How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 234 Let her go

Chapter 234 Let her go

The wooden coffin is simple, small and exquisite, and the dark brown peach wood ravine is winding, carrying the long atmosphere of time.

Looking at the coffin that appeared out of thin air in her hand, Murong Jingyan felt a sense of emptiness in her heart.

This feeling was quite strange. Murong Jingyan let out a breath, turned to look at Shen Fengchen, and motioned for them to come and open the coffin.

Shen Fengchen walked forward slowly and naturally took the wooden coffin from Murong Jingyan's hand.

She closed her eyes and felt it for a while. After realizing that there was no danger, Shen Fengchen raised his hand to open the lid of the coffin.

Murong Jingyan stood on tiptoe and looked.

The coffin was dark, and what was placed there was not a corpse, but an ancient book.

There is a thin layer of water sloshing at the bottom of the box, and the ancient books are dark and glowing with a milky white light.

Shen Fengchen took it out and after brushing off a layer of dirt on the surface, the two of them clearly saw some talisman writing.

"The end of the journey?"

Murong Jingyan recited silently, while Shen Fengchen raised his eyebrows, looked at Murong Jingyan and said:

"Do you know this talisman too?"

Murong Jingyan coughed lightly and did not deny it, because these talismans were no different from the talismans in Butterfly Valley, and she could somehow understand them.

Closing the ancient book, Shen Fengchen handed it directly to Murong Jingyan.

"Since you can understand it, just take this skill."

"Even if I accept it, I still have to go to Taixue to find a bachelor to check the translation. If it's not suitable, it will be a waste of time."

Murong Jingyan was surprised to see Shen Fengchen being so generous, but there was no reason to refuse the opportunity.

After all, this is one of the few paths through the end of the world that can obtain ancient immortal magic in the last years of Taoism.

"Thank you, Mr. Shen. If I recover my cultivation in the future, I will naturally repay Mr. Shen."

When Shen Fengchen was about to speak, he seemed to see something with his peripheral vision, and a gust of low wind happened to blow over the bushes.

The fingertips trembled slightly, and Shen Fengchen's eyes turned to Murong Jingyan inexplicably.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan was carefully smoothing the ancient book and preparing to stuff it into her arms, but Shen Fengchen's hand silently grasped the hilt of the sword behind her.

His eyes gradually became cold and his breathing became rapid.

Until that hand firmly grasped the hilt of the sword, veins popped up on the back of the hand, as if he was repeatedly hesitating between drawing the sword and restraining himself.


Murong Jingyan looked up and soon noticed that Shen Fengchen looked bad.

Just as he was about to step forward to ask, the surrounding bushes made a sound again, causing Murong Jingyan to turn around and look.

Shen Fengchen quickly drew out his sword, but instead of striking Murong Jingyan, he pointed at the bush and yelled:
"Who's there?"

As the words fell, a figure slowly walked out.

Murong Jingyan's eyes widened immediately when she saw the person coming. This guy was wearing a bright yellow robe, and his black hair was mixed with some white temples. He had a clean face.

At this moment, Qian Rong had a faint smile on his lips, ignored Shen Fengchen, and faced Murong Jingyan and said:

"Give me something."

"What are you doing?"

Murong Jingyan's face originally looked a little surprised, but her brows suddenly furrowed when she heard this.

What's going on with Gan Rong? Even if he suddenly appears here, are you ordering me?

"Master Qian, are you calling me?" Murong Jingyan asked tentatively.

Qian Rong nodded, his face calmed:
"Now is not the time for small talk. Give me what you have in your hand and follow me immediately."

Seeing that Murong Jingyan was unmoved, Qianrong smiled. He motioned Murong Jingyan to turn around and said calmly:
"Didn't you see that the guy next to you already wants to kill you?"

After hearing Qian Rong's words, Murong Jingyan looked back and saw Shen Fengchen's sinister eyes. He was holding a big sword in his hand. Although he was staring at Qian Rong, he was clearly glancing at her from the corner of his eye.

The murderous aura emanating from the whole body actually made the temperature become a bit colder.

"The monster here is called Drought Demon, and it has the power to control people's hearts."

"This guy has been affected. If you don't leave, you will die by his sword sooner or later."

Shen Fengchen spoke and interrupted Qian Rong:
"Oh? Yeah."

"If she doesn't let you go, what can you do?"

Hearing this, Qianrong didn't react. He continued to look at Murong Jingyan, nodded and said:
"The Drought Demon has already set its sights on us. It will be too late if we don't leave."

"If you want to survive, follow my direction and leave."

Then Qian Rong turned around and left, quickly disappearing into the bushes, as if he had never appeared before.

After Qian Rong left, Murong Jingyan was immediately on pins and needles, because as Qian Rong said, Shen Fengchen was in a very wrong state at the moment. The hand holding the sword trembled slightly, and the light and dark in his eyes were intertwined.

Murong Jingyan immediately said to the little yellow duck: "Duck, have you activated the lust seal?"


"Then do you have a solution?"

Realizing that this drought demon really had the ability to control people's hearts, Murong Jingyan hurriedly sought help from the duck. After all, the lust seal had a similar effect, and she didn't know when Shen Fengchen fell for it.

The little yellow duck responded and immediately activated the effect of the lust seal.

Murong Jingyan's eyes flashed purple, then she held Shen Fengchen's cheeks with both hands, and the two looked at each other.

Chen Fengchen narrowed his eyes, and the violence in his eyes really slowly faded away.

Murong Jingyan felt relieved when she saw Shen Fengchen regaining his clarity. It seemed that the Seal of Desire could counteract the spell of Han Ba ​​to a certain extent.

"What happened just now?"

Shen Fengchen held the big sword and shook his head violently. He had memories of what he had just seen and thought, and he soon realized something:
"Could this be Hanba's technique?"

Murong Jingyan nodded: "Exactly."

"I think we should hurry down the mountain."

Now that I have obtained a copy of the Ancient Immortal Taoism, the Tongtian Yading is getting more and more weird, so it’s better to leave first.

With that said, Murong Jingyan looked in the direction where Qianrong left. "Qian Rong has gone in this direction. Since he is from the Nine Provinces Alliance, he should know more."

"He said this is the way down the mountain."

Hearing this, Chen Fengchen looked at Murong Jingyan and asked:
"Do you believe what this guy says?"

Murong Jingyan's tone hesitated, but then she nodded.

Qian Rong is one of his own, so since he showed up on his own initiative, there is absolutely no reason to harm him.

Shen Fengchen raised his hand and placed it between his eyebrows, as if he had cast some kind of heart-clearing spell on himself. Then he raised his head and looked at the sky, finally nodded and said:

"The sky and the moon are about to change, and we need to leave Tongtianya before then."

"In that case, let's go."

The two of them left quickly in the direction Qian Rong left. As they left, the tall pine tree behind them quickly decayed and soon turned into a puddle of black mud.

After walking for a long time, the trees on the wasteland in front of him became increasingly sparse, and Shen Fengchen had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

"excuse me."

Saying that, regardless of Murong Jingyan's exclamation, Shen Fengchen held Murong Jingyan on his shoulders.

Then he kicked his legs flying, like a leopard's shadow leaping, the wind roared in his ears, and the surrounding scenery changed rapidly.

But Shen Fengchen's expression soon changed, and with a sudden stop, his expression became serious.

In front of me, there was no way out of the mountain. After walking out of the forest, it was clear that there was a cliff.

Looking down from here, the deep ravine seems to be swallowing up no one's sight. If it were not for the monks from the Six Heavenly Seal Passes, falling into it would be fatal.

Murong Jingyan was placed on the ground. When she saw the cliff, Murong Jingyan's pupils flickered.

"how so."

"Qian Rong, he is clearly heading here."

At this moment, there was a thunder in the sky.

The dark clouds extended in the void and soon covered the blue sky. The wasteland behind the two people made an explosion sound. Countless branches flew out of the ground, like a demon waking up with its claws.

Shen Fengchen stood tall, and the strong wind on the cliff blew his blue robe away.

"time is limited."

"If we can't hide from the moonlight and fall into a deep sleep, we will all stay here."

As he spoke, those vines and ancient trees seemed to come to life, and pale human faces appeared on their trunks. They opened their mouths and let out sharp howls, screaming and emerging.

These people and trees were tangled together, like earth dragons reviving, turning over and rushing towards them.

The tornado on the flat ground stirred up a shocking wind, splashing black soil wherever it went, leaving no grass growing. It was about to engulf the two of them and push them into an abyss.

Shen Fengchen turned sideways to protect Murong Jingyan. He held the sword in both hands and raised it in front of his shoulders with a calm expression.

As his energy and blood burst out, azure flames shone like a beacon in the darkness, and a blue unicorn behind him suddenly jumped out from under the abyss.

The unicorn with blue eyes and blue tail let out a thundering roar, then lowered its head and looked directly at the mud dragon.

His scales trembled, his antlers arched, he opened his bloody mouth and spat out a burst of blue fire that destroyed the world.

In an instant, all these branches were wiped out, but the wasteland seemed to be endlessly nourishing, and soon countless branches broke out of the ground and spread against the mud.

Shen Fengchen inserted the sword into the ground, and the unicorn roared above his head, reflecting the glow of the sword.

The big sword was like a totem, and bursts of sword light swept across the fields like running water. No matter how urgent these demons were, they could not get any closer.

Murong Jingyan looked at Shen Fengchen's back in front of her, then raised her head to look at the unicorn phantom, feeling even more afraid of Shen Fengchen's strength.

But even so, Murong Jingyan still felt uneasy, because the demon had not retreated, and the red moon would rise at some point. There was no place to avoid the moonlight here, if it was dragged into the illusion world again.
I'm afraid that just as Shen Fengchen said, the two of them will be left here.

What happened to Qian Rong? How could it lead me to the cliff? Now I am really in a dilemma.

Just when Murong Jingyan was anxiously trying to find a way, the demons in the hinterland of the wasteland became restless again. Countless black trees tens of feet tall actually sprouted legs and all ran to the edge of the cliff.

Their running caused the earth to shake, and even the sharp blue sword light could not cut them off.

These giant trees blocked the way out on both sides of the cliff, and rushed towards the cliff against the sword wave. Even though the Kirin True Fire above their heads made them scream miserably, their huge bodies could not be burned instantly.

Judging from the posture, he was going to push the two of them into the abyss.


Putting his hand on the hilt of the sword, Shen Feng let out a breath, stretched his eyebrows, and glanced at Murong Jingyan behind him from the corner of his eye.

"Although I won't be able to take care of her."

"But for now, the only way is to rush into the wasteland and kill the drought demon. Huh?"

Just when Shen Fengchen was about to draw his sword, something unexpected happened!

On the edge of the cliff, an inch of golden light appeared as a dot, arriving in an instant.

A long orange flame suddenly appeared, like a lightning meteor piercing the night sky and flying close to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, those huge ancient trees that were running fast were cut into two pieces without any chance of fighting back. They fell to the ground one after another and set off billowing smoke, even blocking other monster trees behind them.

It wasn't over yet, I saw the golden light in the thick smoke turned back and rushed towards Shen Fengchen!
Shen Fengchen took half a step back and was unable to avoid it. He had to turn his head away, and an inch of hair on his shoulders was instantly chopped off.


Shen Fengchen drew out his sword and was about to take action, but immediately his pupils shrank. Not only was he surprised by the speed of this person, but his target was actually Murong Jingyan!
Without enough time to swing his sword, Shen Feng raised his palm and crossed the fist of the newcomer. In a hurry, he had to use his shoulder to block his other hand that was grabbing Murong Jingyan.

With a muffled groan, Shen Fengchen was pushed back, but fortunately he took advantage of the situation to protect Murong Jingyan. The two of them retreated a few steps and stood still. Shen Fengchen held a sword in one hand and stood ready, his eyebrows raised, and his eyes filled with solemnity. color.

After many years, he had to admit again:
This person is very strong!

The visitor missed the attack and fell backwards, landing on the remaining trees.

His red clothes were open, and the golden flames of the black sword around his waist were not dissipated. His long orange hair was moving in the wind, and he could not hide the indifference and a trace of anger in his golden eyes.

Zhu Huanan raised his head, looked at Shen Fengchen condescendingly, and said three words lightly:

"Let go of her."

 I was suddenly called in for something during the day today, so I updated a bit late. I wrote a few more chapters until they were broken (hehe). The missing chapter will be made up tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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