How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 240 Give you a chance to prove it

Chapter 240 Give you a chance to prove it

Sword Immortal State is located in the center of the Four Realms.

Looking at Shiyuan in the north, the vast sea in the south, the deep valley in the west, and the end of the world in the east, these famous foreign and dangerous places are nothing more than the evolution of the Sword Immortal State, and it is difficult to even get a glimpse of the truth of the Wenjian World.

The so-called opportunity, there is no one among the four Jedi.

If you want to ascend the dragon and transform into a phoenix, the Sword Immortal State is the final battlefield for the powerful to compete.

At the same time, Tongtianya borders the Jianxian State.

The fog is long, the grass is green, and countless large and small boulders are hung upside down in the sky by mysterious powers, like suspended stone flashes in the universe, looming in the vast mist emitting from Sword Immortal State.

The monks who were traveling around Tongtianya and those who were still alive came here one after another.

The organized monks occupied the stone island closer to the Guangmen of Sword Immortal State, while those casual monks who had lost their partners or were injured could only huddle on some inconspicuous stones, waiting for the opportunity.

Near the light gate, a conspicuous stone island made a pop sound, and then blood spread out, flowing along the gaps in the stone to the grassland below.
"Do not kill me!"

"You can do whatever you want me to do, just let me live!"

A young man fell to his knees with only half of his left arm left, begging for mercy with tears streaming down his face.

I don't know whether it was fear or nervousness, but my lips were trembling and my speech was unclear.

In front of him, more than a dozen men in black robes were scattered around. They wore strange masks on their heads, and their cold aura made people shudder. They all had playful eyes.

"Let you go?"

"I gave you a chance earlier. Didn't your elder brother tell me to get out of here quickly, or else he would threaten to take our lives?"

A short man in black walked forward, holding a boning knife in his hand, slapping his palms rhythmically, and the monkey-head mask on his face seemed to be smiling.

There were several corpses lying beside the young man, but only a tall man was still alive. He was lying on his back at the moment, and the anger in his eyes seemed to overflow.

These guys who appeared suddenly could not help but kill anyone they saw, but he could not figure out the origin of these people until his death.

"It's too late to beg for mercy now."

After saying that, the dwarf monkey raised his hand and stabbed the young man in the neck!

"Hold on."

At this moment, a cold voice sounded, and the dwarf monkey's hand was held down at the same time.

Looking away, the monkey-faced man in black robes had doubts and complaints in his eyes. He grabbed his black robe and had a wolf head mask on his face. He was tall and thin and shook his head at him.

Then, the two looked back.

Following the gaze of the man in black robe, the young man who had survived the disaster also had a dull look on his face.

These cold-looking men in black robes turned sideways at the same time. In their sight, there was a man lying down casually on the stone seat where his elder brother was originally sitting.

This man is slender, with a long black velvet cloak draped over his shoulders, and his long fingertips are touching his head, twirling his hair lightly.

Different from others, 'her' mask is not an animal head, but a pale human face, with raised red lips that reach down to the chin, and a pair of purple pupils in the eye sockets, which are weird and terrifying.

"You want to live?"

After hearing the words of the person in the high seat, if the young man is granted amnesty, he will immediately kowtow.

"Xia Xia, Xia Xia, if you let me go, I will be able to work for you!"

"You believe me, you believe me."

"Okay, then I will give you a chance."

"Give him the knife."

Upon hearing the order, the monkey-faced man was startled for a moment, then coughed slightly and stepped forward, reluctantly handing the boning knife in his hand to the young man.

The young man who got the knife looked confused, but then the mysterious woman in charge spoke again, which shocked him.

"Now, you have a chance to prove yourself"

"Kill your brother."

Hearing this, the young man almost dropped the boning knife in his hand and his chest heaved slightly.

After a brief struggle, he looked back at the direction where the man fell to the ground.

"Yaoyan, what do you want to do!"

When he saw the young man looking at him, the big man whose hand tendons and hamstrings were severed cursed loudly while holding his breath:

"You are so spineless, I was really blind when I allowed you to join the club!"

"It's okay to die if you're a monk. I'm still a brother. Do you really want to kill me?"


A mouthful of spit flew to the young man's feet, causing him to immediately fall into painful hesitation and lower his head.


At this moment, Murong Jingyan's voice sounded again, as if lingering in his ears.

"He wants to die."

"Could it be that you don't want to live anymore?"

"kill him"

"Even after you leave this Sword Asking Club, who can know what you have done."

kill him
kill him
Closing his eyes, the young man still had those purple eyes in his mind. These eyes were full of endless charm, lingering and bewitching his heart.

Slowly, he tightened his grip on the knife in his hand.

Standing up, the young man took three steps at a time and came to the big man's side.

Before the man could speak, the deboning knife pierced his throat, and the spurting blood hit the young man's face, causing him to wake up instantly.

Bang Dang,

Dropping the knife, he took a few steps back, his panting chest making it difficult to breathe. Looking at the man struggling on the ground, he suddenly let out a dry laugh.

Then, the laughter gradually became louder.




"I did it!!!"

The people in black robes looked at the mad young man silently. When the master sat down, Murong Jingyan also closed his eyes slightly and showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

"My eldest brother is dead, I killed him with my own hands!"

"You can't kill me now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man suddenly felt his vision go dark, and then his body shook unconsciously.

A silver needle pierced the back of his head. The young man reluctantly turned around and stumbled to the ground.

He tried to raise his hand to take the needle, but his limbs seemed to be sealed by the needle, and he could only lie weakly on the ground, just like his elder brother who had just died.


"You promised me not to kill" "My..."

As the young man's eyes gradually darkened, Murong Jingyan stopped snapping her fingers and whispered:
"I just promised to give you a chance to prove yourself."

"And you."

"It also proves that you are a person who will not hesitate to die."

Boom, boom,

One after another, corpses were thrown out from the stone island. The strong smell of blood attracted peeps from a distance, but no one dared to get closer to investigate.

After all, this stone island is home to the five heroes of the White Horse Club from Yuanzhou. They are all at their peak. In addition, the White Horse Club is not affiliated with the imperial court, but they are all descendants of the imperial nobles, so they cannot offend each other.

For many days, they occupied this front stone island and no one came forward to provoke them.

But in the blink of an eye, the five heroes turned into cold corpses, slaughtered by a group of unknown forces, and dumped out like garbage.

call out,

The thin monkey pulled out the boning knife from the big man's neck, watched him being thrown out of the stone island, and said:
"Killing people kills people, and they cause such trouble."


After wiping the blood from the knife edge, he suddenly felt like a light on his back. When he turned around, he saw the man on the stone seat slowly getting up and staring at him.

Murong Jingyan stood with her hands behind her back and said calmly:

"You are dissatisfied with me."

Hearing this, everyone in the black robe present looked at the monkey-faced black robe. The monkey-face who suddenly became the focus was stunned for a moment, but that was all.

Calmly putting the knife into his waist, he said with a faint smile:
"You are the young master of Duotian Tower, so of course I have to obey you."

"No, you said you would give this kid a knife and I gave it to him?"


Murong Jingyan stepped forward and slowly walked down the stone steps.

He walked towards the thin monkey step by step, and the wide black cloak left drag marks behind him. The other men in black robes subconsciously stepped back half a step to make way for him.

"No, you are not the person I am looking for."

Standing still one foot in front of the monkey face, Murong Jingyan raised her chin and said softly:
"Jump down yourself, or die here."

This tone was unquestionable, and Slender Monkey was naturally aware of this coldness. Not only was he not embarrassed, he even mocked:

"I told you, do you really take yourself seriously?"

"The reason why I joined Duitianlou is because you were waiting for your words to spread to the sky, and then you took the risk on my father's order to see what you are really like."

"Aren't everyone here the same as me?"

"Just kill these people?"

Turning around and looking at the black robes around him, the monkey face raised his arms and shouted:
"Brothers, if you still want to play with this crazy woman, I won't accompany you!"

After saying that, Hou Lian suddenly flipped up his embroidered robe, and the boning knife that should have been stuffed into his waist actually appeared in his hand again, rising up and rushing towards Murong Jingyan!
"Killing you, the young master of Duitian Tower, is an opportunity!"

Bloody slashed across with a horizontal blow. Even with a protective magic weapon at such a close distance, he was confident that he could penetrate with this family dagger.

Whenever it is stained with blood and the ancient poison of the bone knife takes effect, even if the monks at the Six Heavenly Sealing Passes do not have an antidote, they will slowly fester and drink in hatred.

The expected blood did not splash, but instead a feeling of powerlessness came from his hands, as if he was hitting the air with a stick.

Turning around suddenly, the monkey's expression changed.

The young master of Duotian Tower appeared behind him at some point, even with his back turned, as if he had never moved.

Like his swing, it just passed through the opponent's body.


"It's a good knife. No wonder you don't want to hand it over to others."

The pupils of the monkey face shrank, and the young master of Duotian Tower in front of him raised his arms and was playing with something.

That thing was full of jagged teeth and stained with blood. Wasn't it his family's magic weapon bone-cutting knife? Sure enough, he lowered his head and saw that his hand was empty. He finally understood the feeling of power that had not yet been released.

His sword was taken away the moment he swung it.

"You, how did you do it!"

Looking sideways from the corner of his eye, Murong Jingyan had no intention of talking nonsense with him anymore. He suddenly threw out his left hand, and the boning knife made a streak of light.

"Give it back to you."

In less than a blink of an eye, the knife was inserted into the chest of the dazed Monkey Face, and the huge force flew out with the Monkey Face's short body and hit the stone chair.

When the wolf-headed man saw this, he shook his head and followed.

Before the seriously injured monkey face took out the antidote and tried to take it, a sword light fell, and he felt the world spinning, and his head rolled to the ground inexplicably.

The last thing he saw was his headless body fixed on the chair. He watched the wolf-headed man put away his sword and walk over, lifting his head.

Following the death of Monkey Face, the people in black robes around them suddenly looked at each other with different emotions in their eyes, some were surprised, some were afraid, and most of them were questioning.

Murong Jingyan took the monkey-faced head, lifted it high, and said loudly:
"last chance."

"Those who enter my Seizing Heaven Tower must go against the trend and do something major that changes the world!"

"There is no room for failure in this matter, and there is no room for regret. If we succeed in the future, you and I will build a heaven above the sky, and the descendants of our family will last for eternity, and our blessings will be boundless."

"Even if we fail, the worst we can do is summon our old troops on the Huangquan Road and kill Yama with a hundred thousand banners!"

Looking back, Murong Jingyan's eyes were like the light of a knife, making everyone afraid to look directly at him:
"But if there are people who are just trying to get by, they won't even know why they are here."

"Get out now!"

After the words fell, the people in black robes who were still watching suddenly withdrew their gazes, and their gazes towards the young master of Duotian Tower in the center of the field also changed.


With a sneer, Murong Jingyan threw the monkey-faced head out of the stone island. His black hair was curled back, and the fragrance of crabapples filled the air.

"In that case."

"We welcome all people with lofty ideals to join us in Seizing Heaven Tower and work together to achieve great things."

Murong Jingyan looked at the wolf-headed man aside and nodded slightly:

"I've worked hard for you these past few days, so it's up to you to tell everyone what the next step is for me downstairs."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan took half a step back to make way for the wolf-headed man. The purple eyes behind the mask gradually dissipated and the corners of her mouth slowly raised.

This counterfeit actually did a pretty good job.

The move that he just used to scare the monkeys was very effective. The most important thing is that the guy named Xia Luo who he recruited under his command did everything well.

Whether he was recruiting privately or gathering a large number of people in the Wenjian World, thanks to him, even if Murong Jingyan accidentally lost his cultivation and delayed precious few days, Duotianlou's deployment in the Wenjian World could still be achieved. Goes smoothly.

Whether it's tricks or people.

Now, they all belong to me.

(End of this chapter)

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