How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 244 Do you want to take your life?

Chapter 244 Do you want to take your life?

someone is coming?

When the senior monk of Ding'an Temple saw someone entering the city, he just calmly inserted his hands into his cassock and turned sideways to face the direction of the city gate tower.

They set up a ban outside the city. Although it was not a very deep formation, the monks who were being chased by monsters had no time to break through the formation.

Since they were able to enter the city, it meant that these guys were not embarrassed and easily cracked the formation.

some meaning.

Seeing the eminent monk looking away, Chen Xiangling hurriedly pulled Liao Jian back a few steps, ready to escape at any moment.

As long as she didn't leave the city tonight, she would still have a chance to take Liao Jian to look in a certain direction during the day and take a gamble.

Glancing at the black-robed men entering the city from the corner of his eye, Chen Xiangling's eyes showed a trace of pity. These people probably didn't know what kind of place they had come to. This monster monk was not so easy to deal with.

But when her eyes fell on the wolf-head mask of the leader, she was suddenly startled.

The style of this mask seems familiar.

In just a moment's thought, several people had already entered the city.

The thin figure wearing a wolf head mask at the head is none other than Charlotte.

Seeing that there were monks blocking the way into the city, Charlotte also stopped. He was followed by two other black-robed members of Duotian Tower. The two parties suddenly fell into a strange stalemate.

In the end, it was the eminent monk who spoke first, raising his palm and saying:


"The donors are lost in the forest and want to temporarily enter this rough stone city?"

Xia Luo looked at the monk in front of him, and seemed to be aware of the monk's majestic blood, and said calmly:

"You are a participant in the meeting, not a ghost in the forest."

Hearing this, the eminent monk smiled, nodded and said:

"The benefactor was joking."

"The poor monk is naturally a human being, not a monster outside the city."

Nodding, Charlotte also looked at the city. When he saw the injured monks sitting side by side under the eaves in the distance. He fell silent briefly.

At this moment, a woman wearing a cat mask behind him came forward and said:

"Not letting go yet."

"I'm going to stay in the city for one night tonight."

When the cat-faced woman spoke, the bald donkey in front of him didn't respond. He still had that elusive smile on his face, but he wouldn't budge a step.

Charlotte retracted her gaze, closed her eyes slightly, and added another sentence.

"Fellow Taoist, I will leave early tomorrow morning."


Hearing this, Bald Donkey smiled, shook his head and said, "Donor, I'm afraid this won't work."

"Why not?" The cat-faced woman spoke again, with a cold tone in her tone.

The eminent monk's eyes slowly turned to the cat-faced woman, and Fu Jing Fuha said:

"If you want to enter the city, you must abide by the rules of this city."

"We, Ding'an Temple, are responsible for guarding this original stone city until someone finds the magic weed and finds the direction to the second pass, otherwise."

"Even if you continue to leave the city and lose your way, sooner or later you will fall into chaos and regret it too late."

Seeing what the demon monk said, the cat-faced girl suddenly laughed.

Her laughter was very soft, with a hint of ridicule and teasing, and she didn't notice at all that the wolf face beside her was turning his head, about to give a warning.

"Devil weed?"

"Of course we already have this stuff, why do we need to look for it again?"

After hearing the words of the cat-faced woman, the demon monk's smiling expression finally changed, and his face visibly stiffened.

"Do you have any magic weed?"

Not only the monk, but also Chen Xiangling, who retreated without leaving a trace, stopped and looked back.

The monks who were watching the excitement further away had their eyes gleaming, and many of them stood up directly.

Do these people have magic weed?

wouldn't that

We can finally put an end to these dark days, fight our way out of the woods together, and set off for the second pass! ! ?

Seeing the reaction of the people in the city, the cat-faced woman seemed to realize that she had said something wrong. She frowned slightly and turned to look in the direction of Charlotte.

Charlotte was calm at the moment, just shook her head and signaled her to come back.


The eminent monk lowered his long arms at this moment. He was tall, but his skin was as fair as a woman's. He stared at the cat-faced woman with piercing eyes, making her feel uncomfortable all over.

"Since you have such treasures, hand them over."

"Let's go out together."

The cat-faced woman also sneered and spat:

"Leave it to you?"

"What are you?"

Hearing this, the demon monk's face turned cold and he put away his last smile.


Hearing a loud noise, Charlotte tilted her head slightly, glanced at the city gate that slammed shut behind her, and shook her head slightly.

“One mouthful is a benefactor.”

"Is it possible that hearing the word "treasure" triggered murderous greed?"


The monk ignored him and walked towards them with long strides. He raised his arms, and in a trance, he transformed into a phantom, and in the blink of an eye he came to a few people.

He stretched out his hand to grab the cat-faced woman.

"My Buddha is merciful."

"The poor monk just wants to escape from death with all the donors. What's wrong with that?"

Seeing the monk's big hand approaching, the cat-faced woman reacted very quickly. She almost instantly pulled out the dagger from under her arm and thrust it straight into the monk's palm without any explanation.

"Bald Donkey, you really don't know how to live or die."


However, the expected stabbing sound of flesh and bone did not occur. Instead, there was a crisp sound of metal collision. Before the cat-faced woman could react, the dagger in her hand was actually removed by a huge force.


The cold stone dagger, which was as sharp as clay, was crushed into pieces by the monk's bare hands, while his other hand had already arrived first and struck the cat-faced woman in the face.

If it had been hit hard, it was hard to imagine whether the head would still be safe.

call out! drink!

Fortunately, the member of the Duotian Tower who had been silent all this time also took action. He drew his sword and slashed at the monk from one side with a violent sound.


Retracting the arm that was hitting the cat-faced woman, the eminent monk reached out to the right with his palms, and turned into a phantom again. He struck first and blocked the blade with his fingertips.

Then the huge force was so devastating that the blade collapsed with a crunching sound. The man's eyes changed and he could only hurriedly retreat to save his sword.

At the moment when the man was forced back, the cat-faced woman who had suffered a loss before suddenly sneaked up behind the monk and stabbed the other golden dagger straight into the back of the monk's head to give him the final say.

But in the next moment, her pupils suddenly shrank. The monk's back was clearly turned towards her, but his head suddenly twisted in a circle and he glared angrily.

Then, a crisp sound sounded again, and he actually bit the tip of the dagger with his mouth, unable to make any progress.

"Red Sound Demonic Robe, subjugate the gods and retreat!"

As the eminent monk recited the mantra, the cat-faced woman felt a huge force pressing down on her. The ground within a square inch sank, and even her calf was inserted into the soil, causing blood to bleed from her mouth and nose.

"Are you a monster if you attack a poor monk?"

"Since you are a monster, you deserve to die!"

A cold smile appeared on the corner of the monk's mouth, and then he swung out a palm, threatening to kill him easily.   逿!

Fortunately, a silver stick stopped in front of his palm. The monk looked up and saw a wolf-head mask looking down in the moonlight.

This stick was wrapped with cyan blood, and it only took Catwoman flying to rescue her. Then Charlotte held the stick in both hands and killed the monk.

"You guys leave quickly."

"Go and ask the young master to speed up."

The rescued cat-faced girl was in shock. After hearing Charlotte's words, she hesitated slightly. Finally, she and the swordsman looked at each other and ran out of the city together.

But before they took two steps, their footsteps suddenly stopped.

Because at the closed city gate, there were two figures standing silently, as if they had been waiting for a long time.

They are tall, have similar faces, strong bodies, red and yellow cassocks, and white and strange skin, almost identical to the monk behind them.

"Donor, you are not a demon."

"Now that you have entered this city, why should you escape?"

Oh shit

The swordsman's eyes turned cold, and he drew out his sword and cursed secretly. The cat-faced woman also raised her dagger, and both of them looked solemn.

I didn't expect that such a person would be crouching in this remote stone city.

After just a moment of fighting, they had already seen that the strength of this bald donkey was at least as high as the Great Perfection of the Three Levels of Tian Feng, and his blood and energy were thick and concentrated, which was simply unbelievable.

Even they, the nobles of the capital, didn't know how to do it.

Charlotte on the other side forced the monk in front of him back with a stick. Seeing this, his face darkened and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Donor, your cultivation is unstable."

The strength of the monk in front of him came through. After receiving dozens of sticks from Xia Luo, he still used his fists and palms to meet the enemy. There was some unconcealable mockery on his face at this moment.

"Although it uses a secret method, it still has some potential to reach the three levels of Tian Feng."

"If you follow the poor monks and convert to Buddhism, and learn the magic wheel of ours, you will be invulnerable to swords and guns, and invulnerable to all laws."

As he spoke, he did not forget to squeeze his hands to show off his strong forearms, with an exaggerated arc at the corners of his mouth.

This scene happened to a monk wearing cassock, which seemed a bit funny and terrifying.

"I advise you not to think about this magic weed as soon as possible, otherwise you will offend Tai Sui, and I'm afraid you won't be able to afford the compensation."

Charlotte raised her long stick and suddenly sneered.

Seeing Charlotte say this, the eminent monk in front of him was obviously stunned, but he quickly shook his head.

He raised his eyes, raised a finger and tapped Charlotte, and said with a smile:

"I just heard you mention the young master. Haha, I've seen a lot of poor monks in the past two days."

"Why did the Demon-Subduing Grass separate? You are already powerful enough to be in the Three Levels of Heavenly Sealing. You are probably their leader, young master? It's nothing more than an excuse to gain time for yourself."

"It doesn't matter, even if your young master does come, he will end up with you."

"This is what happens when you attack Buddhism."

With that said, the eminent monk moved forward again. This time he took the initiative and took action very quickly.

Xia Luo frowned, then raised his long stick and took a stance. The blood behind him spurted out and turned into a colorful bird. Immediately, the stick head was decorated with flowers, and it also rushed towards the monk.

Just when the two were about to come into contact, the monk showed an evil smile. He turned his wrist, and the secretly carved runes emerged from his palm. In the blink of an eye, the palm turned into brilliant gold.

Stab it!

Xia Luo felt as if his weapon had hit an iron wall. The treasure stick made of the backbone of the semi-holy demon monk was broken every inch.

This force spiraled forward and directly shattered his embroidered robe. The muscles and bones of his forearm were twisted strangely, and red blood seemed to pierce the skin and spurt out.

He hurriedly let go of the stick, and the golden palm came in the blink of an eye and slapped him on the chest.


Charlotte's figure flew out like a kite with a broken string, and fell heavily to the ground, with shock and disbelief in her eyes.

The moment they made contact, Xia Luo felt that he was not fighting against someone from the third level of Tian Feng, but a monk from the fourth level of Tian Feng, not even the fifth level.

He struck with all his strength with the image of his ancestral blood, but he couldn't even break through the opponent's physical palm. Could this man's physical body really be invulnerable?

Covering his heart, Charlotte groaned, looking at the monk who was getting closer, his eyes full of gloom.

This guy.

I'm afraid there is some evil technique to borrow power.

The surrounding monks who were watching the excitement also stood up one after another at this moment. They had mixed feelings in their hearts, and most of them were glad that they had not offended these monks.

This new guy is not weak, but if he really has to fight alone, he has no chance of winning.

Even Cao Diantian was defeated. Who else could defeat Bald Donkey alone? Perhaps there were only those legendary immortals and demons who could make Cao Diantian look up to him.

Da da da,

The monk came to Charlotte. He raised one foot and directly stepped on Charlotte, who was half-stretched, back to the floor.


"Where's the magic weed?"

Seeing the monk in front of him speaking, Charlotte also grinned. There were blood stains in his mouth, flowing out from the wolf head mask.

"You want magic weed?"

"I have to tell you, as long as you dare to take this thing, your life will not be long."

Ha ha

The monk exerted force under his feet, and Charlotte suddenly spurted out a large mouthful of blood.

That palm was filled with insidious poison, and the blood could not even try to ease the wound on the chest. The pain was excruciating at the moment, let alone being stepped on so hard.

Charlotte hesitated for a moment. When he saw that the cat-faced woman and the swordsman were also knocked to the ground, he finally took out a piece of grass from his waist with trembling hands.

The grass was stained with blood on his fingertips and tilted to one side, looking particularly evil.

Lifting up the demon-killing grass, Charlotte stared at the monk in front of him again and said intermittently:

"You really dare to ask for it?"

Seeing the Demon-Cutting Grass, the monk's eyes suddenly brightened, and the monks in the city also subconsciously walked forward.

Is this the magic grass?

Just when the monk's hand was about to touch the magic grass, suddenly, there was a loud noise!


The closed city gate was torn apart, a stream of light pierced the sky, and the coldness covered the moonlight, causing everyone to close their eyes.

Then, there was another series of loud noises. When everyone opened their eyes, they saw a layer of blood stains on the ground. They immediately followed the trace and turned to look at a collapsed house somewhere.

There was dust and smoke floating in the ruins, and a bald man wearing a cassock and shawl sat slumped on the ground, with a long knife stuck in his chest.

The handle of the knife was even trembling slightly.

"who is it!?"

At the city gate tower, the roars of the other two monks brought people back to their senses and looked outside the city together.

The wooden door was half broken. Looking through the incomplete part, one could see that the misty fog gradually dissipated. Outside the city were all men in black robes. Their masks emitted a cold light, as if they came from the netherworld.

The moonlight was like water, and on a sedan chair, there was a man lying half on his side.

‘She’ has black hair shawl, an ancient beauty mask that looks like she is laughing and crying, and her soft brows are tired, but people can’t take their eyes away, as if she is the protagonist in the world.

One of his slender hands was half-raised, as if he had thrown a handkerchief at random, and then moved it to the side of his forehead.


The cold voice was faint and lazy, making everyone in the city feel nervous.

"stand up."

(End of this chapter)

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