How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 262 Don’t rush me away

Chapter 262 Don’t rush me back in a hurry

As soon as Yuan Kui said this, the entire audience was silent.

The grandson of the Minister of Justice looked at a fool and wondered what was wrong with this guy. How could he suddenly become a good person when he was usually arrogant and domineering.

But in the blink of an eye, when he saw Murong Jingyan beside him, he seemed to understand a little more.

Although this woman doesn't look real, her temperament and appearance are really extraordinary. But to achieve this?

He didn't believe that this guy would give up the opportunity to cross the bridge like this.

When their own people are almost gone, they will definitely commit murder and break the contract to catch the last train.

That's all, as long as I can survive

Qiu Qiang and the others were silent with their own thoughts, and soon everyone in the Duotian Tower stepped onto the altar one after another and walked across the river on the light bridge.

Just after the last Duitian Tower member left, Qiu Qiang took a deep breath. She was the first to bear the brunt and strode towards the altar.

The movements were so graceful that no one raised any objections, they were just observing Yuan Kui's reaction.

Fortunately, Yuan Kui only had a gloomy expression on his face, but he crossed his arms without making any more noise.


At this time, an inappropriate voice suddenly sounded.

Qiu Qiang stumbled and almost tripped over her own toes. She quickly raised her head and raised her eyebrows.

She stared at Murong Jingyan who was walking out of the crowd and asked dissatisfiedly: "What's wrong?"

"You can't cross the bridge."


Qiu Qiang's two long legs spread apart, she stood there with her beautiful eyes widened and said:

"What's the meaning!?"

"Time and time again, you think I'm just a piece of paper, don't you?!"

Murong Jingyan smiled, looked at Qiu Qiang from a distance, and repeated:

"Literally, it's not even time for you to cross the bridge."

Yuan Kui on the side was also caught off guard. He tilted his head in confusion and asked:

"Princess Jingyan, what does this mean?"

Murong Jingyan put her hands on her hips and said seriously:

"Master Yuan, there will always be people who can't cross the bridge and will die here. Do you really think that it will be us who die here in the end?"

"This" Yuan Kui was stunned.

"The truth is this, but"

Yuan Kui glanced at Qiu Qiang, who was not far away, and lowered his voice: "You just let those friends of yours run away. Isn't this the right time to break up with each other?"

Just when Yuan Kui said this, Qiu Qiang and the others were already furious and made rude remarks one after another.

"Witch, don't go too far!"

"Junior sister Qiu, if you ask me, I'll fight them. This person named Yuan has made it clear that he wants to humiliate us. When have we ever accepted this anger?"

"It's tolerable, but it's unbearable!"

Seeing the champion Yuan Kui break out in cold sweat, he coughed lightly and said: "Princess, I'm afraid it's difficult for Yuan to control this situation."

"If the princess has no other way, Yuan thought it would be better to lend them a way first, otherwise"

Shaking her head, Murong Jingyan smiled slightly and just raised two slender fingers:

"It doesn't matter!"

As soon as the words fell, a surge of qi and blood swept out of Murong Jingyan's body. The red air waves accompanied the begonia petals. In an instant, the situation changed and the music of the piano curled up.

Begonia falls on the forehead of the clothes, the coolness is like the return of the real thing, it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

Everyone, including Yuan Kui, took half a step back, with frightened expressions on their faces.

"The appearance of a fairy and a demon!?"

The tyranny of this Qi and blood was comparable to that of a divine beast. Qiu Qiang and others immediately looked ugly after reacting, while Yuan Kui could not hide his joy.

Long Zhan on the side narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at each other with Wu San.

Wu San quietly clenched the Star Reaching Sword in his hand, but Long Zhan quickly held him down and shook his head with a smile.

Yuan Kui looked at Murong Jingyan's back with light shining in his eyes.

I really didn't miss her, this woman is really like a fairy!

No wonder she has such courage. Even if we let go of those second-rate people and have the appearance of a fairy and demon to pull the battlefield, we can still be invincible with just a few people present!

On second thought, complex emotions flashed through Yuan Kui's heart.

His own strength is only that of those monsters with the appearance of immortals and demons, but as Yuan Kui, the leader of the Yuan family, no one knows better than him what it means to be a thousand miles away from a slight difference.

Such people

But on second thought, Yuan Kui smiled again.

As an ally with the appearance of a fairy and a devil, if I can bring Yuan Chuang back to Dayan Academy, he will definitely be more interested in me, not to mention that this girl's face is thousands of times better than his current appearance!

Yuan Kui took a deep breath and hid the emotions in his eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Yuan Kui took a few steps forward and stood on the altar condescendingly:

"Qiu Qiang, you have now seen that Princess Jingyan looks like an immortal or demon."

"Now there is still a need to fight. With the strength of the few of us, I'm afraid it won't be enough for you all to come together."

"Go back honestly, you can definitely get there anyway, why bother showing off here."

When Qiu Qiang heard this, she immediately became anxious:


"Don't bully others too much!"

It's okay if Yuan Kui doesn't tell them. They are a group of casual cultivators with their own factions and similar strengths. If Yuan Kui and others leave and they don't have a common 'enemy', who will give him face? ?

Maybe you'll be the first to make it!

Yuan Kui continued to speak, raising his chin and arrogantly:

"Anyone who doesn't agree can come forward. If there's nothing wrong, I'll cross the bridge first."

"Princess Jingyan, please."

As he spoke, Yuan Kui turned sideways, and just as he was about to make a gesture of invitation, he suddenly felt a chill running down his spine.

A ray of purple light was reflected in his pupils, and then his whole body immediately flew out, rolling on the altar for several weeks, sending out a cloud of gray smoke.

The sudden change caught everyone present by surprise. Several of his followers also stayed where they were. It took a full second before they all shouted:

"Big Brother!!!"

Everyone looked at them running towards Yuan Kui, and then slowly moved to Murong Jingyan. They saw 'she' retracting her index finger, looking harmless.

Only little Gillian put her hands between her eyebrows, cupped her head and said to Murong Jingyan:

"Princess, this kid is not dead. I will help you patch him up."

Yuan Kui, who was lying on his back, was helped up by his subordinates. His face was pale and he was covering his chest with one hand.

A bit of divine light tore his chest, and half of his heart was shattered into pieces. He was bleeding profusely at this moment, but the monk's tenacious vitality prevented him from dying violently, and he still had some energy left.

But without a panacea, even Shen Fengchen's heart being penetrated would be incurable, let alone him. It was just a matter of time.

Yuan Kui never dreamed that he would be killed by Murong Jingyan behind his back. Feeling that his life was passing quickly, he quickly took the Shihuitian Pill and spit out the blood in his mouth.

"who are you!?"

"Why did you attack me!!"

Hearing Yuan Kui's words, Murong Jingyan just turned a deaf ear and even raised her hand to stop little Gillian from rushing forward.

"Princess, kill him while he's sick!"

"Be honest, I deliberately left him half alive."

Yuan Kui adjusted his breath and temporarily stabilized his injury, and shouted to A Biao next to him:

"What are you looking at? Why don't you go kill this witch!!!"

A Biao was stunned, pointed at himself and said, "Me?"


A Biao glanced at Murong Jingyan, then at Yuan Kui, and finally picked up his weapons and fought with a few other brothers to kill him.

But before they even got close, a sword light stopped them all.

Star Reaching Sect Wu San’s face was indifferent and he stood in front of him:

"Don't ask for trouble, go back."

Yuan Kui knew that something was wrong. He was hit hard this time, which made him extremely cowardly. At this moment, he could only say in a stern tone:

"Do you know who you are killing!"

"I am Yuan Kui, a member of the Yuan family. If you dare to kill me, you will be punished by the court!!!"

After saying that, Yuan Kui panicked when he saw that Murong Jingyan and others looked calm.

He gritted his teeth and turned to look in the direction of Qiu Qiang and others:

"Help me!" "As long as I live, I, Yuan, promise that Dayan Academy will protect you until the end, and you will all be on the Hidden Dragon List!"

But after he finished speaking, no one responded to him. Instead, there was a loud noise in the distance, which was the sound of the approaching mist of chaos.

Murong Jingyan finally spoke and walked forward slowly:

"Stop shouting, Yuan Chuang won't come to save you."

Hearing this, Yuan Kui pursed his lips tightly and forced out a sneer.

Taking his hand away from the wound, he took something out of his arms.

"Do you think it's so easy for us, the royal prince of Dayan Academy and a member of the Ten Thousand Years Official Family?"

Yuan Kui held up an object with one arm, which was a bronze eye. His eyes turned red and he growled:

"This is the Secret Eye of the Academy. If you dare to kill me, the leader will not only know about it, but will also catch up with your mark. In this Sword-Asking World, unless you survive the Sword-Asking World, you will definitely die!"

Seeing that secret eye, Murong Jingyan laughed meaningfully, nodded and said:

"That's good."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan held up a guqin with one hand and placed it in front of his knees. He couldn't help but play it with his right hand. The ancient relics set off a destructive sound wave, causing all the people in front of Yuan Kui to collapse.

Even though Yuan Kui used his magic weapon to protect himself, his heart was severely damaged and he had no internal strength left at all. He was unable to block the full blow of this immortal and demonic figure, and he immediately flew out like a kite with its string cut off.

After severely injuring Yuan Kui with one blow, Murong Jingyan stepped to his original position, reached out and grasped the bronze eye firmly in his hand.

Then, Murong Jingyan no longer looked at Yuan Kui, but turned to look at Qiu Qiang and his party.

Being stared at like this, Qiu Qiang suddenly felt like she was facing a formidable enemy and subconsciously said:

"what are you planning to do?"

Ha ha

Murong Jingyan played with the bronze eyes in her hands and raised the corners of her mouth:

"Of course, let him see you."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan raised his finger, and a flash of purple divine light penetrated Yuan Kui's head as he struggled to get up.

As Yuan Kui fell to the ground with his eyes wide open, the bronze eye in Murong Jingyan's hand trembled, and the next moment the green-brown eye suddenly opened.

A cold and stern gaze seemed to emerge from the void, and everyone present felt that they were instantly locked by a tyrannical energy.

His gaze fell on Yuan Kui not far away, and then an indifferent voice sounded, but it was extremely calm.

He only said three words.

"Who are you."

Murong Jingyan pinched her bronze eyes and said casually:

"Can't you see clearly? Isn't this all right in front of you?"

After saying that, Murong Jingyan directly squeezed the bronze eyes, and with the destruction of the bronze, the invincible vision disappeared instantly.

Qiu Qiang was still panting slightly. She naturally knew that the sight just now came from Kazuto, so she couldn't help but swallow her saliva and asked:

"You, what are you doing?"

"doing what?"

Murong Jingyan left the fragment in her hand on the ground, motioned to little Gillian to keep an eye on Yuan Kui and several subordinates, and then looked at everyone

"I should be asking, what should you do now?"

"What do you mean?" The grandson of the Minister of Punishment was also frightened. Although he could not understand Yuan Kui and was not a stranger to him, he still had to think twice before killing him.

Of course, if Mr. Shen would kill him at just one word, but if it were anyone else, he would really be a bit dreamy.

Murong Jingyan's eyes swept away the ethereal look before, and turned to indifference and coldness, and she said lightly:

"Yuan Chuang has set his sights on you. In other words, you are dead."

"If you want to live, I'll give you a way."

The grandson of the Minister of Punishment suddenly blushed. He wanted to scold but held back, and said loudly: "What do you mean by targeting us? We didn't kill Yuan Kui!"

Murong Jingyan just glanced at him and asked: "Who am I?"

"Are you... eh, who are you?" the grandson of the Minister of Justice said in a choked tone.

Shaking his head, Murong Jingyan sneered:

"When Dayan Academy finds you, they will say that it was an unknown person who killed Yuan Kui and it had nothing to do with you."

"I believe this. Go and ask Yuan Chuang if he believes it."

The grandson of the Minister of Justice still wanted to speak, but Qiu Qiang interrupted him and said in a deep voice:

"If you want to live, which way should you choose?"

Murong Jingyan patted her sleeves, her long and narrow red phoenix eyes were frivolous, and she said casually:

"Follow me."

"Give you a way to survive."

Qiu Qiang took a deep breath and exhaled softly: "You have been plotting against us from the beginning."

Murong Jingyan raised her eyebrows and walked along the altar:

"Do not."

"I just gave you a chance. If you are like-minded, you will be a fellow traveler in the future. I will protect you, just like those people just now."

"Or do you really think that you can break through the second level of heaven and reach the Wenjian Altar by yourself?"

"If you think so."

Turning sideways, Murong Jingyan raised her chin and said politely:

"Then you can leave now."

The talented monks present looked at each other with complicated emotions.

Naturally, they knew that people's hearts were sinister, but they were used to thinking of themselves as noble, so it was a bit difficult for them to put down their dignity when it came to recognizing someone as their leader. But when they saw that Yuan Kui, who was more noble than them, was ready to die at his own word, they couldn't help but feel sad and began to feel sorry for themselves. For your own sake.

Especially with the sword of Dayan Academy on his head. Although Yuan Kui did not kill him by himself, as the woman said, Yuan Chuang would not give anyone a chance to explain.

The mouth grows on you, it’s not up to you whether you believe it or not.

"I am willing."

Suddenly a voice broke the silence.

Long Zhan clapped his hands and came to Murong Jingyan's side:

"I, Long, am the first to agree!"

"Girl, with her talent, we can still allow those monks to cross the bridge safely. We are so powerful, why are we afraid that we will be treated badly? I am willing!"

Everyone present changed their expressions. Yes, I am stronger than the previous ones, only Cao Diantian is stronger.

"I would like that too."

Unexpectedly, it was Qiu Qiang who spoke first, and she stepped onto the altar.

Qiu Qiang's face was complicated, she leaned forward and said:

"I believe that if you dare to provoke Yuan Chuang, you are definitely not seeking death, but you want to be honest with her later. I'm watching the mountain sect Qiu Qiang, and I'm willing to follow you."

With Qiu Qiang leading the way, the rest of the people began to nod and express their opinions.

Little Gillian glanced at the people below and admired Murong Jingyan in her heart, but when she looked around, she couldn't see any joy on Murong Jingyan's face.

"Just talking won't do. If you want to surrender, you have to show some sincerity."

Murong Jingyan spoke, which immediately made people nervous.

"I dare to ask the heroine, what is sincerity."

Upon hearing this, Murong Jingyan turned her back and slowly walked towards the light bridge. Before leaving, she tapped her fingers and spoke in a long voice:

"With more monks and less meat, there will be a few unlucky ones who can't cross the bridge."

"Since you and I are fellow travelers, then according to what I said, you should be able to cross the bridge safely."

After these words fell, everyone's hearts moved, and their eyes subconsciously turned away.

A Biao and others were blocked by little Gillian. At this moment, their faces suddenly turned pale. They immediately kowtowed in the direction of Murong Jingyan and prayed to join them.

Murong Jingyan turned a deaf ear to this and could only hear the screams floating in the wind.

[How are you sure that these people will not betray you]

The surface of the river was like a mirror, and the voice of the heart resounded, but the prince's voice contained a rare patient inquiry.

The corners of Murong Jingyan's mouth curled up slightly, she lifted up a strand of hair in front of her forehead and gently lifted the veil.

"How can we make an alliance without relatives and reasons? We are loyal and loyal without words. If we want to establish trust, we can only rely on our reputation."

Glancing behind him from the corner of his eye, Murong Jingyan said seriously:

"Killing these minions means that I have officially offended Dayan Academy. From now on, those who follow me in Wenjianjie will have a way of survival. If I leave, I will die."

"This is the way to control people."

Looking at the light bridge above her head, Murong Jingyan lifted up her skirt and climbed up the steps with a serious look on her face.

"You killed Shen Fengchen and drove away my senior brother, which ruined the plan."

"The only plan for now is to strengthen myself. The person I see must be our chess piece. Only in this way can we kill Yuan Chuang and obtain the third magic seal."

"That's all for talking about."

Murong Jingyan suddenly smiled and said softly:

"Don't rush me back."

(End of this chapter)

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