How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 246 Are you blaming me for killing that man named Shen?

Chapter 246 Are you blaming me for killing that man named Shen?

The dark clouds were overthrown, and raindrops began to fall.

The expressions of the two eminent monks of Ding'an Temple changed drastically. At this moment, they did not dare to doubt what their junior brother said. The moonlight was obscured by cumulus clouds, and a suffocating pressure quietly grew.

The four gates of heaven are sealed with the appearance of immortals and demons.

In the potholes, drizzle was falling, and the woman with a white and sly face came slowly, and every step seemed to step on their hearts.


The two of them were decisive. Knowing that they were outmatched, they turned around decisively. Their bodies flew up like cannonballs, and they pulled up the charred junior brother and jumped directly over the three-foot-high city wall.



With a cold snort, Murong Jingyan raised her head slightly, flicked her fingertips, and an arc-shaped ray flashed with extremely purple light.

The demon monk reacted quickly, and did not choose to look down upon this thin light. The appearance of the immortals and demons in the four levels of Tianfeng were beyond his control, and they definitely could not be eliminated by the three of them together.

Even that adult

"Magic Wheel Heavenly Power, Sea of ​​Suffering Crying Monument!"

A monk suddenly looked back, raised his palm and roared.

He activated the energy and blood all over his body, but this time the golden holy light was no longer there, but the blood light glowing with evil black energy quickly turned into a mysterious monument and hit the purple light.


Almost in an instant, the Kung Fu Mysterious Monument exploded into pieces. The power of the purple light did not diminish, and it penetrated directly through his protective black aura, bringing out a stream of flying blood.

The monk also groaned and fell from mid-air to the outside of the city.

He was half-kneeling on the ground, with a hole as big as the mouth of a bowl punched through the base of his thigh. Blood was oozing out, and it was obvious that he could not escape.

"Senior brother!"

"Brother, you go first!"

Cold sweat broke out on the monk's forehead. Although he hurriedly faced the enemy, the Magic Wheel Heavenly Technique was already famous for its powerful body protection, but he couldn't even stop this man with a casual blow.

If it weren't for the protection of the Magic Wheel Tiangang, I'm afraid his leg wouldn't be as simple as a hole and would have been blown off.


"Where can you go to the ends of the earth?"

Downstairs of the city gate, a figure slowly walked out.

In the darkness, purple eyes sneered with an evil smile.

The three monks looked around and saw that by the dense forest outside the city, more than a dozen masters of the Sky Seizing Tower were waiting in formation, their weapons flashing with cold light, and their faces seemed to be smiling.


"who are you?"

Seeing that the escape route was blocked, the last monk who was still intact turned his head to look at the city gate tower and said in a heavy tone:

"Dayan, when did a person like you exist?"

Murong Jingyan had already walked out of the stone city. She glanced at the three demon monks in front of her and said calmly:

"Are these your last words?"

Shaking his head, the leading monk removed his charred junior brother from his shoulders, then raised his palms and placed them on his chest with a compassionate look on his face:

"I didn't expect that my three brothers and sisters were ordered to deal with the Dayan Shen family, but they were killed here first. It's good."

"You are a great variable. You can explore the way for adults in advance. A poor monk can also be useful."

"It's just that the poor monk can't die yet."

After saying that, a faint black smoke suddenly floated from the demon monk's shoulders. The smoke lingered and looked like steaming steam.

In addition to him, the other two monks also had the same mist floating on their bodies, but their mist floated from the top of their heads and floated in the direction of the senior brother.

"Senior brother, is it now?"

Feeling something, the injured monk's lips trembled, but then he took a deep breath and his face became calm again.

Plop, plop,

As two sounds of falling to the ground were heard, the strong bodies of the two monks immediately became thinner, and even their fair skin became dark and wrinkled, as if they were [-]-year-old mortals.

Seeing the death of his two junior brothers, the demon monk's eyes flashed with sadness, but then it turned into anger.


"Even if the poor monk doesn't survive today, your foundation will be destroyed!"

As the words fell, the monk's cassock actually caught fire and turned into ashes in an instant. The body under the cassock was like copper poured into iron, densely covered with runes of various colors.

"The great thunder sound body, the true body of Duhe!"

The cassock seemed to imprison him. Without the cassock, the demon monk's momentum increased continuously, until it far surpassed the three levels of Tianfeng.

His pupils were glowing red, and his eyeballs were so swollen that they were about to pop out. The muscles on his body were also spasming irregularly, and his whole body swelled.

The demon monk suddenly raised his hand and licked his chest, using five sharp fingers to pull out the bleeding marks, as if to relieve the beastly desires and pain in his heart. His fierce eyes glanced in the direction of Murong Jingyan and growled:

"Witch, take your life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the demon monk rushed out with both feet and opened his hands to grab Murong Jingyan!

Downstairs at the city gate, Murong Jingyan clasped one hand behind her back. Seeing the demonic monk who looked like a fierce god coming to kill him, he just nodded calmly and said:

"The secret method of Wanlun Kingdom has its own power. Although this boy's skill is evil, it can not only improve the cultivation level, but also have the energy and blood of an immortal and demon in a short period of time."

"If I hadn't swallowed the Penglai Blood Fruit and reached the breakthrough level, I would have to avoid its edge at this moment."

As soon as the words fell, several members of Duotian Tower were already blocking the demon monk's path.

Along the way, they fully experienced the amazing talents of the young master of the Duotian Tower. The so-called beast tide in the forest did not dare to approach at all. The power of the hands made them believe that the young master of the Duotian Tower was really capable of fighting Yuan Chen. Waiting for others to stand shoulder to shoulder.

Subtly, they slowly and truly accepted Duotianlou's new identity, instead of just holding on to their own needs.

If you want to get more, you naturally need to show more performance in front of the young master.

"The evildoers are gone!"

The demon monk opened and closed his palms, looking horizontally and vertically, and the demonic winds he used to perform the most powerful Buddhist skills were like a tiger rushing into a pack of wolves.

His majestic Qi and blood stirred up the wind and clouds, easily repelling these wolves blocking the way.

"All things are unified: all heavens are aligned!"

"Demon girl, die!"

The demon monk roared angrily and pointed with a single finger. The runes all over his body dimmed and he appeared in front of Murong Jingyan.

Murong Jingyan didn't even raise her head, she opened her hand to catch it, and a turbulent wave of air caused the rushing Duotian Tower people to fly backwards and hit the stone wall one after another. When he looked up again, he saw that the two of them were gone. figure.

At the same time, the monks in the city fled in all directions.

The two strong men who reached the four gates of Tianfeng were like phantoms, fighting all the way from the city gate tower to the ancient alley. The wooden house collapsed, black and purple lights intertwined, and the roar of fists and palms fighting was like rolling thunder.

Murong Jingyan blocked the demon monk's lightning-like Vajra Palm, but her eyes under the mask were very calm.

He intended to fight this monster monk physically.

After more than [-] years of hard training in the magic wheel, the monster monk's physical body was terrifying. Even Murong Jingyan felt pain in his forearms. It would be difficult to break through this body-protecting divine power without using Taoism.

But the muscles on the demon monk's body were cracked and bleeding was constantly oozing, and he was soon at the end of his strength.

If he used Taoist magic, Murong Jingyan was sure that he could kill this crazy guy within a few moves. The reason why he didn't kill him was because Murong Jingyan had selfish motives.

"This person has released his evil skills, and his energy and blood have even reached the four levels of heaven sealing. He is also refining his physical body."

"But why, I feel that his physical body is much worse than that of Zhu Huan'an. Could it be that Zhu Huan'an also has some unknown secrets?"

Taking advantage of this moment of fighting, Murong Jingyan took the opportunity to estimate Zhu Huanan's strength.

His previous cultivation had not fully recovered, and the two had a brief exchange of blows when they left Zhu Huanan. Murong Jingyan was amazed at Zhu Huanan's inadvertent display of energy. At this moment, looking at it, it probably had little to do with his own cultivation at that time.

Rather, this person's physical body is really very strong.

Thinking of Murong Jingyan looking at the demon monk in front of her again, she slowly became murderous.

"it's time to."


Suddenly Murong Jingyan's expression changed, and her hand movement slowed down by half a beat. The demon monk also took advantage of this gap to strike with a heavy palm, hitting Murong Jingyan's waist and abdomen.

With a muffled grunt, Murong Jingyan stepped back five feet.


The demon monk wanted to pursue, but when he saw Murong Jingyan raised her palm, purple light condensed on the five slender fingertips, and shot out in an instant. He was so shocked that he could only dodge in all directions.

The people from the Duotian Tower who arrived happened to see Murong Jingyan injured, and they were surprised and quickly joined the battle. The siege of more than a dozen people immediately put the demon monk into a tight siege.

"Ha ha."

After forcing the demon monk away, Murong Jingyan lowered her head, her long silky hair fell along the goose neck, and her facial expressions could not be seen clearly.

Slowly raise your hand...

It was not pressed on the waist and abdomen, but stopped in the heart.

"What are you doing."


"Are you blaming me for killing that man named Shen?"

With a sneer, Murong Jingyan's body trembled slightly, and then she gritted her teeth and said in a voice that only she could hear:

"Give me peace!"

"Not now, not now, not now."

"I still have important things to do, shut up!!"

Taking a deep breath, Murong Jingyan slowly raised her head. Her alluring face was slightly melancholy, with an intertwined and complex expression.

"Why are you awake now?"

Glancing at the besieged demon monk from the corner of his eye, Murong Jingyan did not join the battle and take his life. Instead, he turned his head and looked in another direction in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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