How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 235 Don’t quarrel

Chapter 235 Don’t quarrel
There are dark clouds and black soil, and demons are rampant.

The man in red clothes stood sideways on the burning giant tree, his mysterious knife pointed at the ground, looking down at the world.

"Senior brother!!!?"

Murong Jingyan ran forward with a look of disbelief.

Really senior brother! ? ?
When he was in the Endless Sea, he had sensed Zhu Huanan's position through the Star Shifting Ring. The two of them were so far apart, how could the senior brother suddenly appear here!

What a coincidence.

Hearing Murong Jingyan speak, Shen Fengchen frowned slightly and guessed the identity of the person.

With golden eyes and orange hair, a black sword and red clothes, this person is the Yinzi from the Abandoned Sword Villa.

Raising his hand to correct his injured left shoulder, Shen Fengchen raised his chin slightly, his eyes calm with a hint of disdain that was difficult to conceal.

"Aristocratic families, ancient sects, so-called geniuses are just people from the bottom of the well. They will be wiped out at will when they encounter the truly powerful. Only you surprise me."

Standing sideways between Zhu Mu, Shen Feng Shen glanced away and asked knowingly:

"Your name is Zhu Huanan?"

Zhu Huanan turned a deaf ear to this, only took half a step forward and said coldly: "Aren't you deaf?"

"I told you to let her go."

Pulling out the big sword from the soil, Shen Fengchen also spoke in a serious tone, with his eyes like lightning, looking at Zhu Huanan:
"Just one word?"

In a moment, the wood demons that had dispersed surrounded them again. The strange sounds of roots rubbing against the soil came one after another. Murong Jingyan quickly smoothed things over and said:
"Two eldest brothers!"

"It's important for us to survive. I have hands and feet, and I'm not here to kick around for you."

Seeing Shen Fengchen staring directly at Zhu Huanan, Murong Jingyan had no choice but to shout to Zhu Huanan:

"The blood moon reaching the end of the world can bring monks into the world of illusion. By then our bodies will lose our souls and we must go down the mountain immediately."

Zhu Huanan's face changed slightly when he heard this. He looked at Shen Fengchen and hesitated to speak, but finally nodded.

Putting the black knife on his shoulder, Zhu Huanan glanced at Shen Fengchen:
"I'm going to deal with Hanba now. You protect my junior sister."

"If anything happens to her when I come back, don't blame me for not saying ugly things first."

Hearing this, Shen Fengchen's face turned gloomy. Murong Jingyan, who was about to get angry, spoke immediately behind him:
"Brother, don't act rashly!"

Under the gazes of the two men, Murong Jingyan pointed at the wood goblins and monsters that were gradually surrounding them not far away, and said thoughtfully:

"Obviously, Drought Demon wants to trap us on this cliff, retreat to a dead end, and wait for the blood moon to come before taking our bodies, but..."

"This also proves that it cannot deal with the appearance of immortals and demons, not to mention senior brother and Mr. Shen, so they had no choice but to resort to this strategy."

"So our top priority is not to kill him rashly, but to break out of the encirclement so that the blood moon cannot affect us. This drought demon has nothing to do with us."

As he spoke, Murong Jingyan raised his hand and pointed at a mountain in the distance.

"There are many stone caves on that mountain. As long as we can rush there and the light of the blood moon cannot come in, Drought Demon will have no choice but to give up."

Chen Fengchen was thoughtful after hearing this, while Zhu Huan'an nodded secretly and put away his thoughts of rushing into the wasteland and taking his head straight away.

At this moment, the depths of the wasteland trembled again, and countless giant trees were knocked out one after another.

These tree demons, several stories high, were running vaguely in human form, their branches tangled and twisted into miserable human faces. Every time they were trampled, the gravel on the ground shook half an inch high.

"The physical body. Let me leave instead."

There was something bulging in their mouths, and their arms rushed towards the direction of the three of them. The eyes of the trees glowed with blood, as if they wanted to choose people to devour.

Zhu Huan'an turned around and looked at the controlled tree demons. His long black knife ignited golden flames, and he ordered without looking back:

"Leave these guys to me, Mr. Shen."

"You can deal with those little ones and lead my junior sister into the grotto, can you do that?"

Shen Fengchen felt the veins on his forehead twitching and said in a lowered voice:
"I don't know, I am enough. If you are afraid of death, you can go to the grotto first."


Zhu Huanan gave a cold snort, then kicked his feet on the ground and disappeared.

The black knife passed by, and the gorgeous golden flames illuminated the long night. Zhu Huan'an was like a rushing red lightning that suddenly sounded on the Tongtian Plateau.

The monster wood giants' bodies were surrounded by holy fire, and they all let out screams. The flames soared into the sky like a wall of fire, like a doomsday scene.

Shen Fengchen, on the other hand, held up Murong Jingyan and ran away.

Looking at the monsters of all kinds pouring in around him like a tide, Shen Fengchen flipped the ancient sword in his hand, and the sword light spread like a lake, intertwined with ripples, and instantly submerged the vegetation.There is no sound, the demons are buried in the sky, and the world is silent.

Such large-scale dimension reduction and monster killing spells are almost impossible to master under the three levels of Tian Feng.

Just as the two were halfway through the journey, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

"What are you doing?"

Murong Jingyan's eyes widened, and Shen Fengchen also stopped walking because the person in front of him was Qian Rong wearing a bright yellow robe.

"You are finally here."

When Qian Rong saw Murong Jingyan and the two of them, he let out a long sigh of relief. He made a quick gesture and said:
"Come on, these monsters are crazy for some reason. Fortunately, there is another way down the mountain."

"Okay, you lead the way!"

Shen Fengchen glanced at Murong Jingyan, who spoke in agreement, and didn't say anything more. He just supported Murong Jingyan and continued on his way.

Qian Rong turned around and said:
"Where did you originally plan to go?"

"A grotto in a mountain." Murong Jingyan answered truthfully.

"The grotto won't work, so we have to go down the mountain as soon as possible."

As he spoke, Qian Rong slowed down and gradually walked side by side with Shen Fengchen: "Speaking of which, you are really powerful. You actually killed these monsters until they retreated."

"No. Um?"

Before he finished speaking, Qian Rong's eyes suddenly widened. He looked at Shen Fengchen beside him in disbelief and took two steps back suddenly.

But it was too late, because a big sword had penetrated his lower jaw from bottom to top, straight to the skull.

"Why are you."

Withdrawing the big sword quickly, Shen Fengchen looked at the sword's edge and said calmly: "Sure enough, there is no blood."

Murong Jingyan stared at Qianrong, raised her hand and said:
"If I don't kill you, are we waiting for you to kill us?"

"I was fooled by you once when you pretended to be innocent, and I almost ended up confessing here, you scheming old monster!"

"Ha ha."

Loosening the hand covering his chin, 'Qianrong' let out a hoarse laugh.

"You guys really have to stay here in Tongtianya."

After saying that, 'Qian Rong' was quickly defeated, turning into withered leaves all over the ground in just a blink of an eye.


! !
The cliffs of the cave trembled, and then sudden changes occurred in the depths of the wasteland. An unusually thick vine reached straight into the sky, growing more than a thousand feet!
The vines twisted, and then made a deafening whistling sound, shooting in the direction of Shen Mu and the two!
Zhu Huan'an, who was cleaning the big demon tree demon, naturally noticed this change. He looked at the two people who were very close to the stone mountain. He raised the knife with one hand, twisted his waist, and then rose into the sky.

The black dragon tattoo on Zhu Huanan's back suddenly flashed fiercely as he hunted in red, and the black knife in his hand struck directly at the vines, trying to stop the attack on the spot.

The dragon's roar filled the sky, golden flames exploded on the vines, and the vine demon with unpredictable cultivation burst in response!

But what Zhu Huan'an didn't expect was that the first half of the vine broke on its own initiative, preventing the golden fire from spreading and continuing to fall uncontrollably.

At the foot of the stone mountain, Shen Fengchen raised his head and looked at the roaring shadows. He also pulled open his robe, closed his eyes and let out a breath.

"Want to destroy Stone Mountain?"

"This will bring you back to your original form!"

Holding the sword in both hands, Shen Fengchen suddenly opened his eyes, and the long sword in his hand came out!

The blue sword light was like a unicorn's eye, cutting off the void and annihilating all directions. It cut the dragon-like vine into thousands of pieces and landed powerlessly.

The vine fragments fell like rain, but just when they were about to hit the ground, they split into threads and stabbed the two of them!

This change was unexpected by both of them, but Shen Fengchen reacted quickly and immediately turned sideways to grab half of it with his bare hands, but there was still a scratch on Murong Jingyan's cheek.

Deep in the wasteland.

There are no plants here, only a huge and boundless willow tree. The roots of the willow tree are places where light can never shine.

The long dry hair hangs down among the fallen leaves. Here, there is a head exposed outside the tree trunk, covering its face. It is no longer clear whether he is a human or a tree.

As time passed, a gap slowly opened in the eyes behind the hair.
With confusion in his purple eyes, he murmured:

"This tastes like..."

(End of this chapter)

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