How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 231 How could junior sister fall into the hands of others!

Chapter 231 How could junior sister fall into the hands of others!

Tick, tick...

The cave is quiet, with the sound of rain hitting rocks.

The hazy light of the blood moon gradually faded, and beside the moss, the beautiful sleeping face was white, with wet hair on the temples, and a slight breath from the tip of the nose.


Suddenly, the pair of narrow red phoenix eyes suddenly opened, a pair of pupils separated into divine light, and the left eye was purple, clear and bright.

The right eye was completely dark, eerie and terrifying.

It took a long time before the pair of strange eyes returned to normal, taking on a light brown color.

With a long whoop, Murong Jingyan's eyes lit up, and she stood up suddenly as if she had just woken up from a big dream.


"here is…"

After returning from the illusion world, everything suddenly seemed like a dream. Even Murong Jingyan, who had already experienced it once, did not adapt immediately.

The tide in the cave has long since receded, leaving only dewdrops and soft soil on the green grass. Looking up at the sky, the blood moon has long since disappeared, and the sky is blue.

"This remnant soul of the prince actually wants to seize me. Fortunately, I am prepared."

"But...his existence is always a problem."

Murong Jingyan rubbed her forehead and murmured, but then her expression changed and she suddenly remembered something.

"Hey, where is Shen Fengchen!?"

"He wouldn't have drowned...right?"

Before she finished speaking, Murong Jingyan had already found Shen Fengchen, not somewhere else but by her side.

Chen Fengchen sat on the ground, holding a sword in one hand and holding some kind of secret seal with the other hand.

"Dakong Mingyin..."

"No wonder we didn't drown after the blood moon wave. This guy Shen Fengchen is quite reliable."

At this time, Murong Jingyan suddenly caught a glimpse of the wrinkles and saliva stains on Shen Fengchen's shoulders, and subconsciously wiped the corners of his mouth and cleared his throat.

However, Shen Fengchen did not wake up because of this. He seemed to be still in the illusion world. His forked brows were frowning tightly, and there were even two lines of tear stains under his eyes, which were particularly obvious.

"This guy…"

The suspicion in Murong Jingyan's heart deepened. Could it be that Shen Fengchen was really the little Taoist priest?
"Hey, wake up."

"Wake up!"

She reached out and shook Shen Fengchen. Seeing that he still didn't respond, Murong Jingyan looked at her palm.

After hesitating for a moment, he narrowed his eyes and patted it gently.

But just when his palm was about to fall on his face, Shen Fengchen's hand suddenly moved and clamped onto Murong Jingyan's wrist.

Then, the eyes slowly opened and stared straight over.

"Ah, are you awake?"

Being caught by Shen Fengchen, Murong Jingyan was about to explain when she suddenly noticed that Shen Fengchen's eyes were wrong.

Those eyes were lightly bloodshot, as if he had been sleepless for three days and three nights.

"...Master Shen?"

Seeing Shen Fengchen holding on to her tightly, with a terrifyingly serious look in his eyes, Murong Jingyan blinked and asked:

"Did you dream about something?"


Shen Fengchen finally reacted, his tightly closed mouth loosened, and he nodded slightly.

"Let me guess, did you dream that you were being held in a prison?"

Murong Jingyan smiled.

But what was surprising was that when Shen Fengchen closed his eyes after hearing this, he finally shook his head.

"No prison?"

Murong Jingyan was surprised.

When she saw Shen Fengchen shaking his head again, Murong Jingyan frowned, moved closer to Shen Fengchen reluctantly, and continued to ask next to Shen Fengchen's ear:

"In the dream, was your name Xu Qingqiu??"

".Xu Qingqiu."

Shen Fengchen opened his eyes and seemed to realize something was wrong. He let go of Murong Jingyan's hand, tilted his head slightly and said:
"Who is Xu Qingqiu?"


"It's nothing."

The two of them were so close that Murong Jingyan could feel that Shen Fengchen was not lying, but that he really didn't know what he was talking about.

Sitting down again, Murong Jingyan was a little confused.


Could it be that this guy and I are not in the same illusion world?

Then why is he crying?

While Murong Jingyan was thinking about it, she didn't notice that Shen Fengchen was looking silently at the side, with a complicated look in his eyes.

"Hey, you guys finally woke up!?"

At this moment, a voice came from the bottom of his heart. Murong Jingyan looked up and saw a small yellow shadow stumbling towards him. It was the little yellow duck.

The little yellow duck didn't seem to be afraid of Chen Fengchen. It jumped directly onto Murong Jingyan's crossed legs and feet, put its wings on its mouth and said:

"There's something good here."

good stuff?
Murong Jingyan used his mind power to reply: "Why are you pretending to be mysterious? He is using his mind power, and the person named Shen can't hear it."

The little yellow duck put down its duck wings nonchalantly, and Murong Jingyan asked:
"What a good thing."

"I don't know either."

".You don't know what you are talking about here!"

"I smell it!"

The little yellow duck flapped its wings, feeling a little aggrieved by being wronged: "Although the smell of treasure is very weak, my nose can never smell it wrong."


Murong Jingyan put the little yellow duck away, smiled slightly at the confused Shen Fengchen and asked:

"Master Shen, the blood moon has receded. Do we want to explore this cave?"

Nodding, Chen Fengchen took a deep breath and stood up slowly while holding on to his sword.

He looked at the dilapidated scenes around him, and finally walked towards the deep pool again, followed closely by Murong Jingyan.

"I'm going down to have a look."

When he came to the edge of the pool, Shen Fengchen suddenly spoke. He looked at the pool below and suddenly inserted the big sword in his hand into the mud.Then, he turned to look at Murong Jingyan.

"When I enter the pool, you will be beside this sword. If I encounter any danger or stray people."

"Don't hesitate to hold the hilt of the sword immediately. No matter what happens below, I will come back to you immediately."

After saying that, without waiting for Murong Jingyan to respond, Shen Fengchen took off his coat, wearing only a thin white shirt, and jumped into the pool in one step.

Murong Jingyan held the little yellow duck in her hands, lowered her head and asked, "How about you go down and have a look too?"


The little yellow duck pointed at himself in disbelief, then raised his head with a look of disdain:
"Why, are you worried about your sweetheart?"

"Go to hell you!"

Throwing the little yellow duck onto the grass, Murong Jingyan folded her hands and leaned against the sword, narrowing her eyes and saying:

"I'm afraid that if there is any opportunity, he will monopolize it."

Pouting her lips, Murong Jingyan still looked a little worried.

I am not afraid of others, but the remnant soul of the prince in my body has been looking for an opportunity to seize me. If he really succeeds...

"you say.."

Murong Jingyan glanced at the hilt of the sword behind her, and with a thought in mind, she gently pressed a finger on it.

"If you touch him, will he really come back immediately?"

In the next moment, the pool of water suddenly exploded, causing Murong Jingyan to immediately turn his head to look.

Shen Fengchen's head was halfway out, and when he saw Murong Jingyan was peacefully beside the sword, he immediately thrust it back, leaving only the slightest ripples on the pond.

The little yellow duck walked to Murong Jingyan's feet, touched his head and said:

"This guy…"

Under the water, Shen Fengchen opened his eyes. His hands moved across the water and stirred up billowing bubbles. He sank as fast as in the middle of the land.

Qilin belongs to water, so it is not uncomfortable to be submerged in the wind and wind under the water, but it is even more powerful.

Soon, Shen Fengchen arrived at the bottom of the pool.

"... "

Chen Feng was hanging here, with a thoughtful look on his face, because the bottom was not a stone at all.

Instead, it was a huge transparent bubble that shone with white light.

This bubble is like a mirror, reflecting his own figure, as if connecting two worlds.

Just when Shen Fengchen wanted to find out, he suddenly noticed something and leaned over unconsciously.

"This is…"

Murong Jingyan, who was waiting on the shore, yawned. Now that his cultivation had not recovered, he could only pass the time with the little yellow duck.

The rustling sound attracted Murong Jingyan's attention. She turned around and saw a whirlpool suddenly rising from the water.

Then, azure blue light emerged from the bottom of the pool. The light became more intense, and finally pierced the water and flew out!

Murong Jingyan took half a step back, opened her mouth slightly, and looked up.

Looking closely, these lights are clearly a group of blue butterflies. The butterflies flutter their wings like fireflies in the setting sun, circling and flying in the cave. It is so beautiful.


The next moment, Shen Fengchen's figure emerged.

His long black hair was spread around his shoulders, and his thick and muscular figure was clearly visible in his soaked white shirt. He walked quickly to Murong Jingyan.

"What's going on with these butterflies?"

Murong Jingyan asked, but Shen Fengchen just gave a helpless and meaningful smile and pulled out the big sword.

"There is no flower at the bottom of the pond, but there is something else."

After saying that, Shen Fengchen put on his coat and spread his palms.

In his hand was a five-color stone.

"The opportunity to reach the end of the world lies at the top."

"Butterfly Valley is the lowest point in Tongtianya, but there is a way to reach Tianting directly."

After saying that, Shen Fengchen motioned to Murong Jingyan to follow, and the two of them groped around in the cave one after another, and finally Shen Fengchen found a place similar to the formation eye.

Put the five-color stones into it, and the whole cave suddenly shook.

A huge beam of light rose from the bottom of the pool and shot straight into the sky from the gap above his head. Shen Fengchen's clothes were floating as he turned sideways and stretched out his hand towards Murong Jingyan.

"bring it on."

"Let's go to heaven."

Outside Butterfly Valley, someone also noticed something unusual.

The dry face and yellow robes rang loudly. He was less than a mile away from the light beam that connected to the heavenly steps, and his eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty.

"Is it a swallow?"

Almost subconsciously, Qian Rong suspected that it was Murong Jingyan's doing.

Due to some reasons, Qian Rong was unable to kill the four people quickly, so he had to slowly eliminate them through various means, thus wasting some time.

When Qian Rong tried to find Murong Jingyan again, he had already lost his whereabouts.

"Exactly, let me help you."

With that said, Qianrong also passed by Feiyan and ran towards the light pillar.

And in Tongtianya, on the mountain road on the other side.

A man in red clothes stood sideways, Zhu Huan'an was staring at a stone tablet, not knowing what to think.

The sudden beam of light obviously also attracted Zhu Huan'an's attention.

"...Who activated the Road to Heaven?"

He turned his head to look, staring with indifferent golden eyes. Under these eyes that could see through all the phenomena in the world, the origin of all things could not be hidden.


"…That is!!??"

Zhu Huanan's expression changed, and the orange hair on the back of his head moved automatically, and then he immediately looked in the direction of Tongtianya Ding.

"How could junior sister fall into the hands of others!"

"That person just now was... Shen Fengchen?"

 Dear book friends, the author has been having a really troubled time recently.

  I had just sent my grandma away, and my grandpa’s health was deteriorating. He was under a lot of work pressure, so he spent his little free time visiting the old man. After all, there was less to see him.
  To be honest, I still have some time to write, but I don’t know if it’s due to the long-term high intensity and irregular work and rest last year, as well as my lack of exercise now. In the dead of night, I always feel that my heart is very heavy, and my heart palpitations are worse than before. Many times, there will always be a voice in my head reminding myself: rest today, otherwise tomorrow will be even worse.

  Therefore, I have been feeling very sad because I have not been able to live my own life well. This has also given many book friends who are pursuing reading a bad reading experience, and it has gradually become a vicious cycle.
  Many times the author's job is to write the book, so I shouldn't mention this, but I still have to say I'm sorry, everyone, the author didn't mean to take a leave of absence.
  Writing books has always been my hobby. It is a way to vent my boring life, so being able to write after work is a kind of enjoyment for me (when I am not stuck). I will not stop reading, and I will not stop writing. I don’t know how to be a eunuch, so I may be slow temporarily, but in the end I will give myself and everyone a complete novel worth remembering.

  Love you and thank you for your support forever
(End of this chapter)

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