How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 269 You really don’t treat us as outsiders.

Chapter 269 You really don’t treat us as outsiders.

Begonia is stronger than snow, soft and silky, and by the time Mu Qing reacts, it has already spread all over the dark tide caves with the wind.


Mu Qing slowly turned sideways, her pupils narrowed slightly, she grabbed the handle of the knife and shouted:


Before he finished speaking, an imperceptible hum suddenly sounded in the cave. The sound was sharp and went straight to the depths of the eardrums!

The people who were rushing towards Zhu Huanan stopped one after another, their brows twisted, and they subconsciously raised their hands to cover their ears.

At the same time, they also noticed that the begonia petals floating in the air were rapidly and quietly fading.

The red Begonia flower turned transparent for an instant, but it felt like half an era had passed. The dark cave was instantly illuminated, and the petals turned into a violent sea of ​​light and exploded, drowning everything!

The snow evaporated, the gravel fell, and the powerful energy enveloped the high temperature and instantly ignited the clothes and hair of several people, and roars came one after another.

Mu Qing stood still.

His pupils turned into two tiny dots at this moment, as attractive as a tiger descending from the mountain. The substantial evil energy bursting out from his body allowed him to remain unscathed in the face of such tyrannical energy fluctuations.

The posture of the immortal demon is born with six senses and intuition that are beyond ordinary people. Although Mu Qing didn't know what happened, she had a strong feeling at the moment.

Kill Zhu Huanan.

Right now!

But just when he was about to move, a stronger sense of crisis made him turn back suddenly, and pressed down with his backhand the sword in his hand, and the light and shadow intertwined and struck out instantly!


Mu Qing's heart skipped a beat. Her murderous intention was clearly targeted at some kind of danger, but this earth-shattering blow did not hit anyone.

Only a ferocious knife mark that was five feet long was left on the stone wall in the distance.

Lowering her head, Mu Qing's eyes showed disbelief.

I don't know when a blood mark appeared on my chest, and the blood mark pointed directly to my heart. If my killing god hadn't been indestructible, I might have been killed in an instant.

But immediately, the confusion in Mu Qing's eyes turned into anger!

The black knife in his hand actually disappeared.

It was a shame and a great humiliation to let others take away all the weapons in his hands without saying anything about being bullied and seeing blood!

Not far away, the light gradually faded.

The scholar in blue and others were still urging Zhou Tian to extinguish the fire on their bodies. They were all in a state of distress and were caught off guard and looked very embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, a line of white clothes floated between them, setting off a gust of fragrant wind.

Zhu Huanan was standing on the edge of the cliff, and the heat wave had just passed by. Although it did not hurt him, the turbulent air wave still made his body sway even more.


The gravel rolled down, Zhu Huanan's red clothes swayed slightly, his orange hair swayed, and he fell straight back.

He was about to fall into the abyss.

A delicate white hand suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes!


Murong Jingyan, dressed in white and dressed in snow, stood on the edge of the cliff, her skirt slightly fluttering, holding the black sword Zhu Zhou in one hand, and violently lifting Zhu Huanan's body upwards with the other.

“It’s time to catch up”

Zhu Huan'an seemed to have lost consciousness again. At this moment, his heavy body was pressing on Murong Jingyan's shoulders. He raised his hands to support him so that he would not fall to the ground.

The people in blue had also extinguished the flames on their bodies at this moment, and all looked at the uninvited guests here.

Their faces were charred at the moment, and they were not as arrogant as they were just now.

But judging from the energy and blood emanating from their bodies, none of them were seriously injured. At most, they were superficial burns caused by a hasty response, and half of their clothes and hair were burned away.

"Another one!?"

"Damn it, how dare you sneak attack and kill her!"

"Huh? It's a woman."

Murong Jingyan listened to the voice behind her and just dragged Zhu Huan'an's chest hard, trying to make him lean on one of her shoulders so that he could free up one hand.

Although he has not yet practiced physical skills, his physical body in the three levels of Tianfeng is far beyond that of ordinary people.

But at this moment, Murong Jingyan actually felt a little strenuous. Zhu Huanan's weight did not look like a person, but a humanoid beast weighing more than a thousand gold.

"Don't act rashly."

A voice stopped the people who were about to take action.

Mu Qing walked up slowly, holding the sword in his hand. The shiny edge drew a long line on the black stone. His eyes were fixed on the black sword on Murong Jingyan's waist.

Seeing several people looking back, Mu Qing narrowed her eyes and said calmly:

"She looks like a fairy."

Staring at Murong Jingyan's back in front of her, Mu Qing felt wary in her heart.

Just now, he really didn't see clearly what kind of technique this person was using. Not to mention breaking the divine power, he was also able to grab the sword in his own hand. He didn't even see the figure.

This is definitely a move that threatens his life.

"The appearance of a fairy or a demon?"

The men in blue were obviously stunned by these words. In the Wenjian Realm, they all belong to the third level of Tianfeng. If the Immortal and Demonic postures are used to cast the Immortal and Demonic Illusion Body, it is simply too unnatural. It is almost impossible for them to defeat them one on one.

But if it's four against one, they are confident that they can still fight given their strength, but it's hard to say how many will survive in the end. At this time, Murong Jingyan's eyes also turned cold.

Zhu Huan'an's eyes were closed tightly, as if he was sleeping.

He raised his hand and stroked the scars on Zhu Huanan's body. Some of these wounds had already formed scabs, while others had just appeared.

Taking a deep breath, Murong Jingyan turned around and looked around at the people in front of her. Her eyes behind the bamboo hat curtain were as cold as ice:

"Where did you come from?"

"Do you know what the consequences will be if you attack the people at Qijian Villa?"

Mu Qing was stunned when she heard this.

Immediately, he suddenly realized what he was doing. He raised his sword and grinned. With the burn scars all over his face, it was even uglier than crying.

"Haha, it turns out that you are the personal junior sister of Qijian Villa mentioned by Brother Zhu."

"Excuse me for being presumptuous, my name is Miss Murong, right?"

Looking at the bald monk not far away and the other people who were eyeing him eagerly, Murong Jingyan did not dare to take it lightly and was more focused than ever before.

After just a duel and test, Murong Jingyan knew very well that her opponent this time was not an ordinary person.

In the cave, Murong Jingyan noticed the resonance of Tianyang's original true energy and rushed over immediately.

Along the way, he would mobilize the colorless piano music, control it with the utmost subtlety of Qi and blood, and activate the begonia condensed with divine light to help himself gain the upper hand.

But it was just to buy time to save Zhu Huanan.

Of these helpers, I am afraid that one of them alone can be close to Cui Weijing, the Holy Son of the Nine Provinces Alliance. They are all high-level divine beasts.

Not to mention.

Murong Jingyan looked at Mu Qing.

With the cover of the Begonia Flower, Murong Jingyan wanted to attack this immortal and demonic figure with a surprise attack, but the man reacted too quickly. Even if one of the six seals of the Ming Xing Seal, 'Taking the Void Soldier Arrives', was able to travel The space was almost hit by a knife.

The Void-Taking Soldier is so weird and hard to find that it can even tear apart the void between two points. However, the Gang Qi on this bald man's body is too hard, and there is an extraordinarily dangerous omen.

Helpless, Murong Jingyan had no choice but to do the next best thing and took away Zhu Huanan's Zhu Zhou.

The two looked at each other like this, each trying to figure out the other's strength. There were no words, but the tense atmosphere was constantly brewing.

This calmness was suddenly broken with a murmur.


Murong Jingyan's beautiful eyes opened slightly, and she turned her head to look over her shoulder in surprise: "Senior brother, are you awake!?"

Hearing this sound, Mu Qing's expression on the opposite side suddenly changed, she held the sword and stared at it.

Is Zhu Huanan awake at this time?

Several other people also cast inquiring glances.

To kill or not to kill?

In the end, Mu Qing resisted the urge to take action immediately. The two opponents looked like two immortals and demons. The skinny camel was bigger than the horse. After a bloody battle, these confidants of his were probably...

His eyes looked at Zhu Huan'an again.

Whenever Zhu Huan'an failed to perform well, he would take action immediately. Even if Murong Jingyan was a leader in Immortal and Demonic Appearance, it was impossible for him to fight with a few of his people with such a burden.

In full view of everyone, Zhu Huanan stood up slowly, his orange hair swaying, and you could vaguely see that his eyes finally opened a slit.

Murong Jingyan quickly turned around, faced Zhu Huanan, and asked softly and tentatively:

"Senior brother?"

“You’re okay”

Something that surprised everyone happened.

Zhu Huan'an suddenly opened his long arms and hugged him forward.

Murong Jingyan's body was already slender, but she looked even smaller in front of Zhu Huan'an. At this moment, her whole body was held in his arms, and her bamboo hat was squeezed out and fell to the ground.

"Senior brother, eh."

Murong Jingyan felt a huge force coming from behind her. Zhu Huanan's arms were like steel and iron bones, and even the bones were a little painful.

Even though the coldness has not dissipated, Zhu Huanan's chest is still warm, and you can even hear the vibrating heartbeat when you press it.

Not sure if it was strangulation, Murong Jingyan's face turned red. At this moment, she was worried about a sneak attack from the people behind her and quickly spoke:

"Senior brother, you, what are you doing?"

Fortunately, Mu Qing and others did not take advantage of the chaos to take action.

They were all stunned, and Mu Qing even raised her hand to touch her bald head and hissed:

"Good guy, you really shouldn't treat us like outsiders."

Zhu Huanan's nose moved slightly, as if he was sniffing the scent of Murong Jingyan's hair.

His eyes gradually became clearer.

"It's really you."

"You're back"

(End of this chapter)

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