How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 249 I’m not that good at pretending to be a woman

Chapter 249 I’m not that good at pretending to be a woman


Murong's expression in black changed slightly, and cold flames appeared in his eyes.

Although he said that the two of them share the same soul, in his heart he had always wanted to swallow up this subconscious mind, but he didn't expect that Bai Yi understood it better than he did.

"Aside from destroying our physical bodies, what good will you gain by doing this?"

Hearing this, Jingyan raised her eyebrows and stood up slowly.

The delicate face is reflected in the lake, and it has a completely different temperament from the domineering prince.

It's like the spring breeze blowing on your face, not in awe, but in admiration from the heart.

The most beautiful in the world.

"Your Highness, let me ask you."

"Even if Master You is famous, and there is Duotian Building Master behind you to control the situation for you, in the end, what you want to overthrow is not some cats and dogs, but the Dayan royal family."

"Even if the Great Evolution declines, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Killing dissenters alone is not enough, what is needed is the hearts of the people."

Ha ha

Hearing this, the prince sneered.

On paper.

"Are you saying that I don't know how to make good use of people, and I have no one under my command?"

"Let's just say that Cao Diantian, who has just been conquered, has the appearance of being on the Hidden Dragon List. He is not bowing down to me."


With a slight hum, Murong in black raised his head and mocked:

"You are blaming me for killing Shen Fengchen."

"Why, could it be that you are delusional in your heart that this man named Shen will really help you? Even if he is now, it is because he does not know our identities. The Shen family is the biggest enemy of Duitian Tower!"

"If I don't kill him now, I will kill him sooner or later!"

Seeing the pure face in white clothes turning around and staring directly at him, the prince's face was startled and he suddenly frowned.

He half-rolled his eyes and asked in disbelief:

"Could it be that you are against him?"


A light tut interrupted what he was about to say. Baiyi Jingyan took two steps sideways, and the two looked at each other.

"Kill him, yes!"

"But haven't all the things I did before been wasted? Do you know how useful Shen Fengchen can be if used properly?"

"Cao Diantian?"

"Ten, white Cao Diantian is not enough for Shen Fengchen's casual words, let alone"

Taking a deep breath, Bai Yi Jingyan almost scolded:

"You actually killed my senior brother in front of him!"

"In this case, you have lost the help of two immortals and demons. Do you still want to live?"

"Just wait to die, you!!"


Jingyan's sudden rebuke made the prince unable to react. He stayed on the spot for a moment, even forgetting to be angry.

When he reacted, his tone gradually rose.

"What did you scold me for just now?"


"Stupid stupid idiot!"

"Do you understand, you idiot!??"

"Then if you don't use the cannon fodder in this city, even Zhu Huan'an will be offended. It's really a waste of sesame seeds and a loss of watermelons!"

The word "idiot" broke into the prince's ears like imported goods, causing his body to sway and almost lose his balance.


Who am I? This ignorant consciousness awakened the day after tomorrow is a dove occupying a magpie's nest. How dare you insult me ​​like this! ? ?

I will fight with you!

"However, even if you are hopelessly stupid, you only know how to shout and kill."

"There is a way to remedy it."

At this moment, Jingyan spoke again to calm down the prince who was about to get angry.

"You said."

He decided to give the other party another chance to speak.

"It's simple."

Turning her head, Jingyan showed a smile with red lips and white teeth: "Give me your body back."

"I'll teach you how to treat these people to be docile~"

Ah! ?

Feeling that he was being tricked, the prince immediately laughed angrily, turned around and was about to leave. It seemed that he really had nothing to talk about with this soul.

When the time comes to leave the Sword Asking World, you still have to ask the old guy to smelt him out as soon as possible.

"Hey, don't go!"

"I'm serious!" Jingyan looked at the prince's back with a smile, waved and shouted: "If you really can't handle it, remember to call me to save the situation!"

"I won't charge you any money!"

Seeing Murong in black disappearing into the mist, Jingyan's smile gradually froze, and then slowly regained her calm expression.


"You'll need it soon."


Cross the miasma and break out of the dense forest.

The sound of the waves crashing on the shore was like rolling thunder, and the water mist stirred up was vast and vast. What lay across the eyes of many monks was a rolling river.

The water in the river is so muddy and yellow that you can't even see the other side when you look far into the distance. It's like a natural chasm blocking people from going deeper.

Is the name:

The second level of heaven.

Somewhere along the river, there is a city.

Compared with the dilapidated original stone city, this city looks very majestic. The river wind carries the yellow sand, making the collapsed city gate tower even more decadent.

At this moment, the city, which had been abandoned for more than twenty years, was finally occupied again.

There were not many people, only a dozen or so people arrived first, but all of them had strange faces. They sat down around the city without saying a word.

The number of people in the Sword Asking Club this time is unprecedented, and it is rumored that the number may exceed 400. In addition to the talented heroes and royal family members from more than 40 states in Dayan, even the geniuses from the tribe outside the Great Wall have made an exception to join the club and participate in the competition.

But after the baptism of the four Jedi and the selection of the monster Lin Miasma, nearly half of them have been eliminated.

Outside Erzhongtian Pass, there are four such cities.

Corresponding to the four directions of east, west, north and south, when the time is right, the Tongtian Taoist platform in the city will be activated to send the monks to the second level of heaven.

This is also the only way to cross the river.

Even if the ancestral blood is a flying beast, a monk who can briefly perform the art of controlling the sky will be turned upside down in the strong wind of the Second Heaven Gate, and eventually fall into the river and drown.

However, the light bridge of Tongtian Daotai can only pass two people at a time, and it takes half an hour to pass. If there are too many people in the city, I am afraid that it will not be able to pass in one day.

Therefore, the order of entering the city is very important.

In addition to their status, the monk who broke out of the dense forest first was able to open his mouth and leave on the bridge first. As for the later ones,

In the center of the city, an unusually tall man sat.

Compared with other monks in their twenties, he looks a little anxious. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is everyone's father.

The beard covers his chin, and his body is round and muscular. He looks like a giant bear in human form.

This bear-like man sat firmly in the center, and even the top geniuses who gathered in small groups just retreated in the distance with cold eyes and did not provoke him.

Just because there was a pool of blood at the man's feet.

He was not the first to arrive, but he walked to the center in a dignified manner.

Without any explanation, he beat the first person who occupied Tianfeng Sanguan, a famous descendant of a great sect in Yanzhou, half to death, and threw it into the river like garbage.

Everyone couldn't see through his strength, and they didn't dare to speculate on this guy's temper. No one stepped forward, so they had to retreat to avoid getting into trouble.

"Damn it, why hasn't this broken bridge been opened yet?"

"I can't fucking wait!"


Suddenly the big man spoke suddenly, causing all the monks in the city to look at him sideways. The man's voice sounded like a stone man turned spirit, with a hint of stupidity.

And the tone of voice was so rough that it was simply uneducated.

Seeing the man looking around, everyone quickly looked away. After all, no one dared to look at the fool.

whirring whirring

After a while of heavy breathing, the man put his hands on his knees and shouted:

"Why hasn't the princess come out yet?"

Putting his hands on his knees, the man asked again:

"The princess has incredible magical powers, so she probably won't die inside."


Scratching his head anxiously, the man simply stood up, which immediately attracted the people in the city to look at him sideways again:

"No, no."

"The mission given to us by the patriarch is to protect the princess, but now I have never even seen the princess's face."

"Someone else must have found the princess, right!?"

Just as the man was scratching his head, a group of people also saw the outline of the giant city from a distance.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan was lying on her side on the sedan chair.

When he got up, he was already awake, just closing his eyes to rest.

Could it be

I really did something wrong.

The Shen family is the culprit who harmed our clan. Shen Fengchen must be killed. There will never be such an easy opportunity to let the tiger return to the mountain. But Zhu Huanan should not let him go, at least.

In the sword-asking world, if I can have this person to help me, why should I worry about being ranked first in Qianlong?


Biting her thin lips, Murong Jingyan slowly opened her eyes, her eyes flickering:

"I am not as good as that"

"I can pretend to be a woman."

(End of this chapter)

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