How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 270 Natural Enemy!

Chapter 270 Natural Enemy!

"Senior brother."

Murong Jingyan frowned, and her clamped arms quietly exerted force, and then they struggled to open a gap in Zhu Huanan's broad arms.

Then the whole person quickly escaped, looking behind him with vigilance from the corner of his eye, purple clouds appeared between his fingers, ready to take action at any time.

Seeing that Mu Qing was not in a hurry to take action, Murong Jingyan quickly looked at Zhu Huanan and whispered:

"Brother, you are awake!"

"These people in front of you have bad intentions and are very murderous. Senior brother is seriously injured at this time. I will escort you out first. If there is a chance, I will come back to seize them."

Murong Jingyan's tone was a little anxious.

He naturally guessed that there must be a huge opportunity hidden in this seemingly ordinary cave. Otherwise, how could Zhu Huanan, Mu Qing and his party be willing to give up the perfect opportunity to fight for Ten Thousand Years of Tears and run to this place? Come to your place.

However, Zhu Huan'an had been seriously injured by an unknown entity, and Mu Qing obviously would not give herself this time to understand the whole story.

Rather than falling into a passive situation with Zhu Huanan seriously injured, it would definitely be safer to take Zhu Huanan away first.

Murong Jingyan firmly believed that after his senior brother returned to his full glory, he would definitely be more useful than any chance in the world of swordsmanship.

But after Murong Jingyan finished speaking, Zhu Huanan just looked over blankly.

There was a bit of sadness in his golden eyes, and his face stained with dried blood looked even more haggard, not at all as deep and calm as in the past.

It was a look of reminiscence.

Seeing Zhu Huanan like this, Murong Jingyan felt something was wrong and asked again:

"Senior brother??"

"Are you listening to me? I'll hold them in my hands later."

Just as Murong Jingyan continued to urge, Zhu Huanan finally spoke.

His dry lips curled up slightly, and he didn't know whether he was talking to others or talking to himself like he was dreaming.

"You're back."

".A Tang"


Murong Jingyan opened her mouth slightly and looked at Zhu Huanan in disbelief.

But then Murong Jingyan suddenly realized something, and her face suddenly became very ugly.

This feeling.

Senior brother, has he fallen into the world of illusion again?

Looking around hurriedly, Murong Jingyan could vaguely feel the familiar yet unfamiliar distant call. This feeling became clearer and clearer. It was the remnant of the illusion world!

Could it be that there is also a passage to the illusion world here?

Murong Jingyan has also entered the illusion world several times, including the glacier and the light of the blood moon, each time in a different way. What will it be this time?

But no matter what, you can't enter the illusion world at this time. There are still people not far away with swords to kill.

Murong Jingyan grabbed Zhu Huanan's sleeves and said in a deep voice, ""

"Brother, I am not some Atang!"

"Wake up quickly!"

Hearing this, Zhu Huanan slowly closed his eyes and whispered:

"Master, how could you mistake your apprentice?"

After that, just when Murong Jingyan's eyes showed anxiety, Zhu Huanan opened his eyes again.

Those golden eyes had regained their profound calm, and even patted Murong Jingyan's hand, then turned to look at Mu Qing not far away.

Sensing Zhu Huanan's eyes, Mu Qing curled her lips, raised the sword and put it on her shoulder.

"Brother Zhu, you're fine."


Zhu Huanan looked at Mu Qing and was not angry because he had just attacked him. He just said calmly:

"How did you learn about the King of the Sky?"

Mu Qing raised her eyebrows, raised her sword and pointed it at Zhu Huanan: "Brother Zhu, the person who is about to die"

"There's no need to speak too clearly."

Murong Jingyan's eyes turned cold when she heard this, and the spiritual silk ribbon on Hao's wrist quietly extended, and she was about to stop in front of Zhu Huan'an, but was stopped by a long arm.

Zhu Huanan tilted his head and shook his head.

Immediately, he put his hand into his waist, took out a cloth bag, weighed it in his hand, glanced at Mu Qing, and threw it out.

The cloth bag fell on the rock wall, and crystals rolled out, shining with crystal light.

"Mu Qing."

"This is almost all the tears of ten thousand years in the battle tomb. Take the things and leave."

Looking at the crystals on the ground, the blue-clothed scholar and others suddenly had their eyes lit up, and they couldn't help but step forward with excitement on their faces.

There are so many thousand-year tears, at least fifty or sixty, which is enough for each of them to be on the Hidden Dragon List. It is definitely a huge opportunity!

Even Mu Qing looked surprised, not because there were so many tens of thousands of tears in front of him, but because Zhu Huanan just gave up the things.

Murong Jingyan also suddenly turned her head to look at Zhu Huanan, but after looking at Zhu Huanan's profile that looked defeated but still cold and determined, she still held back her words.

Senior brother should have his own considerations when doing this.

Mu Qing lowered her head, then slowly stepped forward.

His pace was not fast, and he walked in the direction of the bag. However, when he reached the bag, he did not stop at his feet, but stepped over it.


Mu Qing raised the sword, and an invisible evil aura filled the air. The monk's robe moved automatically without the wind, and a sinister smile appeared on his face, saying:

"It's a pity that you have to die here."

After saying that, the air pressure of the Jie Dao in Mu Qing's hand was distorted, and the murderous aura emitted actually materialized, quickly condensing into a ferocious monster whose face could not be seen clearly.

The other four people immediately retreated further, as if they were worried about being accidentally injured by Mu Qing, and surrounded Zhu Mu and Zhu Mu by their horns, unable to retreat.

Murong Jingyan sighed softly in her heart. It seemed that today we had to distinguish between superior and inferior, as well as decide between life and death.

This is the first time for him to have a life-and-death showdown with an immortal and a demon.

Murong Jingyan raised her head and looked at Mu Qing's phantom body.

This is an imposing monster, with a tiger face and fangs, two dragon tails swinging like long whips, and scarlet eyes filled with endless violence.

And Mu Qing's pupils were illuminated by a red light, and just the look he cast could make ordinary monks tremble.

[It’s actually a 梼杌, this is a beast! ] The little yellow duck's voice sounded from Murong Jingyan's heart, reminding:

[漼杌 is naturally suspicious and cautious, and does not take action easily. But once he takes action, he will not stop until he kills him. He will not stop until he kills him. Don't be careless, kid.]

[This beast only talks about attacking. Even I was slightly stronger than him back then]

Murong Jingyan, who was originally prepared, felt a sudden increase in pressure after hearing the little yellow duck's words.

Mu Qing, who had already cast the Immortal Demonic Body, really no longer hesitated. He raised his sword to the sky and roared. The huge noise immediately caused the rocks to collapse and the ice on the dome to tremble.

The phantom body of Yongzhu bowed down. Although it was just a phantom, the huge sense of oppression still made Murong Jingyan shiver all over. The guqin lay in his hand, and countless piano sounds stirred out with his five fingers, attacking Mu Qing in a staggered manner.

Mu Qing raised her hand and waved the knife.

A gust of fishy wind blew by, and the sounds of the piano suddenly flew away and collapsed, making it impossible to get close.


Murong Jingyan was startled, but Mu Qing had already changed the blade of the knife, put the back of the knife on his shoulder in a weird way, and got into a horse stance.

[Step back. 】

[You cannot cast the phantom body of immortals and demons, I will deal with this person. 】

At this moment, a cold voice sounded from Murong Jingyan's mind. It was Prince Murong who spoke, with a tone that was unquestionable.

Murong Jingyan was hesitant, but the strange light from Mu Qing's sword made Murong Jingyan have to re-examine it. Just at a glance, this Yongzhu was much more powerful than the Huang Dizhou he had encountered before.

This opponent, based on my current situation, I am afraid.

Just when Mu Qing was about to give up her consciousness and give way, something unexpected happened!

With a loud cry, a gust of wind whipped up under the abyss, and then a huge shadow rose into the sky, flying hundreds of feet into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Mu Qing, who was preparing to take action, was also affected by this incident. The sword in his hand deflected and slashed towards the air. The blood-colored horse struck at the mysterious existence like thunder across the sky.


The blood-colored sword flashed past in the blink of an eye, and finally struck the ice at high altitude, cutting off a large chunk of thick ice.

Everyone looked up and suddenly showed strange expressions.

Suspended in the air is a huge flying bird.

King of the sky!

What is different from everyone's imagination is that the so-called King of the Sky is not some divine eagle or flying dragon, but a huge, pure white one.


The feathers on the white swallow's body were messy and scorched brown, as if it had been burned by fire. At this moment, it was frantically hitting the ice in the sky, making a sharp cry.

Just now, Mu Qing made a slash that was as fast as lightning, but it was easily dodged by it without any damage.

Murong Jingyan saw the scars left by Zhu Huanan on Bai Yan's body, and her heart suddenly sank.

The speed of this King of the Sky is terrifying. To be able to injure his senior brother like this, I am afraid that his strength has already exceeded the limit of the monks at the Three Levels of Tian Feng.

If this beast and Mu Qing attack him together.

While Mu Qing and others were attracted by Bai Yan, they looked at Zhu Huanan again:

"Brother, let's go!"


Not far away, Mu Qing came with a sword in his hand, his eyes glowing red, and he said coldly:

"No one is allowed to leave until this bird is solved!"

Murong Jingyan, Zhu Huanan suddenly said:

"It's not your turn to kill this bird."

Mu Qing became cold upon hearing this, and then slowly twisted her neck. His current state was filled with unconcealable violence, and he asked word by word:

"What did you say?"

Zhu Huanan lowered his head and let out a breath, then raised his eyebrows and looked at the deep cave entrance where he came from: "This opportunity does not belong to you."

"It's him who has the final say."

The scholar in blue and the others looked confused when they heard this, but Murong Jingyan was just confused when she suddenly felt a huge shock in her heart.

Turning sideways to look at the cave, his whole body tensed subconsciously, and in his mind, Prince Murong was always ready to come out, ready to take over his physical body.

This is a very dangerous feeling.

That is the sense of smell and hostility towards natural enemies, and the huge murderous intention coming from the magic seal!

Mu Qing also noticed something was wrong. He turned around in confusion and saw the sound of unhurried footsteps actually sounding in the cave.

The figure slowly walked out of the shadows.

Her black hair was tied high, and her forehead was wrapped with fine silk. She was dressed in a long and slender black dress, and her fluttering flying belt carried a noble and extraordinary demeanor, like a king looming over the dust.

A pair of green amber-like eyes looked at everyone present. The scholars in blue just glanced at them and immediately froze in place, not daring to make any unnecessary moves.

Mu Qing was also holding the Jie Dao, and she seemed to be a little more awake behind her eyes illuminated by red light.

This man is very dangerous!

Yuan Chuang raised his eyes and glanced at the King of the Sky flying under the ice. He finally withdrew his gaze and looked past Zhu Huanan to land on Murong Jingyan.

He stared at Murong Jingyan with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to see clearly the true face behind the veil.

Standing with his hands behind his back, he just whispered three words:

"It's you."

After hearing this, Murong Jingyan felt her scalp suddenly numb, and her whole body felt like she was facing a powerful enemy.

Yuan Chuang?

How could I meet Yuan Chuang here!

The prince in his mind was about to take over his body. At this moment, Zhu Huanan behind him suddenly leaned down and whispered next to Murong Jingyan:

"He's just the leader of Dayan Academy, why are you afraid of him?"

Murong Jingyan turned around and saw that even though Zhu Huan'an was covered in glory, he still had a casual smile on his face, but he was not joking.

"Senior brother, you."

"Can you deal with him in his current state?"

Zhu Huan'an shook his head: "Of course it can't be done now, but he can't even think of dealing with us."

After saying that, Zhu Huanan stretched out a palm.

After hesitating for a moment, Murong Jingyan still put her hand on her, and then her beautiful eyes moved, as if asking what's next.


Zhu Huan'an used one hand to pull Murong Jingyan into his arms.

Then he leaned back, surrounded by two figures, and fell straight into the abyss below.

(End of this chapter)

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