How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 264 Junior sister is calling me

Chapter 264 Junior sister is calling me

Deep in the green mountains, there is the sound of horse hooves.

The gurgling water flows down among the pines, the white mist swirls gently among the bamboo forests, and the sunlight shines through the scattered smoke, showing mottled spots on the white bamboo hat.

On the horseback, Murong Jingyan clutched the red ring, her beautiful brows furrowed, not knowing what she was thinking.

The crisis in the sword-asking world becomes more and more serious as the days go by, and help is most needed.

At this critical moment, there was nothing more important than retrieving Zhu Huanan, but no matter how Murong Jingyan tried to stimulate his energy and blood, the Star Shifting Ring showed no response.

Fortunately, no matter what, the distance between the two will produce a slight difference. Zhu Huanan relied on this difference to save himself from the hands of Lianchi Tiangong.

Now, it's my turn to find him.

"Senior brother, what's wrong with him?"

Closing her eyes, Murong Jingyan sighed.

"Are you really angry with me?"

Shaking her head, Murong Jingyan raised her hand to rub the Qingming point to relieve the pain caused by the lust mark.

The Seal of Desire can also be used in the hands of Prince Murong, but the only one who can truly wield it like an arm is Jingyan himself, who even evolved it into the Eye Technique.

But although the Seal of Desire has miraculous effects, it often requires a lot of pupil power to be used on people with stronger Qi and blood talents. Yuan Kui is arrogant but has capital. To distort his mind in this way, the pupil power consumed is even more difficult to achieve. count.

But for this certificate, it was worthwhile to recruit more than ten geniuses who were able to seal the three levels of heaven.


Murong Jingyan suddenly stopped and glanced deep into the forest with her narrow red phoenix eyes.

A small smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

I saw his left arm reaching towards his shoulder blade, gently stroking it with his long and slender fingers, and the strings of the piano were trembling behind him.

The stream rippled, and the slowly falling bamboo leaves quietly broke into two pieces, as if there was an invisible sword energy radiating in all directions, causing a wave.

call out!

I saw crisp sounds in the forest and broken pine branches.

Then a figure flew through the forest, Murong Jingyan raised her head, and her eyes behind the curtain shed a cold light.

With a flick of three fingers, a stream of purple light burst out from the palm of his hand, carrying the blood of immortal and demonic energy and quickly chasing the mysterious man, trying to knock him down.

But even though Murong Jingyan was very good at controlling the divine hand, and the divine light was winding rapidly in the forest, the mysterious man's figure was ghostly, and he could not touch the corner of his clothes even though he was moving around.


Seeing that he was about to disappear, Murong Jingyan hit the horse's rope and chased in its direction.

Looking up at the empty forest tops, Murong Jingyan's little finger was always hooked on a weak string behind her back, listening carefully.

The ancient music is the unparalleled secret knowledge of the Qin Saint Shang Rong. It not only has the power to destroy the world, but also is a music score that runs through the avenue. The sound of the Qin alone is like seeing in the night, and you can detect the direction of movement and stillness.

As long as you are moving, you cannot escape your own eyes.

He stretched out his five fingers again, and five spirals of divine light shot out quickly in several directions.

At the same time, Murong Jingyan stepped on the green bamboo on horseback, waved the spiritual silk ribbon on her wrist like a red snake and spit out a message. In the blink of an eye, the storm rose and surrounded the surroundings.

With her toes lightly clasped, Murong Jingyan stood on the bamboo tips, quietly observing the movement in the forest.

"No need to run."

"Why do you want to follow me? Why don't you tell me your name and see if you are an enemy or a friend?"

Murong Jingyan spoke softly, holding one hand behind her back, but her tone seemed indifferent and cold.

He dared to follow him but hesitated to take action. Murong Jingyan had already guessed that this person should be a scout. If he was not eliminated in time, he might attract others to covet him.

Soon, the forest leaves moved not far in front of me.


A figure broke through the heavy forest. Her body was as light as a swallow. She turned around and swung her sword. After slaying all the last bits of divine light, she floated on another bamboo.

Murong Jingyan's eyes suddenly opened, and when she saw the person coming from Qing, her face suddenly changed slightly, and even her eyebrows became slightly happy.

"It's you!?"

The people standing opposite each other have white hair on their heads and weak shoulders, and are dressed in white clothes.

Looking north and south with Murong Jingyan, just from a distance it can be called a cliff with two colors.

It's just that the woman's eyes were covered with a layer of white silk, and she looked slightly diagonally. She was actually blind.

Slowly taking the long sword back to her waist, Shen Su turned her head and looked at Murong Jingyan.

Her white hair moves with the wind, which is different from Yuan Kui's silver hair that turns gray after overindulgence. Shen Su's white hair is not stained by fireworks, like a banished immortal descending to earth, expressing poetry.

"It's you."

She said the same thing, her tone unusually indifferent. Murong Jingyan also felt Shen Su's impermanence. The two were silent for a long time. Finally, Murong Jingyan opened her thin lips lightly and asked:

"Shen Su, why are you following me?"

Hearing this, Shen Su was silent for a moment.

Finally, she raised her head and asked:

"Where is that person?"


"That man with murderous intent and the stench of the battlefield, that man who is very close to you."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan was slightly startled.

Who is this?

Murong Jingyan was just about to ask, but Shen Su took the initiative to speak:

"Now, let's go find him."

Murong Jingyan only reacted after Shen Su said this. Light flowed in her eyes and she asked tentatively:

"You also want to find my senior brother Zhu Huan'an?"


"What are you looking for him for?"

"kill him."


Hissing, Murong Jingyan couldn't believe her ears. What happened while she was away? Why did Shen Su want to kill his senior brother alone?

Although she showed just now that her hands were very strong and she could easily deal with the tracking divine light, but who is my senior brother that you can kill at your will?

"May I ask, where did my senior brother offend Miss Shen?"

The breeze blew by, and the bamboo forest swayed, making a rustling sound. Murong Jingyan took out her hand from behind to show her sincerity.

Shen Su's expression did not change when he heard this, but his tone was colder.

"Chen Fengchen is dead."

"do you know."

Murong Jingyan's face froze slightly when she heard the words "Shen Fengchen". She wanted to say something but finally pursed her lips.

He is dead, can I not know?

But what Shen Su said next made Murong Jingyan even more stunned.

"Your senior brother did it."

This time Murong Jingyan managed to squeeze out a smile, raised her hand and said, "You misunderstood."

"My senior brother and Mr. Shen have never had any grudge."

"Besides, Mr. Shen's unicorn appearance shouldn't be dismissed like this."


At the end of her words, Murong Jingyan couldn't speak anymore, so she simply turned her head and said:

"Shen Su, I don't know why you said this, but it's impossible for my senior brother to harm Young Master Shen for no reason, so don't talk nonsense."

After hearing Murong Jingyan's explanation, Shen Su put her hand on the hilt of the sword again.

The mountain wind passed by, the bamboo leaves rustled, and the two people's white robes billowed like waves in the clouds.

There was a hint of murderous intent in her voice.


"Why didn't you ask me if Shen Fengchen is really dead?"


The second layer of heaven passes through the hinterland.

In a dark space somewhere, ice and fog billowed, and only faint lines of light reflected from the cracks in the melted stones above the head.

Under the empty silence, there was a person lying in the cold wave. His whole body was covered with frost, and his eyebrows and eyelashes were all covered with ice, making it impossible to open them.

However, a ring on his thumb was still emitting a faint light, bringing a touch of warmth.

".Is it you..."

"Junior sister."


(End of this chapter)

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