How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 268 The Secret of the Sky King

Chapter 268 The Secret of the Sky King

The dome is deep in ice, glowing with a deep blue light.

Occasionally, stars and snowflakes fell from the cracks in the rocks, and the cave was silent.

Several mysterious masters who followed Mu Qing into the cave are now scattered in the cave, looking at the surrounding scene.

Except for the bottomless abyss at the end in front of you, the only exit is the narrow opening. The ice above your head blocks the sky, making this place dead and dull.

"Is this really here?"

"Why does the so-called sky realm look so deserted, without even a hint of jewels and jewels?"

"Hush, the master is willing to give up the fight for the Hidden Dragon List and still come here first. Of course he has his reasons. We just need to be smarter in our eyes."

The few of them glanced at each other, and then continued to sense the movements in the cave, not only to warn Mu Qing, but also to be wary of some monster that might appear at any time.

not far away.

Mu Qing squatted on the ground. He stretched out his palm and touched it gently in the snow, revealing the ice rocks below.

Then, he smiled.

The scabs on his face that had been burned by the fire twitched at the corners of his mouth, making him look particularly terrifying.

Under the snow next to the 'corpse', crystal particles were scattered one after another. He picked up one and put it in front of his eyes. Mu Qing touched his bald head:

"I never thought that I wanted to be possessed by the Lord of the Sky, so I was willing to give up plundering the Tears of Ten Thousand Years."

"But it still fell into my pocket...hehe..."

After looking at Zhu Huanan's body, Mu Qing wanted to pat it aside so that he could pick up the Ten Thousand Years of Tears scattered on the ground.

But at this moment, he caught a glimpse of something from the corner of his eye.

It was a long black knife, lying quietly in front of Zhu Huanan's forehead. The snowflakes seemed to have avoided the black knife and fell, only being covered with a layer of white frost.

"This is."

Mu Qing's eyes lit up and she came closer.

Looking at the black knife on the ground, Mu Qing seemed to be sizing up the most stunning beauty in the world, her eyes filled with covetous expression.

"This black sword is usually controlled by Zhu Huan'an and keeps it quiet. I never thought it would have such a strong murderous intention. It is simply stronger than my blood decree!"

"This knife was made just for me!"

As he spoke, Mu Qing was about to hold Zhu Zhou's knife handle, but before he could touch it, a sudden feeling of extreme danger made him stop.

And from his cuff, a palm-sized manta ray suddenly crawled out.

The manta ray's sticky body continued to twist on his forearm, and finally opened its stinging mouth and let out a sharp howl.

Mu Qing was stunned by this scene. When he looked at the black knife again, his pupils suddenly shrank. Even if he was a murderer like him, his body trembled subconsciously.

At the joint between the black blade and sheath, the red scales opened a crack at some point, like a deep amber eye, staring at him quietly from the depths of the netherworld.

"What the hell is this!"

Mu Qing suddenly pressed her hand on the sword, her knuckles twitching slightly, leaving a wisp of cold sweat on her forehead.

He asked himself what scene he had never seen with his opponent before, but he didn't expect to be frightened by a knife and lose his composure!

Even so, Mu Qing did not relax his vigilance, but carefully looked at the black knife in front of him, locking all his instant sword energy firmly on the black knife in front of him.

Although he seemed arrogant, he was actually cautious by nature, and this black knife really gave him a chill.

What's more, even the Gu insect who ranks high in his ranking is also afraid, which is even more weird.

"Master, watch your back!!!"

A sharp roar came, and Mu Qing felt his hair standing on end.

His reaction was so quick that the sword in his hand was inserted behind him almost instantly!

With a loud rumbling sound, Mu Qing's body spun in the air for half a circle before landing firmly on the ground. He raised his hand to stop the people coming behind him, and looked at the people in front of him with his eyes.

On the edge of the steep cliff, a man in red clothes was standing up slowly. Ice shards were shaking off his broad shoulders. His face was covered by thick orange-red hair.

His right hand was clenched into a fist, and blood was oozing from the fist, which was a long and narrow knife edge.

"Zhu Huanan"

Mu Qing narrowed her eyes and chuckled after a long time.

His tone was scornful, but deep in his eyes was full of disbelief.

Zhu Huan'an had no breath just now. He couldn't even feel any vitality or blood. He was completely dead. How could he still stand up?

To take a step back, even though he had focused his attention on the black knife with its eyes open, even though he had lost the opportunity, the knife failed to cut off his hand and was instead knocked back.

It's simply unbelievable.

The scholar in blue also noticed something was wrong and asked in a low voice:

"Master, what is this guy's background?"

"The living and the dead?"

Mu Qing glanced at him indifferently, pointed her finger to signal them to move away, and then turned to look at Zhu Huanan again.

At this time, Zhu Huan'an still maintained a half-standing posture, and did not pick up the black knife, but slowly lowered his raised arm.

With a chuckle, Mu Qing said calmly:

"My energy is exhausted and my blood is dry. Even so, I still have such strength. I am worthy of being a man who can rival Yuan Chen even before he was born."

"Brother Zhu, I would like to ask this humble monk, why did you end up like this?"

In Mu Qing's eyes, although Zhu Huan'an was not dead, he was almost as good as a dead person.

The more powerful the innate bloodline is, the more likely it is that there will be a moment of flashback, and the body's final potential will burst out before death, just like the resurrection of the dead.

He was convinced that Zhu Huanan was in this state, and that he was just forcibly awakening his Zhou Tian.

Just as he said, Zhu Huan'an's orange hair was hanging down, his whole body was slightly in a trance, and his red clothes were soaked in ice and snow, making him dull.

As he stood up, there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

Seeing that Zhu Huan'an didn't reply and that the horrific wounds on Zhu Huan'an's chest and abdomen were vaguely visible, Mu Qing became even more convinced of her suspicion.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and he looked past Zhu Huanan towards the abyss behind him, and said in a deep voice:

"Brother Zhu."

"To be able to hurt you like this, could it be that you have already encountered 'it'?"

Different from the people behind him.

As a member of the immortal and demon bloodline, from the first moment he stepped into this place, he could detect the prying eyes of mysterious beings below the abyss, and he never strayed away from it from beginning to end. And that was naturally what he was looking for on this trip.

But since his true appearance was not revealed, and Zhu Huanan had wounds on his body, Mu Qing had probably guessed the whole story.

"As expected of Brother Zhu, he was able to defeat the King of the Sky with one person."

Mu Qing nodded to Zhu Huanan and sighed:

"However, when your manpower will eventually be exhausted, don't worry, I will let the poor monk destroy this monster for you."


"If the donor hands over the Ten Thousand Years of Tears on his body and leaves behind the black knife, the poor monk will guarantee that you can leave this place."

As he spoke, Mu Qing stepped aside to make way, but his eyes fell on the half-bulged kit bag at Zhu Huanan's waist without any trace.

Ten Thousand Years of Tears are scattered from there.

At a glance, Zhu Huanan had at least twenty or thirty more on his body besides those on the ground.

The scholar in blue and the other three people also moved out of the way like Mu Qing, but there was more of a strange light flashing in their eyes.

With Mu Qing's reminder, they naturally recognized that this was Zhu Huan'an, the famous leader of Qijian Villa.

The master has always been about getting twice the result with half the effort and completing the greatest thing with the least cost. He did not choose to confront Zhu Huanan head-on at this time, just to save energy to deal with the next King of the Sky.

But it doesn't mean that he will really let Zhu Huanan live.

If Zhu Huanan really fights and leaves, someone will naturally follow him all the way. When Zhu Huanan runs out of energy and blood, he will die.

But even if Mu Qing lowered the steps, Zhu Huanan remained unmoved.

Even after a moment of stalemate, he wanted to bend down and pick up the black knife.

Mu Qing's eyes turned cold when he saw this, and he nodded slightly to the scholar in blue behind him.


Before Zhu Huan'an encountered the black knife, the scholar in blue and the ordinary short man took action immediately. They fired their bows from left to right and attacked Zhu Huan'an at the same time.

The short man was as tall as a cannonball. He had a pair of strong and powerful hands, and he used great force to grab Zhu Huanan's Tianling Gai.

The man in blue took a step forward slowly. The energy and blood behind him swelled and turned into a lifelike black dragon. He opened his white cheeks and pretended to swallow Zhu Huan'an in one bite!

Both of them struck with thunderous force, leaving no chance of survival at all.

Zhu Huanan tilted his head to one side and finally made a move.

The black dragon fell down, causing a burst of snow. The scholar in blue quickly emerged from the dragon, showing a confused look.

Each man also missed the mark, because just when the two attacks were about to hit, Zhu Huanan's figure disappeared from the spot.


As Mu Qing raised her hand, the two of them looked again and saw Zhu Huanan appearing beside the cliff ten feet away, still with his head hanging down, looking confused.


The two men continued to rush away, but no matter how they pursued, Zhu Huan'an was always one step faster than them, making the two men's Taoist spells frequently miss and difficult to hit.

Mu Qing watched all this from a distance with her hands folded, a suspicious light in her eyes.

Zhu Huanan's ability to dodge these attacks did not surprise him.

But if he only defends without attacking, sooner or later a flaw will be found, and the last remaining heat of his already dry blood will be wasted.

What made him most suspicious was that he knew the secret of the Sky King through his great connections. How could this guy know about it, even if he knew it and came here for it?

Zhu Huanan's ancestral blood is rumored to be the birth of a real dragon. If this is true, he should know better that the fate of the Sky King has nothing to do with him.

Why did you come to fight with the Sky King in a lose-lose situation?

Thinking of this, Mu Qing softly spoke again:

"You guys go too."

"Remember, people can fall into the abyss, but the tears of ten thousand years must be brought back."

The other two people immediately joined the battlefield after hearing this.

With the new reinforcements encircling and suppressing him, Zhu Huanan's space for dodge was suddenly much smaller, and his movements were obviously not as smooth as before.

The narrow cave was not suitable for performing overloaded Taoist techniques, but the four of them worked together flawlessly, and soon all Zhu Huanan's escape routes were sealed, leaving him unable to retreat.

As the short man slapped his chest, Zhu Huanan took a few steps back and stepped on the edge of the cliff to stop his decline.

The blood flowed down his neck into the red clothes and fell on his open chest.

"Oh shit."

The scholar in blue walked out from behind the crowd. He pushed the short man away and raised his palm:

"Run, let's see how you keep running!"

"Hurry and save the tears of ten thousand years, and leave your whole body!"

As expected, Zhu Huan'an still didn't react at all. He looked in a trance. He was even more unsteady because of the palm hit and was about to fall into the abyss at any time.

Seeing that Zhu Huan'an was forced into a desperate situation and his life was hanging by a thread, Mu Qing, who was in the distance, also lowered his arms, shook his head and walked towards the black knife left by Zhu Huan'an.

He stared at the black knife warily.

After seeing that the eye on the edge of the knife was gone, Mu Qing raised her toes and grabbed the scabbard.

"What a great knife."

The greed in Mu Qing's eyes was undisguised. Compared with Ten Thousand Years of Tears, this black knife gave him greater temptation. He had a strong intuition.

The origin of this black sword is definitely extraordinary, and its killing intent is even more powerful than my own Jie Dao Blood Purpose!

Touching Zhu Zhou's scabbard, Mu Qing said softly:

"When Zhu Huan'an dies, I will be your new master."


Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly caught a glimpse of something floating past from the corner of his eye, and his fingers reached out and pinched it.

"This is."

Withdrawing her finger, Mu Qing was stunned.


What was in his hand was a red begonia petal.

And in the air, there was suddenly a cool and beautiful fragrance of crabapple flowers, exuding a charming and dangerous aroma.

(End of this chapter)

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