How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 247 Cao Diantian

Chapter 247 Cao Diantian

With a beautiful frown, Murong Jingyan changed from her leisurely stroll in the courtyard before, holding her forehead and walking to the side slightly staggeringly.

The long black cloak behind him was dragging on the ground, and he walked to the wooden hook railing for support.

At dusk, the black mountains are silent, and a faint fog has arisen in Liangcheng.

He put one hand around his waist and muttered something with his thin lips, as if he was arguing with himself.

"Do not talk……"

"To shut up."

"Shut up, me!"

In the distance, the demon monk's energy and blood were still surging, his power bursting out, and his tactics frequent.

However, Duotian Tower is actually a large number of people, and they are all good people. Even if he has the cultivation level of the four levels of Tianfeng at this moment, he can't stand up to the wolves surrounding him and is exhausted to deal with it.

But everyone in the city had already left the demon monk and looked in another direction.

"Who is this woman?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of this person before, but what she just revealed was clearly a demonic phantom, right?"

"Bald Donkey has tortured us quite badly these days, to be ravaged like this."

The casual cultivators were talking a lot with different expressions, but they did not dare to step forward rashly for fear of violating a taboo.

Only one person is different.

Chen Xiangling helped Liao Jian under the eaves. After some instructions, she walked out of the crowd decisively and headed straight towards the mysterious woman who looked like a Rakshasa in the scene.

After some observation, she was completely sure that this person was Ayan!

Although the techniques were different and the tone became colder, the bright wrist that was unintentionally exposed when raising the sleeves was clearly wrapped with a red rope.

Only Ayan has that red rope, which seems to be called Ling Yin Shen Ling.

"Not now, not now!"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, don't threaten me!"


Murong Jingyan frowned, and faint bamboo veins appeared on the back of her white hands, which made the wooden railing under her hands creak and turn into sawdust.


"I can promise you that I will not take action against the people you have recognized before, is that okay?"


"That person surnamed Shen is already dead! The chaos and mist will destroy you, and you want me to go back and be buried with you!?"

Just when Murong Jingyan was roaring, he suddenly raised his brows and the purple light in his eyes surged.


The black robe was rolled up, Murong Jingyan was riding the wind with one hand, and Bu Zhou slapped his palm behind him with a decaying light!


Just when the palm wind was about to fall, a call made Murong Jingyan's hand suddenly stop.

Chen Xiangling felt a slight chill on her face, her hair on her temples swayed slightly, and a drop of cold sweat fell from her forehead.

At that moment, she seemed to be on the verge of death, and she shouted this almost subconsciously.

"Ayan. Is it really you!?"

Chen Xiangling spoke with a hint of trembling in his tone.

Seeing that Murong Jingyan in front of him ignored his words, his hand was still hanging in the air, his head lowered and he didn't know what to think, Chen Xiangling suddenly became a little anxious:

"Ayan, are you okay??"

Seeing that something was wrong with Murong Jingyan, Chen Xiangling was about to take action but was opened by a wave of sleeves, almost falling to the ground.

Noticing the cold eyes behind the mask, Chen Xiangling's words were immediately swallowed in his throat.

"Why are you here alone instead of traveling with Dayan Academy?"


Chen Xiangling was speechless for a moment, but after a pause, he briefly described what he had experienced these days.

I thought Murong Jingyan would open her mouth to comfort her, but unexpectedly, only a cold snort came from her ears.

"You don't even understand who you are, so you dare to leave your supporter."

Murong Jingyan's words were teasing, and as she spoke, she was about to pass by Chen Xiangling.

At this moment, Chen Xiangling stood there in a daze, her whole body seemed to be transfixed by Murong Jingyan's words, with confusion in her eyes.


Passing by, Murong Jingyan suddenly stopped and frowned again.

After a moment, he turned his head slightly, with a hint of displeasure in his tone:

"In the world of Wenjian, if you don't have a backer, sooner or later you will encounter someone more terrifying than this monster monk."

"After this, follow me."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan stopped staying and strode away.

Hearing this, Chen Xiangling's eyes slowly began to shine. She turned around and looked at Murong Jingyan's back, her mouth moving slightly:


"What's wrong with you?"

After accepting Chen Xiangling, Murong Jingyan's expression finally softened a little.

He just glanced at the demon monk in the field with his peripheral vision, then withdrew his gaze and walked in another direction.

"This demon monk's evil skills are about to be unleashed, and all his cultivation will be lost. Time is running out."

In the center of the original stone city, there is a huge tree.

The giant tree was dripping with blood, and a figure was tied up with a thick rope and hung on it for public viewing.

The wind and sun over the past few days have completely changed the appearance of Cao Diantian, the peerless genius of Prince Chen's palace. His clothes are ragged, his hair is disheveled, and his head is hung down, making it difficult to tell whether he is alive or dead.

In front of the huge tree, a carved silver sword was inserted into the cracks of the stone, entangled with weeds, like a humiliation.

Murong Jingyan walked slowly under the wooden stake, looked at the foil sword inserted into the ground, and showed an inexplicable smile at the corner of her mouth.

Putting her hand on the hilt of the sword, Murong Jingyan said lightly:

"When do you plan to see it."

The only response was the sudden wind from the original stone city.


"Oh, it's just that the spine was broken and Zhou Tian was completely disabled, so he lost his Taoist mind?"

Murong Jingyan spoke in a faint tone, gently tapped the end of the silver sword with her knuckles, and looked up high.

"If the blood is not cold, everything will still change."

After the words fell, the man on the giant tree finally reacted, and a sharp gaze shot out from between his unkempt hair.

"What!? Cao Diantian is still alive!" "He was severely injured by a bald donkey, and he didn't eat or drink for ten days. He didn't even move during this period. I thought he was dead long ago."

"Yes, he is indeed the genius of the Cao family. I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to resist now."

Cao Diantian ignored the rumors around him and just stared at Murong Jingyan below, staring at the pale mask.

His dry mouth opened slightly and he said in the weakest voice:

"Who are you..."

He had clearly seen the battle just now and was naturally surprised by Murong Jingyan's strength.

Over the years, although he has been suppressed by several people with the appearance of immortals and demons in the capital, apart from these immortals and demons, his past is also praised by others.

He started practicing swordplay when he was three years old. No matter how cold the winter is or how hot it is, there is always a figure dancing with the sword in the Cao family’s snow field.

Compared with other important ministers and princes of Dayan, he did not show any outstanding qualities. He was not even the descendant with the strongest ancestral blood in Prince Chen's Mansion. It would not be an exaggeration to describe him as being incomparable to everyone.

However, after practicing swordsmanship for a long time, he unexpectedly developed the rare acquired sword-mind psychic ability, and was recognized as the master of the magical sword passed down from his family, so he came from behind.

It wasn't until his second awakening of the divine beast form that he rose to prominence. From an unnoticed heir apparent, he transcended his family and became a peerless genius who could be compared with the immortals and demons.

Perhaps this is the case. Cao Diantian broke into the world of swordsmanship alone and did not choose to be recruited by the left and right ministers of the court, but stayed alone.

But those three monster monks

Even though Cao Diantian tried his best with the strength of the four levels of Tian Feng and the energy and blood of immortals and demons, he was inevitably defeated in the end and was hung up in the city in humiliation.

Being knocked back from the clouds to the mortal world again, just as Murong Jingyan said, Cao Diantian's Taoist heart was broken and he already had the will to die.

but now.

still have a chance?

What's the meaning.

"Who is this palace?"

Murong Jingyan closed her eyes and did not answer.

"It's my turn to ask you if you want this opportunity."

Just when Cao Diantian was about to speak, Murong Jingyan raised a finger and reminded:

"As I said before, the chance I give you is only once."


Cao Diantian let out a breath and looked at the masked woman below. A faint fragrance floated into the tip of his nose, making his body feel slightly warm and very comfortable.

The secret fragrance of crabapple?

"Can you really cure me?"

Upon hearing this, Murong Jingyan slipped her hand from the hilt of the sword and held it behind her back.

"I am not a member of the Buddha's path. I have never done good deeds. I want to save you. You must know the reason why."

"And if some methods are used, I also need to see the results."

As he spoke, Murong Jingyan turned slightly sideways and faced the demon monk who was fighting with more than a dozen masters of the Heaven Seizing Tower in the distance.

The meaning of it is self-evident.

Cao Diantian naturally understood what Murong Jingyan meant. His brows wrinkled slightly, but soon relaxed.

Rather than living under someone else's roof, what he longed for more was to be able to restore his own cultivation.

What's more, this time Wenjianjie is special. If there is no power behind him, even an immortal and demon who is more powerful than him may be walking on thin ice.

"it is good."

A short word that didn't cost him too much thinking.

After receiving the answer, Murong Jingyan nodded slightly, the expression behind the mask was unpredictable.

He raised his long sleeves, and a red feather flew up from under his black robe. The feather floated against the wind, and finally landed firmly on Cao Diantian's shoulder.

Almost at the moment of contact, the feathers turned into dots of red light and invaded Cao Diantian's body.

With a muffled groan, Cao Diantian's throat made a rhythmic sound, which was the sound of enduring pain.

Not long after, the hemp rope restraining him was torn directly, and Cao Diantian's body crashed to the ground. A burst of rich, gray blood energy was chaotically rioting, as if some ferocious beast was resurrecting.

At this moment, Cao Diantian opened his eyes in disbelief.

"Zhou Tian, ​​I really responded."

With that said, he was about to raise his head to thank Murong Jingyan, but he only saw a pair of cold eyes looking down at him from behind a pale mask.



Standing up and walking quickly, Cao Diantian pulled out the carved long sword from the gap and slid it in his palm with compassion, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

Then, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and he looked across the crowd at the demon monk who was fighting against the trapped beast.

"Although I don't know who you are, since you are kind to me, Cao Diantian, Cao will do what you promised."

After speaking, Cao Diantian made a clanging sound with the Divine Transformation Sword in his hand, and then he stepped down the steps and strode away in the direction of the demon monk.

Under the wooden stake, Murong Jingyan put her hands in her sleeves and looked at Cao Diantian's back silently.

Before entering the Wenjian Realm, Jingyan started recruiting in Jiuge City according to the list of the masters of Duotian Tower. Most of these heroes were the children of nobles in the imperial court, and their ancestors were all partial kings who had long been dissatisfied with the Qian family.

The ancestors have all been cleared up, and recruiting these juniors is just a matter of smooth flow. In order to conceal the identity of the young master, this job is handled by Xia Luo.

But after several days, Murong Jingyan discovered a problem.

These people can certainly not be called weak if they can join the Sword Asking Society, but none of them can truly assist him.

On the other hand, the leaders of other forces not only have many followers under their command, but also many immortals and demons.

For example, in addition to the leader Yuan Chuang and the two immortal demons Kuoting, Dayan Academy unexpectedly discovered an immortal demon named Huang Dizhou. With three immortals and demons appearing together, Murong Jingyan had to treat him with caution.

Therefore, Duitian Tower also needs more real talents to help it.

Originally intending to subdue the demon monk, but after seeing that the three people came from the Wan Lun Kingdom, Murong Jingyan gave up the idea, because the Wan Lun Kingdom must have a deeply hidden leader, and the demon monk could only die here.

Cao Diantian.

At this moment, a small yellow head popped out from Murong Jingyan's chest.

The little yellow duck watched Cao Diantian walking towards the battlefield step by step, raised his head and asked:

"You smell so murderous."

"Is it possible that this man is useless? Are you really going to kill him?"

Murong Jingyan had already warned the little yellow duck after she became aware of the prince's personality. Although he did not tell the whole story, the little yellow duck also understood the person behind him.

It was not the Murong Jingyan that she knew.

But that kid said, don't expose yourself, wait and see what happens.

Glancing at the little yellow duck, the thin lips under the mask were slightly raised, but his eyes moved away from the battlefield and looked at the dawn of the mountain sky outside the city.

"The trees I plant are like flowers that don't give me shade"

"I'd rather it wither."

(End of this chapter)

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