How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 257 I’m here to teach him a lesson

Chapter 257 Let me teach him a lesson

Murong Jingyan paused.

Hearing the rare concern in the little yellow duck's tone, he couldn't help but sigh softly.

To seize the body?

Do not…

Raising his head, Murong Jingyan patiently replied with his mind:

[In terms of soul, that guy was stronger than me, so he was able to take over my body while I was in a coma due to poisoning. Speaking of which, it was my own negligence and was injured by the Drought Demon Qingyi]


Murong Jingyan stopped talking and bit her lower lip lightly.

At Tongtianya, the moment before Shen Fengchen was shot down into the abyss, Murong Jingyan suddenly woke up.

After realizing the prince's intention, it was too late to stop him, and he could only watch as his hand penetrated Shen Fengchen's heart.

Prince Jingyan and Prince Jingyan are one and the same, and the feeling of hot blood in their palms is like yesterday.

In addition, there was an unspeakable palpitation.

as if

It was not Shen Fengchen who he killed, but the person he loved most died in front of his eyes.

Closing her eyes, Murong Jingyan continued to speak:

[Later, I also sat in the lake of consciousness, watching what this guy did, and gradually stopped trying to take back my body, because I understood one thing]

[He can't destroy me, and I can't replace him. 】

[Rather than fighting over each other, it’s better to say that the two of us are like water and milk, and it’s hard to part with each other.]

The little yellow duck was confused: "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you say that this guy's purpose is just to seize you?"

Murong Jingyan had already walked out of the tea shed, shook her head at Xia Luo in the corner not far away, and then walked towards where Chen Xiangling was.

[I don’t want to become as insensitive as him one day, and he should have discovered it too]

[In the past, he would not consider killing people, but now he will hesitate, just like the monk in the stone city in the Demon Forest. Although I will not save him, he will definitely kill everyone and eliminate the threat. 】

[But he just let it go, why? 】

"Because of you?" The little yellow duck was confused.

With a curl of the corner of her mouth, Murong Jingyan had arrived at Chen Xiangling's stay. The geniuses in this dilapidated inn were immediately flattered and looked down.

Chen Xiangling also got up early and walked past Yuan Kui to the escalator, feeling very happy.

Ayan came to see me?

It's really her! ?

[He has stayed in this lake of consciousness longer than me. Now that he has returned to his physical body, he should know better than me. 】

[In his heart, I am just an indecisive person, and he probably dislikes me more, so we don't want to accommodate each other. Instead, we fall into a tacit understanding, delaying this integration. 】

[If you want me to help you, you can fuse with him, as long as it is your consciousness! 】


[I despise him even more. If I annex him, wouldn’t I become that kind of ruthless, hateful idiot who can kill people without thinking? 】

[Besides, it’s not that easy]

Murong Jingyan had a smile on her lips, but her eyes could not hide a hint of solemnity.

The little yellow duck doesn’t know, and he doesn’t want to say it.

In fact, the possibility of him being eliminated from the fusion is almost certain.

The appearance of the twin immortals and demons has shocked the past and the present. I don't know why the prince has immortal blood, but his powerful energy and skills are probably as good as his senior brother's appearance of a candle dragon.

And his Hongshou Begonia is full of mystery. Although it is not so domineering, it is surprisingly mysterious. It is the so-called bloodline of the Sixth Emperor, and it is impossible for him not to covet it.

To control each other's ancestral blood, the only way is to merge into one and achieve the complete three souls and seven souls.

Even if the two of them are no longer willing to make do with each other, this day will come sooner or later.

And even if the prince is fused...

In the depths of Jinghu Lake, the blood feud in the hearts of those princes was vividly visible. Murong Jingyan asked herself that she did not want to bear these unwarranted emotions, let alone avenge someone.

I just want to become a fairy, I just want to go back to my own world!

Lifting her toes, Murong Jingyan had already climbed up the steps.

At this moment, in the attic, Yuan Kui walked out from behind everyone and stood at the top of the stairs with Chen Xiangling, waiting silently. His face was sinister, and his eyes were playful and curious. "What are you doing now? Are you going back again?" The little yellow duck shrank back again, seeming to sense something, and asked again.

[He never took his body back, and he wanted to observe what I would do. In this case, I will teach him a lesson. 】

Murong Jingyan raised her head and raised her eyes to the longing figure above the spiral staircase, her delicate hands resting on the railing, her dark eyebrows frivolous.

The red lips opened slightly and she made a sound, as if she was telling someone:

"If you want to survive to the end in this sword-asking world, swaggering through the market is asking for death. Borrowing others' hands is the only way."

"But you are right about one thing. Over there is the Duotian Tower. It cannot be without a leader."

At this point, the corners of Murong Jingyan's lips curled up.

The veil was gently lifted.


To the end of the world.

The mist of chaos submerged this place, endless and boundless.

Thick and vast starry gravel is suspended in the air, each grain is as heavy as a mountain, and can crush the backbone of the Great Sage. From ancient times to the present, the mysterious chaos has been an untouchable restricted area of ​​life.

At the end of the abyss, there is a pool of green water that is gently rippling.

Starlight shines through the arched stone walls and reflects on the water, like a broken moon trying to sew together.

A figure floated on the pond, facing the starry sky, completely naked.

His shoulders were broad and thick, his waistline was slender, and his muscles were not as sharp as a knife, but more compact, exuding a wild strength.

Thick black hair undulated in the water, and a pair of dragon eyebrows parted at the end. He closed his eyes, as quiet as a sleeping king.

Time seems to have stopped.

Gradually, a faint fluorescent light floated in the grass beside the pool and danced around the water.


He moved and saw a hand reaching out from the water and casually wiping it on his forehead.

After a long time, the man opened his eyes.

In this cave, the world-destroying pressure that comes with chaos seems to be nothing, but on the contrary, the entire foggy starry sky and chaotic universe are captured by those deep eyes.

"Is it a dream?"

Shen Fengchen spoke, and he looked up at the chaos that the world was talking about. It was so beautiful at the moment that it made people forget where they were.

Perhaps their fear stems from the fact that no one has ever lived to appreciate this beauty.

A blue butterfly landed on Shen Fengchen's shoulder. Shen Fengchen closed his eyes again without glancing at it.

He seemed to be talking to himself:

"tell me."

"It's clear that the sun is even brighter, and it's far away, but why do people in the world say that the scattered light of the stars and the moon is so beautiful? They just want to raise a glass to it and recite poems, thinking about the past and the present."

Nodding gently, Shen Fengchen said calmly:

"Weak things, even stars, moonlight, or flowing fire, butterflies and fireflies, can only have their brilliance and be noticed by the world until the red sun recedes and after the dark night."

"The sun is always with you, but it is difficult to let go but it is ignored. The fireflies are shining brightly, but they can only wait lonely in the dark."

"I am sinking in the wind."

"Is it the red sun or the flowing fireflies?"

Shen Fengchen opened his eyes again, and the lake surface suddenly stirred. The blue butterfly on his shoulder seemed to be frightened, fluttering its wings and flying high.

Stepping ashore, he put on a long aqua blue cloak and put it on his broad shoulders!

Turning the sword that was inserted at an angle and holding it in his hand, Chen Fengchen's dragon eyebrows frowned slightly, the cold light shone in his eyes, and there was a determination in his eyes.

"Or, neither."

(End of this chapter)

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