Chapter 243

The original stone city was half collapsed and lonely, but it was regarded as a treasured place because it could block monsters.

Even though there are foreign monks in the forest who are forced into the original stone city by monsters from time to time, bringing fresh blood, the established rules in the city are like iron bars, and no one dares to break this established balance.

Being able to temporarily avoid bloodthirsty monsters in a safe city is now the only pursuit of many people.

Just because the few monks in Ding'an Temple are more terrifying than the monster, they don't know what kind of skills they practice, and even if they whisper and complain, it will be known to them.

If they are caught spreading complaints, these bald donkeys will wear strange smiles and invite people out of the city without explanation. Only after surviving a night of monster hunting can they enter the city again.

No one can swallow this breath, but really speaking, the few bald donkeys who challenge Ding'an Temple will probably end up being killed to scare the monkeys.

The sun shines on the west mountain, and the city gate opens wide.

In the dim sunlight, a figure staggered slowly into the city.

When the cultivating monks on both sides of the street heard the sound, it seemed that they were all enemies of each other in the Wenjian world, but at this moment, their faces showed a bit of sadness.

Of the three people who went out during the day, only one came back in the end.

The girl who returned alone was Chen Xiangling.

At this moment, Chen Xiangling's eyes were slightly confused, the wet blood stains on his forehead extended along his cheeks, and his steps staggered.

In the middle of the city road, a sturdy monk wearing thick cassocks had been waiting for a long time with a smile on his face.

Seeing Chen Xiangling approaching, he raised his palms in front of him, nodded slightly, and asked:

"Donor, have you found any traces of the magic weed?"

Chen Xiangling seemed to be awakened by the voice. Her eyes gradually focused and finally landed on the monk's face.


"Why don't you ask the guys I went out with what happened to them."

The monk smiled and said nothing. He said everything without saying a word.

Seeing the monk's nonchalant attitude, Chen Xiangling's eyes flashed with anger.

Because Liao Jian was seriously injured, she had to go out every other day in the past few days to look for magic weed.

There were too many monsters, and the three or two of them were no match at all. The two today were devoured by the monsters in front of her. If Chen Xiangling's ancestral blood hadn't been very strong, he would certainly not have been able to escape the monsters.

The most ridiculous thing is.

Liao Jian was basically injured by the bald donkey, but he had to pay the price himself. Every day he was worried about finding some magic weed in the dark forest.

"Donor, can you find the magic weed?"

The monk asked again.


"It's up to you to find it on your own. I won't accompany you, aunt!"

Chen Xiangling suddenly roared angrily, and after saying that, she angrily turned away, but as soon as she turned around, the monk's voice sounded faintly behind her:


"In the sword world, it's all about oneself."

"What do those two benefactors in distress have to do with you?"

When the monk said this, Chen Xiangling opened his mouth slightly but could not speak. In the end, he took a deep breath and continued walking forward.

Yes, those two guys are not related to me. If I want to say it, I just can't swallow it!


The monk smiled and said in a compassionate tone:

"If you don't want to stay in the city, you can leave at any time. The three monks and brothers have never forced anyone to stay."

"It's just your little friend, I'm afraid."

Hearing the monk mention Liao Jian, Chen Xiangling stopped and clenched his fists.


Back in the house, Chen Xiangling came to the bed immediately.

A few days passed, and Liao Jian's complexion became weaker and weaker, with a trace of black energy lingering on his face. When he saw Chen Xiangling's return, he opened his eyes and wanted to get up from the bed.

"Xiang Ling, you're back!"

After pressing Liao Jian down, Chen Xiangling pulled the stool and sat down.

"I offended those bald donkeys."

Sighing, Chen Xiangling told everything that had just happened. There was some apology in his eyes and he did not dare to look at Liao Jian.

"That's it"

"In this case, we should leave this rough stone city." Liao Jian did not mean to blame, but instead smiled and comforted:

"Nothing." "Even if we stay in this city, we will be beaten to death by monsters and bald donkeys sooner or later. We might as well go out and try our best to get out of this dense forest."

"It's better than being afraid. If you die outside the city, I will definitely be thrown out too."

After hearing Liao Jian's words, Chen Xiangling's expression softened a lot, nodded and said:

"Bald Donkey's technique is vicious, and that palm has evil energy. He clearly doesn't want you to be well."

"Let's take a chance and maybe we can pull him in"

Before he finished speaking, Liao Jian quickly raised his hand and placed it in front of Chen Xiangling's mouth and shook his head.

He pointed to the door and said with his lips:

They can hear it.

As night falls, the gates of the original stone city are closed.


From time to time, screams could be heard outside the city, and the monks who left the city on their own, as well as the monks who were exiled by the three monks of Ding'an Temple, were chased by monsters and had nowhere to go, but they could not enter the original stone city.

The three monks have set up the barrier formation early. If these monks can survive until morning, they will open the city gate.

Only by bending down to worship and kowtow sincerely can you be eligible to return to the original stone city.

In the past few days, some people have actually become believers in Ding'an Temple, and the three monks have given them certain privileges and have turned to oppress other monks.

Chen Xiangling took Liao Jian to a certain city gate. The torch was swaying, but there was no one here.

"Xiang Ling, do we really want to leave?"

Before leaving, Liao Jian suddenly asked in a panic.

After all, there was just the sound of monks knocking on the door outside the city, but now it was silent. Going out at this moment is undoubtedly asking for death.

"Don't worry, night is when monsters come out."

"Let's set off again tomorrow morning."

Just as Chen Xiangling was talking, he suddenly noticed a change in Liao Jian's expression. Following his gaze, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar when he looked at Chen Xiangling.

At some point, two steps behind him, a tall monk with kind eyes was standing with his palms raised.

Seeing Chen Xiangling look at him, the monk bowed slightly and asked:

"Donor, are you leaving the city?"

The monk took half a step forward. His pressure made Chen Xiangling subconsciously raise his blood and prepare for the attack.

Even with the help of his father, Chen Xiangling had not practiced diligently in the past, and now he could only reach the level of the second level of Tianfeng. Facing this bald donkey who had completed the third level of Tianfeng, he had no chance of winning.

"The donor has never forced me to leave or stay as a poor monk."

"But if you have this intention."

The monk smiled and made an invitation gesture sideways.

As his hand fell, the city door beside him suddenly opened, revealing the dark forest outside.

The boundless darkness was like a wild beast that preyed on people. The cold wind carried a fishy smell and blew from outside the city. The cold night made Chen Xiangling shiver.

"Also please benefactor, please."

Chen Xiangling's chest was slightly bent, and he could feel Liao Jian's rapid breathing behind him.


From the corner of her eye, she glanced at the cold night outside. Chen Xiangling's feet were heavy. There were endless monsters in the forest, and the night was like a wave of waves. Even if she could survive tonight, Liao Jian would definitely die.


Unless he kneels down and kowtows, the bald donkey cannot give up.

Just when Chen Xiangling was hesitating in every possible way and was in a dilemma, a rustling of footsteps suddenly sounded from outside the city.

Da da da,

The footsteps were like notes in the night, like a needle falling on the floor of a quiet room.

Not only Chen Xiangling and the other two, the eminent monks of Ding'an Temple also narrowed their eyes, stood up, and looked at them carefully.

In the jungle at night, there are only scattered cultivators who are being hunted and fleeing. Could it be that they are other forces with such leisurely footsteps?

Da da

The footsteps became lighter and lighter, and in the heavy fog, the outline of the person who came finally appeared.

Lengyue Che cloth, black robe added to the body.

The lowered brim of his hat reflected the moonlight. The leading man raised his head slightly, and the wolf-head mask reflected the cold light.

(End of this chapter)

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