How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 263 Senior brother, are you still angry?

Chapter 263 Senior brother, are you still angry?

The yellow sand was gone in the west of the river. When everyone stepped off the light bridge and looked around, the scene before their eyes was completely transformed into another strange scene.

The clouds cover the green valley, and the mist is misty.

The mountain breeze carries the light rain, and the bitter smell of the trees sweeps away the tiredness. Thousands of green mountains and green camphors loom in the mist, and the real rivers cannot be discerned. They only feel the vastness of the world.

Chen Xiangling stood by the pier, looking back at the calm river water.

The breath of death can be vaguely smelled on the other side of the distant shore. It is the mist of chaos that is engulfing the sand city, and the remaining creatures there will end up with no bones left.

"Ayan, she can definitely come over."

Xia Luo, who had put on the wolf mask again, was standing beside Chen Xiangling and nodded when he heard this.

"Whether she uses force or tricks, she is no longer what she was at the beginning. Now she is the young master of Seizing Heaven Tower. Why should you and I worry?"

Not far away, everyone in the Duotian Building dispersed in tacit agreement, guarding the surroundings of the pier in the dark. The scenery was beautiful, but this was a second level of heaven, and there was always the possibility of encountering the presence of other forces.

Not long after, someone actually brought some horses from the forest and shouted happily:

"Look, there is a stagecoach in the forest. It's really magical."

Cao Diantian, who was guarding not far from Chen Xiangling, looked away and said calmly:

"It's just a horse. It's all nonsense in the sword world. Even if there is a real dragon, it's not surprising."

Soon, the light bridge above his head began to gradually dissipate. Charlotte suddenly noticed something, patted Chen Xiangling's shoulder and said with a smile:


I saw silhouettes of people emerging on the bridge. They were two figures, one tall and one short.

The tall one is the unshaven little Gillian, and the slender figure is Murong Jingyan, who is dressed in white and is slowly walking down.

But at this moment, Murong Jingyan was wearing a simple bamboo hat, which was a gift from Zhu Huanan.

Xia Luo glanced at Cao Diantian, gave Chen Xiangling a look to signal him not to move, and then hurried forward to greet him.

"No, no, Ayan."

Before Xia Luo could speak, Murong Jingyan had already arrived under the bridge. Looking around, he saw the Duotian Pavilion hidden in the treetops of the jungle and nodded secretly.

Although the strength of these people is not the first echelon, but for the heroes of the Wenjian Club, they are all first-class geniuses outside.

It has become a rule to follow these people, and they can still play their due role even if they don't give orders, which is a rare asset.

Withdrawing her gaze, Murong Jingyan motioned for little Gillian to go aside, then turned her head and whispered to Charlotte:

"Charlotte, I have a few things to give you now."

Hearing Murong Jingyan's gentle tone, Charlotte could probably guess that Murong Jingyan wanted Jin Chan to escape from her shell and had other things to do.

"You said."

Lifting up a corner of the curtain, Murong Jingyan said in a faint voice:

"First, I have something important to do. Please help Xiang Ling, and never come to the point where I need to take action."

"Two, the next people crossing the bridge are all newcomers to my building. I have vaccinated them. You can just follow the plan and let them enter my building."

"Three, tell Xiang Ling, see you in Longcheng."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan looked behind her and another figure appeared. From a distance, she could see Long Zhan and Wu San.

"Okay, that's all!"

"This guy is really stalking people. Don't let anyone else go except the two of them."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan saw the horses that were brought to the dock and tied up, and immediately stepped forward, selected a big blue-gray horse and turned over.

"Little Gillian!"

Murong Jingyan pulled the horse's rope and shouted: "You are here to assist the young master. I, the princess, will come back as soon as you go!"

Little Gillian was running to the side and was stunned when she heard this.

"Princess, you won't take me with you!?"

Murong Jingyan looked at Long Zhan who was waving and running in the distance, quickly changed direction and gave instructions:

"Have you forgotten what I just told you?"

"My best friend in the grassland is Duotian Tower! Protecting the young master of Duotian Tower is more meaningful than following this princess!"

"I still have something to take care of for the young master. If you follow them, you are not allowed to go anywhere. Do you understand?"

Little Gillian froze on the spot and nodded solemnly after hearing this.

With Murong Jingyan's brainwashing along the way, he knew that the reason why these people were favored by the princess was because they came from an organization called Duotianlou.

This organization is a great benefactor of the grassland!

Even the princess does things for them, which shows that her power is huge, and the young master of Suitian Tower is probably even more powerful.

Murong Jingyan's front foot slapped the horse away, and Long Zhan's back foot rushed here panting heavily.

"What's going on? Why did you run away!"

Long Zhan wiped his sweat and was about to lead his horse to chase, but Wu San held his hand.

"What are you doing!"

"What did you say I did!!"

Wu Sanyi forcefully pulled Long Zhan aside, looked around and said in a deep voice:

"Young Master, I really doubt you still remember your mission of enduring humiliation and coming to Dayan!"

Long Zhan was stunned for a moment, then looked at the grass beside him with his mouth tilted and muttered:

"Of course I remember, right?"

"You really don't remember!" Wu San almost cursed, but luckily he held it back.

"Don't think about that woman just now. What you have to do now is to find everyone first. We have lost the opportunity!"

"The monk is probably dead. Maybe they'll start taking action. If we don't do something serious, we'll all be done with it! Understand!"

After being taught a lesson by Wu San, Long Zhan's expression gradually relaxed. He knocked his hand off his chest and his eyes flickered.


"But you promise me one thing."

Seeing Long Zhan come to his senses, Wu San also put his hand on the hilt of his sword and stood upright: "Young Master, please speak."

"After this incident, don't stop me from finding her."


"Hey! Are you going to do the following??? Ahhhhhh!!!"

Cao Diantian looked at Long Zhan who was chased into the woods by Wu San, and slowly walked to Xia Luo's side.

Looking at the wolf head mask on Charlotte's face, he asked:

"Who is that woman?"

Just as Charlotte was about to speak, his eyes noticed that many figures were walking down the light bridge again.

Chen Xiangling also looked up, his eyes suddenly shining with surprise.

These people were not Yuan Kui and his party as expected, but other monks in the city.

As they scrambled to swarm down, the light bridge completely dispersed.

Among the crowd, Yuan Kui and his followers were the only ones missing.

In an instant, Chen Xiangling understood Murong Jingyan's intention. Was Ayan trying to kill Yuan Kui? ?

Xia Luo didn't bother to answer Cao Diantian's question. He just said that he was a close confidant of the young master, and immediately walked in the direction of Chen Xiangling. After the two whispered for a while, Charlotte continued to walk in the direction of Qiu Qiang.

Qiu Qiang was standing under the bridge now, with the empty green mountains reflected in her eyes. She was also in a trance, but soon she looked around for Murong Jingyan's figure.

But before Xia Luo could get closer, Cao Diantian stepped forward first.

"Did you kill Yuan Kui?" Cao Diantian and Qiu Qiang were old acquaintances. Cao Diantian noticed Yuan Kui's absence at a glance and asked in a calm tone.


Qiu Qiang grinned and asked, "Where is Princess Jingyan?"


"Leaving?" Qiu Qiang was stunned. Just as she was about to say something, Charlotte had already arrived.

After squeezing Cao Diantian away, Xia Luo nodded slightly to Qiu Qiang and said:

"Fairy Qiu, my young master has something to say. Please wait and explain."

Qiu Qiang followed Charlotte's side and saw Chen Xiangling standing by the river. The mask exuded a mysterious and evil smile, which made people shudder.

Is it her?

Qiu Qiang and the group of geniuses behind her looked solemn.

Before crossing the bridge, Princess Jingyan took the initiative and told her that she belonged to the rumored and extremely mysterious Duitian Tower.

At first, it was difficult for everyone to accept that no matter how mysterious and powerful Duitian Tower was, it was still a Dayan cult.

How could he be compared with their righteous sect, but when Murong Jingyan said that his strength was not half as strong as the young master of Duotian Tower, they hesitated.

The appearance of an immortal is not half as good as that of a demon, so how can he have unrivaled combat power? ,

But when one thinks of Murong Jingyan's majestic appearance as an immortal and a demon, and his willingness to let him lead his subordinates to leave first while he stayed behind, one has to believe it.

If the young master of Duitian Tower is really that powerful, it is not impossible that he can take advantage of the power in the Wenjian world for a short period of time and avoid disasters and avoid being angered by Yuan Chuang.

Just when Qiu Qiang and others were about to leave for a visit, Cao Diantian stopped them.

At this moment, Cao Diantian was confused.

His intuition has always been sharp. Although the tone and tone of the person who just left was different from the young master, there was a vague feeling of familiarity.

It was a sense of crisis that was caused by something but not at all. It would only be reflected in a being whose talent was stronger than his own sword body. The most recent one was the young master.

"Why did you kill Yuan Kui?"

Seeing Cao Diantian blocking the way, Xia Luo quickly interrupted: "You and Na Yuan Kui are not close friends. If you kill me, you will kill me. Why do you ask?"

Qiu Qiang glanced at Cao Diantian:

"The killing of Yuan Kui was done by Princess Jingyan. We only killed those subordinates and it was regarded as surrender."

"How could she kill Yuan Kui?" Cao Diantian narrowed his eyes:

"Could it be that she is?"

Qiu Qiang rolled her eyes:

"Nonsense, even though it was a sneak attack, if it weren't for the immortal and demonic appearance, how could Yuan Kui kill him like a dead dog and deliberately provoke Yuan Chuang."

"What technique did she use?" Cao Diantian continued to ask.

Not to mention Charlotte, Qiu Qiang was already a little impatient and frowned:

"How could I know that Yuan Kui had his head chopped off when he saw a sea of ​​flowers filling the sky and the sound of a piano? What else do you want me to say?"

"I came later than you, brother."

Hearing this, Cao Diantian had doubts in his eyes.

Sea of ​​flowers, music of piano.

I have never seen the young master use these.

"Get out of the way!"

Qiu Qiang passed by Cao Diantian and led a group of people towards Chen Xiangling's direction anxiously, mumbling something.

"You think I don't know that your young master is much more capable than that princess?"

"You can't hold this big tree by yourself."

After hearing Qiu Qiang's words, Cao Tianlong's brows finally relaxed.

Shaking his head mockingly, he stood back by the tree with the Divine Transformation Sword in hand.

"I'm too sensitive."

"It seems that the young master has many strong men under his command. I just need to do my part well."


As soon as he rode on his horse, he sank into the depths of the mountain forest.

The horse's hooves crush the bamboo grass, the dew contains the sound of the wind, and Murong Jingyan's white bamboo hat flutters in the forest, which is better than ten thousand kinds of scenery.

While rubbing Qingming's point, Murong Jingyan was talking to the little yellow duck on her shoulder.

"Boy, although you use the lust seal with great skill, you didn't make it this way."

"In order to control Na Yuankui, you used it at least three times. He is not a shrimp on the roadside. If you use it two more times, you will go blind. I don't think you have used it twice on that person named Shen. "

Listening to the little yellow duck's lesson, Murong Jingyan raised her long eyebrows.

"Only in this way can we destroy him at the most correct time. Sooner or later, it will not have this effect."

"Besides, why would I do this to Shen Fengchen, tsk?"

Letting go of her hands, Murong Jingyan's temples moved with the wind, and her fair face reflected mottled light and shadow, making her look even more agile and natural.

"When it comes to the second level of heaven, we must fight."

In the Second Heaven Pass, there is a crystal called Ten Thousand Years of Tears.

Almost hundreds of crystals of this kind will be produced in every sword-asking meeting. They can be used as bargaining chips to directly determine the ranking of the Hidden Dragon Ranking. This is one of the biggest opportunities.

However, the output of crystals is almost concentrated in three completely different places within Erzhongtianguan.

They are:

Dragon City, Battle Tombs, and Moonbridge Bay.

Among them, the one that Murong Jingyan looked at was the most central one: Dragon City.

Thinking of Yuan Chuang, the biggest enemy he would inevitably face in this Sword Asking Meeting, Murong Jingyan's face became a little solemn. After all, he had already met the two generals of Dayan Academy in the Endless Sea.

Kou Ting and Huang Dizhou are both real immortals and demons. As long as the two of them join forces, not to mention themselves, even Prince Murong will probably not be able to take advantage.

Coupled with Yuan Chuang, three immortals and demons, and a group of elite disciples from Dayan Academy, I really can't compare.

The top priority is to recruit helpers for yourself.

Thinking of this, Murong Jingyan's expression became sad, and her eyes fell on the ring finger of her right hand.

There, an amber-red ring was emitting a faint shimmer, looking quiet and simple.

"Brother, are you still angry?"

"Why don't you respond to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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