How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 242 The Sword Immortal State opens!

Chapter 242 The Sword Immortal State opens!

Since the five heroes of the White Horse Club were massacred, the Shidao Group has enjoyed a long period of tranquility. The monks who are still alive here are afraid of attracting the attention of the mysterious people and becoming another target.

until three days later.

As an earth-shattering explosion resounded throughout the world, the blurry mist of light that stretched before his eyes finally reacted.

The mist turned and flowed, gradually turning into the shape of a whirlpool. An indescribable spiritual energy emerged from the vortex. Just by sniffing it with the tip of your nose, you could imagine a world filled with spiritual energy.


"It's the Sword Immortal State that has opened!"

The monks who were recharging their energy stood up one after another and looked in the direction of the light mist with longing eyes.

More than three hundred talented people from Dayan Prefecture have already left three of them before the Sword Immortal Prefecture was opened, and the real meat grinding ground is the Central Sword Immortal Prefecture.

But since ancient times, crises and opportunities have coexisted. The leaders of the Wenjian Society have many unknown people who have gone through hardships and overcome all difficulties. In the end, they overcame their superiors and changed their fate against the will of heaven.

But even though the vortex has taken shape, no one is eager to break into it for the moment. In this isolated world of sword-asking, the strict system is a factor that everyone has to consider.

A tiger is no match for a pack of wolves. Even if you look like a fairy or a demon, you still have to keep a low profile without helpers behind you.

Not to mention ignoring the forces that have already gathered. The casual cultivators know very well that they must give in when the number of people is not large in the early stage.

At the end of the period, one has to either join these forces. If that fails, the final situation will inevitably be for the casual cultivators to join forces and fight against these forces in a final decisive battle.

Therefore, they were all waiting for the floating islands near the whirlpool to make some move.

Soon, the first group of people moved.

Those people were the black-robed group that massacred the heroes of the White Horse Society. These people made flashing leaps in unison and jumped into the whirlpool almost immediately, without paying any attention to other forces.

What is striking is that the leader is wearing a black robe and a mysterious cloak, which still cannot hide her slender figure. Her long, silky hair is flying in the wind. She seems to be a woman.

"Who are those people?"

"I'm not sure. I've never heard of this person before, but wearing a mask shouldn't be a good person."

As the people from Duotian Tower took the lead in breaking into the Sword Immortal State, the Dayan Academy tribe led by Kou Ting also took action.

Huang Dizhou flew on the ground, turned into blood and rushed towards the whirlpool. For several days, he kept a certain distance from Zhu Huanan, with an unknown source of deep fear in his heart.

"Brother Zhu, let's go too."

Kuoting watched his junior brothers and sisters rushing into the whirlpool, then turned to Zhu Huanan behind him and said.

Zhu Huanan was standing with a sword in his hand. He stared at the direction where Murong Jingyan disappeared. After hearing Kou Ting's words, he nodded slightly and walked towards the whirlpool with Kou Ting.

Surprisingly, several people from the Wei Dao Department have not taken any action.

Shang Que looked at the monks rushing into the whirlpool one by one, then turned to look at Shen Su who was sitting on the ground meditating, and frowned:
  "Aren't you leaving?"


"Are you waiting for Mr. Shen?" Shang Que sighed and asked:

"Maybe he's not here in Tongtianya."

Shen Su didn't reply, just remained silent.

Shang Que shook his head at the other three heroes from the Wei Dao Department, indicating that they would wait together and not be in a hurry to enter the Sword Immortal State.

As the Sword Immortal State opened up, all forces and casual cultivators filed in, and soon there was only loneliness left on the floating island.

Shang Que paced back and forth with a sad look on his brows.

He didn't know much about Shen Su. He only knew that he and Mr. Shen were like a shadow, and he was suspected of being a dead man in the palace.

He never speaks a word or contradicts his own opinions, just like a tool that obeys orders.

Such abnormal behavior made Shang Que worried.

Could it be that Mr. Shen really wants to know where Fulongsi's plan will go?

But, can Zhu Huanan really kill Mr. Shen?

Even if this is the case, the person named Zhu cannot escape unscathed. Could it be that something unexpected happened?
  Soon, Tongtianya changed again.

A huge sound exploded from the sky, and the Wei Daosi people looked up and suddenly looked horrified.

I saw the endless sea water in the south rushing to the sky, and the world-destroying tide actually hit the direction of the end of the world. The sea water covering the sky and the sun was higher than the mountains, submerged in the clouds, and wanted to engulf everything in the world.

The strangeness in the east is even worse. Mountains are collapsing, the earth is cracked, and the thick mist of chaos seems to be crushing the stars. A huge sense of oppression permeates the surrounding areas, leaving only nothingness wherever it goes.

"Got to go!"

Shang Que shouted loudly, waving his hands to signal a few people to go to Jianxianzhou quickly, and then he suddenly stretched out his hand to Shen Su's shoulder:


Shen Su also felt the aura of doom. She stood up slowly and looked in the unknown direction with some hesitation.


Seeing that Shen Su was still in a daze, Shang Que couldn't help it. While his body was not cut off by the air currents, he said in a deep voice:
  "You have to keep Qingshan here to figure out the situation. Are you going to commit suicide here?"

After saying that, Shang Que immediately turned around and walked away, rushing towards the direction of the whirlpool as if he was flying.

The sky fell and the earth fell, and the sea water poured in. Shen Su turned her head to look at the east for the last time, then turned and left. Her figure turned into a white sword light and quickly rushed into the whirlpool.

  The sea water scattered all the stone islands in the next second, and then the chaotic mist surged in, crushing everything into dust and turning it into particles of stars.


a few days later.

Sword Immortal State.

Western Region, outside Sanchong Pass.

With a shrill roar, the giant beast disappeared.

The forest under the hazy dusk is eerie and terrifying, and a stone city sleeps in the dusk, like a deserted frontier.

Raw Stone City.


As a scream rang out, two figures from outside the city gate rushed into the city. They were carrying a bleeding monk, and the wailing sound came from his mouth.

The man's entire right shoulder was torn apart, and his arm had long since disappeared, as if most of it had been bitten off by some ferocious beast.

"Save people!!"

The two monks shouted hurriedly, but no one responded at all. Shicheng was not big, and the monks in the streets and alleys were huddled under the eaves. The eyes they cast were filled with pity and more numbness.

In the end, the seriously injured monk was sprinkled with a pack of hemostatic powder, and he fainted due to severe pain and convulsions, and became silent again.

Even if he managed to hold on to his life in the end, he would probably not be able to save his hand, not to mention that this person was a swordsman.


He punched the air and one of the monks roared loudly, but soon his arm was grabbed by another person, who quickly shook his head at him.

Taking a deep breath, the monk suppressed the anger in his heart, carried his crippled companion on the ground, and walked silently to the eaves of the street.

As we got closer, we discovered that each of the monks under the eaves was injured, and some of them had already been covered with white cloths.

These are all caused by worshiping the monsters in the forest.

When night falls, countless monsters appear. The strength of these monsters is super weird and difficult to guard against. Some monsters can even block Taoism. If they encounter them, they can only escape.

Fortunately, there is such a stone city in the forest. For some reason, as long as you hide in the city, the monsters will stop chasing you. It is a pure land to save your life.

At this moment, almost all the monks in the city were nearby. They were chased by monsters and were forced to flee into the stone city to find shelter.

But is it really a pure land?

The man's eyes unconsciously looked towards the center of the city, where there was a huge wooden stake, and a figure was hanging on the wooden stake with his hands and feet tied by an iron spiked whip.

Withdrawing his gaze, the man looked at his friend whose body was left beside him and sighed.

Sword Immortal State has three gates, inside and outside, and the chaotic mist will come from the outside in, eventually covering all of Sword Immortal State. All the monks can only shrink inward to avoid being crushed by the chaotic mist.

This original stone city is obviously outside the Three Passes. Although there are more than [-] monks in the city with different origins, including some famous rising stars from various states, the leader of the force is a sect called Ding'an Temple.

Ding'an Temple is not well-known, but what is strange is that there are three monks who have joined the Sword Society. Their abilities cannot be underestimated, and they are all perfect in the three levels of Tianfeng.

Moreover, their skills are special, and they can actually use each other's strength to increase their cultivation level. Therefore, they are almost unquestionable and absolute power in this city.

Most of the monks in the city were more or less injured in the fight with the monsters. They had no chance of winning against the three powerful monks. In addition, they were not familiar with each other, so most of them acquiesced in the status of Ding'an Temple.

After all, monsters are rampant after nightfall. If you can't keep a place in the city, leaving the city rashly will lead to death.

But what is inconsistent with the appearance of Buddhism and Taoism is that these three monks have no compassion. Instead, they openly send people to explore the way outside the city and find out the direction. The sunrise and sunset in Jianxianzhou are different and cannot be guessed by common sense, so it is extremely difficult to judge the direction.

If you go in the wrong direction and it is not the path to the second level, then you will probably die in the mouth of the monster, or be swallowed up by the mist of chaos.

If you want to find the right path, the first step is to determine the direction.

According to previous experience records, there is one method that is very effective. It is rumored that there is a grass in the mountains of Wenjianjie called Demon Killing Grass.

The direction pointed by the grass is the direction of the magic sword, and similarly it is the center of the Sword Immortal State.

Follow the magic weed and you can't go wrong.

It's just that this magic-killing grass is extremely difficult to find and takes a lot of time. The dangerous task of going out of the city to find the grass naturally falls on the other geniuses in the city.

In just a few days, not only were several people killed, but more and more people were injured.

Although everyone was resentful, due to their injuries and the fact that no one wanted to be the first to offend the three bald donkeys, they could only swallow their anger and pray that someone could find the magic weed soon and get out of the city together. This monster forest.

At this moment, in a secluded house somewhere in Stone City.


Tearing the rag on her knees, the girl let out a light hiss.

Chen Xiangling frowned, with beads of sweat on her face. She carefully pulled off the scab and let out a long breath.

The wound was not big, it was bitten by a small snake. Unexpectedly, the poison was so strong that it almost killed her.

If it weren't for the desperate efforts of her friends to escort her and the elixir she carried with her, her beautiful legs would have ended up here.

"Xiang Ling, are you okay?"

A concerned voice came, and Chen Xiangling looked up. There was also a young man in the room.

The boy was about fifteen years old, with a noble air, but the blood stains on his forehead were also very obvious, obviously he had experienced a fierce battle.

"I am fine."

"It's really hard work."

Chen Xiangling shook his head and lowered his trousers.

This young man’s name is Liao Jian. His father and Yanzhou Jiedushi Chen Cang are sworn brothers, so the two have known each other since childhood. Although Liao Jian is a son of the royal family, he does not have the problems of aristocrats. This is one of the few names that Chen Xiangling calls Friendly person.

After being bitten by a poisonous snake, he luckily met Liao Jian and was taken into this stone city.

Due to the coma caused by the poison, Chen Xiangling was able to temporarily recover. As a price, Liao Jian was sent by Bald Donkey to risk his life every other day to go out to collect magic weed.

"Have you found the magic weed?" Chen Xiangling suddenly asked.

Liao Jian shook his head: "No."

"That thing is not that easy to find. We spread out in twos and threes, guarding against sneak attacks by monsters, so we didn't have time to find anything."

Chen Xiangling nodded and asked again:

"What did the others say?"

After hearing the meaning of Chen Xiangling's words, Liao Jian curled his lips and stretched:

"How else can I say it?"

"Several people have died in the past few days, but no one dares to say a word. No one dares to resist those bald donkeys."

Chen Xiangling sighed after hearing this, holding his chin up with a sad expression.

If this continues, even if the demon-killing grass is found, the people in the city will be dead and injured and become a burden. They are afraid that if those few bald donkeys take the grass and run away, others will be left to fend for themselves.

But these bald donkeys are very powerful.
  To say that no one resisted was not true.

In the beginning, there was.

Moreover, that person had a strong background and strength, and was considered by everyone to be the most qualified person to lead.

Cao Diantian, the peerless genius of Prince Chen's Mansion.

Relying on the top talent of the second mutation of the divine beast's posture, he is extremely proficient in the divine sword. He is a figure who can catch up with Yuan Chen in the capital where masters gather, and he has no defeat against immortals and demons.

Such a powerful person ended up being suppressed by the bald men and hung on a wooden stake in the city.

Since Cao Diantian was exposed to the public, no one in this small rough stone city dared to challenge the power of the three bald donkeys. They could only put down their dignity and follow the orders of the bald donkeys.

"It's not like this magic weed can be found everywhere. I want my aunt to risk her life to find it, so they can just sit back and reap the benefits. Bah!"

Seeing that Chen Xiangling was angry, Liao Jian smiled and comforted:
  "Oh, no way."

"Xiang Ling, let's just stay here honestly. It's really hard to stay in Wenjianjie if we have the strength. As long as we can get out alive."

Standing up, Liao Jian smiled:
  "They don't know that your leg is healed yet. Just rest here and don't go out."

"I'll go out and have a look."

After saying that, Liao Jian turned around and walked towards the door.

"Evil people like Bald Donkey need to be punished by evil people like Yuan Chuang and Shen Liu, huh"

Chen Xiangling was still muttering when suddenly a muffled sound came and the fragile door was pushed open violently.

Liao Jian, who was about to open the door, did not dodge in a hurry, but was knocked away by a huge force. He took several steps back and knelt on the ground. He opened his mouth and coughed out a large mouthful of blood.

Chen Xiangling also stood up quickly, eyebrows raised, and looked towards the door.

Da da,

As the dim light entered, a tall figure walked in. The person's earrings dropped, his face was gentle, and he was wearing a red and yellow cassock.

The eminent monk raised his hand, with a bright smile, and the scar on the top was filled with Buddha's light:


"The so-called evil person in the mouth of the donor, but the poor monk thinks it is biased."

"You guys." Chen Xiangling took two steps quickly, helped Liao Jian up, gritted his teeth and looked in the direction of the monk, and said angrily:
  "Do you know who my father is!"

Ha ha
  Shaking his head, the monk licked the rosary, still wearing that kind and weird smile:
  "When you come here, status is secondary. If the benefactor is determined to make progress, the poor monk should lend a helping hand."

"I came here specifically to congratulate the donor on his recovery of his legs and feet, and also want to remind the donor."

"This rough stone city doesn't support idlers."

After saying that, the eminent monk glanced at Liao Jian who was coughing up blood, smiled, turned around, and walked out slowly.

Looking at his back, Chen Xiangling's face turned red, but in the end he hesitated and could only pull Liao Jian and slowly sit on the chair.

"Xiang Ling, my lungs seem to be broken."

Liao Jian showed a smile that was uglier than crying. In just a moment, his face was covered with cold sweat.

He was originally only a person with the first level of Tianfeng. He was sent to the Wenjian Realm with the intention of joining the Third Division, but he never met him. Fortunately, his ancestral blood was fast and sensitive, helping him escape from death many times.

Just now he was not in a hurry to dodge, but the eminent monk's palm was so powerful that he was seriously injured.

"This bald donkey is so awesome. I thought people outside the capital were all bad."

"Xiang Ling, these guys in the world of cultivation don't seem to be as rabble-rousing as the rumors say."

"Stop talking."

Chen Xiangling took out a pain-relieving pill and stuffed it into Liao Jian's mouth, bit his lip and said:

"blame me"

"If I had honestly taken you to Dayan Academy or been with the Shen family, you would never have been bullied like this."

"After we leave here, we will go find them immediately."

Hearing this, Liao Jian's breathing became rapid. It was the pain in his lungs that was irritating him.

"No better."

"Xiang Ling, you could have chosen whatever you wanted, but why didn't you choose to go?"

"Is it possible that you look down on them?"

After hearing this, Chen Xiangling's eyes dimmed, and he turned to look at the dusk scenery outside the door.

She whispered softly in a voice that could only be heard by herself:


"where are you"

(End of this chapter)

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