How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 260 Ayan helped me get married

Chapter 260 Ayan helped me get married

Chen Xiangling clutched the mask in her hand and turned back to the wooden ladder step by step.

Before leaving, she couldn't help but look back.

Seeing Murong Jingyan and Yuan Kui laughing and chatting by the window, her worried expression softened slightly, and she quickly walked downstairs.

dong dong dong,

The stairs creaked under the feet,

"Ayan asked me to find those people, but how do I know who is there in Duitian Tower? She gave me this mask."

"There is."

"Does she want me to find that person?"

Although Chen Xiangling is simple-minded, it does not mean that she is stupid. On the contrary, her sensitivity is precisely because she is too smart.

Walking out of the wooden building, the dazzling sunlight mixed with gravel made it difficult to open one's eyes. Before Chen Xiangling could speak, a voice came from behind her.

"This way."

Turning his head warily, Chen Xiangling saw a man leaning on the railing, grinning at him.

He has sharp short short hair and a natural boyish look on his face, making him look harmless.

Nodding to Chen Xiangling, Xia Luo turned and left. Chen Xiangling noticed that he glanced at the mask in his hand.

It's him!

In the past few days, Chen Xiangling followed everyone from Duotian Tower out of the Demon Forest, and naturally noticed that the wolf-faced man was highly regarded. Apart from Cao Diantian, Ayan almost only talked to this person.

Putting the mask away, Chen Xiangling quickly followed, and the two of them walked into an alley in the sand city.

Xia Luo had his hands behind his back, and compared with Chen Xiangling who was looking around, he was just strolling around.

After making sure that no one was around, he slowly stopped, turned sideways and looked at Chen Xiangling who was following him, and smiled.

"Charlotte, I have met Miss Chen."

Chen Xiangling, who came on the back foot, was stunned when he heard this, then narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you know me?"

Charlotte smiled, leaned against the wall, crossed her arms and said:

"Natural understanding."

"Everyone has heard of the jewel in the eye of Master Chen Cang, the governor of Yanzhou."

"Besides, I was also in the inner sect of Dayan Academy before. In terms of seniority, you have to call me Senior Brother Xia Luo."

Chen Xiangling blinked and suddenly felt that the man in front of him looked familiar.


"That's right." Charlotte laughed and said loudly:

"The one who fascinated thousands of talented women back then and was groomed as the next leader is you, Brother Luo."

Raising his index finger and tapping it, Charlotte smiled and shook his head:

"But you, the younger generation, are more talented than the other beasts."

"Rather than being surpassed by you, wouldn't it be nice if I could just leave and travel around the mountains and rivers on my own?"

Chen Xiangling suddenly remembered something, covered her mouth and pointed forward:

"I remember now!"


Charlotte was surprised, blinked and said:

"My story is still circulating in the academy?"

Nodding vigorously, Chen Xiangling's eyes flashed and she said with admiration:

"Don't everyone say that Yuan Chuang's current Taoist companion was taken away from him? Isn't that senior brother who was beaten into a cripple and persuaded to quit the academy by himself? Isn't that you!?"

"I heard that you are super powerful. Even if your teeth are knocked out, your mouth will be hard. Otherwise, Yuan Chuang wouldn't be so anxious that he would hit you so hard and almost beat you to death by mistake."

"Senior Brother Charlotte!"

Charlotte's smile gradually faded, her index finger touched the tip of her nose, and she said angrily:

"I admit my mistake, I admit my mistake."

"The name sounds similar. It's not the same person. Ahem, I've heard of that person before."

"It's better not to talk about this anymore."

Xia Luo pointed to the mask in Chen Xiangling's hand and asked:

"Why are you holding the young master's mask?"

Chen Xiangling picked up the mask in his hand, turned it around, and gestured to his face.

"Senior Brother Xia Luo, Ayan gave this to me."

Charlotte was stunned.

"Oh, A-Yan, you sound so affectionate. Are you familiar with each other?"

"What's the point?" Chen Xiangling put down his mask and smiled like a flower.

"Ayan even helped me get married."

Charlotte's pupils shrank, obviously shocked, she spread her hands and said, "What?"

"When did she get married?"

"Quick, let's talk about the marriage in detail. Who are you marrying?"

Chen Xiangling was playing with the mask and nodded with satisfaction.

The size of this mask is quite suitable for my face. No wonder Ayan gave it to me with confidence.

"do not know."

"I wasn't here at the time. If everything goes well, it should be Shen Fengchen. He is the most powerful among those people."

Opening his mouth wide, Charlotte's eyes were full of suspicion.

What did I hear?

Miss Murong is married?

Still Shen Fengchen, what's going on?

But looking at Chen Xiangling, it didn't look like he was lying. For a moment, Charlotte had so many thoughts in her mind that she didn't know what common sense was.

"By the way, Brother Charlotte, you just asked me about this mask."

"Ayan wants me to pretend to be the young master for her. I wanted to come to you to discuss it. What do you think we should do?"

Charlotte came back to her senses, thought for a moment and then asked:

"Miss Murong, haven't you been looking at you coldly these past few days? Why do you suddenly feel comfortable letting you play her role?"

"No, why did she let you pretend to be her???"

Chen Xiangling smiled and relayed Murong Jingyan's thoughts to Xia Luo.

"You mean?" Charlotte raised her chin and said suspiciously:

"Young Master wants you to pretend to be her, gather all the subordinates from Duotian Tower, pretend to help Dayan Academy, and use Yuan Kui to come forward and get everyone across the bridge in advance?"

"Mostly so."

Chen Xiangling suddenly asked: "Brother Xia Luo, do you know what happened to Ayan."

"You have also seen that although Ayan has saved me these past few days, she has always been sarcastic to me, but she was never like this before!"

"Besides, it seems that Ayan is back again, and the Ayan now is Ayan."

Hearing what Chen Xiangling said, Xia Luo was not surprised. Instead, he moved his eyes slightly and nodded.


"Something must have happened to her."

"It was Miss Murong who invited me to Duotian Tower before. I used my clan and origin to help her recruit those guys on the established list. But for some reason, when Wenjian met again, she was replaced by a different person. He was extremely powerful, but he only had the power to me. Please give me a drink."

"I couldn't find the right time to ask, so I can only leave it at that."

After taking a look at the sky, Xia Luo approached Chen Xiangling and said:

"It's getting late. The bridge to the Second Heaven Pass will be opened at any time. No matter what you plan to do, young master, you should do your own thing first."

"I'll leave immediately to ventilate the others. You put on a mask and a hat and wait here. Don't say anything. If you have anything to say, I'll say it for you."

"Except for Cao Diantian, this guy won't listen to me. Remember to give him a wink."

With that said, Charlotte took out a wolf head mask from her waist and put it on herself.

"By the way, there's one more thing."

Patting Chen Xiangling's shoulder, Xia Luo left the alley.

"I'm really not that senior brother."

Half an hour later.

Yuan Kui had already walked downstairs, with his hands on his hips and his eyes narrowed.

Look at the dozen or so people in front of you.

Turning his head and looking at Murong Jingyan, Yuan Kui asked carefully in a probing tone:

"Princess, you have too many close friends, right?"

In front of him, more than ten people were scattered in twos and threes. They came immediately after receiving Xia Luo's order.

Waiting downstairs to join forces with Yuan Kui from Dayan Academy.

After receiving the order, most people felt relieved. They had naturally heard of Yuan Kui's identity. Can Duotian Tower be connected with Dayan Academy?

That would undoubtedly be a huge source of support in the world of Wenjian!

After all, my young master and the leader of Dayan Academy are both extraordinary figures. If they join forces, I can just do whatever I can. Surviving to the end is the ultimate goal.

The moment he saw Murong Jingyan, his eyes lit up.

Murong Jingyan crossed her arms under her chest, smiled gently, and agreed in a low voice:

"Yes, our grassland tribe has many heroes. These are all my friends."

"As the saying goes, the more the merrier. I think Mr. Yuan won't mind if we form an alliance together. Of course, the Lord of Dayan Academy will fight for opportunities. We are more to boost your momentum and will not be greedy for credit."

Yuan Kui looked a little ugly and coughed lightly:

"The princess has met someone else. Whether it's chance or not is secondary. The main thing is that there are too many people."

"I'm afraid other people in Shacheng won't nod if they see it."

"This" Murong Jingyan stared into Yuan Kui's eyes, revealing a bit of disappointment that was slightly concealed but did not want to be hidden at all.

"It's difficult for Mr. Yuan. I thought that Mr. Yuan agreed so happily that none of this would be a problem."

Hearing this, Yuan Kui suddenly hesitated again, and several of his subordinates behind him were even more confused. A Biao directly leaned on his neck and said:

"Brother Kui, I think it's okay." Yuan Kui turned around and glared at him, scolding in a low voice: "What's wrong with you, go back."

A Biao glanced at Murong Jingyan and boldly advised:

"Think about it, we haven't received Chuang Ye's signal for a long time. Only a few of us are following you. If we encounter someone who has enmity with Dayan Academy, the Shen Family's Third Division, and the Nine Provinces Alliance after entering the second level, we won't So they stopped us."

"Anyway, you have something to say when you meet Mr. Chuang. There are at least ten people here. If we accept them, we will become stronger. Most people don't dare to trouble us."

Although Murong Jingyan didn't know what they were talking about, she still nodded gently when she saw A Biao.

Seeing this, A Biao quickly urged:

"Brother Kui, I think it's really good!"

In a corner not far away, two figures were watching all this silently.

Cao Diantian stood tall and frowned:

"Young Master, why do you want to form an alliance with Dayan Academy? I know Yuan Chuang a little bit in the capital. In his eyes, these brothers are just a burden and he will not agree."

In front of him, 'Murong Jingyan', who was dressed in purple and had a white forehead, said nothing.

Chen Xiangling was watching the movements of other people on the field and in the city.

Many eyes are also looking at this place, and they are talking about it.

"Little Lord?"

Hearing Cao Diantian's voice, Chen Xiangling was about to speak but then remembered Xia Luo's instructions. After coughing slightly, he raised his hand and waved.

Cao Diantian sighed softly at the tip of his nose, continued to hold the Sword of Transformation, and fell into silence again.

A Biao turned a deaf ear to him, but Yuan Kui did not push him away, and his expression fell into hesitation.

Before entering the Wenjian Meeting, each major force would have some special seals to determine each other's position to facilitate their rendezvous and avoid being left alone, but he had not been able to receive Yuan Chuang's summons.

Of course, this cannot be because Yuan Chuang is dead, but because the distance between himself and Yuan Chuang is poles apart, too far apart.

Fortunately, his other secret seal is also there. These strange people and strangers who were accepted in Shangjing come to visit, and they can be regarded as a few capable followers.

"Princess Jingyan, let me see," Yuan Kui said.

"It doesn't matter."

Murong Jingyan interrupted Yuan Kui's words and looked towards the distant river.

"It's all up to Mr. Yuan. Let's forget it's a difficult matter. Who can cross the river and who can't, let God's will do it."

Yuan Kui's tone paused, then he pursed his lips and said:

"It's okay. Princess Jingyan has gathered a few friends, so she can naturally go with Yuan and others first."


Looking behind him, Yuan Kui gestured with his thumbs: "Let them stay, you can bring a few more."

A Biao and the others' eyes widened immediately, and they wanted to scold Yuan Kui eight hundred times.

You are a fucking great man. Who do you think our brothers are? This is not the way to pursue a female cultivator.

Murong Jingyan was speechless and immediately shook her head.

"Master Yuan misunderstood."

"Let's go together. Jingyan is the last person to enter the city. Mr. Yuan follows the rules. It stands to reason that this princess should be the last to cross the river. Life and death are destiny and wealth is in the sky. I accept it!"

Murong Jingyan's voice was so sonorous that the eyes of the people behind Yuan Kui turned red.

This is the pattern.

Yuan Kui's cheeks turned red and he bit his lip, seeming to have made a big decision.

"Okay, Yuan agreed!"

"Since the princess is determined to form an alliance with my Dayan Academy, naturally these brothers are our own. If anyone is dissatisfied, they will not give my Dayan Academy face!"

The corners of Murong Jingyan's eyes relaxed, and her eyes shone with surprise, clear and bright.


"Master Yuan, are you really not going to be in trouble?"

Yuan Kui breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said: "Once a word is spoken, it's hard to catch up."

"Come on, let's go directly to the altar."

Among the crowd in the Duitian Building, Charlotte motioned for everyone to follow, and the group walked towards the altar in a large number, causing an uproar in the city.

"What do these people mean?"

"Aren't they going to occupy the altar and prepare to get there first?"

"It's ridiculous. They are all obviously newbies. Is Yuan Kui trying to break the rules?"

Long Zhan and Wu San were standing upstairs at Renren Restaurant. At this moment, Wu San had mostly recovered from his trauma after adjusting his breath, and he didn't look so miserable anymore.

"What does this mean, don't treat us as human beings?"

Wu San frowned. The two of them were almost the first couple to come to Shacheng. Even if they didn't fight and let the crazy man pass first, it was impossible for so many people to jump in line at once.

This slap hit the Star Reaching Sect on the face first.

"Shh, talk."

Long Zhan didn't look at these people at all, but stared in the direction of Murong Jingyan from a distance, stretched his neck and narrowed his eyes.

"Be good"

The people in Duotian Tower also looked at each other in shock, but when they saw the man in purple clothes with a strange face standing in front of Cao Diantian at the entrance of a certain alley, they quickly shut up and followed him silently.

Murong Jingyan slowly raised her feet, and the purple intention in her eyes suddenly shrank.

The little yellow duck stuck out his head and sighed:

"It has to be you. You are so perfect at using this lust seal that you have mesmerized these stupid donkeys."

Murong Jingyan stretched out a finger, pushed its little yellow head back to her chest, and slightly raised the corners of her mouth:

"The Seal of Desire is very powerful."

"But more importantly, I have to manipulate people's hearts and hope that just one look will make them die. It doesn't matter how beautiful I am."

"Men all need some motivation."

[Are you going to join Dayan Academy? 】

Suddenly, a voice sounded from his mind, very cold.

Murong Jingyan's eyes were calm, knowing that the prince was unhappy inside. Things were different now, and the prince could take back his body at any time due to his situation.

"Your Highness, don't rush to get your body back, the fun is yet to come."

Murong Jingyan raised her head, her eyes reflecting Yuan Kui's back.

"If you have a brain, you will know that Yuan Chuang is the person I must kill. Naturally, I have to start with his most trusted subordinate."

[Oh, you can kill him now. 】


Murong Jingyan rubbed her Qingming point and said helplessly:

"With so many eyes in the city watching, and fighting against him, do you think these people will help me seize the Sky Tower or Yuan Kui?"

"If you help Yuan Kui, you can board the ship of Dayan Academy. Regardless of the advanced cultivation of these people, they can't do it alone. They just haven't reached the point where they can speak out."

"Besides, the matter will be leaked sooner or later. If Yuan Chuang is alerted, it will be several times more difficult to kill Yuan Chuang!"

"Unless you want to kill everyone in this city, even you can't do it."


[You won’t kill him? 】

"Kill, kill, kill, he will definitely not be able to leave this city."

Murong Jingyan slapped her head and seemed to be complaining:

"Stop talking, my head hurts."


The other is sitting in the sand city.

Yuan Chuang sat cross-legged and meditating in the center of the altar, with his hair tied down on his shoulders and his face calm.

Not far away, another elegant man was sitting casually by the pillar. He was playing with the bricks on the ground, looking as if he was on an outing.

Prince Dayan held a handful of sand and looked back at Yuan Chuang:

"Ai Qing, do you think you can really get the magic sword in this sword-asking meeting?"

Yuan Chuang still closed his eyes when he heard this, and said calmly: "I don't know."

"But the prophecy of Xingsi cannot be ignored."

Prince Dayan raised his eyebrows, loosened the sand, and let it fall from his palm:

"In this case, we must win it. If we really get the magical weapon such as the Demon Sword, will our Yangyang Dayan be restrained by the Wanlun Kingdom?"

Yuan Chuang spoke, still expressionless:

"Your Highness, please don't take it lightly. There are many people who covet the Demonic Sword. The Nine Provinces Alliance, the top sects, and the forces in the dark are collaborating with the traitors of Wanlun Kingdom, etc."

"If they join forces, they can be regarded as a force that cannot be underestimated, especially since they are hidden very deep. We have not been able to find the opportunity to destroy them early."

Prince Dayan nodded, but then showed a hint of evil smile, pointed at Yuan Chuang and said:

"My dear, you have missed the most important thing."

"The three divisions under the command of Prime Minister Zuo are the biggest enemies of our East Palace and your Yuan family. There is no way this bastard Shen Fengchen can help me. Sooner or later he will turn against me."

Ha ha

Yuan Chuang sneered and finally slowly opened his eyes, his green eyes reviving like poisonous snakes.

"Shen Fengchen is nothing to worry about anymore."

The prince opened his eyes wide and said with a half-smile:

"I just told you not to be careless. I love you so loudly, but I appreciate this in you."

"Ai Qing is right. Although there are many of us and Ai Qing has a great reputation, entering the second level is really like bowing your head and not looking up at those rebels. Do we have enough people?"

Yuan Chuang did not explain anything and said calmly:

"Including Kuo Ting and Huang Dizhou, there are three immortals and demons in our academy."

Glancing at Yue Khan sitting cross-legged in meditation at the corner of the altar, Yuan Chuang closed his eyes again:

"Yuan Kui has not followed the traces, but he is still alive. When he comes back, the Academy will not need me to be in charge personally. I can also use the Dragon Expansion Formation to free up my hands to find the whereabouts of the magic feather."

"In addition, this woman also has the appearance of an immortal and a demon. She was planted with my Yuan Family's Dao Seal and can only be used by me at least in the Wenjian Guild. I heard her say that she has three powerful generals under her command. Together they are not weaker than her, and her income can be considered as a subsidy. .”

"No need to worry, God is with me."

 Asking for a monthly ticket! ! !

  Start working on the word count. There are still 20 days left in this month. I will try to add words this month and slowly get to normal updates.

  I'm so convinced. There's something wrong with the system. What was that chapter about?



(End of this chapter)

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