshou Sanren stood still, feeling the coolness after being idle.

After a long time, he sighed quietly.

"When it comes to reincarnation in heaven, it's nothing more than greed for a mirror and a mirror, only to end up with a happy ending."

After leaving the Tianshi Mansion, Bai Yutang untied the golden thread from her wrist and tied her long hair into a ponytail. After leaving the house, she got on a big horse and went straight to the Forbidden Army's Mansion.

With the sound of horses kicking, Bai Yutang stood still in the mansion. The Imperial Guards who were as miserable as her in Huacheng suddenly stood up and knelt down, and the sounds of greetings came and went.

"Come on!"


As Bai Yutang finished speaking, someone immediately ran over and handed Bai Yutang's gorgeous sword.

"You all are the most elite soldiers of our Great Yan. It must be unbearable to be trapped in this stone city!"

Bai Yutang asked loudly, and the soldiers below suddenly looked at each other.

"I have made the decision today. We don't want to stay here any longer and follow me down the mountain!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the Imperial Guards below suddenly shone. They were all the most skilled elites under the Blood-clothed Marquis, but they were working as guards in this flower city and could not return to Yanjing to help the Marquis quell the chaos. It was hard work!

But someone immediately reminded:
"Princess, the Crown Prince and the Marquis have orders. Without the order, we cannot return to Yanjing."

Hearing this, Bai Yutang glanced at him and suddenly drew out his sword.

Holding his sword to the sky, Bai Yutang raised his chin and looked down at the dark and kneeling Dayan warrior below.

"Who said we are going back to Dayan."

"Get up, prepare your horses, and go with me to the capital of Liang Dynasty to kill the traitors and stabilize the Central Plains!"

The reins turned the horse's head, Bai Yutang waved his sword and shouted:

The princess's order was like a strong military drum, and the sound of armor clashing below rose and fell. With fighting intent in their eyes, the Imperial Guards responded almost without thinking:

"By the princess' order!!!"

After a stick of incense.

On the high platform in the Tianshi Mansion, Changshou Sanren clasped one hand behind his back and looked into the distance.

In his sight, a long black dragon emerged from the flower city, descending from the sky steps, led by a horse in white, heading toward the place where the light rose.

(End of this chapter)

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