How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 248 Just threatening you

Chapter 248 Just threatening you

"This demon monk wants to die together!"

"Go back!"

As the black mist filled the place and blood leaked out, the evil monk's evil skills came to an end.

Two blurry faces emerged from his neck, roaring like ghosts, but his already crimson eyes suddenly regained consciousness.


Looking at Murong Jingyan in the distance and the many men in black robes retreating around him, the demon monk spit out a large mouthful of black blood, and his strong body became rickety.

"You must pay the price for harming three of my senior brothers!"

After the words fell, the muscles on the demon monk's body seemed to have deflated. In just a few breaths, he became skin and bones, but a more terrifying aura made the people in the Duitian Tower around him change their expressions.

This bald donkey still has strength?

The demon monk kicked his legs and hit the huge tree in the city like a cannonball. The two masters of Seizing Heaven Tower who wanted to stop him had half of their arms torn off in just one glance, and they fell to the ground screaming.

This was his last sacrifice of flesh and blood to maintain the final operation of the magic wheel.

Even so, he could only maintain the power of the immortals and demons in the four levels of Tian Feng for a few breaths at most. He wanted to take advantage of the moment when his consciousness returned to light to severely injure Murong Jingyan.

At this moment, a sword light suddenly cut through the sky, as majestic as a rainbow bridge, and cut the demon monk's body from mid-air, causing demon blood to flow.

"It's you!?"

The demon monk twisted his body in the air, and when he saw the person clearly, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Wasn't this sword cultivator's heart blocked by the demon poison he planted? Even if he wasn't poisoned to death in a few days, Zhou Tian should have collapsed long ago. Why now?

Cao Diantian held out his sword and stood there, looking at the demon monk landing lightly in the distance, and let out a breath.

"That day you were waiting for a sneak attack on Mr. Cao. You can't be called a hero."

"Now that you are about to die, will you ever compete again?"

As he said that, Cao Dian stepped forward on horseback. The magic sword in his hand turned from silver to red, and he instantly arrived in front of the demon monk.

The sword light flickered, the demonic energy stirred, and a strong wind blew up in the city.

Murong Jingyan, who was far away, withdrew her gaze and seemed to have the answer.

This demonic monk was already at the end of a powerful crossbow, and Cao Diantian would not be defeated no matter what, but whether to grind him to death or to attack him divided the monks into different forms.

Murong Jingyan closed her eyes slightly, thinking in her heart.

This Cao Diantian should be a talent that can be made. With the perfect strength in the three levels of Tianfeng, he finally has a strong hand who can use him.


Murong Jingyan looked to the side and saw two figures walking over. One was Xia Luo wearing a wolf mask, and the other was Chen Xiangling.

"Pure, young master."

Charlotte came forward, covering her heart, lowered her head and said.

Nodding slightly, Murong Jingyan raised her hand, and wisps of red light floated out from her fingertips and penetrated into Xia Luo's body.

The effect was almost immediate. Charlotte's body straightened up instantly, and a faint demonic aura floated out from his mouth and nose, and he quickly returned to normal.

Chen Xiangling's eyes widened when he saw this.

What kind of way is this?

Even their teachers in Tianxian Valley probably don't have such powerful healing methods.

Charlotte seemed normal and opened her mouth and said:

"Young Master, this is not the city you mentioned."


After curing Xia Luo, Murong Jingyan nodded noncommittally.

These days, he has been searching for the whereabouts of the string of feathers. According to the information from Duotian Tower, there are some clues about it in a certain city in the Wenjian Realm.

But this stone city is obviously not.


It's not a waste of time to get a helper.

"Ayan, what kind of Taoism are you doing?"

A squeaking sound sounded.

Chen Xiangling opened her mouth cautiously, but she quickly closed her mouth when Murong Jingyan came with a sidelong look.

After sizing up Chen Xiangling, Murong Jingyan didn't reply. If it weren't for the request of the person in his heart, he wouldn't bother to care about the girl's life or death.

Under the slanting sunlight in the distance, the demon monk had turned into a pool of pus and blood. His body and head were separated, and it was obvious that he had been chopped off before his death.

Cao Diantian put his sword in his arms, raised his head and bathed in the warm morning light. His eyes were closed under his dry hair, but he stood far away.

After being hung on the giant tree for a few days, he thought a lot.

Since childhood, he has not been a competitive person. He practices swordsmanship because he likes it.

He wanted to be happy, not to compete with others, so he didn't care whether it was the overt or covert fights in Prince Chen's palace, or the comparisons with the geniuses of the capital, or even the entire Dayan.

Even in the face of death, he was fearless.

I just feel endless regret that his swordsmanship has just begun to take shape, but there is still a long way to go.

But I didn't expect that God would give me another chance.

Is this a dream?

Looking at Cao Diantian in the distance, Murong Jingyan said coldly:

"We will leave once this person has completed his epiphany."


Xia Luo was stunned. He didn't expect Murong Jingyan to tell Cao Diantian's condition at a glance.

"Do we want to take a rest?" Charlotte spoke again, looking at the people in the distance who had finished fighting the demon monk.

Seeing Murong Jingyan ignoring her, Chen Xiangling's doubts deepened. She knew that Murong Jingyan had the token to seize the sky.

And these people all wear weird masks, could they be the people from Seizing Heaven Tower.

Little Lord…

"There are only evil spirits outside the third level of heaven that are killing people. If you want to get a chance, you have to break into the second level of the level."

"If I were a step too late and someone found that feather ornament, hehe."

Murong Jingyan sneered and had no intention of taking a break.

At the same time, Cao Diantian in the city slowly opened his eyes.

He looked at the Divine Transformation Sword in his hand, then turned slightly sideways, hesitated for a moment, and then walked towards the giant tree.

"I am the eldest son of Prince Chen's Mansion, Cao Diantian."

"Thank you, Heroine, for your kindness."

Walking to the foot of the huge wooden platform, Cao Diantian put away his sword and pointed it upward, speaking loudly every word.

"Today's kindness to Mr. Cao will definitely be repaid with a spring of water."

"I dare to ask where the heroine is from, and if there is any difficulty in the sword world, Cao will go through fire and water to help."

On the stage, Murong Jingyan took half a step forward. The mask glowed palely and looked down.


With slender fingers and pointed hair, Murong Jingyan's voice was thin: "What I want is all of you."

Cao Diantian was slightly startled when he heard this, and the hand holding the sword became imperceptibly tighter.

Taking two steps laterally, Murong Jingyan waved her sleeves gently and said in a nonchalant tone:

"You are a smart person, you don't need to say something twice."

"If you don't agree, you can leave now. I don't have to kill you."

Cao Diantian lowered his arms, his eyes instantly changed from blank to focused, and he carefully examined the mysterious woman above.

With his strength, as long as he doesn't deliberately offend anyone, it is indeed possible to survive alone.

But it was obviously not enough to gain a ranking on the Hidden Dragon Ranking. Not to mention the appearance of the immortal demon in front of him who was suspected of being in the Four Levels of Heavenly Sealing. Even the little-known demon monk had caused him great losses before.


As the eldest son of Prince Chen, it would be easy for Cao Diantian to seek refuge with Shen Fengchen or Yuan Chuang. These men in black with unknown origins

Suddenly, Cao Diantian realized something.

He turned sideways, looked at the masked men in black robes behind him, and asked tentatively:

"Could it be that those people behind are the same?"

Seeing that Murong Jingyan didn't speak, Cao Diantian's mind was racing with thoughts.

Just now he saw these men in black robes taking action, and he had vague clues about the Taoism of a few of them. If these people were from the imperial court, they were all nobles.

At this moment, he seemed to have guessed the origin of the woman in front of him.

"I understand."

Cao Diantian closed his eyes, smiled, bowed and said:

"Cao, I have met the young master."

Murong Jingyan, who was on the high platform, raised her head when she heard the words, raised her eyebrows and looked into the distance where the mountain scenery was broken. Her black hair fell down her shoulders, and her mysterious cloak moved with the wind, just like the person in the painting.

"You should be a ferocious beast"

After handling the demon monk's relics, everyone in Duotian Tower continued their journey, preparing to leave the original stone city and continue their journey.

The difference is that there is one more capable person in the team.

The sedan chair was raised, and Murong Jingyan was lying on it, flipping through a golden scripture in his hand.

"Magic Wheel Heavenly Power"

Although it was forbidden to see the contents inside, Murong Jingyan did not covet this technique, but wanted to deduce the background of the three brothers based on this book.

The Wanlun Kingdom and Dayan are in the same situation. They are both vast and vast, and the forces within them are also complex and cannot be summed up in three words: Wanlun Kingdom.

Whichever branch of the Ten Thousand Wheels Kingdom this force that infiltrated into the Wenjian Society belongs to, the purpose may be completely different.


At the city gate, the people from Seizing Heaven Tower held soldiers at the city gate, blocking those casual cultivators who wanted to follow them inside the city.

"Take us with you!"

"Yes, yes, monsters are rampant in the woods. It must be safer if there are more people."

"The demon monk is dead. We must be determined to follow the heroine. We will go through fire and water!"

Xia Luo came under the sedan chair and looked up at Murong Jingyan: "Young Master, these people insist on following me."

After turning over a page, Murong Jingyan looked at the scripture in her hand attentively and said casually:

"Anyone who dares to follow us will be killed."

Xia Luo took the order and left, while Cao Diantian, who was on the right side of the sedan chair, was looking forward. His face was now covered with a tiger mask, which covered his face and made his expression unclear.

But a voice came from the left side of the sedan:

"Ayan, why don't you take them with you?"

Chen Xiangling looked at the excited casual cultivators in the city behind with a complicated expression.

Although they have kept a cold distance from each other these days, it is inevitable that the rabbit will die and the fox will be sad. Seeing them abandoned here now, I can't help but feel a little strange in my heart.

Murong Jingyan heard this and sneered:

"What they like is the magic weed."

"And I don't need these heartless people who are willing to be slaves."

Closing the scripture, Murong Jingyan looked past Chen Xiangling and towards Liao Jian who was supporting her, revealing a hint of impatience.

"Although the demon monk is dead, there will still be another demon monk among these people, and it will happen again and again. This is human nature."

There was another sentence that Murong Jingyan didn't say, which was that bringing Chen Xiangling with him was a helpless move, and agreeing to bring Tian Feng Yiguan's dragster with him was even more liberal.

Chen Xiangling also noticed something strange and did not dare to ask Murong Jingyan to treat Liao Jian's injuries.

After all, except for the man in the wolf-head mask and Cao Diantian, Murong Jingyan turned a deaf ear to the other members of the Duotian Tower who were injured in the fierce battle with the demon monk.

Seeing that Chen Xiangling stopped talking, Murong Jingyan put her forehead with one hand and frowned slightly.

Then his thoughts began to slowly sink into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The sea of ​​consciousness is white and misty, like a mirror lake.

Murong, who was dressed in black, had a gloomy face and strode towards the lakeside. He casually pushed aside the heavy fog and stared coldly at the figure in front of him.

The figure was wearing white clothes and facing away from him.

Sitting cross-legged in white, with soft hair over her shoulders covering her cheeks, she seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"So you woke up a long time ago."

Murong in black narrowed his eyes, put his hands behind his hands and said:

"Are you trying to kill me or yourself?"

Ha ha

With a chuckle, the white man in front of him turned around.

This is an alluring face, but it is different from the coolness in black. This face is gentle and delicate, adding a bit of pity.

"If not, how could you be here."

The corners of Murong's mouth in black clothes were slightly raised, and he looked towards the vast lake.

He was sitting here before, watching his body being manipulated by the guy in front of him, but doing nothing.

"You and I are one body, with the same life and soul, haven't you understood this?"

"Only if I take charge of this body can I sweep across the world, overthrow the old system, and ascend to the throne."

Hearing this, the white-robed Jingyan looked towards the lake, but shook her head and said:

"Do not."

"I don't believe in twin souls. I am who I am. Besides, do you think you can completely erase me?"

"Are you threatening me!?"

Danfeng's eyes were frivolous, her pure face in white clothes looked at the prince beside her, and her tone was terrifyingly calm:

"Just threatening you."

"If you can't do what I say, you will die next time you encounter a problem."

(End of this chapter)

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