How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 239 You and I are destined to meet again

Chapter 239 You and I are destined to meet again
Halfway to Tongtianya.

The gravel fell, making a crackling sound, and a figure poked its head out of the groove of the cliff.

He was holding a sack in his hand, his face was covered with dust, and he looked a little embarrassed.

"I actually found him"

Qian Rong wiped the dirt off his face and looked at the unspectacular sack in his hand, with a hidden light shining in his eyes.

He looked up at the cliff and muttered silently:
"What happened just now?"

"Looking for an opportunity, I actually felt the pressure of the phantom body of the immortal and demon again. Could it be that Chen Fengchen was fighting with someone again?"

"To be so impatient when the blood moon is about to retreat is worthy of being called a martial arts idiot back then."

"and also."

With a slight hiss, Qian Rong said doubtfully:

"I always feel like something is watching me."

After taking a look at the sky, Qian Rong tucked the sack into his yellow robe, looking thoughtful.

"Although I don't know what kind of charm Yanzi cast to be able to protect the person named Shen, I think it will probably be fine for a while."

"I must go back first, otherwise our alliance's plan may change."

"See you in Sword Immortal State."


The mountain road leading to the end of the world is winding, black egrets are flying, and the yellow sky is gloomy.

Two figures walked one behind the other on the way down the mountain. The low wind stirred up thin smoke, leaving the sound of the scabbards clicking.

"Where are we going?"

Murong Jingyan gently wiped the blood on her hands, looked at Zhu Huanan's back in front of her, and suddenly spoke.

"Sword Immortal State."

"Three days have passed, and the central barrier is about to be unsealed. The faster we break in, the better we can gain the upper hand."

Zhu Huan'an slowed down as he spoke and glanced behind him from the corner of his eye.


"What have you experienced in that endless sea?"


Hearing this, Murong Jingyan threw away the blood-stained handkerchief and said lightly:
"It's nothing more than eating some Penglai Blood Fruit, and then... coming to Tongtianya."

"Senior brother, why are you here?"

Upon hearing the words Penglai Blood Fruit, Zhu Huan'an lowered his brows and slowly exhaled.

"I came from the north, specifically looking for you."

"The crisis of the Four Jedi lies in the sect, but the most terrifying thing is the human heart, which must be guarded against."

With a chuckle, Murong Jingyan narrowed her eyes.

"Brother, are you trying to insinuate me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a sudden change occurred.

Murong Jingyan, who had already walked behind Zhu Huan'an, extended his palm with one hand. The speed was extremely fast, and the rays of light burst out in a small space. Along with the flying red feathers, it was about to go straight into Zhu Huan'an's heart.

The old blood in that slender jade hand was still fresh, and just such a blow was enough to penetrate the defenseless body of an immortal or a demon.

In the flash of lightning, Zhu Huanan seemed to have expected it.

He slapped the saber with one palm, and the black sheath suddenly shook out, hitting Murong Jingyan's wrist impartially. The huge force directly deflected Murong Jingyan's palm.

Then Zhu Huanan took the knife with his backhand and without taking it out of the sheath, he just grabbed the sheath and hit Murong Jingyan on the neck.


Murong Jingyan immediately retreated after missing the attack, but Zhu Huanan's black sheath struck first. Murong Jingyan subconsciously raised his elbow to meet the attack, and his expression suddenly changed.

Just because the power of this scabbard was like the weight of the five mountains, the moment it came into contact, Murong Jingyan knew that she couldn't catch it, otherwise the arm bones would be broken.

Bending sideways, Murong Jingyan twisted his body in a strange posture. Thanks to his soft waist, he was able to deflect the heavy blow. However, before Murong Jingyan could relax, Zhu Huanan also changed his hand to an upright position. knife!

Murong Jingyan pulled her left leg back into a half-horse posture, her hands and pupils turned into a ferocious red, and at the same time she used the unparalleled evil skill Buzhou Palm.

Anyone who is hit on the body will be seriously injured and on the verge of death, and will be in pain beyond hope of life.At such a close distance, Murong Jingyan thrust out both palms. The palm wind was chaotic, and the palm prints condensed with black light were everywhere, making it inevitable for people to avoid.

But Zhu Huan'an did not avoid it. His wrist vibrated, and the black scabbard, with Wan Jun's strength, actually caught Murong Jingyan's powerful palms one by one.

"Buzhou Palm"

The golden sword light suddenly appeared, and Murong Jingyan's figure also flashed five feet away.

He lowered his head and glanced at the opening in the purple robe, then Murong Jingyan looked at Zhu Huanan in front of him with a solemn expression.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan's hands were trembling unconsciously. Zhu Huanan had not used the sword just now, but his powerful force caused Murong Jingyan to suffer. If he had not taken the initiative, I am afraid that this sudden sword blow would have killed him long ago.

Not far away, Zhu Huan'an was holding the handle of the knife, and the candlelight exuded a faint cold light, just like Zhu Huan'an's eyes.

"It would be too impatient to try to kill me before my body recovers."


Murong Jingyan sneered, while Zhu Huanan slowly walked forward holding the black knife.

His face was complicated and he said in a deep voice:

"The reason why Shen Fengchen fell like this is because he gave his back to you. You can use this trick once, but not a second time."

"Ayan, what's wrong with you?"

Ha ha
Murong Jingyan raised her head with a calm expression:

"kill you?"

"Actually, I don't need to kill you. It's just that it's a good thing that there is one less person to be suspicious of me."

"As for Shen Fengchen, he is the one I must kill."

Zhu Huanan stood still, looked at the unfamiliar Murong Jingyan in front of him, and asked again:

"who are you?"

"Although your appearance, voice, and even body are all that of my junior sister, your eyes are not."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan shook her head and immediately looked at Zhu Huanan with a strange look.


"Do you know me well?"


Zhu Huanan was stunned, while Murong Jingyan slowly spoke with a faint tone:

"You and I have known each other since I came to the Abandoned Sword Villa. Before that, did you know who I am?"

"Could it be that this is what I am?"


At this time, Zhu Huanan looked around with his peripheral vision, seeming to sense something.

Murong Jingyan also waved her hand, and then took out something from her arms unhurriedly.

It was a white mask with a strange arc, dark and cold.

He raised his palms to cover his face with the mask. The purple clothes on his shoulders were caught in the mountain wind and fluttered towards the distant mountains, as if foreshadowing something floating and disappearing in the distance.

Da da da,

The sound of rustling footsteps came from all directions. Zhu Huanan looked up and saw more than ten figures suddenly appearing on the cliffs on both sides of the road down the mountain from Tongtianya.

These people were all dressed in black robes, and the aura exuding from their bodies was like a black cloud. Their faces were covered by various strange masks. They stood tall and looked down at Zhu Huanan.

"Enough is enough."

Not far away, Murong Jingyan jumped onto a tall pine tree.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan was dressed in a black outfit, with a white mask on her face that seemed to be smiling. Her waist-length black hair was swaying in the wind, and her tone was light:
"Senior brother, we are destined to meet again."

"Don't stop me."

After the words fell, Murong Jingyan's figure disappeared on the pine wood, and the men in black around him also retreated at the same time, as if nothing had happened.

A gust of breeze stirred up the fallen leaves on the ground.

Putting the sword back into its sheath, Zhu Huanan looked in the direction Murong Jingyan left and said nothing for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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