How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 241 I will kill you with my own hands

Chapter 241 I will kill you with my own hands
  The blood on the ground was still wet, and the stone island was quiet except for the sound of water splashing by footsteps.

The members of Duotianlou dressed in wolf-head robes slowly walked to the front of the stage, their wolf faces flashing black light, and they said:

"Everyone who has entered Seizing Heaven Tower symbolizes the decisions of the forces behind each other. You should be united and understand your mission."

"My name is Luo, you can also call me wolf. I am the first protector to assist the young master in this Sword Asking Association."

"If anyone dares to do the following again and disobey the teachings, then he will be punished."

Charlotte's head moved slightly, looking at the dead head on the ground, and said calmly:
  "Like him."

Seeing that the people in black robes around him were silent, Charlotte continued:
  "In this trip to the sword world, apart from recruiting wise men and seizing opportunities, the most important thing for our building is to take this opportunity to destroy future enemies.

"The first to bear the brunt are the lackeys of the imperial court."

Looking around, Charlotte lowered her voice and said:

"Everyone here has an extraordinary background. The reason why they dare to do something is because they are extremely disappointed with this treacherous court. They want to change the world and create a clear sky so that the family can breathe."

"Therefore, the juniors of the three divisions are our mortal enemies. Although the Dayan Academy is independent from the world, the deceitful ministers will also cause harm to the country. We will take advantage of them and destroy them all."

Xia Luo's words were like a stone that stirred up a thousand waves. The men in black robes present pricked up their ears. Just as Xia Luo said, they all naturally have their own purposes in joining Duitian Tower.

The usually arrogant juniors of the Third Division and the self-proclaimed inner disciples of Dayan Academy were a thorn in their side.

If the family is lonely, or does not follow the trend, the result is that there is no chance of being cultivated. In many cases, it has nothing to do with talent, unless you are a fairy or demon.

In this era where geniuses emerge in large numbers, even the appearance of a mythical beast cannot be called amazing.

After sighing softly, Xia Luo changed his tone and turned slightly sideways to look at Murong Jingyan.

"Besides that, there is one more thing."

"This matter is important, and even related to the truth of Wenjian World. It is what the young master reported, and it is absolutely true."

Murong Jingyan put one hand behind her back and nodded slightly to indicate to Xia Luo to continue.

"There are rumors from the outside that the Wenjian Realm is about to collapse because the ancient divine power in the Demonic Sword is almost exhausted and cannot support this fantasy world."

"It is true that after this sword-asking meeting, the sword-asking world will surely die."

"But this is not because the magic sword is exhausted. On the contrary, this is a sign that the magic sword breaks free and is about to be born."

The people in black robes immediately became noisy when they heard this. The eyes behind various masks were shocked. What is the magic sword?
  This is a complete ancient immortal weapon. How many immortal ancient weapons are there left alive?

At least the Yangyang Dayan and Ten Thousand Years of Endurance are probably only possible for the Tianjia Qian clan at present, and that is only possible.

And Charlotte's next words shocked them even more.

"When a magic sword is born, it must return to its master, and there is a way for all this."

"According to the records of previous sword-asking conferences, we estimate that the magic sword has a spirit. It is a string of feather ornaments."

"It has always been possible to obtain part of it. There must be a chance on the Sword Asking Stage. It is also the only thing that can shield the murderous intention of the Demon Sword. If it can be restored, maybe we can obtain the Demon Sword."

"However, this thing cannot be brought out of the Wenjian Realm, so it is scattered across the Sword Immortal State, and no one has ever been able to collect it and restore it."

"What I want to do is to find the whereabouts of the magic feather."

"Seize the magic sword!"

As soon as this statement came out, someone immediately questioned:
  "Where did you get the news?"

But he regretted it as soon as he shouted it out, because a cold look had already fallen on him.

With a sneer, the man wearing a cat mask said:

"Young Master, I didn't mean that."

"I just heard Lang ask about the historical records of the sword world. Isn't this a secret only owned by the Nine Provinces Alliance? How did we learn about it?"

Charlotte frowned and reminded:
  "Don't ask if you shouldn't."

The cat-faced man bowed and apologized:

"Please tell me, young master, how we should find this so-called magic sword spirit."

Everyone also looked at Murong Jingyan who was not far away. Their movements were uniform and they had similarities unconsciously.

The black hair was swaying, and the pale mask revealed a faint purple light.

The young master's tone was very light, but there was an undoubted aura of domineering power.

"Treasure hunting dogs, why should I wait to find them myself?"

"Of course there will be people"

"Doing the dirty work for us."

The intersection of Tongtianya and Jianxianzhou.

There are a series of hanging islands above the head, the grass is blown by the wind, and at the end of the hill, there is a mist of mist.

A line of red clothes stopped here.

His figure was a little lonely, with long orange-red hair stained with grass leaves. Zhu Huanan put his hand on the black knife and was sitting cross-legged.

The unkempt beard that hadn't been trimmed for many days looked a bit old.

Looking at the floating island above his head, feeling the looming energy and blood of the monks above him, Zhu Huanan was not afraid of being stared at, and he had no intention of seizing an island. He just sat quietly on the grass below.

But even so, Zhu Huanan was still targeted.

"Brother Zhu, is it you!?"

There was a sound of surprise, and then a figure jumped from the air and walked quickly towards Zhu Huan'an.

Zhu Huan'an looked over after hearing the sound, with a smile on his face.

The person who came was none other than Kou Ting, who had had some friendship with him.

Kou Ting quickly came to Zhu Huan'an's side. Seeing Zhu Huan'an sitting alone on the grass, he squatted down.

He was very tall, so he could only slowly sit next to Zhu Huan'an and asked:

"Brother Zhu, why are you sitting here alone?"

"With your strength, the stone island above is not for you to choose?"

Zhu Huan'an raised his eyebrows, but smiled and did not answer.

Not noticing that Zhu Huan'an looked bad, Kou Ting curiously asked:
  "Brother Zhu didn't find the organization?"

"If you don't mind it, you might as well go with our Dayan Academy first. Even our leader Yuan, with his ruthless mouth, has admitted that Brother Zhu, your strength is definitely one of the leaders in this Sword Questioning Association."

"After all, it's better than being alone."

Zhu Huanan exhaled from the tip of his nose. He was about to refuse politely, but Kou Ting's words stopped him.

"Speaking of which, Kou met your junior sister in the Endless Sea."

"Hey, didn't she come to Tong Tianya??"

Zhu Huan'an looked at Kou Ting, frowned and asked, "Have you seen my junior sister?"

Shaking his head, Kou Ting waved his hand:
  "Forget it."

"Not only did I meet your junior sister, but I almost became the target of public criticism because of her. You are her senior brother, and you must repay it for her."

"." Upon hearing this, Zhu Huanan turned sideways, spread his hands and said:
  "Tell me more." Seeing Zhu Huanan's interest, Kuo Ting also rolled his eyes and tentatively said:
  "Then, let's go up and talk?"


"it is good."

Zhu Huan'an nodded, picked up the candle on his lap, and stood up first.

Under the leadership of Kou Ting, the two quickly climbed up to the sky on the suspended gravel, and soon came to a stone island very close to the light fog of Sword Immortal State.

There are about ten people on the island, most of them wearing the robes of Dayan Academy, and some of them are from noble families who are close friends with You.

After seeing Zhu Huanan, most of them looked surprised and subconsciously stood up to greet him.

Someone recognized that this was the madman who rushed into Senior Brother Yuan in the restaurant. He could make Senior Brother Yuan endure it for a while, which was enough to see how powerful the opponent was.

At the end of the crowd, Ma Pao, who was meditating and adjusting his breath, also reacted and suddenly turned his head to look.

Huang Dizhou's eyes were filled with vigilance and suspicion. When he saw clearly that it was the person brought back by Kuoting, he became even more uncertain.

"This guy"

Just at that moment, the intuition belonging to his immortal and demonic blood seemed to detect the presence of some terrifying monster, and a terrifying illusion made Huang Dizhou's heart throb inadvertently.

Huang Dizhou, who had not been born for many years, did not understand these outstanding people, so he had no choice but to inquire about them among the other junior brothers and sisters of Dayan Academy.

Zhu Huanan, who was talking to Kuoting, suddenly stopped.

But it's not because of Huang Dizhou.

After a brief moment of silence, Zhu Huanan raised his head, turned around and looked at another place.

There, there is also a slightly smaller stone island.

On the edge of the island, there was a person looking at him.

The man had white hair, white clothes, a white sword and a white silk ribbon, like a snow fairy who had fallen into the mortal world.

She was also facing here. Although she was blind, the feeling of being watched made Zhu Huanan feel uncomfortable. It was a faint murderous intention.

As if aware that Zhu Huan'an was looking back, the woman's red lips opened slightly and she suddenly asked:
  "Have you ever seen Shen Fengchen."


Shen Su's ethereal voice caused Kou Ting to look back, and the people in Dayan Academy also subconsciously looked up.

In the endless sea, Yuan Chuang was not around, so they did not attack Shen Su rashly. After all, no one would risk their lives.

Shen Su and his party were looking for Shen Fengchen, and they were also waiting to meet Yuan Chuang. Before that, both parties had been safe.

"I'm asking about your words."

When she spoke again, Shen Su's tone was cold, and now everyone could feel the aggressive strength.

Kou Ting was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward to stop Zhu Huanan and scolded:

"Miss Shen, you passed."

"Brother Zhu is a distinguished guest of our Dayan Academy, and we cannot tolerate you speaking in such a tone."

Shen Su turned a deaf ear to Kou Ting's warning.

She stood up and tilted her head slightly as if listening to the message brought by the wind.

"You smell like him."

At this moment, Shen Su's words also attracted more people, and someone came behind her.

The person who came was none other than Shang Que, the head of the inner guard of the Wei Daosi Department. He walked to Shen Su's shoulder and stood there, following Shen Su's "sight" and looking down, looking for the person Shen Su was talking about.

When he saw Zhu Huan'an, Shang Que's expression changed slightly.

Zhu Huan'an raised his hand and put it on Kou Ting's shoulder to comfort him, then looked in Shen Su's direction and replied calmly:

"I have seen."

"Then where is he?" Shen Su asked again.


Withdrawing his gaze, Zhu Huanan chuckled and patted the dust on his shoulders:

"Just as you feared."

"He is dead."

There was an uproar in the audience when he finished speaking. Even Kou Ting and Huang Dizhou looked surprised, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

The Sword Immortal State hasn't even started yet, and Shen Fengchen, who had high hopes, is actually dead? ?

Shen Su snorted coldly and immediately put his hand on the white sword.

Pure white mist appeared on the blade of her sword. Although it was not obvious, it seemed to freeze time and space. Just by looking at it, it would actually make her eyeballs feel painful from the cold.

"he died?"

"You did it."

Seeing that Shen Su was coming, Kouting immediately exuded a strong aura, and the disciples of Dayan Academy behind him also took up fighting postures.

Although it was unwise to start a fight with Shen Su, in Kuoting's mind, if he could really draw Zhu Huan'an into his camp, the deal would be a sure profit.

He must get the limelight, and people must be protected.

Locked by Shen Su, Zhu Huan'an was calm and just glanced at Shen Su lightly.

Fortunately, Shang Que had a premonition that something was not going to happen, so he immediately pressed down on Shen Su's sword and whispered:
  "Did you sense something wrong?"

"How could Mr. Shen be killed?"

But after Shang Que said these words, Shen Su's momentum remained unabated. Shang Que even felt that he was also locked in murderous aura, and his eyes suddenly flickered.

Could it be that Mr. Shen is real?
  However, after thinking about it, Shang Que continued to dissuade him:
  "Don't be impulsive, I will send someone to find out."

"There are only a few people in our Wei Dao Department now, and there are no members of Master Shen and Fulong Department. The other three immortals and demons will only lose their lives in a hasty life-and-death fight and ruin Master Shen's plan."


"There is still Yuan Chuang to deal with."

After hearing Shang Que's words, Shen Su's wrist moved slightly, and finally she took a shallow breath and released her hand from the scabbard.

Just when everyone in Dayan Academy thought everything was fine, Shen Su suddenly took a step forward and spoke again.

She looked down at Zhu Huanan.

The tone was cold, spreading in all directions:
  "I don't know your last name, but I remember the smell of you."

"It was a murderous, disgusting smell that could not be washed away no matter how hard it was covered up."

"If it is true that you killed Shen Fengchen."

"I will kill you with my own hands."

(End of this chapter)

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