How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 233 Mom, hug me!

Chapter 233 Mom, hug me!
The top of Tongtianya is covered with black soil and dense forests. Suddenly a gust of wind blows from the depths of the woods, rustling the dead leaves and

Murong Jingyan's ears twitched slightly and she immediately stopped.

Shen Fengchen in front also noticed something strange. He took a breath and asked:
"Did you hear anything?"

"heard it."

Murong Jingyan stepped forward and said with a slight hesitation: "Isn't this the sound of Lin Feng, is this the sound of crying?"

After the words fell, the sound in the wind became louder and faintly turned into crying and sobbing, which was even more strange in this deep and silent black forest.

"Shall we go and see?"

"No no no."

Upon hearing this, Murong Jingyan hurriedly waved her hands to Shen Fengchen and advised:

"This eerie, inexplicable crying sound is definitely weird."

"Why do we want to swim in this muddy water?"

The corners of Shen Fengchen's lips curled up slightly and he replied noncommittally:
"If you don't look at it, how can you tell whether it's a human or a ghost?"

After saying that, Shen Fengchen walked towards the direction of the crying. Murong Jingyan couldn't persuade her and had no choice but to follow him.

Looking at Shen Fengchen's back, Murong Jingyan's heart was filled with hatred. Of course she wouldn't be afraid if she was still in cultivation. It was all because of that guy who blindly ate three Penglai Blood Fruits.

Thinking of this, Murong Jingyan used the little yellow duck in his heart to ask about the situation here.

"I don't know the origin of this place. It's so smelly that my nose has lost its function."

"There is absolutely no fragrance like that in Butterfly Valley just now. Are there really treasures here?"

Seeing that the little yellow duck was still thinking about the opportunity in the butterfly, Murong Jingyan could only shake her head helplessly. Even if Shen Fengchen really found something at the bottom of the pool, he didn't want to tell and couldn't ask.

The two walked for a long time, but found that the closer they got, the more erratic the crying sound became, and in the end they could not even distinguish the source of the sound.

Shen Fengchen also realized this and slowly stopped.

As he raised his hand to seal the secret, the dead grass on the ground instantly glowed with a bright blue light, spreading out like water waves, and the entire forest seemed to be covered with a layer of blurred glare, showing an irregular arc.

Soon Shen Fengchen dismissed the warlock, turned around and walked quickly in the direction opposite to the cry.

Shen Fengchen's steps were very fast, and the ancient trees around him seemed to be activated, and seemed to be trying to block the two's steps, and they started to take the initiative to attack.

Vines, flying leaves, tree roots, and ancient trees suddenly came from all directions, but Shen Fengchen just raised his sword and did not stop.

The big sword has no edge, but Shen Fengchen's swordsmanship is airtight.

The blue sword light spread out, and before his energy and blood were released, he entered the battle like an overlord. No matter how strong these attacks were, they could not hurt himself or Murong Jingyan in the slightest.
As the crying sound progressed, the attack of these ancient trees was immediately withdrawn, leaving only broken leaves and branches on the ground and the open scenery in front of them.


In front of the two of them was a huge pine tree.

This pine tree was much taller than other barren black trees, making it look particularly abrupt, and on a certain thick branch, there was a little girl squatting.

She was sitting with her back to her. She was about four or five years old. She was all white and looked out of place in this dim place.

The sound of sobs came from the little girl's mouth.

She must have sensed that someone was coming, so the sobbing paused. The little girl turned her head slightly and asked somewhat hastily:

"Yes, who is here?"

Seeing the little girl turn around, Murong Jingyan narrowed her eyes to see her appearance, but saw her hands tightly covering her eyes without moving away.


Shen Fengchen put the sword back on his back and calmly replied: "Don't be afraid."

"Why are you here alone?"

Murong Jingyan's expression changed after hearing Shen Fengchen's words, and she quickly lowered her voice and asked:

"Hey, what are you going to do to her!?"

"It's obvious that there's something wrong with this little girl in the middle of nowhere. Maybe she's a ghost!"

Before Shen Fengchen could reply, the girl in the tree not far away suddenly spoke again and shouted:

"Mom and dad don't let Ronger talk to strangers, dad! Mom!"

"Father, mother, where are you?"

Murong Jingyan was attracted by the shouting, and while she was daydreaming, Shen Fengchen next to her said something shocking again:
"Come down, daddy is here."

This time Murong Jingyan didn't say anything, she just looked at Shen Fengchen inexplicably and moved slightly away.

What's wrong with this guy?
Chen Feng looked at the little girl on the tree trunk and explained softly:

"This is indeed no ordinary child. Look, this pine tree is extremely tall, but there is no stone niche under the tree for enshrining the skills."

"It is rumored that Tongtianya's top immortal ancient skill will turn into human form after bathing in the blood moon. Each one is different. If you want to get it, you must first take the initiative to get out of the possessed tree, otherwise it will be extremely difficult."

"What do you mean?" Murong Jingyan suddenly realized and understood Shen Fengchen's intention.

"She is the Immortal Ancient Kung Fu?" The little girl was obviously stung by Shen Fengchen's words. Her tone was a little excited and she asked repeatedly:

"Is it Daddy?"

"Daddy, is it really your daddy!?"

As the little girl spoke, she burst into tears again, her legs lifting the branches beneath her as if venting her anger:
"Dad, why did you come here? Ronger is scared to death!"

"It's so dark here. Ronger can't see anything. Ronger is scared to death!"

When Shen Fengchen saw this, he also took advantage of it and said softly:
"Daddy is here, don't be afraid."

"Rong'er, daddy will take you out right now. Come down."

The little girl was happy when she heard this, but just when she was about to get up and jump down, she suddenly stopped.


"No, as for my mother, my parents are never separated, mother!"

Murong Jingyan, who was watching the show at the side, noticed that someone was looking at her. After a brief moment of confusion, Murong Jingyan turned her head and pointed at herself in disbelief.


Shen Fengchen lowered his voice and coughed lightly:
"Could it be that you don't want to get the ancient immortal skills?"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don't think about it and take advantage of it quickly."

After blinking, Murong Jingyan always felt that something was wrong, but Shen Fengchen kept teasing her from the side and subconsciously agreed, "Hey."

"Mother, mother is here"


The girl on the tree was stunned for a moment when she heard Murong Jingyan's voice, and then she said in shock:
"Mom, is it really you?"

Murong Jingyan also responded with a gentle tone: "It's me, Ronger."

"Listen to daddy and come down."

The little girl named Ronger stood up. She still covered her eyes with her hands and said in a daze:
"Mom, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Rong'er has forgotten my mother's Murong. Ron'er, I want to see my mother."

After the words fell, the little girl's hand slowly moved away. When he saw her facial features clearly, Murong Jingyan's heart suddenly sank, and Shen Fengchen also vomited slightly at the tip of his nose.

I saw a pair of dull, gray eyes in the eye sockets.

These are the eyes of the dead.


"Why have you become beautiful?"

Hearing Ronger's words and seeing those eyes, Murong Jingyan squeezed out a smile: "Ronger, you are also very beautiful."

"Come down quickly and let me take a good look."

Ronger didn't make any move. She put her arms on her legs and suddenly asked:

"Dad, Mom, why are you standing so far apart?"

Hearing this, Chen Fengchen raised his eyebrows. He approached Murong Jingyan and put his arms around the thin shoulders. He raised his head and said, "Who said that?"

"Look, aren't my parents always here?"

This action seemed to make Ronger react, and she shouted again:

"Daddy doesn't want to hug mom, Rong'er wants to hug her!"

"Mother, come and carry Ronger down quickly."

Hearing this request, Shen Fengchen frowned subconsciously, while Murong Jingyan nodded, pushed Shen Fengchen's hand away and walked forward.

Pressing her hand to signal Shen Fengchen not to worry, Murong Jingyan walked forward alone.

Intuition told Murong Jingyan that this girl named Ronger would not harm her.

Since arriving in this world, Murong Jingyan has gradually become more convinced of her intuition and almost never makes a mistake.

When Murong Jingyan came closer, the little girl on the tree trunk also came up to her. There was no wave or sparkle in her gray eyes, but the joy in her hands and feet could no longer be tolerated.

Murong Jingyan was no longer afraid at this moment. She looked up at the little girl begging for a hug, and naturally stretched out her arms to hold her arms firmly.

The moment his hands touched, Murong Jingyan suddenly felt in a trance, and unfamiliar images flashed back in his mind.

The surrounding black forest is no longer, but the ten-mile long street is hung with red cloth, gold paper is scattered, gongs and drums are loud, and the capital is bustling with people.

In sight, a pair of slender arms were hung with gold bracelets and wrapped with red ropes. Among the tens of thousands of people, they once picked up a ragged little girl on the street.

This scene flashed by, and when she opened her eyes again, Murong Jingyan was stunned.

There was no child in front of him, and the only thing left in his hand was a coffin made of peach wood.

(End of this chapter)

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