How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 256 Are you going to be kidnapped? ?

Chapter 256 Are you going to be kidnapped? ?

Yellow sand blew across the tile floor, and the tea shed was crumbling.

On a chair that was still in good condition, Murong Jingyan crossed her legs, folded her hands around her knees, and her thin calves were dangling.

Not far behind him, Long Zhan was also leaning on a corner table, his ruthless eyes staring straight at the leg.

Don't chase people away, don't leave.

At this moment, little Gillian was introducing herself to her family non-stop.

The bearded man was named Tuoba Yingjiao, and was called Gillian. Because he was the youngest among many brothers and sisters, he was called Little Gillian.

He was born with supernatural powers, and together with the geniuses of the other two tribes, he was known as the Three Heroes of the Northern Wilderness. They were all descendants of the three major clans with special bloodlines.

Among them, the Bishan bloodline he carries can be traced back to the Five Emperors of the Immortal Ancient Period. The Immortal Bishan, known as the King of Power, is definitely a famous legendary figure.

It's a pity that the Mountain-moving Immortal did not rank among the original chaotic immortals and demons when the first ranking was launched. Even if he does not count the appearance of immortals and demons, he is only slightly inferior.

He was ordered by the most respected shaman in the clan to follow Yue Khan and leave a strong mark on the Northern Wilderness on the Dayan Hidden Dragon List. This was his only mission to get out of that wilderness.

At first he thought he was a country bumpkin and a little unsure of himself, but along the way, little Gillian only had one feeling.

These Dayan monks are too weak!

There is no one who can fight!

"Princess, this question about swordsmanship is meaningless. They are all rubbish."

"Let's hurry up later and finish it quickly. We can still make it in time for our clan's horse racing meeting at the end of the month."

Long Zhan coughed slightly when he heard this.

"Brother Gillian, waste is only part of it, don't make any mistakes in your words."

"I am talking about you."


When Murong Jingyan heard this, her eyes narrowed slightly and she thought in her heart.

If you want to continue in the Wenjian Club, it's obviously not enough to just rely on the manpower you have right now.

Although the number of people seems to be small, most of them are at the level of the first and second levels of Tianfeng. More than half of them don't even have the appearance of a divine beast, and their talents can be said to be uneven.

If the attack started too early, Hei Murong could destroy them all by himself at a small price with his strength alone.

Only a few more figures like Cao Diantian can restrain the immortal and demonic figures from going on a killing spree, but what he lacks the most now is this kind of followers.

After all, those who are willing to cooperate with Duitianlou are old nobles who have lost power in the court. To a certain extent, their decline is precisely because they have no successors and no hope in the court.

It is understandable that the descendants of these families are not as good as those families that are flourishing.

Murong Jingyan looked at the big man in front of her.

This little Gillian, judging from the strength he showed just now, is probably no weaker than Cao Diantian.

Just then a voice came from outside the tea shed:

"get out!"

Several people followed the sound and saw a figure covered in blood walking quickly on the street. Wu San was holding a long sword, and his eyes were full of anger.

Arriving in front of the tea shed, Wu San raised his sword and said loudly:

"Where's that stupid big guy! Come out quickly, I won't take your life today and I will never use a sword again in my life!"

Having been beaten up just now, Wu San's face was already beaten into a dog's face. He had never been so cowardly since his debut. He borrowed a sword and came back immediately to find a place.

Seeing Murong Jingyan about to get up, Long Zhan, who was regarded as a little transparent, rolled his eyes.

No, it's obvious that this young man is trying to chat up this fairy. This fool has stolen all the limelight, so he has to show off quickly.

So he quickly got up.

"Calm down, girl, I'll leave the troublemaker to Long."

After saying that, Long Zhan held his head high and walked out of the tea shed with a big smile.


"Brother, why are you like this?"

As he said that, Long Zhan suddenly froze, staring at the blood-stained Wu San in the field and hesitated to speak.

Wu San also noticed Long Zhan. He put down his sword and took a breath, staring at Long Zhan with obvious resentment in his eyes.

I only supported you when I saw you being slapped loudly. You just stole the sword, and you instigated this black turtle to beat me up. You are still a human!

The most irritating thing is that, seeing me being beaten so badly, if you don't join forces with me to fight against the enemy, why are you still hanging around under the tea tent after everything is over? ?

Little Lord?

Now I wonder if you were specially sent by the headquarters to torture me!


Long Zhan's next words made Wu San's chest feel tighter, and his blood almost surged.

"Brother, who are you?"

"The injury is so serious. If you don't go see a doctor, are you still here shouting and killing me? Are you really desperate for your life?"

Wu San covered his heart and gasped, almost carrying it away.

"you you.."

Seeing this, Long Zhan stepped forward and comforted:

"Speak slowly and take a deep breath. It's normal to have difficulty breathing after being beaten like this."

Looking back carefully, Long Zhan winked in a low voice and said:

"The big fool you're talking about is the one at the back, right?"

"This guy has something. Even my senior brother can't beat him. If you don't leave, you'll die!"

Wu San slowly tightened his grip on the sword.

In the tea shed, little Gillian has already stood up.

"Princess, just wait a moment, I'm going to beat him to death."


Murong Jingyan suddenly raised her hand and stopped little Gillian.

Then he stood up with his knees up, passed by him as if there was no one else around, and slowly walked out of the tea shed.

Looking at Wu San, who was trembling all over and was fighting in his heart whether to kill his master or not, Murong Jingyan said with a smile.

"Could this young master be Wu San from the Star Reaching Sect?"

Hearing Murong Jingyan speak, Long Zhan's expression suddenly changed.


"Are you senior brother? How did you end up like this??"

Wu San, who was about to give up his hand and reply, closed his eyes again.

"Young Master, stop talking."

"The sword has no eyes, don't make me a traitor."

Murong Jingyan seemed to be enlightened. She patted her head and turned around. She picked up the sword on the table and walked quickly towards Wu San.

"Master Wu, is this sword yours?"

"A jade sword with white tassels, a gentle and kind man, I have always heard that Mr. Wu San of the Star Reaching Sect has unparalleled swordsmanship and graceful demeanor. This is true when I see him today."


Murong Jingyan turned around and glared at little Gillian with resentful eyes, and then sighed:

"I don't know the importance of people. I should not take advantage of others' danger and offend Mr. Wu."

"If you don't dislike it, I'll return this sword to you first, and then I'll come and apologize later, okay?"

This voice was like a spring breeze and drizzle, which brought life to Wu San's devastated heart. He looked up and met a pair of purple and watery eyes.

A kind of throbbing made Wu San lower his guard, and the corners of his stiff mouth flickered.

"Hey, give me some face, that's what the fairy said."

Suddenly Long Zhan spoke again and nudged Wu San with his elbow, making Wu San's face, which had finally improved with great difficulty, become solemn again.

"Okay, my senior brother agreed. Fairy, it's okay, it's okay."

"It's all a misunderstanding." Glancing at Long Zhan from the corner of his eye, Wu San took a deep breath and put away his sword.

"In that case, Wu is waiting for the girl."

After saying that, Wu San turned around and left, leaving Long Zhan confused.


"Senior brother, you are leaving now. If we don't know each other, sit down and let's chat with the fairy for a while!"

Murong Jingyan turned her eyebrows, turned her head and said to Long Zhan:

"Mr. Long, we can't live without this Shacheng for a while, it doesn't matter."

"I see that Mr. Wu is seriously injured. Why don't you go take care of him?"

As she spoke, Murong Jingyan's eyes flickered, and a faint purple light reflected in Long Zhan's eyes, making the muscles on his face relax.


"That's right. My senior brother is very narrow-minded. Let's go and comfort him first. The fairy is waiting for me."

After Long Zhan also left, Murong Jingyan glanced at the little Gillian who was walking behind her, and said calmly:

"Gillian, go back and continue to guard the altar. No one is allowed to be the first to pass without my princess's order."

"I still have some things to do."

Little Gillian was stunned for a moment, and then she quickly turned her head and walked back the way she came. Without saying a word, she swaggered towards the altar.

Yue Khan is really as mysterious as the legend. No wonder the high priest said that she was born and raised by the earth and makes me submit to everything. I cannot disrespect her.

That's all, I don't want to use my brain anyway.

Compared to those two idiots, I am luckier. I found the princess so early and did whatever she said, so that I could finish early and go back to participate in the horse racing meeting.



Around Shacheng, the prodigies who were watching the excitement showed disappointment when they saw Wu San just leaving.

In a hidden part of a high-rise somewhere, several people were laughing and chatting:

"Hey, this woman has some background. She is actually in the same group with that big fool. Even Wu San of the Star Reaching Sect didn't take advantage of her, and yet she ended up like this."

"Wu San is so embarrassed today, how can he bear this anger!?"

"Stop making trouble, that's because Wu San didn't use a sword, otherwise the barbarian outside the wall would have been chopped into a pulp."

Suddenly, a voice interrupted them:

"Do you think Wu San doesn't want to use the sword?"

Several people looked at the sound and immediately closed their mouths in understanding.

The speaker was wearing a golden robe, with silver hair, and an air of contempt for the world.

Looking at the tea shed below, his eyes were gloomy and he sneered:

Ha ha

"His sword was in the woman's hand from beginning to end. Wu San couldn't summon it at all, so of course he couldn't use it."

"In terms of Qi, blood and Qi, this woman is stronger than Wu San."


Several people didn't believe it. After all, Wu San was famous and he was definitely a figure worthy of discussion despite his appearance as an immortal and a demon.

The silver-haired man didn't want to explain, but turned his head and looked to one side.

Sitting next to him was a young girl in green.

"Xiang Ling, do you know who she is?"

The girl in green is none other than Chen Xiangling. At this moment, Xiangling is leaning on the railing and staring down, her face obviously a little excited.

Although this woman is hiding her face, she is clearly Ayan!

And her demeanor and tone, this is the real Ayan!

Xiang Ling didn't come back to her senses until the man asked again. After a brief hesitation, she quickly shook her head:

"I do not know."

"Oh, you really don't know?" The silver-haired man narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Xiangling with a half-smile.

Being stared at like this, Chen Xiangling felt very uncomfortable. He adjusted his sitting posture and tried not to look at the scene below.

Rubbing his chin with his fingers, the silver-haired man smiled and said:

"Since you didn't see the leader, how did you get out of the monster jungle?"

"Well, it was Liao Jian who desperately tried to bring me out. As you saw, he was so seriously injured."

"Liao Jian?"

The silver-haired man mocked, glanced at Liao Jian, who was sitting alone in the corner of the building, shook his head and said:

"He's just a waste. It's not an exaggeration to say he's a burden. Why can he lead you out?"

"Yuan Kui, you've gone too far!"

Chen Xiang was unhappy for a while and couldn't help but said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, several other cultivators looked over immediately, with playful looks in their eyes.

The silver-haired man named Yuan Kui turned his head, his eyes were calm, but Chen Xiangling's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately regretted that she had not restrained herself from speaking loudly to him.

"Xiang Ling, what did you just say?"

Yuan Kui raised his eyebrows and said softly: "Say it again."

Chen Xiangling pinched her fingers and lowered her head, not daring to say a word.

The Yuan family is the He clan, and it has a terrifying background. Even the Yuan family of the Right Prime Minister is considered a branch of the family, and it is inextricably linked to the You Xiang Mansion.

This guy is the eldest son of the Yuan family in Beijing.

Logically speaking, Yuan Chuang would respect him when he saw him.

Of course, this is actually impossible. Yuan Chuang's talent and background are here, he is unruly, and Yuan Kui is just one of the few who doesn't have to bow his head.

In Dayan Academy, Yuan Kui has been regarded as Yuan Chuang's number one follower over the years. In addition to their clan relationship, his strength cannot be underestimated. He is basically Yuan Chuang's replacement.

Normally, relying on his father's high position and authority, he could be on an equal footing with Yuan Kui without fear of being bullied, but when it came to the Wenjian world, things were completely reversed.

Yuan Kui failed to join Yuan Chuang, but there were too many brothers on his path. Who wouldn't give him face in the hope that he could join the army of Dayan Academy and live safely to the end?

Even I have to take Liao Jian to seek refuge to save my life.

Chen Xiangling was very conflicted.

She was disgusted with Yuan Chuang's clique and arrogance, and even more disgusted with Shen Fengchen's self-righteousness and arrogance, so she left Dayan Academy early.

That's why she wanted to form an alliance with A Yan, whom she met by chance.

Who knows, how could Ayan become like the two of them, even though she has tyrannical strength, what she gets by her side is not peace of mind and reliability, but walking on thin ice.

Is Ayan really coming back?

At this time, Murong Jingyan, who was under the tea shed, also noticed Chen Xiangling as if he had a tact.

Gently turning the star-shifting ring on her index finger, Murong Jingyan's eyes were filled with thoughts and memories. Just when she was about to lift her feet, a voice suddenly came from the bottom of her heart.

"Boy, is that you!?"

Then a bright yellow thing came out of his chest, and after shaking his head, his round eyes stared straight at Murong Jingyan.

Seeing the little yellow duck again, Murong Jingyan's eyes also showed a rare tenderness, and she touched its head.

At the same time, he answered with his mind:

"Duck dog."

"it's me."

One person and one duck are close at hand, but they speak with their own minds. Only this kind of conversation is the secret between them.

Murong Jingyan sighed:

"Thank you for your hard work during this time."

"Damn it, I knew it wasn't you. This kid kept yelling at me! I've had enough!"

The little yellow duck jumped out and stood on Murong Jingyan's shoulder. He suddenly buried his head in his hair and moved his nose:

"The scent is much lighter than before."

"What's going on? Are you going to be kidnapped?"

(End of this chapter)

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