Chapter 230 Stand Up


It is located in the north of the Central Plains and stands tall by the dangerous peaks and long rivers. It has been an important place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack since ancient times.

Compared with the steep terrain, the sturdy folk customs of the Liang people were the reason why they were able to dominate the Central Plains. Even the powerful Yan did not dare to send troops to the Liang Kingdom easily.

But today, the Liang Kingdom is in a state of turmoil.

The Central Plains Allied Forces were defeated, the King of Liang died, and all his princes were killed or captured one after another. The Liang Palace was leaderless, and the powerful princes were plotting to usurp the throne. It can be said that there were internal and external troubles.

Da da,,

The winding Shushan Mountains made an army and horses pass through uninhabited territory without encountering any obstacles all the way to the capital of the Liang Kingdom.

The leader, Bai Yutang, with her hair flying, sat down and crossed the Liangjie stone monument, splashing hunting dust.

"It seems that the Liang Kingdom has really been lost."

Looking closely, you can see a city stretching thousands of miles in the lush basin, which is the Imperial City of Liang Kingdom.

"There are no defenders at the seven passes of Shushan. It seems that they have all gone to the Liangdu Mansion. No wonder the Liang Kingdom is in a state of chaos. They are all just people who want to seduce the throne and have no regard for the Central Plains."

Bai Yutang's calm tone contained a bit of anger, and the general behind him rode his horse forward and asked:
"Princess, why did we come to Liangdu?"

While he was talking, hundreds of Yan Kingdom's elite forbidden troops were walking down the mountain road, billowing dust and smoke accompanied by the rubble of the Shu road, and the capital city of Daliang was very close in front of them.

"I ask you, if Liang Guo surrenders, will there be any barrier in the Central Plains?"

Bai Yutang's words made the general stunned for a moment, and then he said in a deep voice: "If Liang surrenders to the foreign tribe, our Central Plains will surely fall."


With a slight sigh, Bai Yutang looked at the geese above his head, his eyes becoming more determined.

"So the Liang Kingdom cannot be defeated, let alone surrender to the foreign tribes and become a sharp sword that stabs my great Yan."

"I must solve this disaster first for my royal brother!"

After saying that, Bai Yutang slapped his riding whip, and the torrent of iron armor quickened its pace, rushing towards Dayan's city unstoppably.

In the imperial capital of the Liang Kingdom, feathered soldiers in blue armor lined up solemnly on the city tower.

But the abnormal thing is that these soldiers are not facing outside the city, but inside the city. It seems that the enemy is in the imperial capital, and pedestrians are not allowed to enter or leave.


A vibrating sound of horses stepping on the ground attracted the attention of the defenders. Some people looked back, and their expressions suddenly changed.

"Enemy attack!!!"

Horns sounded one after another, and the panic of arrows and bows sounded, but soon a sharp-eyed general saw the clues and raised his hand to stop the attack.

"Wait a minute, these troops only number a few hundred, and they are not wearing alien military uniforms."


The scout spoke up and shouted:

"There is a king's flag standing, but which army is it?"


Upon hearing this, the general stepped forward and pressed his hands to draw back his bow. There was a look of confusion and surprise on his face.

"How could it be, the imperial army from Dayan?"

"Yan, you're not here."


Liang Guozhao Prison was cold and damp, with reptiles everywhere.

This was supposed to be a place where criminals on death row were imprisoned, but at the end of the dynasty it became a place where political opponents were imprisoned. The wives and children of powerful people were tortured, and all the descendants of the family were persecuted.

The endless screams for mercy, crying and roaring made this place feel like a ghost in the world.

In the corner, there is a prison that is isolated and deserted.

The deep light shone through it, and a body wrapped in chains was half-suspended and swaying in the air. Blood stains dyed the white clothes scarlet, and mosquitoes and flies were buzzing.

The unkempt long hair covered the man's face, and he remained motionless. It was not clear whether it was the pain that made him faint, or whether he was numb to it all.

tick, tick,

Blood dripped down his cheeks and stained his trousers.
"Why does the Prime Minister keep this guy? It would be better if he were killed earlier."

The guards' voices came from time to time. They had been guarding this cell for a long time, and it was only a few days ago that they received the news that the sixth prince would be beheaded.

"Tsk, don't you know?"

"After the late emperor was seriously injured and defeated, the other princes actually didn't die at all. It was just King Yuan Xian who surrendered out of fear of death. Now they are dominating the foreign tribes."

"Yes, in fact, the so-called character of my Daliang is a joke. Now that His Majesty has passed away, it is better to stay under the shelter of others than to massacre the city with aliens. You and I will both be affected."

"I didn't expect that I, the prince of Liang Kingdom, would be so spineless."


A jailer made a sign of silence, but looked at the voice in the prison teasingly: "Isn't this the Sixth Prince still there?"

"Don't let His Highness hear it."

Xu Qingqiu's ears twitched slightly, his dry and cracked lips opened slightly, and his tone was low.

"Your Majesty, has he passed away?"

The jailer was shocked when he heard this. The sixth prince had been silent for half a month, why did he suddenly speak.

They looked at each other, and finally one of them leaned against the iron railing and grinned:
"Although the Prime Minister does not allow colleagues to talk about external affairs, seeing that you are going to die tomorrow, Your Highness, there is no harm in telling you."

"The day after you came back from Dayan, the emperor and his old man left Hexi."

"." The chain moved slightly, and Xu Qingqiu's voice was hoarse as he asked:

"My father is dead, why didn't anyone tell me?"

"The person who blocked me outside the palace was not my father. I wanted to see the imperial edict. Who was it! Who was it? It was the Prime Minister who wanted to harm me and was worried that I would become the prince??"

Xu Qingqiu's eyes have been opened, and there are bloodshot eyes in them, which is the sequela of sleepless days and nights.

"who is it!"

"Why can't I give it to my father even though I got the Hongshou Begonia!!!"

Hearing Xu Qingqiu's hoarse voice, the jailer outside the door shook his head.

"This Sixth Highness is really hysterical. He wants to break into the palace with a pot of flower petals. It's no wonder that the emperor doesn't want to see him."

"Hey, Your Highness!"

One of the jailers spoke up and warned, "You said something wrong."

"Your Majesty, he left a legacy long ago. His Highness was not mentioned at all in it. He only asked the Prime Minister to join the princes to fight against the aliens."


"Your Highness, Sixth Prince, you have been sent to Dayan as a hostage for so many years, how can anyone still believe that you can care about the Liang Kingdom?"

As the jailer finished speaking, Xu Qingqiu's reaction gradually calmed down. He lowered his head and showed a self-deprecating smile on his lips.

On the first day after returning to Liangdu, he rushed to the palace non-stop, hoping to offer the red longevity begonia petals he had obtained to save the King of Liang from an incurable disease.

That night, all the ministers and nobles in the court prayed for King Liang in the main hall.

But this place that was supposed to be called home blocked him from outside. Even if he called the sky, it would not respond. In the end, the Prime Minister came forward and took away the Begonia flower that he called an immortal treasure, and then took it away. He sent away.

The next day, Xu Qingqiu was caught and placed under house arrest in Zhao Prison. From then on, he only experienced torture and torture.


At this point, Xu Qingqiu knew that there was nothing he could do to save his life, and his pride turned into a long smile, and his bitter and unwilling tears fell between the straw mats.

I look forward to returning to Liangdu day and night, so that I can share my father's worries and save Liang from fire and water.

In the end, the father did not recognize his son, and would rather lose power to a traitor than think that he, the hostage sent to Dayan, and those royal brothers who usually have high eyesight, were all greedy for life and fearful of death, helping the foreigners to do evil.


How ridiculous!

"Master is right, if there is still a chance."

"I, Xu Qingqiu, will never make a living for the common people, but only live for myself! No one can look down on me!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Qingqiu's voice became weaker and weaker. His eyes were blurry, he squinted at the cold bricks above his head, and slowly closed his eyes.

However, it's time to end.

Just when Xu Qingqiu was about to pass out, he suddenly heard the sound of the iron fence opening. He took a deep breath and looked, and was immediately stunned.

I saw someone dressed in white entering behind the gloomy iron door.

The visitor had a high ponytail, a stunning face, and a calm expression with a hint of complexity.

"A Tang."

After murmuring, Xu Qingqiu immediately turned his head.

Bai Yutang walked up to Xu Qingqiu, looking at Xu Qingqiu who had been tortured beyond recognition, a layer of frost suddenly appeared on his face.

"You were left behind."


"You said just now that you still want another chance?"

Hearing this, Xu Qingqiu turned his head and looked at Bai Yutang without saying a word for a long time.

Bai Yutang drew out her long sword. As she swung the sword lightly, the thick iron chains binding her arms were cut off easily. Xu Qingqiu lost his support and fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

Bai Yutang looked down from above and asked:
"Aqiu, you want another chance."

With his head buried, Xu Qingqiu took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

"it is good."

As Xu Qingqiu nodded, Bai Yutang raised his long sword, and as the blade of the sword passed across his wrist, blood splashed down.

"Eat it, Aqiu."

"Compared to the flesh and bones of the living and dead, this flower has a more miraculous effect."

Little petals fell on Xu Qingqiu's palm, and Xu Qingqiu swallowed them all without hesitation.

Almost instantly, the wounds all over his body emitted a faint fluorescent light, and the sluggish energy gradually dissipated, and his whole body regained its vitality again.

Standing up on the ground, the iron locks on Xu Qingqiu's ankles trembled. He took a deep breath, bent his knees in the direction of Bai Yutang, and was about to kneel down.

But before he knelt down, a boot had already been placed on the ground, firmly supporting Xu Qingqiu's knees.

Xu Qingqiu looked up in shock, only to see Bai Yutang's expression was as usual, the sword on her waist was sheathed, and she was gently wiping her wrist with an embroidered towel.

"Aqiu, I'm here to save you."

"I'm not asking you to kneel down."

Those red phoenix eyes glanced at him, with a cold tone in his tone.

"But let's get you on your feet."

(End of this chapter)

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