How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 259 Leave me alone

Chapter 259 Leave me alone


The dark window was lonely, and there was a deep sigh.

Murong Jingyan bent down and gently picked up the veil on the ground.

The slender eyelashes were covered with hazy sunshine, and the eyes were flowing. The thick and graceful eyebrows were raised, and the tone was cold:

"The people of Kyushu in the Central Plains pride themselves on etiquette, but today I saw them being so rude. That has not changed."

"I won't disturb you anymore and I'll take my leave."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan held the interview in her hand and turned to leave.

A Biao panicked, and a feeling like a light on his back made him quickly look back upstairs, and he saw Yuan Kui glaring over.

Throwing down his saber, he quickly went downstairs to check out his hand:

"Wait a minute girl, wait a minute!"

"I misunderstood. I misunderstood you."

"Girl, you haven't said who you are looking for yet. Hey, hey, tell Biaozi and he will find it for you right away."

Murong Jingyan suddenly stopped.

Turning around, that beautiful face lowered her head, her eyes glowed with an imperceptible purple color, and she said suspiciously:

"Brother, you are making me a little confused."

"It wasn't just now."

As he got closer, he could see clearly this beautiful face with a hint of coquettishness. Even though Abiao was tired from admiring the beauty in the Baihua Alley, his face turned red and his heart beat faster.

"Well, Biaozi was just blind and didn't figure out his identity."

"The girl is a princess from a foreign land, and above me is the most powerful genius in Dayan. Why don't you, Fairy, move up the stairs and let Biaozi slowly apologize."

Upon hearing the word "fairy", Murong Jingyan smiled naturally, and the overflowing aura of agility immediately made A Biao stutter.

Yuan Kui, who was upstairs, couldn't help but move forward half a step, his closed mouth slightly showing his teeth, and his cold eyebrows softened a bit.

"What fairy?"

Twisting the broken hair toward her ears, Murong Jingyan's hair tips were filled with hazy broken light. She chuckled and said, "That's ridiculous."

"Since it's a misunderstanding, let's ask the young master to lead the way up the stairs."

A Biao was about to sign out the word "please" when he found Murong Jingyan sticking out the back of her hand. Her delicate and graceful face, but with a hint of cunning, was like a little white fox fairy, which made people think wildly.

"What is this?" A Biao opened his mouth slightly.

"It's the etiquette of my clan, Master, don't you want to lead me?"

While speaking, Murong Jingyan looked past A Biao and looked behind him.

A Biao was completely stunned at this moment, his breathing was heavy and rapid.


Is this woman allowed to be touched by me?

Regarding the jade hand in front of him, he was sure that even the best and most famous painters in Dayan could not draw such a beautiful hand, because they had never seen it before!

But at this moment, just lay it flat in front of you and let yourself hold it?

A question suddenly flashed in A Biao's mind. Did the current crown prince have such a good fortune?

Logically, he should have shown some grace in refusing to accept the offer, but his reason told him that this was an excellent opportunity that he should never miss in life, so he swallowed and immediately rolled up his sleeves.

Looking at his dark and thin forearm, A Biao hesitated for a moment, and suddenly felt a sense of guilt in his heart that he wanted to tarnish the beauty of the world. But then he became even more excited and was about to grab it!


The expected gentleness of the small hands did not appear, but a certain big hand pushed his head to the wooden ladder next to him.

Bang, bang, bang, three times.

Yuan Kui grabbed the confused A Biao, pulled his hair and threw it back, clapped his hands and glanced in disgust and said:

"I asked you to welcome a girl upstairs, but you said something rude and embarrassed me. Why don't you get out!"

Ignoring A Biao sitting on the stairs, Yuan Kui turned to look at the beauty in front of him, nodded and smiled:

"This girl, are you here to look for someone?"

Murong Jingyan looked at Yuan Kui's face in surprise: "Who is your Excellency?"

"I'm down, Yuan Kui."

After Yuan Kui said this, he reached out to help him, but Murong Jingyan retracted his hand first and said with a smile:

"Yuan Kui. I feel so familiar. I seem to have heard of Brother Yuan's name."

Yuan Kui stared at Murong Jingyan's retracted hand and smiled. The trace of annoyance that had just arisen disappeared after seeing Murong Jingyan's face.

This woman is so beautiful. Is there really such a perfect woman in this world?

Especially those eyes, phoenix eyes containing apricots, like autumn water, with a touch of exotic purple.

"Brother Yuan, do you want to invite me upstairs?"

It was Murong Jingyan's words that made Yuan Kui come back to his senses.

"Ah, of course it is. Girl, please."

As Yuan Kui reached out his hand again, Murong Jingyan nodded slightly, then climbed up the steps and passed Yuan Kui, heading upwards on his own.

Yuan Kui, who was ignored, suddenly felt restless. He caught a glimpse of A Biao who was still sitting on the steps in a daze, kicked him hard and quickly followed him.

Murong Jingyan took in the scene behind her from the corner of her eye and thought about it in her heart.

This guy is probably the leader of this group of people.

Is it called Yuan Kui?

But this name is really familiar. Maybe I heard it before entering the Sword Asking Club, and it seemed that Charlotte mentioned it.

As soon as she went upstairs, Murong Jingyan first saw Chen Xiangling, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Xiang Ling!"

Hearing Murong Jingyan's call, Chen Xiangling's eyes suddenly turned red. He ignored the few people next to him and Yuan Kui who followed closely, and stepped forward and said:

"Ah, Ayan, is it really you!?"

Murong Jingyan quickly walked closer. The monks around him were immersed in the shock of the arrival of this face, and even took half a step back to get out of the way.

Holding Xiang Ling's hand, Murong Jingyan blinked and said:

"It's me, Xiang Ling."

"It has been many years since we said goodbye to each other on the grassland. I never wanted to see you again, but in this sword-asking meeting."

Chen Xiangling was stunned when he heard this, but immediately understood what Murong Jingyan meant.

She knew some details about Murong Jingyan, and of course she knew that she was not some alien princess.

A Yan is here, pretending to be an identity?

Yuan Kui pushed aside the crowd and walked up to him. After looking around, he smiled and said, "So what you are looking for is Xiang Ling. Very good."

"Meeting each other is fate, it would be better if you and I sit down and talk about it."


Murong Jingyan smiled, and immediately took Chen Xiangling to the most complete table on this floor, brushed off the dust on the back of the chair and sat down, as if she had gone home.

Yuan Kui's expression froze as he followed.

There are only two four-legged stools here, and the two of them can sit comfortably, while he is left standing next to the table.

With a slight cough, Yuan Kui looked back, and a boy immediately brought a three-legged chair.

He also thoughtfully handed me a stool leg.

Yuan Kui cursed in his heart and squatted down to insert the legs of the stool. As soon as he straightened himself up and sat down, he saw the mysterious beauty holding her chin with one hand and said with a smile:

"Xiang Ling, this Shacheng is really sweltering and hot. There is not even a drop of water except for the big river."


Yuan Kui immediately turned around and made a gesture, and another subordinate immediately ran forward and took out a water bottle. Yuan Kui opened the cork and wiped it with his sleeve, then handed it to Murong Jingyan with a smile.

"Girl, I'm thirsty. Can you drink some?"

Murong Jingyan squinted away, took the kettle naturally, shook it and pushed it to Chen Xiangling.

"Xiang Ling, drink it."

Chen Xiangling took the kettle and turned her head to look at Yuan Kuina beside her, who was staring directly at Murong Jingyan, feeling both admiration and worry in her heart.

This is Ayan. She has a unique charm. As long as she is willing to speak, no man can help but fall in love with her. I have this face.

It can't be done like this.

However, Yuan Kui is not a man of faith. He is the best in Dayan Academy. The most important thing is that he is a supporter of Yuan Chuang and possesses Yuan Chuang's soul-removing mark.

If Ayan regarded him as an ordinary monk and prompted Yuan Chuang to find him, even if Ayan was very powerful...

Murong Jingyan didn't know what Chen Xiangling was thinking. She noticed the glances from the side and turned to look at Yuan Kui.

Take the initiative to speak:

"My name is Tuoba Jingyan. According to Dayan's saying, just like Xiang Ling, you can call me Jingyan."

"Brother Yuan is a talented person, but he is a relative and friend of Xiang Ling?"

Seeing Murong Jingyan taking the initiative to speak, Yuan Kui immediately beamed. He glanced at Chen Xiangling and showed a warm smile.


"Of course, I watched Xiang Ling grow up, and Yuan and him were like brothers."

Pouring his lips, Chen Xiangling cursed in his heart.

I was an official from the outer capital in the Dayan Academy back then, but I was not from a well-known family. If my father's official position had not been strong enough and Shen Fengchen was against you, I would have been expelled to the outer sect by you Yuan Chuang's bastards.

Later, Shen Fengchen left the academy and chose to travel, so I made up my mind to tell my father to leave. Seeing as I grew up, it was true. After all, I had been ostracized by you for several years!

Seeing that Chen Xiangling didn't reply, Yuan Kui took the initiative to get closer and said softly: "Why don't you speak."

"At that time, those snobbery looked down upon your origin. Brother Yuan even spoke to you, and you did not forget to mention Xiang Ling."

Chen Xiangling almost laughed out loud when he heard this, but he suddenly felt amazing.

This Yuan Kui is a well-known conservative. He is accustomed to looking down on others due to the legacy of his ancestors. Now he is actually fawning over him?

But when she saw Murong Jingyan with an inexplicable smile across from her, Chen Xiangling felt relieved again.

This is the feeling Ayan gives people.

Is it really her? Then is the guy who was as cold as death on the sedan chair also Ayan?

What happened to Ayan?

"It's okay." Chen Xiangling pushed away the kettle and forced a smile.

Yuan Kui still wanted to speak, but Murong Jingyan interrupted him directly, folded his hands on his chest and asked naturally:

"Xiang Ling, how have you considered what I told you last time?"


Chen Xiangling was confused, but when he saw Murong Jingyan's half-squinted red phoenix eyes, he quickly changed his tone and said, "Oh, is that what you're talking about...?"

"Yeah, do you want to do it?"

"Should I do this?"

"It's up to you whether you do it or not."

"Then I...don't do it?"

Yuan Kui on the side looked left and right, stretched out his hands and said: "Wait a minute."

"Princess Jingyan, what are you talking about?"


Murong Jingyan didn't even look at him, she pursed her lips and smiled:

"This is a secret between me and Xiang Ling."

Yuan Kui felt something was wrong. His rhythm had been interrupted since he came downstairs. Why couldn't he even get a word in now?

After coughing lightly, Yuan Kui smiled seriously and spoke proactively:

"Can you tell me clearly what the princess wants to say when she comes to Xiang Ling?"

Seeing Yuan Kui asking, Murong Jingyan turned around, hesitated for a moment and then said softly:

"I'm here to ask Xiang Ling for help."

"Help?" Yuan Kui was speechless, tapping his fingers on the table and casually glancing at Chen Xiangling.

"It's just her. What can Xiang Ling do to help you?"

Sighing, Murong Jingyan lowered her head and said:

"Master Yuan doesn't know something. Although our grassland tribe is located in a remote area, we still have close friends in the Central Plains. They are all close friends that the major clans made in Dayan in the past."

"In this competition between the major forces of the Wenjian Association, Ayan still needs to be taken care of by these friends, so I would like to ask Xiang Ling to come forward on my behalf and ask them to join hands with me, the grassland boy, in order to reach the final sword stage."


Yuan Kui concentrated, with thoughts running through his mind, he leaned over and said:

"These people the princess mentioned, are...?"

Murong Jingyan paused, then opened her mouth and mentioned the names of two members of Duotian Tower.

"Have Mr. Yuan heard of them?"

At this moment, Yuan Kui was stunned, then laughed loudly, waved his sleeves and said:

"Ha ha ha ha."

"The people the princess mentioned just now all come from low-class, second-rate families. If Princess Jingyan doesn't go with Yuan Mou, these people can't protect themselves, so how can they protect you."


Murong Jingyan turned sideways, tilted her head and said, "Then where are you from?"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Kui straightened up and said:

"Yuan, from Dayan Academy."


Murong Jingyan's eyes suddenly flashed.

Dayan Academy! ?

It's that person.

Xia Luo mentioned that Yuan Chuang has a confidant named Yuan Kui, who can be called his right-hand man. Even the next leader Kou Ting, who is also a fairy and demon, is not as close as him to Yuan Chuang.

Murong Jingyan suddenly felt wary. Fortunately, Yuan Chuang was not in the city, otherwise they would really be enemies on a narrow road.

What a pleasant surprise.

On the surface, Murong Jingyan remained calm, but after humming for a long time, she suddenly realized:

"I have always heard about Dayan Academy. I heard that the leader of Dayan Academy is a peerless master with the appearance of an immortal and a demon. Could it be that that person is you, Brother Yuan?"


As Murong Jingyan looked at her expectantly, Yuan Kui cleared his throat and fiddled with his silver hair:

"That's our leader, but Yuan doesn't have to give in too much."

Changing the conversation, Yuan Kui extended the invitation again:

"Princess, as long as you follow us and meet the leader and the others, we can keep you and your people safe, how about that?"


Murong Jingyan's eyes suddenly brightened, and she moved the stool closer. She wanted to say something but fell into hesitation, showing a troubled expression:

"However, our clan has already made an appointment with those Dayan noble friends. I think they should also be in Shacheng, and they have even agreed to cross the bridge together. Besides, I entered the city too late, so I may not be able to cross the bridge first like Mr. Yuan."


Yuan Kui bowed his hands and said boldly:

"It doesn't matter, just bring those trash with you. The more the merrier, I think the leader will agree to their joining."

"it is good!"

Murong Jingyan immediately looked at Xiang Ling and blinked secretly: "Xiang Ling, can you go and talk to them for me? You should know them."



Murong Jingyan looked at Yuan Kui and said with a smile:

"I want to talk to Mr. Yuan alone for a while."

Hearing this, Yuan Kui immediately sat up straight, his heart beating like a drum. This feeling was just like that night when he was young, sneaking out of the school and accidentally entering the flowers, and paying the tuition with a red face.

I really miss this throbbing feeling.

"Xiang Ling, go ahead!"

"Brother Yuan wants to talk to the princess alone for a while."

Chen Xiangling stood up slowly. Just when he was a little confused, Murong Jingyan suddenly said:

"and many more!"

After getting up, Murong Jingyan came to Chen Xiangling with a smile, lowered his head and stuffed something into her, and clasped it lightly with his fingers.

"This thing is a token, you wear it."

"When they see it, they understand."

Chen Xiangling looked into his arms, suddenly trembled and froze.

This is a mask.

Cold and pale, with a strange curve at the corner of her mouth, like a beautiful woman smiling, ghostly and terrifying.

Murong Jingyan leaned close to Chen Xiangling's ear and whispered:

"Xiang Ling, believe me."

"I will never leave you in the Wenjian Realm. I will take you and your friend out safely, but from now on."

"You are the young master of Seizing Heaven Tower."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan stroked Chen Xiangling's shoulder with a hint of apology in her eyes.

Chen Xiangling's eyes flickered, as if he understood Murong Jingyan's intention.

"Ayan, I will be your substitute, but now you..."

"What are you planning to do?"

Raising her hand to pinch Chen Xiangling's cheek, Murong Jingyan smiled slyly, gave her a reassuring look and turned around to leave.

"Leave me alone."

"I have to help you trick this guy named Yuan to death."

(End of this chapter)

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