How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 258 Watch well and study hard

Chapter 258 Watch well and study hard

High in the pavilion, Yuan Kui stood with his hands behind his back.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at Chen Xiangling who was leaning on the railing and leaning down, with a sneer on his lips:

"You really don't know this woman?"

"Tell me, where is she?"

Chen Xiangling frowned when he heard the voice behind him, but still wrote lightly:

"How do I know?"

"Why don't you guys come over and take a look? You all know this woman?"

Hearing this, Yuan Kui withdrew his gaze and said calmly:

"it is good."

"In that case, I won't give you this face, A Biao."

As Yuan Kui's voice fell, a short swordsman with yellow hair walked up next to him. His two big yellow teeth looked particularly sloppy, but his eyes were shining.

"Brother Yuan, what's your order?"

Chen Xiang was immediately alert and said sideways: "Yuan Kui, what are you going to do?"

Yuan Kui turned a deaf ear and just gave A Biao a wink. A Biao suddenly understood and smiled evilly, turned around and walked down the steps.

Patting his long sleeves, Yuan Kui raised his eyebrows and said:

"Why are you nervous?"

"Although this so-called princess is nothing more than a barbarian, the leader said that the people who should pay the most attention in the Wenjian world are not other people, but the spies of Wanlun Kingdom."

"The origin of this person is unknown, so Yuan should test her abilities for Dayan Chaotang."

While he was talking, A Biao had already walked down a few steps, held the knife edge across his body, and stood there casually with his waist tilted.

With just this gesture, the aura of the market emerges.

He was not from the Dayan Academy. In his early years, he was expelled from the famous sect for being frivolous and aggressive. By chance, he became a disciple of a crazy swordsman.

As a result, after the swordsman died, he unexpectedly discovered that he was carrying a copy of the Supreme Sword Sutra. After practicing, he was tempered and reborn, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds.

Although he has no family or sect in the huge capital city, he is also a well-known ruthless person in the area. Later, he was favored by Yuan Kui who visited the flowers and took him as his subordinate, specializing in handling the dirty things in the market for the noble sons of Dayan Academy. live.

Thanks to this relationship, he even has the opportunity to join Wenjian Club and continue to work for Yuan Kui.

A Biao hit his knees with his fingers and licked his mouth.

Even if Yuan Kui coughs, he will know what to do. There is no mistaking his look. He wants me to humiliate this woman for him, so that he can pretend to be fake.

Oh shit.

If I get any great opportunity in this Wenjian world, one day I will step on your Yuan Kui, no, Yuan Chuang's head!

Thinking about it, A Biao was actually still staring at the shadow downstairs, preparing something to say.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan was going upstairs.

['I' have been so indifferent to Xiang Ling these days, will she still believe in me? 】

[Say that’s not me? 】

【.This is too strange. 】

Looking up, Murong Jingyan also saw many figures standing at the end of the spiral staircase through the gap.

[Xiang Ling approached the organization as soon as she entered the city. Could these people be her friends? 】

[If this is the case, we may not be able to let her]


Murong Jingyan stopped and looked at the yellow-haired swordsman who suddenly appeared at the corner in front of him.

A Biao also finally saw the real owner. Now he was very close. The faint fragrance of crabapple hit his face first, making him hold back the dirty words for half a second.

This woman.

Although she is wearing a veil, her figure, her charming eyebrows and her long black hair

This is far more coquettish than the courtesans I saw in Beijing. Could it be that wild and foreign lands are really rich in beauties?

With a slight cough, A Biao adjusted his tone and bared his yellow teeth:


"Young lady was so impressive in the city just now. She beat up Wu San from the Star Reaching Sect. Why are you here now?"

His tone was sharp, and he stepped forward angrily:

"Maybe you think we are easy to bully, and you are ready to attack us, but look at your body."

"That's not like a rough guy, hahahaha."

Following his laughter, echoing laughter suddenly came from above, but it seemed a little louder than rain. Apparently, he was calmed down by the appearance of the woman approaching behind him. Murong Jingyan was not annoyed, there was even a slight smile under the mask, and he looked up at A Biao who was blocking the road.

He actually owes himself a life.

"Brother, I may have misunderstood. I'm here to look for someone."

This graceful sound is like water filling the lungs, fresh and pleasant. With the movement of leaning forward, the faint fragrance of flowers overflows, making everyone above them sniff it lightly.

A Biao was stunned for a moment, and turned around almost subconsciously. When he saw Yuan Kui, who was also stunned and showed no expression, he thought he wanted to continue, so he quickly pinched his thigh to regain his senses:

"Find someone?"

"Hahahaha, everyone here is a big shot in the capital. You and that rough guy are just barbarians outside the Great Wall. A princess from the Mo tribe, looking for someone here?"

"Girl, are you in the wrong place?"

A Biao's sharp words are just to make the beauty in front of him unable to step down and put him in a dilemma.

At the top of the stairs, Yuan Kui's eyes narrowed slightly.

Unlike others, Yuan Kui was not just curious about this woman's appearance and purpose, he was really afraid of the woman in front of him.

Only he and Yuan Chuang in the Dayan Academy knew a secret. Yuan Kui was born with a pair of strange pupils. His eyes could see things that ordinary people could not see:

Shadow of ancestral blood.

No matter how advanced a person is, as long as he is close enough to his sight, the illusion of his ancestral blood will evolve around him. However, this evolution may be real or imaginary depending on the concentration of ancestral blood, but it will never be wrong.

this woman

Her blood is very strong.

Normally, this is enough energy and blood to represent the appearance of an immortal and demon, but the shadow of the immortal and demon is obscured by layers of petals. This shouldn’t be the case.

If it is really the appearance of a fairy or a demon.

In the academy, whether it was Yuan Chuang's Nine-Sky Golden Peng or Shen Fengchen's True Life Qilin, he could see them so clearly and lifelike that he didn't dare to look directly at them.

Even if the phantoms of gods and demons in Kouting are slightly weaker, they are still lifelike, far beyond the clarity of the figures of mythical beasts.

But this woman

It was actually the first existence that he couldn't see through. If it weren't for the immortals and demons, the petals were more real than the real ones. If it was said to be comparable to the immortals and demons, he couldn't see anything in the petals, and he didn't know it at all. The details of this woman.

That's why Yuan Kui sent a pawn to test his temper. If he really looked like a fairy or a demon, he would not look good on him. A Biao would be beaten to death as well.

But if not

He could arrest her and study why he saw such a scene.

A Biao didn't know what was happening and continued to tease and provoke.

He had tried this trick repeatedly, thinking that Yuan Kui would act as a hero to save the beauty depending on the situation, and he would just have to talk.

Murong Jingyan's face was calm at this, but she followed his gaze upstairs and slowly moved her eyes from Xiang Ling at the stairs to the silver-haired man beside her.

[Haha, I was targeted so easily. 】(Heimu)

[Tsk, are you not rushing to seize your body now just to see my joke? 】(Bai Yan)

[Yes and no, after all, you keep saying that you need to use your brain, but I want to see what you can do. 】(Heimu)

[, I want to teach him a lesson. You don’t have to touch them, you can still deal with them. 】

After another sarcastic speech, A Biao saw that Yuan Kui upstairs had not responded yet, and the little beauty in front of him did not speak, so he thought that the time had come.

"You don't say anything, you're dumb, so why are you standing here?"

"If nothing happens, get out!"

After saying that, he waved his hand violently, pretending to drive people away, and just a hair's breadth away, he was about to hit the pretty face in front of him.

As the wind blew by, Murong Jingyan tilted her head slightly, and the veil that had just been taken off its earrings suddenly fluttered in the wind, making a slight spin on the spiral staircase.

fell to the ground.

And the jeers echoing from upstairs also stopped abruptly.


(End of this chapter)

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