How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 250 Just give it a try

Chapter 250 Just give it a try

The yellow sand blew lightly, covering the huge city, and black shadows outside the city emerged in the sand.

Charlotte, who was walking in front of the sedan chair without looking back, was puzzled.

Young Master, why are you so quiet?

He didn't speak for several days.

But at this moment, on the sedan chair, Murong Jingyan's beautiful eyes were closed, but she was thinking about a question.

[That guy was right]

[This move I made is not very good]

Sighing in his heart, the prince was very worried.

Especially in the past few days, he had been fighting with the Pure Face Personality Heavenly Being in his mind, which made his head feel as if it had been washed by water, and he rarely began to look at himself.

[Although I have awakened my ancestral blood, I am a bit arrogant.]

[This time Wenjianjie is a microcosm of the great world. The turmoil under the water is too deep. If this continues, even if I gather all the people who incited rebellion in Duitian Tower, it will not be enough.]

[According to that guy’s original layout, surrounded by Zhu Huan’an, Shen Feng Shen, and Qian Rong, three immortals and demons, I only need to reap the benefits of seizing the Sky Tower.]

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but imagine that contemptuous voice in his head:

"You are so stupid, so stupid. You are so arrogant and trying to show off what you are trying to do!!? If you don't want to die, who will die?"

Although he felt a little unhappy, the prince had to admit that the appearance of the three monks made things more difficult than he expected. How many unknown strong men are there in the sword world?

And do you have enough resources in your hands?

[Could it be that I am really reckless?]

At this moment, everyone could already see the outline of the giant city from a distance.

Chen Xiangling in front of the sedan clapped her hands, casually ate a piece of fruit to quench her thirst, and threw it to Liao Jian and Xia Luo not far away, tilting her head and saying:

"Do we have to go in directly?"

As she spoke, she glanced at the carriage behind her.

Chen Xiangling saw that something was wrong with Murong Jingyan, so she never dared to talk to him. Xia Luo was just like a microphone.

Xia Luo also understood what Chen Xiangling meant, turned around and cupped his fists:

"Little Lord."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan's narrow eyes finally opened a crack, and she whispered: "What's the matter?"

Charlotte tilted her head, and following his gaze, she could see the huge city on the bank of the river.

"Shacheng has arrived."

"Shall we go in directly, or..."

"After all, this sand city is located on the bank of the Second Level Pass. The people who come here are all prodigies who can escape from the demon forest. It is not suitable to be the target of public criticism."

Murong Jingyan nodded and changed his position to lie down.

To be able to walk out of the Demon Forest alone, one must at least be a monk from the Three Levels of Heavenly Seal, or an ordinary casual cultivator who has joined forces with some quite powerful forces?

Unless you are extremely lucky, without strength or power, you will basically die in this confusion.

Even with him in charge, Duotianlou and his team suffered almost no damage, but so many people breaking into the city were not only eye-catching, but could also easily lead to trouble.

The most important thing is that too many people will make others wary.

After all, the number of people who can climb the bridge is fixed.

"Come down and we'll enter the city in batches."

"The mask?"

Charlotte pointed to her mask.

"Nonsense. Of course I have to take it off!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Xiangling on the side suddenly spoke, took off Xia Luo's mask in a sneak attack, and chuckled:

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be quite handsome."

Grabbing his mask back and holding it in his hand, Charlotte coughed lightly and said:

"That's right. If everyone wears a mask, wouldn't that be deceiving others?"

Murong Jingyan didn't say anything, she just waved her hand to signal him to inform others.

Soon, everyone in Duotian Tower took off their cold masks one after another and began to breathe comfortably.

After so many days, they were not mute. They basically knew each other's identities clearly, and they were not shocked when their masks were taken off.

As long as the guys from the court don't see it, that's fine.

After looking at each other, everyone turned around in unison and looked at the figure on the sedan chair. Now, only the young master has not taken off his mask.

Everyone is curious about what this mysterious and decisive young master is like.

That day, they took a surprised look at Tongtianya and saw nothing. They only felt that the young master's casual glance and wrist roll carried indescribable enchantment.

That kind of charm is not a charm, but a kind of beauty that radiates from the inside out.

"You guys go first."

Unfortunately, Murong Jingyan seemed to have read through their thoughts and gave the order directly without giving them a chance.

Everyone in Duotian Tower was disappointed but did not dare to disobey, so they had to disperse one after another, heading to Shacheng from all directions, preparing to pretend that they were not familiar with it.

"Tsk tsk, these people all want to see you, Ayan."

"If they really saw it, their eyes would pop out, haha."

Chen Xiangling put her hands on her hips and smiled, but soon her expression turned bitter.

"You go too."

After Chen Xiangling curled her lips and walked away, Murong Jingyan finally made a move.

He stood up on his knees and, sensing that there was no one around him, he slowly stepped off the sedan step by step.

However, he did not go to the city.

Instead, he came to the riverside.

The turbulent waves of the river shattered the reflection into pieces, but Murong Jingyan was fascinated by it.

in fact

I don’t like wearing masks either.

However, wearing a mask has become a habit that cannot be broken.

I hate this face.

Putting his hand on his cheek, Murong Jingyan's eyes were purple and cold.

Everyone else is so handsome, why am I the only one who was born so feminine, and as I get older, not only am I no longer masculine, but I become more and more beautiful, even pitiful.

Because of this face, Murong Jingyan was the former prince, but in his heart he was extremely humble.

The mother and concubine's clan was exterminated, the Shen family was persecuted, and the life of living outside the palace was extremely difficult.

Those retainers who heard about it and took refuge one after another, after seeing his appearance, all looked shocked, hesitating and unable to believe that they were the prince.

[The prince looks evil. I’m afraid the rumors are true. 】

[Is there really an explanation for the destruction of Xishan?]

【Shh! 】

Only Duotian Louzhu took the trouble to explain, but those words were like needles in the heart, making Murong Jingyan feel even more like a freak, a guy who can't be seen by others.

Where is the majesty of the prince?

Those scrutinizing eyes, fear, suspicion, and helplessness made Murong Jingyan dare not look in the mirror since she was a child.

He felt disgusted with himself.

Therefore, he never shows his face unless necessary and always wears a mask.

He didn't take off the mask until he agreed to the plan of the Master of Duotian Building to revive his soul, recall each soul to return to his place to awaken the bloodline of immortals and demons, and set off from Huaizhou Academy to Yazhou.

But I never thought that this returning soul, instead of feeling ashamed, actually used this face with great proficiency.

Even teach yourself?


Putting her jade hand on the mask, she clicked it gently.


The mask fell on the sand, and the running water seemed to soothe him.

The black hair is swaying slightly, the nose is pretty, and the eyebrows are drooping. It is such a cold and graceful face, with a touch of sadness that makes people feel pity, as if they want to hold it in their arms.

"Just give it a try."

(End of this chapter)

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